
Transmigrated as an immortal black cat

Tobias, who just got eigtheen and finally wanted to do something with his live, got elektrocuted by his defect ps4 consol. But thanks to some mysterious circumances he doesn't die, but instead his soul was transmigrated to a dangerous world in an medival stile. To his surprise not as an human but as some random catlike creature which ca't even die.

Tf_Ungewollt · Fantasi
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Did I just got transmigrated?!

I thought beeing elektrocuted was a verry painless way to die, I mean in america it is an legal way to get rid of unwanted elements, so it can't be so bad, right ?

I was wrong, it hurt like hell.

The feeling of elektricity went rampage in your body and you beeing paralized, can do nothing abouth it and feeling it till you'r heath stop, is NOT an human way to end someones live.

It's funny thought, that I still see myself as an human beeing, when I just thinking abouth how much calorien one proviedet right in that moment.

To be fair im still not a cannibal. At least I didn't cross that line so far. But if that fu**ing group of fu**ers keep hunting me down and keep killing me, it would just result in waking up once again as a human an this time I won't starvate because of some stupid rules.

I still remember that day on which I died my first time. The sun was shining, the flowers were booming, on day's like this guys like me sit in their dark rooms and are buisy playing various videogames.

To cut things short, something got me to play on my 'modified' ps4 console which should theoretical allow me to play games on a ultra hight resulution. To bad that salesperson guy lied and just let out the fact that this console was not just an useless heap of trash but an really dangerous one.

If I had just listened to my brain cells and don't convinced me that pulled out wires are a bad sight, I would probably not have had died that day and maybe even lifed a wholesome live whith all these heavenly things like multimedia and fastfood.

At last till some stupid country dropped a nuke on my head.

Gosh, I feeling so misserable right now that I didn't even realized that it was just a step before becoming a full blown anarchist.

The first thing I thought as I got transmigrated, was that it's nice to become my second chance in life from whoever was that weird faceless guy in that fashionable smoking. The next step I went tought was, that my brain was trying to reason with me that it's really unlikely that this whole thing is real and I was just sleeping.

Then I started to realise that I was standing on four legs and the next thing I remember was that epeleptical attack, as my brain tried to adjust to my new body settings.

All I could do was whrithing on the floor and hoping I would die again, as I scream like a stabbed pig, quite litteraly.