
Transfer student storm calmer

MC gets reincarnated in TSSB world and he does whatever he wants

ThyCubeVT · Komik
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6 Chs


An 18 year old boy was walking down the street he was lean but his body was packed with muscles, he doesn't look buff

his name is jake he had dark brown hair and honey colored eyes

he was minding his own business until 2 thugs came running from behind him with metal pipes, they swung at him he avoided the one targeting his head and changed the trajectory of the second one, then he kneed one of them in between the stomach and the chest.

he always thought that there is no point in exchanging blows with a opponent it's a waste of time and energy, so he tries to be more efficient with his movements, and he can do that by targeting places that make people faint or get hospitalized if hit with enough power, that's why his deceased grandfather always told him that he needs to control the power he had trained for 14 years to get, his grandfather always said that his body was special.

he himself found out not too long ago that his regeneration was that of a monster.

but he wasn't scared or he just didn't care, he didn't tell anyone about it because even though he was considered young, he knew the truth about the world and that almost everyone will betray their friends or family, for the appropriate price.

that's how he stayed alive with no problems until this day

"they say everything you do has consequences, i guess it's true"said jake as he punched the second one in his windpipe

they both fell to the ground

he sighed as he felt danger and he knew that it was his end.

he wasn't afraid of death because he knew that everyone would die one day.

he thought about what led him to be involved in this situation

*two months ago*

jake was working as a deliveryman for a restaurant because he wanted to try living a simple life.

as he was in middle of his delivery he heard the screeching noise of a car and several gunshots.

normally he would not care about it and go away but he saw a 14 year old girl crying while hugging a white haired man with blood on his chest and he remembered that his grandfather always said to do good deeds but Jake thought it was stupid and he had a hard time trusting anyone except the grandfather of his, so he decided to help her.

he ran up to her and said "come with me and you might have a chance of living "

she was surprised and doubtful when she heard that, but after hearing another gunshot she shivered and decided to trust him

so he brought her with him and rode his motorbike away from the scene.

after sometime he was in a abandoned warehouse and he said

"we will stay here and you'll tell me your story"

she observed him for a while before speaking

turns out that she was the daughter of a mafia boss, and her uncle decided to kill her father and her to become the leader but she ran away with her butler and was chased by her uncle's people, then she met him.

"good, now i don't care to be involved in this, more than I already am, so you will stay here and won't tell anyone about me and this place, I will get you something to eat during the time you stay here "

she nodded looking at the floor

'how annoying i will never do that again' thought Jake

*end of flashback*

'well that bitch didn't listen to me and called her uncle's son he said he'd help her out, but who would have expected he preferred his fuckin father and she told him the place and he came to it, and to make it worse she fuckin described me too, and now I'm paying for what I did, because they need to silent the last eyewitness'

"guess this is how I die, huh.. all this time just to die helping someone unworthy, tsk" said Jake as he heard a gunshot

his vision went black