
Exploring Further

Once Laelius returned home with the emboar's corpse, he immediately got started on cooking it. He set up a fire outside and roasted the emboar above it like the pig it was, and eventually it was completely cooked.

The smell that it gave off was incredibly good, and Laelius was excited to eat it. He cut it in half and threw half of it to Terminator who immediately started to devour it. Laelius also got to work on eating his meal, and after every bite he felt as if he was becoming stronger by a large amount, after all, the emboar was quite a high level.

Once he finished eating, Laelius stood up and felt content with his day, and he planned to sleep before going on a journey when he woke up.

*Eight Hours Later*

After a good sleep, Laelius woke up refreshed and began to pack the things he felt were necessary in his bag, and left his house. Terminator was following behind him and their goal was to reach the nearest town or village.

Laelius was unsure of where the closest civilisation was to his location, and chose to walk in a single direction until he spotted something.

*Two Hours Later*

After walking for what did not feel very long to either Laelius or Terminator, as he was very physically able, and Terminator could float the entire way, they spotted a large city wall.

Laelius walked up to the large gate that had multiple guards in front of it and one of them greeted him, "I haven't seen you around before, do you want access to the city?"

Laelius replied, "Yes, how much is it?"

The guard responded, "It will be a single silver coin for you, and another for your Pokemon."

Laelius reached into his bag and pulled out two silver coins and handed them to the guard, and in return, he handed Laelius a card that allowed him entrance to the city.

Laelius entered the city with Terminator close behind him, and he began to look around the stools and shops. Most of them were selling food, herbs and weapons. The food was for both humans and Pokemon, the herbs were good for healing injured Pokemon, and the weapons were for humans to use against Pokemon if they did not have their own.

None of these things really interested Laelius, so he looked some more before finding something exciting. It was a shop that was selling Pokemon eggs, Laelius entered and started looking around.

There were different aisles which were categorised by the rarity of the parent Pokemon, there were no real rankings for rarity of Pokemon, but people generally knew which ones were rarer to find than others.

There were multiple rare parent Pokemon mentioned, but only two of the egg's parents interested him. There was a beautiful looking egg which had a label underneath it which read as 'Grimmsnarl and Ditto'. This meant that the resulting Pokemon would be an Impidimp 100% of the time.

There was also a price tag on the egg which showed that the price was two gold coins, which was quite a lot of money, but it was a rare type of Pokemon to obtain, and one of the ones that he wanted. Luckily, Laelius had the funds for this as his parents had left him quite a lot of money behind, and he had a total of one hundred gold. This would be enough for most families to survive for years and years which made him a bit suspicious of what his parents did to make the money, but he was glad to have it no matter what.

The other egg that he was interested in was in the aisle after the Impidimp egg, which meant it was even rarer than a Grimmsnarl. This egg's label stated that the parent Pokemon were 'Kommo-o and Ditto'. It seemed as though most Pokemon eggs being sold were bred with a specific Pokemon and a ditto to make sure that the wanted Pokemon always came out. The price on this egg was eight gold which meant in total if he bought both eggs, it would be ten gold.

Laelius walked up to the counter with an old man sat behind it, "Hello sir, I would like to buy two of the eggs that you are selling here today."

The man looked pleased to be getting some business and responded, "Absolutely young man, which eggs would you like to purchase?"

"I was thinking of buying the egg which contains the child of a Grimmsnarl and a ditto, and also the egg with the child of a Kommo-o and a ditto."

The man looked happy hearing this, "Are you sure about this? They are very expensive for most people, do you have the money necessary?"

Laelius nodded, "Yep, it's ten gold right?" He put ten gold coins down on the counter and the man picked them up quickly.

"The man smiled with greed, you truly are a generous customer! I might have a deal that will interest you, follow me to into the storage room if you are intrigued."

The man turned and walked through the curtain behind him, and Laelius decided to follow him.

In the back room, an array of Pokemon eggs were stored and most of them were duplicates that would replace ones that had been sold. However, none of this is what the man wanted to show Laelius.

He continued walking through the large storage room, before stopping in front of a large stand. On top of this stand was a pillow with a strange looking egg on top of it. The man turned to Laelius, "What do you think?"

Laelius was confused, "What is it? Why does it look like that?"

The man replied, "I don't know the specific reason, but according to the man who sold it to me, this egg was created by a large group of ditto combining together and absorbing a fragment of the legendary Pokemon Deoxys. This caused three strange eggs to be birthed, and the other two were distributed to some of the strongest Pokemon trainers with a lot of power. However, as I was there when the event occurred, I managed to grab this egg. From what I have heard of the other two, the trainers could not hatch the eggs until three of their Pokemon had poured elemental energy into it. This caused the birth of two completely new Pokemon which were fusions of the three Pokemon, as well as Deoxys. This is my most prized possession, but I am too old to be a Pokemon trainer, and would not be able to take care of whatever comes out of the egg."

Upon hearing all of this, Laelius was incredibly excited. If what the man said was true, then he could have an incredibly powerful Pokemon with a large amount of typing's and huge potential.

"How much is it?"

The man responded, "I'll let it go for twenty five gold coins, no less."

Laelius immediately reached into his bag and pulled the amount of money out. He handed it to the man and picked up the mysterious egg which was now in his possession. Before the man could change his mind, Laelius walked out of the storage room and back into the main area. Once he was here, he picked up both of the eggs which he had paid for, and put them in his bag along with the mysterious egg.

He then left the shop and made his way out of the city and returned back home. While he was walking, he contemplated over what Pokemon he had previously wanted would be removed from his potential team to make room for the fusion Pokemon. After a while of thinking, he decided on not attempting to get a Sylveon.

He also thought of the three Pokemon that he would allow to pour elemental energy into the egg, and he decided quite quickly: Garchomp, Grimmsnarl, and Metagross.

Before he realised it, Laelius and Terminator reached their home.