
Transcending Reality: The Singularity's Awakening {Hiatus}

“In the realm of fiction, the mind unfurls its imaginative wings, conjuring desires and worlds beyond our grasp. It offers a sanctuary, an escape from a somber reality, or perhaps a glimpse into the lives we long for. What if this tapestry of imagination became tangible, every desire a reality, and you the central character of an extraordinary tale? Would it remain fiction, or would it meld with the essence of reality? Picture the liberation of detachment, stepping into a world that mirrors your dreams. As you ascend or descend into its depths, what unfolds is a journey beyond the ordinary—a journey through the boundless realms of your own creation.” Disclaimer I own my idea and world building and og characters https://www.patreon.com/BeyondTheWriter there will be updates about the novel there until I understand how to build a community.

_Beyond · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter 23: Unveiling the Portal

In a realm where power held no dominion, where the mind could not grasp, and the soul met its demise in the very presence of an inexplicable force, even the concept of dimension unraveled. Here, beyond the reach of the wildest imagination, a being peered down upon all of creation—past, present, and the unknown future.

"Narrative... uttering all that, yet describing the place is a contradiction in itself. Nevermind, you're already beyond the grasp of mortality, so the plot has unfurled, the threads of destiny woven, and all players will, or have, arrived. It's bound to be a spectacle. Let's witness if anyone can traverse the unfolding chaos…"

In the wreckage of a New York street, before the colossal red portal, Alvis sat cross-legged. His eyes, visible through the holes in his mask, emitted crimson auras and colors that flickered in and out of reality. As he raised his hand, scrutinizing the red aura it exuded, his attention remained fixed on the distant portal.

"Interesting. So, from whose power exactly are you emerging? Chaos, abyssal, or perhaps something else?" Alvis questioned. From the forehead hole, an eye, not existing in any known spectrum, opened up. It was his soul eye embodiment, now infused with divine level of power, elevated by his previous conceptual might. As the eye opened, a color not existing in any known or unknown spectrum flickered.

As reality in front of Alvis's divine eyesight broke the perception of reality apart, disintegrating into its finest pixels of information, dimensions became little puzzle pieces. He raised his hand, and a red aura surrounded it.

"Interesting. Even at a divine level, process with the help of divine soul eyesight couldn't find you. It seems I can utilize you with omni-essence to warp reality to my desired idea. So, what exactly are you?" Alvis mused aloud as he began warping the pixels of reality. Red lines extended from his fingertips, touching the fragments of reality, and they started to instinctively consume them. Suddenly, Alvis cut the connection between them.

"Interesting..." he remarked. As he felt his energy surge by a hundred thousand points receiving another omni-essence point. "Consuming, absorbing, and killing—it truly become more rewarding. Or was it rewarding from before at the same level? What do you think, Uatu? As a cosmic being, you should know more..."

Turning his head to Uatu The Watcher and Deadpool walking towards him, Hearing Alvis's words, Uatu arrived next to him and said, "Reality has changed, a power of unknown magnitude tampered with an infinite amount of preexisting rules changing everyone physiology and empowerment them with some kind of conceptual framework. Even we, the cosmic and abstract beings, couldn't escape its influence the rewarding effect of consumption killing and absorption is a tempered effect of that being power it wasn't like that before..."

As Uatu spoke, he raised his hand towards the distant red portal. Cosmic energy flowed through his hand, and he gripped the air in front of him. A bluish color bloomed around his hand, causing the space around the portal to crumble, and dimensions were erased in the process.

Alvis focused intently on the situation, witnessing something illogical unfolding. Reality, dimension, and space around the portal were erased to oblivion, yet the portal remained unaffected.

"As you see, Alvis, even my power couldn't influence it..." Uatu stated. Both Alvis and Deadpool focused on the erased space, reality, and dimensions that began healing itself at a staggering rate. In mere seconds, everything returned to normal, and even the erased street reverted to its previous state.

"It's not that your power couldn't influence it; it's beyond your spectrum altogether," Alvis remarked. He raised his hand, and a red aura with hints of purple and gold bloomed. The distant portal began shaking. In response, a golden portal appeared next to Alvis, from which emerged The Ancient One, Mordo, and Alice, witnessing the unfolding scene.

Amidst the cosmic disturbance, a strange chant interrupted the air was heard by Alvis alone:

Knock Knock. Who's there? Knock Knock. Who's there?

It's me, it's me. I'm the one, I'm the one. 

I can see you, I can see you.

I can feel you, I can feel you. 

Singularity, we are back.


Sitting cross-legged, Alvis continued to scrutinize the portal. The eye on his forehead gazed into its depths, attempting to decipher it. However, he abruptly ceased his tampering with the portal as a peculiar feeling crept over him. The chanting that appeared and the ominous sense that something was amiss urged him to cut off his connection with the portal. He could sense that the source of power resonated from the abyssal portal are similar to his own.

