
Transfer student storm calmer

MC gets reincarnated in TSSB world and he does whatever he wants

ThyCubeVT · Komik
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

After bringing the brick on kang's face that became a bloody mess

and seeing that his teeth are on the ground Jake smiled and said

"huh you ain't tough no more now are you hehe" he said to the fainted kang

"you didn't have to do that, you have beaten him and won the fight" dong-min said while shaking his head and holding the girl

"i don't care what you think but if someone talked shit he better have something to back his words with" Jake said in indifference as he went back towards his house

the girl saw him and imprinted his face on her mind so that she doesn't forget him

at the big mansion you can see a brown haired boy bathing and removing blood from his face and hands

"huh in the first day and i got into a fight, but it's actually refreshing and my ability (regeneration) is still working here, i don't think he will press a suit against me because he himself was kidnapping that girl, never mind it's time to train my weak body i don't want to feel the same way i did when i fought that kang guy"

he went to train in a gym after entering one he saw a jacked dude standing in front of the registration counter trying to show off his muscles

'this guy is all for show he got none of the essential muscles trained these people are annoying' Jake threw a glance at that dude and went to talk with the receptionist she was a regular pretty girl

Jake smiled and said "Hi can i see what facilities you have in this place and the prices of subscriptions please?"

The girl smiled back and showed him the prices and the opening time, while he was listening he noticed that guy glaring at him

'he better not talk or I'm give him something he wouldn't like' Jake thought

after all this the guy didn't talk and Jake paid for a 3 months subscription and went inside to train

he fully used his regeneration to make the progress faster

after returning to his home and crashing into the bed after another shower he started thinking about how he lived his past life always hiding and never standing up but this is a whole new chance to live freely

"well I'll do everything i want in here and i need to enter a school

i remember that there was an all-boys school around the block i wanna enter that to have fights and chill" Jake smiled as he falls asleep

after he heard his alarm at 5 in the morning he woke up and did a morning jog and a light exercises after that he showered and gone out to register in that school.

he wore a black T-shirt and some blue jeans

he went and found a group of thugs at the entrance smoking after they saw him one of them wanted to hold him but Jake slapped his hand away and glared at him ferociously which caused the former to back away dazed

after walking through the school and asking about the principal's office he reached his destination and knocked on the door

"enter" said the principal

"thanks sir i want to register as a transfer student" Jake said politely

"no problem, first you need ...then.... (the '...' are the documents neede to enter a school I'll not bother myself to list them) after that i will deal with the rest" said the principal smiling kindly

"sure i will bring the documents as soon as possible and thanks again" Jake said

"you can go and check out the school environment if you want and have a good day" stated the principal

"goodbye" Jake closed the door