
Transcending Reality: The Singularity's Awakening

“In the realm of fiction, the mind unfurls its imaginative wings, conjuring desires and worlds beyond our grasp. It offers a sanctuary, an escape from a somber reality, or perhaps a glimpse into the lives we long for. What if this tapestry of imagination became tangible, every desire a reality, and you the central character of an extraordinary tale? Would it remain fiction, or would it meld with the essence of reality? Picture the liberation of detachment, stepping into a world that mirrors your dreams. As you ascend or descend into its depths, what unfolds is a journey beyond the ordinary—a journey through the boundless realms of your own creation.” Disclaimer I own my idea and world building and og characters https://www.patreon.com/BeyondTheWriter there will be updates about the novel there until I understand how to build a community.

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32 Chs

Chapter 26: The Revelation

In the ethereal confines of the Mirror Dimension, Alvis Bright sat Amidst a captivating spectacle of floating papers, each bearing reports and data from the farthest reaches of the world. Glitches and numbers wove an intricate dance in the air, casting an otherworldly ambiance. The room itself seemed to defy the constraints of conventional reality, offering Alvis a unique vantage point to meticulously scrutinize the aftermath of the cosmic changes that had unfurled.

As he immersed himself in the myriad reports, a tale of global upheaval unfolded. Nations grappled with the disappearance of borders, leaders found themselves navigating the uncharted waters of a new global order, and once-hidden civilizations were thrust into the harsh light of scrutiny. Earth, previously a tapestry of individual narratives, now bore the weight of a shared destiny.

Raising his hand, a flicker of omni-energy materialized, conjuring holographic projections of Earth. Alvis delved into the complexities of the alterations he had set into motion. From political realignments to the integration of advanced technologies, the consequences rippled across every facet of human existence. Reports chronicled the reactions of leaders, the simmering unrest among the populace, and the emergence of unprecedented powers and abilities.

As he sifted through the wealth of information, Alvis discerned the diverse sentiments permeating the world. Fear, uncertainty, and awe intertwined in a complex tapestry of emotions. Leaders, once bound by national constraints, grappled with the notion of a unified Earth under the Marvelous Alliance.

The Mirror Dimension, with its surreal reflections and ever-shifting perspectives, enabled Alvis to glimpse beneath the surface. He sensed the surge of cosmic energy and the infusion of newly formed omni-energy into all dimensions and existences.

"The Mirror Dimension, ever present but undetected. The real world isn't affected by what happens here nonetheless as to what appear to be the second side of reality The Mirror Dimension is evolving "

looking around the dimension Alvis Eye's glowed in purplish hue this technique is a simplification of the usage of soul eye of sorcerers as his soul eye consume his spirit or sanity every time he uses it so he proceeded to create this technique at lower cost of omni-energy not the best but useful for now.

'who are you lying to you're just scared to see it again….' behind the mask Alvis eye's showed a little hint of fear he will never forget that rubber erasing power it was as if he is just word's written in a paper a little bit of force can just rub him out of existence

As he looked around the space as his eye's begun to flicker with reddish color's A realization struck him as he pondered, "Logically speaking, such tampering shouldn't be possible… Marvel is created hierarchy space and time reality every concept and authority should be in the hand of Stan lee unless there's more to it the One Above All, the transcendent creator of marvel thinks it's better to be left… if the information that I initially comprehended is right. He's the shielding effect I felt when I was trying to warp existence but he didn't stop this attempt of manipulation? Wait a minute, I see now..."

Alvis spoke to himself, his voice echoing as if narrating to an unseen audience. He continued to peruse the papers shifting his mind to something else, acknowledging the bizarre alliances forming and the undercurrents of dissent challenging the delicate equilibrium he had strives to establish. 

His knowledge surpassed that of others, and even his formidable powers failed to instill the fear he anticipated. "Stan Lee, you embedded it within their essence—fear is not the dominant force here, but the sheer will and freedom."

Numbers and glitches surrounded him, embodying the intricate tapestry of interconnected realities. Amidst the reports, Alvis discerned anomalies, disturbances in the cosmic fabric hinting at potential challenges ahead. The Multiverse and the omniverse specifically , with its infinite possibilities, demanded a watchful eye and a strategic mind.