Channeling the peculiar power associated with the red color to his forehead, he linked it with his soul eye. For the first time, Alvis could see beyond; he witnessed what lay behind the portal.

"We're fucked even more now. Can't we have a day of rest, for God's sake?" Alvis exclaimed. He jumped from the ground, his gaze fixed on the distant portal with contempt.

Beyond the red portal lay a terrifying creation that would send shivers down the spine of anyone witnessing it. An army comprised of an infinite number of skeletons marched forward, accompanied by an unknown horde of zombies. Colossal, illogical shadows moved in unison with them. What intensified the gravity of the situation for Alvis was the unsettling revelation through his soul eye. A burgeoning sense of hatred and pressure emanated from this unseen force, prompting Alvis, with his keen mindset and wisdom, to calculate that beings more potent than his own life form were converging with the approaching army.

As a singularity, the presence of a lifeform surpassing his own could only signify one thing – that there exists a comparable singularity on the other side as well.

Hearing Alvis's words and witnessing his actions, The Ancient One and The Watcher exchanged glances before turning their attention to the portal. Alice, perplexed like the others, directed her question at Alvis, voicing the curiosity shared by everyone present. "Mmm, Alvis, what's going on?" Confusion etched across her face, mirroring the sentiments of the rest. Indeed, a lot had transpired in the matter of a singular day.

Turning his head to Alice, Alvis's eyes showed a hint of anger. "There's an army coming toward us and they are stronger than us by magnitude….." Upon hearing Alvis's words, everyone standing next to him turned their heads toward the portal. Emotions differed from one person to another, and a range of expressions played out on their faces.

The faces of The Ancient One and The Watcher didn't change much, but the aura around them hinted at something else. Mordo and Alice displayed a hint of fear and pain, having endured a multitude of challenges in a single day—containing enemies, killing them, and protecting and healing humans. Deadpool, on the other hand, pulled out his katanas, jumping in happiness.

"Sigh... I can buy us a year or so, but it will be more troublesome to contain after that. It's the abyss; I can't handle it, and I don't think anyone can win against them at all. Never mind, you won't understand even if I told you. Ancient One, give me the Time Gem." 

Observing the confusion manifesting in their faces as he spoke about the abyss, Alvis realized that something was tampering with their comprehension. His Divine Soul Eye, coupled with the peculiar power sharing a similar spectrum with the abyssal power, allowed him to perceive thin, compressed lines of runic letters appearing when he discussed it—shielding information from others.

The Ancient One raised her hand, warping the air around her to open a portal linking to Stark Tower. She retrieved the Agamotto Eye from the table, and as the Eye fell into her hand, she passed it to Alvis. Everyone watched as he sat down again in a cross-legged position, a golden aura appearing in his hand. Simultaneously, the Eye of Agamotto opened up.

As this happened, a thought crossed Alvis's mind, "It seems she really taught me the shielding spell that protects the Time Gem inside the Agamotto Eye. Interesting, this level of trust—what did she see in me that day to teach me wholeheartedly?" Memories began to flood back, drawing him into the depths of the past.

In the mirror dimension, Alvis, alongside Mordo and the Ancient One, sat in a cross-legged meditation position, forming a circle. A magical energy flowed between them, and vibrant colors blossomed in the air. One particular hue caught the attention of the Ancient One and Mordo, prompting them to break from their meditative trance. Alvis, surrounded by a purplish aura, became the focal point of their intrigued gazes.

Observing the unfolding situation, where Alvis wielded an unusual magical energy, Mordo turned to the Ancient One with a puzzled expression. "Sorcerer Supreme, are you certain he isn't tapping into another magical source? These colors seem far from ordinary, and their potency, as witnessed earlier, even surpassed our revered pillar."

In response to Mordo's inquiry, the Ancient One regarded him with a trace of amusement and replied, "Rest assured, he is untainted. Alvis is not harnessing the powers of a demon god; rather, he draws upon his own unique abilities. However, our enigmatic companion harbors a destiny of great significance. Even he remains unaware of the profound power he holds. It is in everyone's best interest that he refrains from meddling too deeply with these mysteries."

However, the smooth flow of events was not to be, for around Alvis's body, a dark reddish color bloomed, casting an ominous glow throughout the mirror space. This hue began to consume and tamper with the spatial dimensions, causing time to stagger and reality to fracture. Multiple breaches in reality emerged, connecting to parallel universes. Witnessing this disturbance, the Ancient One swiftly moved into action, opening the Eye of Agamotto. Channeling the power of the time gem within, a peculiar magical circle, tinged with a surreal blend of green and gold, materialized. This circle warped the space around them, focusing particularly on Alvis.

