
Transcending Reality: The Singularity's Awakening

“In the realm of fiction, the mind unfurls its imaginative wings, conjuring desires and worlds beyond our grasp. It offers a sanctuary, an escape from a somber reality, or perhaps a glimpse into the lives we long for. What if this tapestry of imagination became tangible, every desire a reality, and you the central character of an extraordinary tale? Would it remain fiction, or would it meld with the essence of reality? Picture the liberation of detachment, stepping into a world that mirrors your dreams. As you ascend or descend into its depths, what unfolds is a journey beyond the ordinary—a journey through the boundless realms of your own creation.” Disclaimer I own my idea and world building and og characters https://www.patreon.com/BeyondTheWriter there will be updates about the novel there until I understand how to build a community.

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32 Chs

Chapter 25: The Unification of the Universe

"Ahem, ahem. Welcome everyone to the first meeting of the Marvelous Alliance. Today, we are gathered to understand and unite for a higher cause." Pausing for a moment, Alvis's eyes glowed in golden colors.


As his voice grew more commanding, he continued, "Today, I, Alvis Bright, act as the leader of the Marvelous Alliance. We will unite the entire universe into a collective unity. But before that, let everyone take a seat, and then I shall introduce everyone."

"First, from Earth, we have the 195 countries and their respective leaders," said Alvis. He warped his hand with energy, ripping the air in front of himself, and brought every leader of a country on Earth that hadn't arrived at the meeting.


These leaders, pulled from various places, were in different states—some wearing pajamas, some naked, wrapped in blankets. Alvis noticed this and rotated his hand, clothing them in suits so they wouldn't lose face, though he mused that after today, they might not have any face left.


With each leader having different thoughts, a collective thought emerged—cursing Alvis and his bizarre powers.


"As we sit united today, leaders of Earth, I have a word for you all. Today, every border on Earth will be removed, connecting the whole planet together. Earth will have a new, complete leadership, a new leader for the entire planet. And, of course, it's me. Before anyone raises any objections, shall we go into the bigger picture first?" Without waiting for anyone to voice any refusal, Alvis continued his narrative.

"Ahem, let's start with the hidden protectors of Earth, shall we? On the left side, you can see the sorcerers in yellow attire. These sorcerers have been acting for more than six hundred years as the hidden protectors of Earth from extra-dimensional enemies such as demons and some other beings who want to consume the materialistic world. If you don't understand, in simple terms, they protect Earth from demons that want to devour you all. Good, understandable, right?" Pausing for a second as The Ancient One sat next to him, nodding, Alvis continued his narrative.

"Next on the right, we have The Eternals. Who are they? Let's start from the year 5000 B.C. A group of ten immortal individuals descended upon Earth to protect humanity from the Deviants. They are the Eternals. Throughout the centuries, the Eternals continue to relocate to other growing civilizations and defend them from the Deviants. What are Deviants? Think of them as mindless, vampire-like animals who like to eat and are never fully satisfied. So, let's clap for our hidden protectors!" With a voice carrying strength, Alvis urged applause.


Not hearing any clapping sounds, Alvis sighed. "You all are making it harder. Oh, that's why my pressure is still acting. Sorry." Chuckling at his little mistake, Alvis removed the pressure that was acting on all of Earth.


With that, a cursing wave was sent into Alvis's brain from all over the planet. He gave a chuckle that sent chills through everyone in the room and those viewing from afar. Even though they didn't know why, they just felt that more cursing would make something bad happen.

"Have a seat, Ajak. Oh, I forgot to tell you, some of those mythological leaders on Earth were Eternals, such as our lovely boy there, Gilgamesh. This should give you a better picture of the Eternals and their status."


Hearing that, finally, those leaders of Earth turned their heads, looking at Ajak and the Eternals with shocked expressions. But what they didn't know was that the shock was just starting.

As Ajak sat on his right side, clearing his throat, Alvis continued his narrative.

"On the left, we can see our renowned Earthling, Anthony Edward 'Tony' Stark, a future leader in the technology and science department of Earth. If it works out, perhaps even the universe. Tony, please have a seat. Thank you."