In this secluded dimension, Alvis confronted the consequences of his actions. The papers in motion encapsulated the tales of a transformed Earth, and the numbers whispered the secrets of the cosmic dance he had initiated. The mirror's reflected not merely his image but the kaleidoscope of an entire earth in perpetual flux.

The enigmatic voice that had resonated in the void lingered in his mind—a reminder of the uncertainties awaiting. Alvis, the Transcendent Singularity, sat Amidst the papers and glitches, contemplating the intricate pathways he had paved. The cosmic drama continued its unfolding, and the mirror dimension retained the echoes of a reality shaped by his decisions.

"The deeper I delve into this, the more my apprehension grows. If I have to describe it in a single word, I'd be speechless. It's a magnification power, oscillating between the potential of omnipotent and the unseen narrative…" Alvis muttered to himself, his eyes fixed on the multitude of reports from S.H.I.E.L.D and other Earth forces. The sheer volume of data detailing illogical numbers of supernatural crimes and the surge in super villains left him on edge.

"not really that illogical to begun with it's marvel what else will happen hmm weird…"

"Most of these super villains wield Hax-like superpowers. A dimensional manipulator clashes with a space and time manipulator, resulting in the destruction of half the city. Adding to the chaos to what the enemies from portals did. Without the interference of the Ancient One, it could have escalated into something far more troublesome. But how on Earth do we end up with a reality-warper and a necromancer appearing in the same place? Oh, right, it's New York," Alvis mused, humming a bit to himself.

"Before the influx of pathways, any one of these powers could have turned someone into a character into cosmic or maybe even muitliversal overlord excluding the necromancer. But now, there are many individuals with unique bug-like superpowers. They are unique in a higher rank's, hahahaha trickster you bastard lair you said everyone is unique" cursing he continued, as his consciousness starting elevating warping earth inside out with that his eyes illuminated with a purplish hue locking into newyork. Alvis observed individuals locked in yellowish cages by sorcerers due to their destructive abilities.

Examining the unique pathways of these individuals, something caught Alvis attention 

Alvis shifted his focus to people with similar elemental powers, particularly those controlling elements focusing on the fire one's he found something. "Interesting. They are connected with peculiar lines, each possessing different pathways. But what's perplexing is the names of these pathways—[Strong Fire], [Weak Fire], [Almighty Fire], [Chill Fire], [Toxic Fire], [Lovely Fire], [Holy Fire]."

He pondered the illogical nature of these pathways and talents, contemplating the inherent weirdness in their designations. "I understand that everyone is unique and have talent differentiating him from other's but leading to the same pathway, the ultimate root of pathway's is divinity or something like that but elevating all of them into divinity of the same pathway…. But the level of illogicality is unprecedented. More data needs to be studied. If I can find that loophole, I can..." A devilish smile crept across Alvis's face, and he felt himself leaning towards a darker path. However, he quickly shook off the temptation.

"No, Alvis, you're a good person. Who said it's going to be evil? I'll just help them connect to a bigger and better power," he reassured himself, albeit with a tinge of uncertainty lingering in his thoughts.

Raising his hand and conjuring a paper using omni-energy, Alvis began the process of outlining rules and creating a semi-border-like structure.

"First and foremost, for more comprehensive control, let's divide it into two major halves and then into four districts," he narrated. The planet Earth materialized on the paper, lines drawn to break it into two parts and then further into four districts.

"The two regions, east and west, will each have their own departments and rulers. While the country leaders will remain the same countries name's and border's will not change let me brainwash them little by little to have a collective civilization but that will need sometime for now they will be subject to change every five years or before in case of job failure," he continued writing as the rules took form on the paper.

As his pen danced across the paper, Alvis detailed the unique focus of each of the four districts. "In the east, the Mystical's District, headed by Kamar-taj and the existing supernatural schools, will be the first. Following that, the second District is the newly formed Supernatural Forces District will take center stage."

Shifting his focus to the west region, Alvis outlined the third district as the Technology and Science District. "This district will be jointly led by the smartest minds on Earth, with at least one of the leaders being either Tony Stark or Bruce Banner." He emphasized the importance of intellect in this technological hub.

Moving on to the fourth district, Alvis expressed, "The Cosmic and Extra-dimensional District will encompass the vast unknown, exploring realms beyond the conventional understanding of space and time."

