
Transmigrated as a Peasant Baby Who is Pampered by All

Jiang Xiaomi transmigrated as a baby into another world and found herself in a small valley. Here, her parents and all her older siblings adore her. Even her younger brother was very obedient. Although they were somewhat poor, and life was difficult, Xiaomi wasn't afraid. She had a pocket dimension that gave her everything she wanted in the world! Her space was full of spiritual energy, so she grew spiritual plants and spiritual herbs and also raised spiritual beasts there. Every day, she bathed in a spiritual fountain. Besides that, the spiritual energy in the air that leaked out helped the entire Fuan Village by ensuring the crops were large and fresh! For these very reasons, Jiang Xiaomi became the lucky star in Fuan Village. She later used her clairvoyance ability to create ammunition and large ships. Then, someone wanted her to stay in the capital city and become a government official's wife. Jiang Xiaomi waved her hand. This world is vast. I still want to see what's out there!

Kongzhu Shengsheng · Umum
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

Full of Lust

Editor: Atlas Studios

Thinking that Xiaomi liked to eat fish, Jiang Hu waved his hand. He would cook fish soup tonight. Daddy, cook more and make it thicker!

Although Xiaomi could not eat, Erniang could eat more. This meant that Xiaomi would be eating it too.

Xiaomi took the opportunity to enter the space.

"Little Fish, Little Fish, my Little Fish~" As soon as she entered the space, Xiaomi rushed eagerly towards the courtyard door.

"One, two, three, four… eight, four carps, and four unknown wild, small fish. They should be compatible, right?"

Looking at the small fish swimming in the big water tank, Xiaomi was extremely satisfied. "After raising them for a period of time, once they reproduce small fish, I will think of a way to eat these big fish."

She had found the big water tank from the mountain of supplies. After all, the spiritual spring was used for the milk powder and fed to her family. How could she keep the fish inside?

However, this water was also spiritual spring water. It did not matter where the fish were kept.

After watching the fish for a while, Xiaomi went out of the courtyard. She had pulled out all the cabbages in the field and piled them up in the warehouse. Now she was planting wheat, which had grown into finger-sized seedlings.

Xiaomi had only found out that the vegetables planted at home were not cabbages, but vegetables similar to Shanghai greens.

After circling around the wheat field, Xiaomi threw a handful of seeds in a corner. They were smaller than sesame seeds and about the size of cabbage seeds.

She had secretly taken this from her bag when her parents were resting on the way today. It had taken a lot of effort.

And in order not to arouse suspicion, Xiaomi only took a small handful, about a dozen grains.

"With the nourishment of spiritual energy in the space, these vegetables and grains will definitely grow better. When the time comes, I'll take them out to plant."

Xiaomi rubbed her chin and pondered. She was a small baby with a diaper between her buttocks, but she looked deep in thought. She was simply adorable.

Fortunately, there was no one else in this space. If anyone saw her, they would hug her.

After more than a month of growth, Xiaomi's body and mental strength had improved quite a bit, and she could do more things in her space.

During this period of time, whenever she was bored, she sorted out the supplies in the space. Lately, she had been doing inventory.

She found a large drawing board and placed it a little outside the courtyard. She drew a map of the distribution of supplies and wrote where each type was placed.

Although this was her space, she would not be able to locate her supplies immediately if she did not know where the items were.

However, she was not done drawing this distribution map. She had only made a prototype. She would be busy for a few more days.

She operated the drawing board and pen using her mental power. The distribution map was squiggly, like an earthworm crawling.

She had thought of drawing it by hand, but it was too small and she did not have much strength in her hands. It was not as good as using her mental power to draw.

Fortunately, she was alone in this space, so it was fine as long as she could understand the map herself.

When she drew the appliances, Xiaomi suddenly saw something and quickly moved over. "A smart home incubator?"

That was right. It was a small white box. She had thought it was an oven or something. Now she saw the words 'smart home incubator' written in front.

Thinking of something, Xiaomi quickly threw down the drawing board and searched the area carefully. Using her mental power, she pulled a solar power panel over to her.

"Hehe, this is great. I even have a power board incubator. I can finally start my breeding business!"

Xiaomi was thrilled. Fleshy pigeon, peacock, ostrich! I'm here!

She was no longer in the mood to fiddle with the distribution map. She simply left it where it was and made the solar panel and incubator go to a distant clearing.

She read the directions for using the two items diligently before following the instructions carefully.

The solar energy absorbed light and heat and then generated electricity. The excess electricity could still be stored in the power grid. This incubator was for domestic use. It was small and not very functional. It did not generate much electricity.

However, just as Xiaomi was excitedly fiddling with everything, she realized that there was no reaction from the solar energy panel at all.

"Broken? That shouldn't be. Haven't they just been unwrapped?" Xiaomi checked thoroughly. "Or did this thing fall apart in the space when I transmigrated?"

That was impossible. Although when she transmigrated to this world and everything in the space was in a mess, none of the hen eggs, duck eggs, quail eggs, and so on were broken. There was no reason for this to be broken, right?

Finally, Xiaomi looked up at the sky…

"Damn! There's no sunlight at all!"

There were only layers of white fog in the sky, in every direction.

Although it had always been daytime here, there was no sunlight or breeze. The temperature was suitable and was neither hot nor cold. No matter when she entered, she did not feel any difference.

After being busy for a long time, it was actually useless!

Xiaomi glared at the equipment in front of her. What a waste of effort!

She was about to take the things back when she sensed someone approaching and quickly left the space. Just as she opened her eyes, she saw her mother approaching with a smile.

"Xiaomi is awake. You must be tired after playing all day." With that, she touched Xiaomi's forehead.

When Bruiser saw this, he quickly reminded his mother not to only care about his sister.

Erniang touched him and picked him up. "Bruiser is also very obedient today. Are you hungry? Mother will feed you some milk."

Every time she fed them, she would feed Bruiser first. She had no choice. The little guy cried whenever he was hungry. Xiaomi had yet to cry.

Hearing her mother's words, Xiaomi touched her stomach. Oh, I've been in the space for so long. I'm hungry.

Looking at the sky outside, it was already dark. There was the fragrance of fish soup in the air. It came from her mother.

So they had already finished dinner.

Hearing the sound of Bruiser drinking milk, Xiaomi felt even hungrier. However, she had forgotten to make milk powder earlier. She quickly fed herself a few mouthfuls of spiritual spring water and felt better after that.

After eating and drinking their fill, her father called Erniang over to wash up. Soon the family returned to their rooms.

"Erniang, after I'm done with these few days, I'll go to the mountain and find some wood to make two new beds for Dawa and Erni. The children are not young anymore. They can sleep separately."

Previously, he did not have the time or energy. Now that he had the time and energy, he naturally pondered over it.

Xiaomi lay on the bed and blew bubbles. She secretly rolled her eyes as her father touched her mother's hand.

Daddy, don't think I don't know that you clearly have ulterior motives.

As expected, she was right about her father. Now that he did not have to worry about meals at home, he began to have lustful thoughts.

However, on second thought, Xiaomi understood. After all, her father looked to be in his thirties. Moreover, people in the olden days married early and gave birth early. Her father was probably only in his twenties. It was just that his life was hard, so he looked older than his age.

This young and impetuous man must have been abstinent for a long time because his wife was pregnant and they were fleeing from the war. Now…

Xiaomi let out a long sigh. Her mother had just given birth. Daddy, you have to be careful. Don't give us a younger brother or sister again. Otherwise, you won't be able to afford to raise them!