Continuing his narrative, Alvis began introducing the remaining hidden civilizations on Earth, delivering an intense and hurtful slap of reality to all Earth leaders. As they grappled with the realization that they knew very little about their planet, Alvis continued his revelations.


"On our left, the individuals adorned in tribal attire—don't let their clothing lower your gaze on them. They represent one of, if not the most concealed civilization on Earth. Let's welcome Wakanda, the most advanced and strongest country on Earth Have a seat king of Wakanda T'Chaka ."


As Alvis uttered these words, all the leaders of Earth shifted their focus to the Wakandans. Thoughts began brewing among them, encompassing both positive and negative sentiments. 


However, the majority of these thoughts leaned towards the negative, as multiple leaders contemplated strategies on how to confront or undermine Wakanda. Alvis, being a calculative individual, keenly observed these reactions from their faces. He coughed subtly, but the cough carried a hint of pressure, signaling his awareness of the leaders' hidden agendas.

"You're all still calculative and greedy bastards. You still don't understand your position, right? Maybe by the end of the meeting, you will comprehend why your little thoughts won't have much effect after today." Alvis shamed the leaders of Earth, and they glared at him with hatred. However, Alvis paid them no mind, as he had far more significant matters at hand than to concern himself with these narrow-minded individuals.

"As we continue speaking of civilization, shall we discuss the nearest one first? For today, Earth shall understand the truth about this universe. Lift your belts and stand ready, humans, as a little truth hidden in plain sight will be revealed today." Alvis's voice carried a hint of mystery, and the people still standing felt the urge to curse Alvis for the length of his introduction. However, as a sign of respect, they agreed instinctively.

"Ahem, ahem. First, let's start with our lovely human mutated brothers and sisters, The Inhumans. Residents of Earth and the Moon, please have a seat. Blackbolt, after the meeting, we can discuss what land you want." Alvis received a nod from Blackbolt and continued his narrative, despite receiving death glares from multiple leaders of Earth.

"As you all know, the universe is vast, and, of course, Earth couldn't be the only place where life exists, right? Shall we break the false truth? On the left, the old man with the staff looks weak, right? No, you all guessed wrong. This old man with the staff is GOD KING ODIN, THE MYTHOLOGICAL GOD OF Nordic mythology. Scared, aren't you? Hahaha, but still, this won't scare you in the end..." As the leaders of Earth turned their heads to Odin, examining him as he sat on his seat, Odin sent a glare to the leaders, scaring them. Shifting their eyes to the people in the room, their thoughts began brewing about what and from where the people still standing could be, but their imagination still couldn't answer them.

"As we continue speaking about civilizations and life, shall we speak about the leaders of the cosmic space of our beautiful universe? On the left and right side, respectively, from Nova Empire, the Leader of Xandarinas and the space corps protectors of the universe and safety of the people, Irani Rael, have a seat." Giving Irani Rael a nod, Alvis shifted his sight to the Supreme as a headache in his mind began brewing up.


"Now, with the last remaining Cosmic Empire, The Kree Empire. What shall I say about them other than a lunatic Empire? Let's leave it there; it's better. Have a seat, Supreme Intelligent, and stop tampering with the network before I break your head off." Not knowing what and how to introduce The Kree Empire, Alvis threatened her as he stopped he turned his head to Thanos then to Kang the Conqueror.

"Speaking about lunatics, how about we speak about one of the leaders of the Extra-Dimensional War Department? The previous Cosmic Civilizations will be our Cosmic Department for the safety of the universe. We couldn't leave our space free to be hit on, right? So, let's have an applause for The Mad Titan Thanos, leader of one of the most ruthless semi-civilizations or the strongest terrorist organization in the universe. Our enemies shall test the taste of depression and sadness from his purple fist."


As Alvis joked about Thanos' look and characteristics, receiving a deep glare of contempt from him, Alvis glared back with a purplish color appearing in his eyes. This earned more contempt from Thanos as he seated himself next to Tony Stark, scaring him.

Looking at Kang and then to Uatu The Watcher, Alvis had more headaches on how to introduce a time lunatic and a cosmic god. Sighing in his mind, he coughed, gaining everyone's attention as his coughing had a hint of authority and strength to it.


