
Transmigrated:- Wanxian ( untamed )

This is novel of untamed version of transmigration. Where lan wangi travel from 21st century back to the world of cultivation and helped his lover change his destiny

Silentknight1994 · Televisi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

sharing secrets

Wei Wuxin settled onto the rooftop, his eyes fixed on the moon hanging low in the sky. He rubbed his tummy, feeling the pangs of hunger that the bland dinner had failed to satisfy.

As he gazed up at the moon, lost in thought, a figure appeared beside him, making him stumble in surprise. But before he could fall, a hand grasped his waist, steadying him.

Wei Wuxin's heart skipped a beat as he turned to face Lan Wangi, whose eyes shone like stars in the moonlight. For a moment, they just stared at each other, lost in the depths of each other's gaze.

Wei Wuxin's face grew hot as he felt himself getting drawn into Lan Wangi's eyes. He tried to step back, but Lan Wangi's hand remained on his waist, holding him in place.

Finally, they both blinked, breaking the spell. Wei Wuxin's cheeks flushed as he looked away, trying to compose himself.

Lan Wangi's voice was low and gentle as he spoke, "Walk with me, Wuxin. I want to take you to my house."

Wei Wuxin's heart skipped another beat as he nodded, still feeling the warmth of Lan Wangi's hand on his waist. As they walked towards the forest, the moonlight casting shadows around them, Wei Wuxin couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead....

As they reached the cozy little house, Lan Wangi pushed open the door and gestured for Wei Wuxin to enter. Wei Wuxin's eyes widened as he took in the warm and inviting interior, filled with feelings of home .

Lan Wangi's eyes sparkled with amusement as he said, "You must be hungry, Wuxin. And I know you like spicy food."

Wei Wuxin's jaw dropped in shock. "How did you know?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Lan Wangi gave a small smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "I have my ways," he said, before turning and disappearing into the kitchen.

Wei Wuxin's heart went crazy as he watched Lan Wangi's retreating back. He couldn't believe that Lan Wangi knew his favorite food. He felt like he was melting into a puddle of happiness.

Without realizing it, Wei Wuxin followed Lan Wangi into the kitchen, his eyes fixed on the other man's broad shoulders. He stopped in the doorway, watching as Lan Wangi also stopped.

. He couldn't help but wonder what Lan Wangi was making, and how he knew his favorite food.

As Lan Wangi turned to face him, Wei Wuxin's heart skipped a beat. He felt like he was drowning in the depths of Lan Wangi's eyes, and he couldn't look away....

" I have some secrets and I trust you wei ying. So I will reveal them infront of you " His words made wei ying's heart swell but confused he was meeting him first time but felt like he knows him for years or for centuries...

" Can I ask you something lan zhan " ... Wei ying asked curiously , lan wangi who knows about his love's curious nature nodded ....

" Why are you so nice to me . Everyone says you are cold and ruthless to other " ...

Lan wangi looked in his eyes intensely and moved forward to wei ying. Who watch his movements until they stood closer .....

Lan wangi tugged his bang behind his ear making wei ying's heart skip a beat but he didn't show it ....

" Because you are wei ying " ...

His words stunned wei wuxin.He watch lan wangi turned with frozen body ...

Lan Wangi's hands moved with a flourish as he opened the doors to a mysterious store, revealing a dimly lit interior that seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy. Wei Wuxin's eyes widened in amusement as he stepped forward, his curiosity piqued.

As he approached Lan Wangi, he couldn't help but notice the warm smile spreading across the other man's face. Lan Wangi's eyes sparkled with delight, and Wei Wuxin's heart skipped a beat in response.

"What is this?" Wei Wuxin asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Lan Wangi's smile grew wider as he gestured to the store. "This is a space gifted by the gods to me," he said, his voice filled with reverence. "I have collected different things from this world, and I hope you will like them."

Wei Wuxin's eyes scanned the shelves, taking in the array of strange and exotic items on display. There were glowing orbs, shimmering fabrics, and mysterious artifacts that seemed to defy explanation.