"SEE, I TOLD YOU HE ISN'T SAFE AT ALL! HE'S TAMPERING WITH A LOT OF POWERS THAT HE DOESN'T EVEN UNDERSTAND!" Mordo's voice echoed through the space, his frustration evident as he yelled at the Ancient One. He glared at Alvis, who remained motionless, seemingly on the verge of unleashing a force capable of jeopardizing not only everyone present but also causing the collapse of the entire mirror dimension, colliding with the Marvel Cinematic Universe and initiating an incursion.

Upon hearing Mordo's passionate screams, the Ancient One shifted her gaze from him to Alvis. With a stern expression, she rotated her hand, setting a magical circle into motion. Time itself began to rewind, an attempt to mitigate the impending damage wrought by Alvis. As seconds passed, Alvis's closed eyes snapped open. The crimson aura surrounding him started flowing backward, and the destructive consequences of his actions began to retract. With the combined efforts of Alvis and the Ancient One's magic, the mirror dimension gradually returned to its previous state of tranquil equilibrium.

Witnessing Alvis awaken, the Ancient One regarded him with a mixture of disdain and curiosity. "Care to explain, Alvis Bright?" she demanded. Alvis, still surrounded by the swirling crimson hues, glanced at his hands, seemingly uncertain of how to respond. With the Ancient One and Mordo at a distance, he opened his mouth, but no words emerged. He was caught in a moment of introspection as memories flowed backward.

Within the confines of Alvis's mind palace, a surreal scene unfolded. He floated amidst a battle against vibrant reddish entities. Confusion reflected in his eyes as these entities, resembling his own form, exhibited a heightened intelligence and an illogical nature.

"Alvis Bright, I, we, you, me—are one. Seek the truth, and you will discover the path forward. Our power is proven. I, we, you, me—are not real. Do not tamper with us too much," echoed a cryptic message from these entities, emphasizing a unity that transcended individual identity.

Following the enigmatic message from the reddish entities, they erupted into an explosion of vibrant energy, enveloping Alvis and cocooning him within its ethereal embrace. Seconds elapsed, and then, with a burst of crimson radiance, Alvis emerged from the cocoon. His reddish eyes glowed intensely as a substantial aura enveloped him, cascading throughout the mind palace. 

The fabric of reality twisted into a surreal dance where up became down, down became up, and the end point seamlessly morphed into the starting point. Words transformed into images, books metamorphosed into movies, and the very essence of reality experienced both downgrades and upgrades.

In the midst of this illogical metamorphosis, Alvis's eyes revealed a glimmer of profound wisdom, a depth beyond the norm of human perception. Sensing an impending event, a book levitated from the memory library, unfurling its pages. Inscribed on its cover were the words: "Emergency Protocols," authored by Alvis Bright.

As the book's pages unfurled, Alvis's eyes illuminated in a profound greyish-white glow. With a voice resonating deep clarity, he uttered, "Process Emergence Protocol One." 

Almost instinctively, Alvis took command of the reddish aura enveloping him, attempting to control and contain its ethereal essence. In a moment of unexpected coherence, the reddish aura seemingly comprehended his command, obediently retracting and merging back into Alvis as directed.

"The hell was that? Good thing I wrote you down; I'm more happy that you're functioning, hahahaha!" Alvis exclaimed with a hearty laugh, reveling in the success of the Emergency Protocols. He caught the book mid-air, a happy smile spreading across his face as he delved into its contents. The initial letters alone widened his grin.

"Emergency Protocols: a book that will journey with you into eternity and beyond, Alvis. Always remember to update the protocols; they serve as your last resort and ultimate fallback. In any emergency situation, this book will overwrite your own will, deploying supernatural processes to overcome the crisis. Note that if it fails, try creating a save point in the future."

As Alvis continued to focus on the book, examining the protocols meticulously organized into different tabs and sections, he felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. This creation, born on a whim, surpassed his expectations. Though unaware of the subtle effects the recent illogical events had on him, Alvis reveled in the success of a creation he had doubted.

As Alvis's smile widened, the reddish aura began to overflow once again. His attention finally shifted towards it, and a sense of curiosity mingled with caution took hold. "What the hell are you? And why do I have you? Process, scan it."

The response that echoed back left Alvis with more questions than answers. "Process description: Unknown, Unknown, Unknown. Couldn't be identified."

In response to this enigmatic description, Alvis, driven by instinct, instinctively manipulated the reddish aura surrounding him. There was a feeling within him that suggested the potential to tamper with reality, to break it, and even to reshape it. Fragments of information seemed to be encoded within this reddish aura, and though he couldn't explain how he understood it, an intuition or a subtle inkling told him that utilizing it could prove beneficial. However, a shadow of warning lingered, hinting that while it held advantages, it might also unleash unforeseen troubles upon the unfolding narrative.