"Now, what do you all think the end of creation can be?" Receiving no answer, Alvis's eyes glowed in white colors as he stated, "Time is the end. As you look to your right, the black man with greenish attire, the person who resides at the end of time, Kang the Conqueror. A fellow Earthling and can be said the controller of time, destiny, and fate. Funny, right? The one who controls destiny is a mortal but still the most insane person besides me and Thanos. So, let's applaud to the second leader of the Extra-Dimensional War Department and the future nightmare for our enemies."

For the first time, a round of applause happened in confusion. Instinctively, Alvis activated his scanning ability, finding that those leaders had a hint of time power. Turning his head to Kang the Conqueror, who somehow seated himself next to Thanos in what appeared to be a fraction of a second, Alvis patted the table, removing the influence of time from the leaders of Earth, who were scared to their wits.


"Kang, don't you think manipulating time to go faster and physically go to person by person, moving them to clap for you, is a little childish? Sigh." Sighing, Alvis turned his head to Uatu, who is the only and the last one standing, or it can be said floating, as his narrative continued.


"Sighing, see, this is what I said about being a lunatic who has the power of gods. Do this. Sigh. Okay, so let's introduce our final ally. Let's go a little beyond in this. What do you all think exists beyond the universe? Hmm, I think I asked the wrong question, as what happened today shall answer it. But let me be more explanatory here. Outside of the cosmic wall, which protects our universe, there is a space. That space, which is above the materialistic and the third dimension, is the multiverse sea." 


As Alvis began narrating, he raised his hand, and colors of red and blackish purple appeared. A singularity emerged from this, "the big bang," as Alvis said, the singularity exploded. From within this cosmic explosion, a miniature universe appeared.

"As you all can see, this miniature ball is the universe; outside it is..." As Alvis continued speaking, a cyan color warped the miniature universe. "Let's say this is the cosmic wall." As the cyan warped the ball, a deep dark color appeared, and the colors began overflowing from Alvis's hand, consuming the table. It began floating, shaping itself first from a gas-like structure into a liquid, sea-like physics. "This is the multiversal sea, but I don't think this gives you a good picture, as the person you see there holds a great status..." Continued his speech, but this time everyone's focus was shifted little to Uatu, as many, even those who are in higher status than Earth, are a little confused.

Snapping his fingers, a deep sound which holds great authority, and colors of all spectra appeared in a flash as the miniature ball began dividing, much like how cells divide—one becomes two, two becomes four, until the whole void-like sea became colorful with balls. "Hahahaha, look closer as the being sitting together with us overlooks this all as a god." As Alvis said that, a miniature Uatu the Watcher appeared in front of every universe on this multiversal sea. As this happened, everyone in the room shifted their sight to Uatu with great fear and respect. "The Abstract and the cosmic god, Uatu the Watcher—one of, if not the strongest being in all creation."

Click, as if a trigger was pulled. All the leaders began disbelieving Alvis's words. The voices of the leaders of all countries started to crescendo, the emotional impact reverberating through the room and beyond. The earthlings on Earth, whether in the room or scattered across the globe, were hit with an intense and powerful wave of disbelief. Even though they had witnessed multiple examples of the multiverse throughout the day, the sheer magnitude of Alvis's revelations was difficult to fathom.


Uatu the Watcher sat, observing the unfolding situation, sighing in his mind. His thoughts echoed those of everyone else in the Marvelous Alliance. *What exactly are you trying to accomplish, Alvis Bright?* The question lingered in the minds of the cosmic entities and leaders alike.


As the round of ranting and disbelieving continued, Alvis, finding the need to restore order, began tapping the table. The sound of tapping grew louder and louder, creating a rhythmic beat that permeated the room. What the leaders didn't know was that the sound waves from the tapping extended far beyond the confines of the room. Alvis, with his connection to all creatures on Earth, ensured that the tapping resonated throughout the entire planet.


As the tapping continued for a considerable amount of time, the final tap carried an undeniable pressure. It fell upon the leaders like a weight, instantly silencing them. The room, once filled with chaotic voices, now embraced a profound silence. The pressure, both physical and metaphorical, warped the very atmosphere of the space, emphasizing Alvis's control and authority.