As he turned back to Lan Wangi, Wei Wuxin saw the sparkle in his eyes, and his heart fluttered in response. He felt like he was stepping into a dream world, one that was full of wonder and magic.

"Show me," Wei Wuxin said, his voice filled with excitement.

Lan Wangi's smile grew wider as he reached out, taking Wei Wuxin's hand in his own. "Come," he said, leading Wei Wuxin into the heart of the mysterious store...

As they stepped through the doorway, Wei Wuxin's eyes widened in wonder. Before him lay a breathtakingly beautiful grassland, dotted with sparkling rivers and quaint cottages. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming wildflowers, and the soft chirping of birds.

Wei Wuxin's excitement was palpable as he bounced forward, his feet barely touching the ground. He jumped and spun, his laughter echoing through the air like a joyful melody.

Lan Wangi watched him, a warm smile spreading across his face. He couldn't help but be captivated by Wei Wuxin's infectious enthusiasm, his eyes shining like stars in the sunlight.

Wei Wuxin darted from one cottage to the next, exploring each one with glee. He chased after butterflies, his feet bare and his hair flowing in the wind. Lan Wangi followed close behind, his eyes never leaving Wei Wuxin's face.

As they wandered through the grassland, Lan Wangi noticed the way Wei Wuxin's eyes sparkled when he saw a particularly beautiful flower. He saw the way his face lit up when he discovered a hidden river, and the way his laughter echoed through the air.

Lan Wangi's heart swelled with affection, and he knew in that moment that he was deeply in love with Wei Wuxin. He loved his joy, his wonder, and his infectious enthusiasm.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden light over the grassland, Lan Wangi reached out and gently took Wei Wuxin's hand. Wei Wuxin turned to him, his eyes shining with happiness, and Lan Wangi knew that he would never let him go...

" Are not you hungry. Let's go we can come after the dinner . Let's make you something tasty " ....

" Okay lan zhan. Thank you Sharing your secret with me and yes I am hungry " ...

Lan wangi smile and walked outside the storage place and close it then open the system for cooking essentials .....

Lan Wangi's hands moved swiftly as he opened the system, revealing a vast array of ingredients and cooking tools. He began to pull out items with a flourish, his movements practiced and efficient.

First, he retrieved a basket filled with juicy chicken pieces, followed by a container of crispy fried chicken seasoning. He then pulled out a bottle of olive oil, a bag of flour, and a box of eggs.

Next, Lan Wangi extracted a pizza oven, its stainless steel surface gleaming in the light. He placed it on a nearby counter, followed by a pizza peel, a cutting board, and a set of chef's knives.

Wei Wuxin watched in awe as Lan Wangi continued to pull out ingredients and tools, his eyes widening at the sheer variety of items. There were baskets of fresh vegetables, containers of savory sauces, and bags of artisanal cheeses.

With the ingredients and tools laid out before him, Lan Wangi began to prepare the crispy fried chicken. He expertly seasoned the chicken pieces, dredging them in flour and eggs before carefully placing them in the olive oil.

As the chicken sizzled and crisped, Lan Wangi turned his attention to the pizza. He expertly kneaded the dough, shaping it into a perfect circle. He then spread a rich tomato sauce over the dough, followed by a blend of creamy cheeses and fresh vegetables.

With the pizza assembled, Lan Wangi slid it into the oven, the aroma of melting cheese and fresh herbs wafting through the air. Wei Wuxin's stomach growled in anticipation as Lan Wangi pulled out the pizza, its crust golden brown and crispy.

Finally, Lan Wangi presented the finished dishes to Wei Wuxin, who couldn't help but gasp in wonder. The crispy fried chicken was perfectly cooked, its exterior crunchy and golden. The pizza was a masterpiece, its flavors and textures combining in perfect harmony.

Wei Wuxin's eyes met Lan Wangi's, his heart filled with gratitude and admiration. "You're a culinary genius," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Lan Wangi smiled, his eyes shining with pleasure. "I'm just glad you're enjoying it," he said, his voice filled with warmth....