
Transfer student storm calmer

MC gets reincarnated in TSSB world and he does whatever he wants

ThyCubeVT · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

chapter 1

he opened his eyes to see an unfamiliar ceiling, he looked around

and saw some high-class furniture.

"I died, where am I?"he said confused

then he got assaulted by a big headache with him seeing a boy with similar appearance as him from third person

he saw the boy crying when his parents died from a car crash and realized that he was the last person alive in his close family

he could be considered rich with a stable business that could let him live this lifetime well-off

after 3 years he couldn't deal with depression and took pills

and closed his eyes on the bed to never open them again

"at least he went smiling in the end"

he checked out his body and noticed that he was weaker than in the memories

'i guess depression really has that effect huh' he clicked his tongue

"my head still hurts from the recovery of the memories, let's go and see the surroundings to get familiar with them, it would be weird to live here for how many years and not know the locations "

he got out and locked his door with the keys and put them in his pockets

It was the afternoon so he strolled around and after sometime he saw a white haired dude picking up a rose colored hair girl

'better avoid this, i need to learn from my mistakes'

he decided to return to his house

"hey you black haired bitch you think i would let you go away to call the police and ruin my fun" the white hair said

"i will not, let me go the fuck away then do your 'fun' or whatever " jake responded

"well i don't trust you so i will break your legs so that I can guarantee my fun time's safety"he said while grinning

'this fucker' jake thought as he was annoyed by the headache and the arrogant behavior of the guy in front of him

"if you don't back off i will beat yo ass" Jake said with anger in his voice

the whitey rushed him but mc was prepared and tried to dodge but he was hit on his side

'this weak ass body, tsk'

he felt the pain from the hit alleviate the headache so he can think straight again

"congratulations you won an ass whooping" (VI seconds is amazing) Jake said clenching his teeth

he saw the girl from earlier on the ground waking up and moving her lips trying to say something 'run..he..can't..feel..pain'

'she can't be serious' Jake did a stance tall monkey

he rooted his legs to the ground and straightened his back and pushed his hands forward and waited

the whitey took it as provocation and launched himself in his direction

then jake put his hand on the whitey's bicep and kicked the ankle that resulted in him stumbling on the ground and getting up dirtied

he wore an enraged expression on his face and shouted

"you were fucking lucky there won't be a next time"

'hmm, he really knows how to fight if he was normal i would have stepped on his spine to keep him from moving but this guy recovered beautifully, i need a weapon to compensate for my untrained body' he pulled out his keys from his pockets and put them between his fingers and positioned the back of the keys on the center of his palm

"well unfortunately I will make someone bleed on the first day here" Jake said while narrowing his eyebrows and taking a boxing like stance

'I might find something fun to do in this world'