In the stillness, Alvis surveyed the gathered leaders, their expressions ranging from shock to acceptance. The room, now under the grasp of an eerie calm, awaited the next revelation in this cosmic saga.


"Finally, silence. I didn't even speak about the enemies we are going to have or the bigger picture of what is going to happen. Sigh. That's why I said you can't control the situation. Not even one of you could hold himself and his emotions together when a little hurtful truth was told," Alvis's words carried a hint of mockery.


"Let's show everyone, and Earthlings specifically, the bigger picture and let them judge who has a better plan for Earth." As Alvis spoke, the black multiversal sea began to move around, shaping itself into a ball. The color of the newly created ball changed into a bluish hue. "This is our multiverse outside it. Hehehe, the scariest reality and the most honorific truth to be told to anyone." As Alvis said that, he tapped the table, and a black smoke began exiting from it. The smoke flowed similarly to what happened during the explanation of the multiverse sea. The gaseous smoke started to condense into a liquid, and the blue ball fell into it.


"But we can't be alone in this vast space, right?" The horror was just beginning as Alvis tapped the table again. His finger glowed in a blackish-purplish color, and the bluish ball began duplicating. As the ball increased in numbers, its colors started changing. The multiplication continued until it consumed the entire table. The leaders of Earth and the Earthlings around the table began shaking. They didn't know why, but the truth was that Alvis, in that moment, unconsciously used divinity, letting them feel the weight of the omniverse at its lowest percentage. The room was now immersed in a tangible sense of awe and terror as the cosmic display unfolded before them.


"THIS IS THE OMNIVERSE, THE PLACE THAT HOLDS INFINITE REALITIES AND MULTIVERSES. IT HOLDS THE INFINITE CREATIVITY AND IMAGINATION OF ALL CREATION, BE IT FALSE OR REAL, THE LAST AND THE FUTURE, THE BEGINNING AND THE END." As Alvis passionately exclaimed these words, the room was now immersed in the profoundness of the omniverse. The leaders of Earth the Earthlings and the people sitting around the table were overwhelmed by the realization of the vastness that extended far beyond their previous understanding of the universe. The weight of infinite possibilities and the complex tapestry of existence left them in silent contemplation, realizing that their comprehension of reality had been forever altered.


"Do you think this is the end, hahahaha?" Alvis continued, and the ball in the sea began changing colors, transitioning to red and blue. Only a few remained blue, while many turned red. "Hehehehhe," Alvis laughed with a horrific tone. "You may have comprehended what I want to say, right? The blue are our friends, and the red are our enemies. Hahahaha! The portals that appeared around the globe and in the universe, many of them are connected to us, to these realities and multiverse. Now, with your small minds, calculate how many of them are red and how many are blue. Hahhahahahahhahaha." But what Alvis received was not an answer, be it from the allies or from the leaders of the countries of Earth, as they looked at the numerous reddish balls.


Deadpool, with his goofy personality, began counting the numbers of red balls, and as he counted, Alvis, seeing that, sighed. 'I should throw this guy somewhere.'

"Why should we believe you? How can we know you're not just making stuff up?" said Matthew Ellis, the President of the United States of America. His feelings about what was going on were complicated, and he wasn't sure if he should trust this masked figure. This sentiment resonated not only with him but also with other leaders in the room.


Hearing the president's words, a meaningful smile appeared on Alvis's mask as he turned his head to Alexander Pierce. Alvis's eyes glowed in red colors, causing Alexander Pierce's body to shake uncontrollably. The soldiers in the room wanted to raise their weapons, but golden ropes bound them in place. Confusion spread among the people present as Alvis left hand glowed in golden color's meaning that he who had cast the magic, Odin, the Ancient One, glanced in confusion. Others in the room were equally baffled, not understanding what was happening.


As the red colors enveloped Alexander Pierce, Alvis raised his hand, and a holographic screen appeared in the middle of the room. The screen played a video in which Alvis spoke the following words, "President is pulling down lurking rats, and traitors will win over your trust and maybe others too?" As Alvis said that, the holographic screen began playing scenes from the future. It included snippets from Avengers movies and Agent of Shield series.


