
Transforming into unknowns

An unknown experiment and a hidden truth makes you into something you never expected! And you realize the one who you loved the most is your biggest enemy. Enter in the game of lust, love and lies where everyone loves money, have lust for body and can lie to their own souls for the money! Beware: Trust not one!

thesarcasmbae · Sci-fi
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7 Chs

I can't breathe

I pushed James away from me so that the air can come inside my lungs which are already starts to transform into the gills, my hands are trembling and I can feel the breaking of bones of my body. James was shocked to see me like this, he is trying to do everything to help me but God, nobody can help me in this situation but me and the salty water across the road.

"Brook, baby what happened? Tell me?" he said, cupping my face and making me look at him.

Tears started to some out from my eyes as the intensity of pain increases and my blood started to get deficit of oxygen.

"Get away from me" I said pushing james away.

"Go and get the doctor, you idiot!" I said gasping for air.

Listening to me james without thinking twice started dialing doctor's number but I interpreted and said "Go and take her here, James!!!"

I am crying out of pain and waiting for james to leave the house so that I can run to the ocean and complete this damn transformation.

James took the keys of his car and left and as soon as I heard the click of the door, I stood up and started running to the ocean which seems to be the most difficult task as my leg bones are cracking. I run and run until I could and just before I could touch the water, I collapsed.

A few hours later.

James POV

As I entered in the house with the doctor, dreadful silence can be felt in the air. I panicked when I didn't hear any voice of Brooklyn. I rushed toward the stairs to find Brooklyn but as soon as I opened the door, she wasn't there. The room is empty and those nasty, bad thoughts started to overwhelm my mind. My wife who is going to be a mother soon has just disappeared from the house. The gynecologist was looking at me with millions of questions roaming around her mind, and I... I was just yelling her name with the hope she would come out. I opened door after doors of bathroom, balcony, of storeroom and what not but no, she wasn't there.

"Look, you just can't waste my time" The doctor said.

Tears started to fall from my eyes with the thoughts of where Brooklyn could have been. I know I haven't been a best husband but I do love her. I know I have trust issues, and I have said and done things which I shouldn't but I fucking love her more than anything in the world. She and my sister are the only person I am left with and I can't loose either of them.

I looked toward the doctor and yelled "Noo!! She was here only!!"

My face has turned red, and I am fuming with anger when I didn't find Brooklyn in the house. I ran out from the house on the street full of people asking them if they saw a girl.

"Hey, miss. Have you seen a pregnant lady here crying for help or something"

"Sorry, I just came here."

and just like that everyone gave me the exact same answer. I ran toward the ocean because it is the place where Brooklyn come often to clear her mind and as I run along the shore yelling her name, and the gust of cold air slapped my face I know that she isn't there...

I stopped, and looked up toward the sky praying for her safe return. People say you value the people when they are gone from your life and at that exact moment I felt everything... be it a guilt, anger or helplessness. I pulled out my phone from the back pocket of my joggers and called 911.

"Hello, 911 What's your emergency?"

"My wife!-"

"Hello, sir, please take a deep breathe and tell me clearly what happened?"

I took a deep breathe and wiped away my tears and said " My wife... She is pregnant and she just went missing... Please... Please help me."

"Okay, sir Can you tell me your address? We will be there in no time."

"Yeah, 42B The downtown lane"

"Thank you, sir. Can I get to know about your name?"

"James Martinez "

"Okay, sir please stay at home and keep calling your wife."

I stood up and brush off the sand from my clothes and started walking towards my house with a hope that maybe I will see Brooklyn there. As I entered into the house, the first thing I did was go upstairs and check if Brooklyn was there or not and as expected she wasn't there. My heart broke into the pieces to think about where she would be or what would have happened to her.

As the officer said, I keep on calling Brooklyn with the hope that she might answer my call and tell me that she is alright but the call was diverted staright to her voicemail.

Without knowing what to do next, I called my sister.


"James, what happened?" Jenna said

"Brook... she... she is in trouble"

"James... Baby brother, please stop crying and tell me what happened?"

And I told her everything, how we were kissing and she started crying in pain and when I got the doctor, she wasn't at the home.

"James, listen to me very carefully. Stop crying... I am on my way to you and I don't want to come to any conclusions but I think she did all that on purpose!"

"What?! What are you saying, Jenna?"

"I will be there soon... Wait for me and I'll explain."


Brooklyn 's POV

As I started to open my eyes, I found myself lying on a soft bed in a dim lit room. The room is small but cozy with nice wall paint. When I got my consciousness back and I realized the cozy room isn't mine, I woke up suddenly and started to move toward the door.

Until someone from the other side openend the door for me and I can't see his face clearly.

I asked "Who are you?"

"I have been waiting to meet you since forever!" a deep and husky voice came from the other side sending the shivers down my spine.