Transmigrated into the One Punch Man universe as the MC himself with a Mission System that will give him random powers from different anime universes whenever he accomplishes a quest. Will he travel the world? Find out next time...Jk, he will only travel when he wants to because he's a dumbass P.S: I don't own One Punch Man and the cover, The Mc I own though SaitamaxFubuki I don't care what happens, whenever I have free time, I'll continue this fanfic, and English is not my first language, just F.Y.I
After saving Genos and accepting him as my disciple. He left to go to Dr Kuseno to get himself fixed in order to come here to my apartment. When I came back to my place, I accepted my reward for the successful mission. I'm going to be honest with you, I don't know how this "Infinity" works. The one time I saw Infinity being used is a clip I saw from a social media platform back in my world where Gojo uses his hands right when he was about to get hit by something. So, using my hands will activate it? Or are there other ways to do it like activating it at will? Let's ask the system
Camden: "Hey system. How can I use Infinity? Or I think Limitless is the other term for it. Can you tell me pretty please!" I desperately told my system for some help with my new ability. Once I know what to do, then hallelujah I guess
[If you want to master it, you would need to have the Six-Eyes.]
Camden: "Six Eyes? Where can I get it then?"
[I don't know.]
Camden: "Well fuck, Is that the only way to activate it?"
[No, there are other ways to activate it. But if you really want to perfect and master Infinity, or as you refer it to as Limitless, you have to have the Six-Eyes.]
Camden: "I guess I'll hold on to that ability for now" I said with a disappointing look. I really want to use it, but soon I'll ask the system about the other ways to activate it
[One Day Later.]
And just as I thought, Genos arrived a day later as I let him in my apartment. He talked about his backstory and why he has become a cyborg in the first place. I just listened, well mostly ignored him since I already knew it. I told Genos to go outside, I said to him that there are monsters nearby. Of course, Genos believed it and went out of the apartment. I followed him as well. Once we were outside of my apartment, we saw monsters from the House of Evolution approaching towards my apartment. Genos immediately rushed at the green alien-like monster, killing him instantly as another one arrived, but this one was a gorilla. A cyrilla, get it? Because he's a cyborg and a gorilla, haha. Yeah you get the point
When Armored Gorilla arrived, I let Genos take him on since I have to take the other one. And that other one is the Lion King or the Beast Lion King. I don't what he really is called. The website I always check on One Punch Man stuff back in my world has it named Beast Lion King or it didn't include the beast at all. So either way is pretty good
BLK (Beast Lion King) has some big mouths since he wouldn't shut up. He just kept saying random things to me. I said to him to stop with that bullcrap and fight. Of course, that worked as he uses his Lion Slash at me. I dodged with ease as his attack landed on a random building, and ultimately slicing it into 4 pieces. I decided to finish him off via Energy ball as he was cremated alive. Goddamn I can't get over my balls of energy
As I was finished with him, I turned my attention toward the other monsters. The slug and mole monsters? They looked super weird as they started to dip away, frightened to see me easily killing BLK. Of course, knowing me I followed them and instantly appeared beside them. One punch was only needed to take out those weird-ass creatures
Once I was finished with my fight, I went to check on Genos and Armored Gorilla. But Genos already had Armored Gorilla in a corner as I approach them both. AG (Armored Gorilla) told us about why they are tasked to attack me. And like in the show, he said the life story of Dr Genus. I cut him off, telling him where is the House of Evolution. He told us as I told Genos we should go there. And like a good boy, Genos immediately agreed as we started to take off to the House of Evolution, but not before Genos ask AG about any cyborgs that have been there. My boy AG denies his claim as he let go of him and we headed out
And it turned out like this. We arrived, Carnage Kabuto gets released and he fought Genos. Though surprisingly, Genos did better in this fight than in the show, I don't know why or how but he still got pummeled. Of course, It was my turn as I released a bit of my aura to where Kabuto sensed it and jumped far away from me. Honestly, Saitama should have done it more as Kabuto was sweating bullets after what he had witnessed. And then blah blah blah, he told me how did I get so strong and I just said the truth. 100 push-ups, sit-ups, squats and a 10km run. Which of course, they didn't believe it as Cabbage Kabuto transformed into his Carnage mode. He rushed at me immediately after he transformed, but as he was about to land a hit on me, I just raised my arm, killing him in one punch as Dr Genus was in disbelief, his jaw was dropped at the sight in front of him. Genos didn't have the same expression but was still in awe at my power. Me and Genos went out and headed back to my apartment right after that
Genos: "Sensei" He said, kneeling in front of the table as I was just finished hanging my hero suit back up
Camden: "Yes?" I said as I sat in front of him as well
Genos: "Can I live here with you?"
Camden: "Sure, you can sleep in the other room" I said, pointing behind him
Genos: "Don't you want to have a room for yourself Sensei?"
Camden: "Hmm, well of course, but this would do for now. We'll do some "Renovations" around here soon if you help me" I said as he nodded
Genos: "Thank you for accepting me to live here Sensei, but I gotta go to Dr Kuseno to do something" He said as I nodded and he left. I presume he already told me about him and they started to make new gauntlets for Genos and soon, we'll have our sparring match just after we finished registering as a hero at the Hero Association
Camden: "Let's practice flying for now, then focus on Infinity" I muttered as I went outside to go to the playground. Once I reached my destination, I started to slowly get a feel of flying. This will definitely be helpful in the future.