"Now that done for now a little perfection with time will do the job, now what to do with those Sons of Evolution..." Alvis muttered, conjuring a holographic screen in front of himself, dividing it into eight parts. As he scrutinized the people displayed on the screen, Alvis raised an eyebrow.

In four parts of the screen, four individuals were locked in mystical cages built by the Ancient One, accompanied by the Time Stone. These supernatural beings consisted of two males and two females, and upon studying their youthful faces, Alvis noticed that they were still teenagers. These individuals were the ones responsible for wreaking havoc and destroying half of the already trying to be rebuilt New York City, complicating the situation further.

As Alvis delved into the reports, his facial expression underwent a significant change. He found himself in a perplexing situation, unsure of the appropriate expression to reflect the bizarre circumstances. The male Dimensional Manipulator, Max, had used his powers to retaliate against classmates who had bullied him with that happening his crush, Chloe. In an ironic twist, Chloe stood out confronting Max protracting their classmate's, inadvertently containing him as space and time manipulator. The boy and girl proceeded to level down the entire school and multiple streets, all while fighting against each other.

But the absurdity didn't end there. The reality warper, Jack, also from the same class, added to the chaos. Witnessing his crush, Chloe, being beaten up by Max, Jack decided to warp reality, amplifying the destruction. And then came the intriguing part: the necromancer, Olivia, also from the same class. Alvis, increasingly bewildered, muttered, "What the heck is wrong with this class?"

As Alvis continued reading the report, his facial expression transformed into one of incredulity. Olivia, having a crush on Jack and being the only friend of Max, decided to intervene in the escalating conflict. Witnessing the fight grow more intense, she utilized her necromancy powers to raise supernatural beings from beyond trying to contain her classmates. Olivia attempted to save the people and contain the destruction by constructing a massive skeleton, attempting to mitigate the chaos caused by falling buildings.

The passage provides an intriguing glimpse into Alvis's contemplation and the unfolding dynamics of individuals with godlike powers. Here are some refinements to enhance the flow and coherence:

"Sigh. Perhaps, after rebuilding the planet, I should allocate a space for these godlike pathways. In the entire planet, only 80 have manifested... Interestingly, only 8 were identified. At least these governments and agencies still know how to do their jobs," Alvis mused, a wry sense of humor touching his thoughts. people bestowed these godlike being referring to them as "The Sons of Evolution." However, upon further consideration, he found a more fitting title: "The Wielders of Creation."

As Alvis scrutinized the individuals displayed on the holographic screen once more, he extended his senses and consciousness to the remaining 72 people. Thirty were already well-known characters from Marvel continuity, while the remaining 52 were non-continuity characters. Adding the 8 teenagers, the count reached 60—a captivating revelation.

Calculating the numbers in his mind, Alvis discerned the ratio of these godlike beings to Earth's population. With 8 billion human residents before the influx began, the destruction, and the portals, it now lowered to 6 billion. The ratio unveiled itself— for every 100 million humans, one Son of Evolution emerged. These individuals wielded conceptual powers distinct from elemental and mystical abilities. What intrigued Alvis even more was the revelation that some possessed animal-like powers, concealing their identities. Yet, dismissing them due to their seemingly mundane abilities would be a mistake, for some harbored powers derived from mythical creatures.

Employing his descriptive power and scanning them meticulously, Alvis made a fascinating discovery. These powers weren't merely supernatural; they were rooted in physiological or physiological mutations. Raising an intrigued eyebrow, Alvis contemplated the intricacies of their abilities. His own Pathway, upgraded through the process, lingered at a midpoint. If he could elevate it twice more, he envisioned a potential upgrade of his powers to a muitliversal level. However, Alvis disapproved of such thoughts. Uncertain of the full extent of his powers, he considered it unwise to speculate.

"After building up the planet and gaining control, I need to reevaluate myself. I believe I shed the mortality of a mortal long ago," Alvis contemplated, feeling the surge of strength within him growing more profound with each passing moment. A transformative essence enveloped him, marking a significant shift in his being—a metamorphosis into something beyond his previous self.