"HYDRA!" Some leaders of Earth screamed as the video depicted scenes of Hydra's future destruction and plans for Earth. The leaders saw Alexander Pierce multiple times in the video, along with other respected leaders and politicians. The scent of betrayal permeated the room as people started looking at many other leaders and politicians with deep hatred or disgust.


Kang the Conqueror and Thanos cursed in their minds as they looked at Alvis with the thought, 'He's manipulating the narrative. Don't trust this guy.' The same thought echoed in the minds of multiple other allies. Nick Fury, in the distance, glared at Alexander Pierce with complicated feelings. His friend and his previous and current boss was a traitor, a revelation that Alvis had shared with him before, prompting Fury to dig deep into information that even he found disgusting – from human experiments to slavery.



"Bastards! Soldiers, take these people to prison!" Matthew Ellis cursed out loud as he summoned the soldiers, only to find them still frozen in ropes. He shifted his sight to Alvis, waiting for an answer, his feelings of betrayal and hatred brewing at the realization of Hydra existing so close to him.


"Relax, Mr. President. Leave Hydra to me. I have a plan for them. I promise you won't be seeing them anymore. And to the other leaders, don't worry, these rats won't exist anymore after today," said Alvis. He removed the magic cast upon the soldiers and also withdrew his powers from Alexander Pierce. However, a small reddish color flashed inside Pierce's eyes before he disappeared from existence.


"I think now you all should understand and comprehend the bigger picture of what is happening and what is going to happen. If you still don't believe in me, wait a little longer, as many things should come from the portals soon. But I don't know why you still disbelieve me. Didn't you all feel and see the examples in front of you today? Hadn't that feeling of death and oblivion that premeditates reality? Nevermind that. Don't you all have supernatural powers now? Isn't this the best answer?" Alvis spoke, sensing that some leaders and even some allies still didn't believe in him. Although he didn't have the power to see who was trusting him or not, he could feel it. 'I should restudy my body. I don't think I'm still mortal anymore,' he thought, as the thoughts continued to brew in his mind.


"Let's say you're telling the truth, whatever you are. If I remember right, Fury called you Alvis Bright, right? What benefits are we getting from this alliance, and the most important question is, what are the benefits that you are getting from this alliance? I don't think you're that heroic to be acting as a leader for the benefit of the people. Am I right?" said General Thunderbolt Ross.


Looking at Ross, Alvis smiled a little, thinking, 'hooked, hahahaha.' As he began speaking, "Ross, right? Speaking about the benefits of the alliance... Hmm, let's say that globally, everything will become better—technology, medicine, and life. As you can see, everything has become supernatural, so no one exactly can tell you how big and far we can go now. 


Anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar. So, as I said before, with multiple created departments, Earth and the universe as a whole will have a collective connection. You should understand how big the benefits of being in the alliance are. If we spoke about economics, we will not be able to finish even if we spoke all day long. 


That also goes with can't. Don't limit your imagination to the universe; even if we don't receive benefits from it now, we can always go to the next reality, as we can go beyond our esteemed world." 



"Too good to be true, don't you think so? And still, you haven't told us what benefits you're getting from it," said Thunderbolt Ross, skeptical despite a lingering wish for the alliance to be genuine. He couldn't trust Alvis, no matter what, as if there was an inherent barrier preventing it.


Hearing Ross's words, Alvis looked at him deeply, then to the people in the room, shifting his eyesight one by one. Every color of the spectrum began appearing, flickering into reality and disappearing.


"If you want to know so bad, the benefits I will receive are many. One is that one of my dreams will become a reality. This is a personal one, so I won't speak further into it. The second, before I say it, I should apologize for every death that happened after the appearance of the portals, as I have a little influence on why everything happened as the trickster pulled his string's making everything happens by using me as source again I apologize for that…. The second important benefit I will receive is the truth. It may appear to be simple; you won't understand what I mean, even if I show you what happened," Alvis finished his words. A feeling of detachment appeared for a second, shifting Alvis's focus. His eyes glowed in purplish colors, but as the yells of the leaders began, Alvis turned his head to them.


As the curses grew more and more, not just from the room but from all over the planet, Alvis comprehended a lot of things. His contribution to the destruction and death that happened on Earth couldn't be washed away, even if he wanted to. The weight of his actions bore down on him, and he knew that trust would not come easily, if at all.

