
Transmigrated As Yuu Otosaka In DXD: A Harem Tale

Dying by Meteors, Gabriel Seraphine a Britishman Daredevil with a few screws loose is given a second chance at life as Yuu Otosaka from Charlotte In DXD. So let's see what he does with a second chance In a world he knows about only through the Anime~! [~]~[~]~[~]~[~]~[~]~[~] Disclaimer: I own nothing here, except the stuff I made myself. Also, this is Harem, it says It is the Title, so, please for the love of the great Gods, no rubbish here. Second Disclaimer: Don't expect amazing Grammar... Because look where we are? So don't come Into this Fanfic, expecting God-Tier writing and plot. Hell, there are going to be plot holes. But don't worry, that's why I have you my Sla(*Cough!-Cough!*) Readers...Yes, Readers here, to help this lazy and too relaxed Author out. Yes, Grammar-Naizs I fucking looking at you! I need your kind here! SO JOIN ME!!! - - - - - - (???)"...Wow, a Britishman asking a Naiz for help, you don't see that happening often..." (Author):" Oi, shut the fuck up, don't make me come over there and stick my tea and biscuits so far up your ass, you start cumming them out of your throat, then make you drink It again!" [*Beep!* (???) Has left the Group Chat.] (Author):" Hmph! Mongrel, the lot of them." [~]~[~]~[~]~[~]~[~]~[~] -- Main-Bitch TAGS: WishFulfillment Fanfic | Highschool DXD | Harem | Yuu Otosaka | Charlotte | Power-Hungry MC | Warhammer 40k. Side-Bitch TAGS: Chaotic Neutral MC | Swords & Magic | CYOA Meta Essence. Updates: Whenever I feel like It... -- [~]~[~]~[~]~[~]~[~]~[~]

PlaneswalkerGodZen · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

Chapter - 1: Death & Rebirth

It was funny. In the end, it wasn't Truck-kun that got me. It also wasn't any of the more stereotypical deaths you could imagine either, like a car crash, a fall, or being crushed in a water riot. It was a meteor that they didn't see until it was three days from a direct collision course with Earth. One slightly bigger than the one that offed the dinosaurs. Of course, despite everything happening on the surface, by that point space infrastructure had gotten pretty good. Too many eyes focused on it too quickly to cover up and keep the public calm and unaware and we had just enough of an industry to think we had a chance to launch a quick mission to try to nudge it off course.

I wasn't paying attention to any of that though. Too busy trying to contact all my loved ones. Attempting to tell them the things I was too afraid to say before so I never knew what went wrong. Only that a large enough shockwave is a surprisingly quick and painless way to die. I think in my last moments I had been thinking about how nice it would have been to see green fields and freely running water again, and how I deleted my history before leaving the house.

Believe me, I know. Meteors, right?

But as a man who's done enough dangerous shit to have died in an accident multiple times over, that was how I met my end? I mean a non exhaustive list including freehand rock climbing, snow skiing, downhill (hill = mountain) biking, and tornado chasing! Any one of those could (and should) have killed me. But that's what does it!? Just my luck I suppose.

That, or some God out there has it out for me.


But in my probably eternal pondering, something actually interesting happened.


Certainly, I'm floating in a black expansive void. My best guess being limbo, you know, the place  between life and death? It was that or I was blind and floating in water, because I couldn't see my limbs, or really anything else. Though the absolute darkness was very tangible as I shifted, something pushing against my movements. A liquidy sort of feeling. As I mentioned, Blind in water.

A bright white light poked into view, it was only a pinprick, small and isolated in the darkness. But it only took me a moment to realize that it was moving closer. Growing in size as the light covered a quarter of my sight, then half. And pretty soon the light peeked over the corners of my vision. At that point, all I saw was blinding white light.


When the light died down, I found myself laying down on a bed In an unfamiliar room.

" Huh?" Getting up, I hazily made my way on a black and green gaming chair, plopping myself down.

" Okay... What In the bloody hell happened?" One second I was In that void and the next I'm here.


" Argh!" Reacting to my answer, my head started hurting, while I also felt like I had a few too many to drink.

This is annoying...

Soon enough I began receiving memories of "Me" of new this world.

..." Oh, fuck."

Imagine being reborn. No imagine knowing you were reborn in a reality that's the equivalent of a porn world where even the most introverted guy can get with multiple women that surpass the imagination of what most thirteen year olds fantasy of the perfect woman.

Now imagine instead of all the potential ways of getting your dick wet you see a world where every myth and legend is real, where devils and fallen angels prey on humanity along with the near endless number of monsters and Heaven and all it's angels are planning a truce with devils and fallen angels.

...Yes I'm In DXD. Highschool DXD, If you want the full name.

Who am I In this world you ask?

Well...I'm Yuu Otosaka. Yes, that Yuu Otosaka from Charlotte. And as my "Cheat" I was given his one OP ability: Plunder.

Plunder (also referred to as  Looting  or  Possession) is an ability that allows its user to take over the body of another person for 5 seconds. When this ability is active, the user's consciousness takes over the target's body, and the user's own body will be unconscious. After these 5 seconds, both the user and target will regain control of their own bodies.

Additionally, if the target of Plunder is another ability user, their ability will be stolen. The target will not be able to use their ability, and the user of Plunder will gain the new ability.

However, there's a pretty big downside to this OP ability. The downside of Plunder is that for every ability looted, the user loses some amount of their memories, though it is unknown whether this side effect is a direct cost of the ability's use, or due to the overload on the user's brain of maintaining several thousands of abilities and their brain is simply sealing or deleting unnecessary information. As such, it is unknown whether or not these memories can be recovered.

So... Insane = God-like power. A small price I'm more than willing to pay.

" Fuahahahahaha~!!!" Yes, I had to. Finally, something will give me a challenge!


" Shit! I choked on air..."


...I believe being an Author can be a curse sometimes.

Because, a few hours ago I was rewatching Charlotte for the hundredth time and suddenly my brain finally felt like working and asked Itself.

" Huh... I wonder what would happen If Yuu Otosaka was In DXD..."

...And here we are...

PlaneswalkerGodZencreators' thoughts