Glancing back at the assembly of 80 extraordinary beings, Alvis embarked on the task of naming them. "Phil Coulson, holding the Pathway of Truth. Natasha Romanoff, AKA Black Widow, with dual Pathways of Souls and Salvation. Tony Stark, boasting dual Pathways of Physics and Technology. Steve Rogers, bearing the Justice Pathway. Nick Fury, the master of the Construction Pathway. Bruce Banner, equipped with dual Pathways of Power and Anger. Intriguingly, Wanda Maximoff with a dual Pathway of Imagination and probability. Pietro Maximoff, the bearer of the Pathway of Speed. Clint Barton, with the Pathway of Causality...." A peculiar expression crossed Alvis's face as he continued the nomenclature.

"The main characters, all possessing Godlike Pathways... Even some non-main characters," Alvis remarked, his gaze shifting to the Ancient One and her Obliteration Pathway. In that moment, Alvis found himself at a loss for words.

"Maybe it has something to do with the Marvel Multiverse. No, it has something to do with humanity...." Focusing his senses on the deceased beings from beyond, Alvis explored their pathways. The orcs, for instance, exhibited pathways aligned with power and destruction. However, he noticed a peculiar deprivation of the word "power" in the descriptions of their pathways. Shifting his sight to animals and other beings, Alvis made a startling revelation – everything and everyone regardless of race now possesses supernatural pathway or a talent. Yet, what left him utterly bewildered was the realization that these pathways were incomplete; they led to dead ends.

"So, still not everyone is equal, as that being said, but it seems that having consciousness is not the trigger for the pathway. Then what is it...?" Thoughts brewed in Alvis's mind, multiple ideas swirling into existence. As his contemplation deepened, he realized the need to shift his focus onto something else; otherwise, he risked succumbing to the overwhelming labyrinth of his own thoughts.

"I am even a human... or a mortal..." Alvis began questioning himself. The last time he broke the confinement of a hundred thousand omni-energy points, leading to the transformation into omni-essence, he felt a sense of detachment from his own life, transitioning into another life form.

"I can't wait. I need to know now..." Controlling the Process Conceptual power, Alvis utilized it in tandem with his Higher consciousness. But before that, he compressed his consciousness, warping it around his body. With that happening, he chanted, "O power of beyond, I address you, be you friend or foe. I sacrifice this energy for a power higher than my own. O power from beyond, let me perceive the high and wild reality bewitched between."

As the poem, or rather the chanting, concluded, Alvis's energy hollowed out in a mere motion of reality, as if it were erased from existence. You might wonder how Alvis knew this. It was during his study of Kamar-taj Ancient Eldritch Magic of Agamotto that he comprehended the Ancient Rule of Magic and the debts of these Old beings of magic. Their existence somehow depended on these rules of debt, and Alvis felt a connection, as if these rules were written by someone else. But that's a story for another day.


A reddish aura began overflowing from the center of Alvis's chest, enveloping him in a cocoon-like transformation reminiscent of a butterfly. The auras continued to surge, distorting reality around Alvis as space glitched out under the influence of an unknown force. It breached the confines of Marvel Continuity silently, without making any discernible noise.

Upon reaching the Mirror Dimension, the force expanded, breaching an infinite array of dimensions and realities in an instant. It located Alvis and formed a protective shield around him, shielding him from an unseen threat. As this occurred, the reddish cocoon underwent a transformation, changing colors.

Even in his semi-comatose state, Alvis remained oblivious to the unfolding events. His powers, even capable of calculating the future movements between the macroscope and microscope, seemed momentarily dulled or distracted by the mysterious force at play.

In a deep state of focus, Alvis's mind, soul, and consciousness elevated into a higher dimensional state. Observing himself, Alvis found himself questioning his own existence, his perception breaking into three distinct states like Third Person Point of View but in three perceptions. "I, the soul... No, not the soul; I, the self, the existence of Alvis Bright," he murmured as the soul of Alvis gazed at his hands, realizing that they had transformed into data resembling the binary code of computers.

A profound sense of clarity enveloped him, a rare occurrence since his descent into the fictional world and the omniverse. Alvis's eyes took on a new aspect, a shallow and unclear appearance with hints of silver whiteness and darkness. In an emotionless voice but one filled with emotions, he spoke, "So... Me, I, myself are The Process. I exist; Process will exist. I don't; Process will make me exist. I am the paradoxical essence of existence, without me, process will and will not be there."