As the yelling and curses slowed over time, a full five minutes passed. Looking at everyone in the room as hatred and distrust bloomed, Alvis, in an emotionless voice, spoke as his eyes glowed in reddish colors.


"First of all, you're into the alliance by force, not by choice. I'm giving benefits so I don't appear as a dictator. Second, if I don't limit the portals and contain them in less than half an hour, the strongest one of them, maybe even from one portal or maybe even one person, can erase the whole planet. 


Not scary enough? Some beings can even destroy the whole multiverse. Could you all imagine that? So, I may appear as a dictator for controlling y'all, but you shall understand and keep in mind that even if I was the trigger, without me, you all will die and be obliterated. So, you either join and be protected and see a better future, or you disapprove of my leadership and control and lose and be destroyed. Even in death, you will not feel relieved. I can give you time, but after that, you won't have my generosity. So, what is your answer, Earth leaders and humanity?"

The room fell into an eerie silence as Alvis's words echoed, leaving the leaders and Earthlings in a state of contemplation. The weight of the impending threat, the vastness of the multiverse, and the reality-altering powers displayed by The Trickster left them in a state of uncertainty. The leaders exchanged hesitant glances, their minds grappling with the enormity of the choice before them.

General Thunderbolt Ross, though skeptical, found himself and other's compelled by the undeniable evidence of the threats looming beyond their comprehension. The visions of the future, the existence of Hydra, and the sheer power Alvis possessed left him with little choice but to consider the offered alliance seriously. Ross hesitated for a moment before speaking, "What assurances do we have that you won't turn against us? Your power is beyond anything we've ever seen. How can we trust someone who wields the force of gods?"

Alvis Straightened his back as crossed his arms ,his mask hiding any expression. "Trust is a fragile thing, General Ross. It's built over time, and I understand your skepticism. But consider this – you have no other option. The threats facing Earth and the entire multiverse are not of my making. I'm offering you a chance at survival, at progress, and at uncovering the truths that have been hidden from you. As for assurances, all I can promise is that my goals align with the preservation of life and the pursuit of a better future. You can choose to believe or not, but your survival may depend on that choice."

The room remained silent as the leaders contemplated their next move. The images of the multiverse, the cosmic entities, and the threats that loomed beyond their understanding lingered in their minds. The uncertainty and fear painted a complex tapestry of emotions. Finally, President Matthew Ellis broke the silence, his voice carrying the weight of the decisions he had to make for the entire planet. 


"We have no other option. We must join this alliance for the survival of Earth. But, Alvis Bright, remember this – our trust is not freely given. It will be earned, and any betrayal will be met with consequences." Alvis nodded, acknowledging the cautious acceptance. "Trust, Mr. President, is a two-way street. 

I understand your concerns, and I assure you that my actions will speak louder than words. Now, let's discuss the next steps in securing Earth's future." 


As the leaders began deliberating on the terms of the alliance and the measures to be taken, Alvis's mind delved into the complexities of the omniverse as he cut down the holographic screen and closing down the higher consciousness connection with earth and humanity. The weight of his decisions and the consequences of his actions bore heavily on his shoulders. 


The journey towards unification had begun, and the fate of Earth hung in the balance. In the vastness of the multiverse, alliances were forged, destinies were intertwined, and the Marvelous Alliance navigated the cosmic currents towards an uncertain future. The unification of the universe was a cosmic dance, and Alvis Bright, the Transcendent Singularity, played his part in the intricate symphony of existence.

"Alvis Bright... The script is being written as we speak. Can you feel it? Will you break it? Perhaps you'll comprehend the game as you navigate its twists. Maybe, just maybe, if you hadn't initiated it, you wouldn't be here. Will you emerge as a dictator? A hero? A villain? A god? A creator? A destroyer? A writer? An author? Or will you become the only and the last... The pathways have been paved. Will you finally break the loop? Numerous questions are being asked. Will you provide the answers? Let's see..." The voice resonated in the void, transcending the omniverse, dwelling in a realm higher than anything imaginable, a place elevated even beyond the main multiverse.

"The authority of writing holds great power on its own; crafting the abstract into words poses a challenge even for the brightest minds." Beyond

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