Transmigrated into the One Punch Man universe as the MC himself with a Mission System that will give him random powers from different anime universes whenever he accomplishes a quest. Will he travel the world? Find out next time...Jk, he will only travel when he wants to because he's a dumbass P.S: I don't own One Punch Man and the cover, The Mc I own though SaitamaxFubuki I don't care what happens, whenever I have free time, I'll continue this fanfic, and English is not my first language, just F.Y.I
"Yes ma'am. I'm sorry to bring this news to you but your son, Camden, died in an oncoming truck after supposedly buying some groceries. We tried to recover him but, he was long gone when our team arrived"
"Ma'am, calm down-
"WHERE'S MY SON?! TELL ME NOW!!" The woman grabbed the man's suit, gripping it tightly and demanding an answer. The man just had a nervous expression all over him seeing the lady learn that his son was gone, but he understood her behaviour, of course
"Come with me, ma'am. We brought him to the nearest hospital as soon as we could"
[After A Little While.]
The door on one, out of many rooms that the hospital had, opened with a loud bang. The people inside jumped hearing the door open so loudly as they saw a beautiful woman who had a seemingly worried face all over her face
"Excuse me, ma'am, but-"
"Is that Camden?!" The woman spoke hastily as the person nodded. That was the only confirmation the woman needed as he jogged passed the person directly towards the patient laying down on a hospital bed next to them, or whatever you call it. The people inside were about to walk toward the woman that suddenly barged inside the room to stop her
"Leave her alone. She's the mother" An officer arrived inside the room in time and quickly told everyone about her. The people nodded, fully understanding the situation now
"Oh, I see... We'll give her some alone time then" And all of them left, closing the door quietly, and leaving the woman to grieve
"Camden... Oh god, no. Please no" The woman walked up next to the patient that was covered with a blanket. She noticed a couple of blood spots as her nerves raised once more. She got a hold of the tip of the blanket that was on the patient's face as she dragged it down to expose the patient's face. And to her denial thoughts, it was Camden's face that the blanket was covering. The bloodied face of his son made her frozen in place, and tears that she thought she would not let out, started to pour out of her eyes. She could not believe it, her son, the only family that she had left, gone in a blink of an eye
"*Sob* M-my baby... Not you too *Sob*" The sobs started to get louder and louder as the woman brought her hands to his son's face. She felt the world around him disappear as the only thing that was left were her and his son. She could not hold her tears back anymore, laying her head down on his son's chest while holding his hand. She thought she could at least see her son succeed in life before leaving this world to reunite with his father. But that's not the case now, everything that she loved, left her before she would. Memories of his son started to play in her mind, the sobs of hers was loud and clear for the people outside but she didn't care. Why would she? Everything she cared for wasn't by her side anymore 'Why, why, why... Why me... You were supposed to outlive me... I don't know what to do anymore without both of you here with me... ' And she stayed by his side while reminiscing everything in her life with his son and husband.