As he narrated these words, a cracking sound resonated, and a new rule was written by Alvis. His words established a paradoxical continuity as soul and conscious merged together with the concept of process. In this state, Alvis became one with the very essence of the concept itself.

As one of his three perceptions began to levitate into a higher dimension of existence, a profound sense of clarity appeared in his mind. As it continued to levitate, seconds passed, then minutes, then hours as it arrived into some kind of reality. Looking ahead, then to the place around him Alvis didn't know what to say; he couldn't even find the words to describe it.

Switching back to the other perspectives, a chill ran through his body. The seconds, the minutes, the hours, he felt… the motion of time. Time didn't pass at all as his body still warped in cocoon state. Feeling that his energy didn't return at all it was clear that his conscious, preconscious, and unconscious mind all felt that time was passing by, but it didn't pass at all.

Feeling that he might descend into madness, Alvis shifted his focus to his own body. A realization dawned upon him, and a thought sprang into his mind, indicating that he now possessed a degree of control over anything associated with the concept process. 

However, the peculiar state of his soul in that surreal place contradicted his assumption. Quickly correcting himself, Alvis acknowledged that it wasn't total control. He contemplated, "I'm not worthy of the status and authority of such a concept. If I seize control now, I will be erased. Interesting. I understand now. Talents are thresholds of a Pathway—a ladder. The steps one takes, little by little. First by understanding it, then by using it, progressing to comprehension, associating it with omni-energy, the force of creation, and ultimately writing one's own essence to it, becoming one with it. But wait a second... Doesn't that mean if another, similar to me—or many, not me—have a resemblance, a conflict..."

Stopping mid-sentence, Alvis's eyes displayed a hint of understanding before transforming into a subtle smile. "It's going to be fun soon. Oh, you trickster. I thought you were playing the hero, but it appears there's more to it than just theater. But what Pathway are you trying to achieve, or what exactly are you attempting to create?" 

Glancing at his body, hugged and warped by the reddish aura, and unaware of the shielding effect, Alvis shifted his perception from his third, his soul and mind, to the body.

As Alvis's perception returned to his body, everything came to a sudden halt—not by his choice, but as if time, space, reality, and existence itself had frozen.

Before Alvis, three beings materialized, and with their appearance, all motion throughout the omniverse ceased, as though a pause button had been pressed.

The being on the left gazed deeply at Alvis. Its form consisted of pure darkness in a humanoid shape, the only semblance of humanity emanating from its glowing white eyes. After a moment of examination, it shifted its focus to the being beside it.

"What an interesting situation. I, the Unknown, will encounter a day where even I will not know," proclaimed the dark being named Unknown.

Upon hearing this, the being farthest to the right turned its head away from Alvis and addressed the Unknown.

"Unknown, a being from a distant past. You are the oldest void god in existence, with stories and tales suggesting that you are the ancestor of all void gods. Interestingly, who would have thought that you are merely a singularity who transcended continuity... which, in itself, is peculiar. I doubt the tree of continuity's would permit such an occurrence..."

Upon hearing these words, the Unknown's eyes shifted into a deep red hue as it responded, "It's all due to fate. The continuity being broken now affects the past and the future. The rules are being rewritten as we speak. If you want to know why, why don't you ask the Creator?" With a slight bow, the Unknown showed respect to the being in the middle.

Listening intently, the being farthest to the right glanced to the left, sensing the presence of a humanoid figure warping space, yet seeing no one. "I know it, and it knows me. We all are going to be rewritten... Don't you have an opinion?" it questioned, turning to the being in the middle.

"Alvis Bright, you're a peculiar existence... We didn't finish our last fifth-dimensional chess. Who would have thought that giving the power of narrative and author authority to a mortal would create this damaged reality?" The being referred to as the Creator spoke to the Alvis Bright on its right, both appearing as non-existent entities, as it addressed the being to its right.

Upon hearing these words, both the Unknown and Alvis Bright were left speechless. The Creator stood as the manifestation of the Author and the Narrative, embodying a delicate balance between the two. Each of them knew the Creator from a different perspective.

"Sigh... So everything was for nothing. The blood that was shed, the lives that were lost... all ceased to exist because of the fault of mortal minds... After the restart, will I and you be the same as before, or will we ever be the same? Answer me, Creator..." The Unknown's voice trailed off, filled with a sense of hopelessness. All eternity and power seemed futile if it could be brought to an end by the mere desire of a higher power to cease to exist.

"Yes, because it's higher than your own, it will cease to exist... Even now, as I appear to both of you, it's still being written by the Author into the Narrative. It could be a psychological answer that will, at least, make you feel relieved. At least you won't remember it happening... Only you, Alvis Bright, will reincarnate into a new reality and existence, perhaps similar to this or maybe unfamiliar even to us," the Creator responded, offering a glimpse of understanding Amidst the uncertainty.

"Why?" a question echoed through the vast expanse of existence.

"Because it wasn't complete. It was rushed. It shouldn't have happened like this from the start. There was too much influence into the narrative, too much tampering, and it appeared lifeless," the Creator responded solemnly.

"Why? We didn't choose that. We don't want that!" the plea reverberated through existence.

"You won't remember. It didn't happen at all. This is not reality; it's just a script being written. What you feel, what you touch, what you smell—it's just a false truth. Nothing is real. The more you look into it, the more imperfection and abnormal existence you will find," the Creator explained, offering a glimpse into the nature of their reality.

Hearing this revelation, the non-existent Alvis Bright raised an eyebrow. "How many times have we been restarted? Jester Alvis Bright, God-king of Oblivion Bright, Me Narrative Bright, and this newly born Alvis Bright. This is the fourth time the restart has happened, am I right, Creator?"

As the Unknown absorbed this information, a chill ran through its body, rendering it emotionless and speechless. It was a realization that this cycle had repeated so many times, yet none in existence felt a thing. Their cognition's seemed tempered to the core, devoid of any recollection.

"Yes, Narrative Bright, this is the fourth time. It should have been the last one, but it appears a fifth one will happen soon... I can only remember that there was a past, but no memories of what happened. Only the higher narrative and the higher authority could know what and when everything in the past, present, and future happened or will happen. As I said before, too much tempering led to all of this. I hope the next time will be the last..."

"When will it happen? I came here because I felt someone is driving my powers, and looking at the reddish cocoon, I knew who did it. But when or how did he receive my blessings?" questioned the Unknown, its gaze fixed on the teen Alvis Bright. The reddish power held its own authority, almost omnipotent, even to the level of the creator.

"Who said you didn't bless him before? Or who knows if he didn't kill you and steal your authority before? It seems the tempering effect even changed history. Shouldn't it be a new start? Or has it already begun..." mused the Creator to the Unknown.

In a sudden realization, the Unknown looked at Narrative Bright, then to Teen Alvis Bright. A chuckle escaped its lips as it turned its head to the Creator. The Unknown's body began breaking down, reality falling away like pixels in small squares. It realized something — it was already dead.

"Finally noticed... Yes, you're not here to begin with. None of this is here. The past, present, and future are already rewritten. Now it's just history. The realization broke the protection upon you," said the Creator, a hint of emotion creeping into its voice.

"Little adventurer, the truth written by mortals shall not be your limits. I hope your next chance will be... Oh, so it was now. Hahahahaha! Fuck you, Author! Fuck you, both Narratives!" cursed a voice from nonexistence.

As two beings stood in front of Alvis, feeling the blessing of the Unknown upon him, a chill ran through them. History once again changed, the present becoming the past, but still in future terms. This level of power transcended cognition and reality.

"What an interesting script... Narrative... Author Authority... Imagination... Creativity... Consciousness... Past... Present... Future... What am I? Why am I like this? I didn't question anything from the start... Am I even real? Is there anything real?" questioned Alvis's soul, sitting in higher space, the place where he felt the conception of Process blooming with power.

"You are, but you're not," answered a voice, unheard by Alvis.

"Maybe in me you're real, but to the world, all of you are just a script written... Maybe the fifth is going to make you real... Now, without much tempering..."

"Cauldron of Stories... Seventh of Reality... Tree of Continuity... as cornerstone, let the restart begin..."

"Let the script restart... No... Let the world usher new birth... From virtual... to... real..."

The End? Maybe?

_Beyondcreators' thoughts