"You're weird, but I like you," Alvis remarked with a quirk of his lips. His gaze fixated on the reddish aura, odd eyes reflecting a sense of intrigue and a subtle liking for the mysterious power. Meanwhile, the Emergency Protocol book unfolded once again, and the {Freedom} tab glowed in ethereal white hues. In response, Alvis's eyes also emanated a radiant white glow. With these synchronized occurrences, the reddish colors exhibited a heightened intelligence, returning to a state of nonexistence.

"Interesting, tampering with my mind and will—illogical and mysterious. What an interesting power..." Alvis deadpanned, his facial expression giving away little. A faint twitch suggested a cascade of thoughts and emotions beneath the surface, leaving an air of enigma that no observer could decipher.

Feeling that he had spent considerable time within the confines of his mind palace, Alvis shifted his consciousness back to the tangible world. Before fully returning, he cast a fleeting glance at the Emergency Protocol book, a spark of an idea igniting in his mind—a matter to be addressed in the future.

As time resumed its forward march in the unfolding situation, Mordo's accusing words pierced the air. "Alvis Bright, what demon god did you start worshiping?" Mordo's gaze bore a weight of contempt, a lingering resentment from the previous day when Alvis had delivered a punch that had not been reciprocated. Now, presented with an opportunity to retaliate, Mordo was poised not to let it slip away.

In response to Mordo's accusatory question, Alvis met his gaze with a deadpan expression before shifting his eyes to the Ancient One. He enveloped his fist with the reddish energy, addressing the Ancient One with a question of his own. "Ancient One, does this power bear resemblance to chaos magic, or am I losing my sanity?" As he spoke, Alvis manipulated reality in front of him, conjuring an apple from nonexistence. 

The act, though diminishing his energy to a certain extent, adhered to logical levels. Yet, the creation came at a price that seemed unsettling, even for Alvis himself.

Upon hearing Alvis's inquiry, the Ancient One shifted her attention to the spectacle of Alvis conjuring an object seemingly out of thin air. Her eyes fixed on the reddish energy enveloping his hand as he created. Raising her own hand, she took control of the floating apple, bringing it to her mouth and biting into it, savoring a fragment of the conjured fruit.

With an enigmatic light shimmering in her eyes, the Ancient One turned her gaze towards Alvis. "This is not chaos magic, nor is it Dark magic. They may share similarities, but they differ fundamentally. Chaos magic reshapes and controls reality at a higher level, and while it may or may not have the ability to create, yours exhibits a power that transcends reality itself. It seems to tamper with the rules, overcoming their very nature. Interesting. Here, try this spell. Let's see if you can tamper with time as well..."

As she uttered those words, the Ancient One extended her hand, and from the center of her chest, she summoned the Time Gem. The gem floated towards Alvis, prompting a question mark to materialize both in his mind and on his face as he contemplated the unexpected development before him.

Caught in a moment of confusion, Alvis extended his hand and caught the Time Gem, feeling a slight shake as it settled in his grip. As the gem rested in his palm, a flood of ideas surged through his mind. 

However, what intensified his contemplation was the sudden influx of memories—images of various time magic spells and the safeguard spell specifically designed to protect the Time Gem within the Eye of Agamotto. The unexpected revelation expanded the scope of possibilities in Alvis's mind, offering him glimpses into the intricate and potent realm of time manipulation.

In a state of perplexity, Alvis gazed at the Ancient One, unsure of how to articulate his thoughts on the unexpected gift of the Time Gem. His mind buzzed with questions—why entrust him with such power, and was she not concerned about the potential misuse? However, any uncertainty dissipated as he noticed the ominous smile on her face, a calculated expression that hinted at an understanding of his potential musings.

"Calculative old lady," Alvis thought with a wry internal smirk. Redirecting his attention to the Time Gem in his hand, he muttered, "Infinity Gems, huh? Didn't think I'd get this close to you so soon." As the words left his lips, Alvis manipulated the reddish aura around the Time Gem. 

The magical spell embedded in his mind unfolded, materializing into a vast, intricate magical circle. The colors of green, red, and purple bloomed within the circle, casting a surreal glow that permeated the surrounding space. With the initiation of the spell, the very fabric of reality began to undergo a transformative shift.

As the mirror dimension underwent a rapid transformation, the fabric of reality itself seemed to unravel and reshape at an exponential rate. The spatial dimensions expanded infinitely, and a surge of magical energies overflowed, creating a spectacle of cosmic proportions. Time, responding to the mystical forces at play, entered a state of flux—moving and slowing down in a dance of arcane power. Within this kaleidoscope of magical phenomena, the iconic Kamar-Taj mirror dimension itself underwent a profound metamorphosis.

Observing the unfolding spectacle, Mordo, standing beside the Ancient One, couldn't help but voice a question laden with significance, "Sorcerer Supreme, are you sure this guy is a human and not a god in the flesh?" The surge of magical energies in the air, reaching an intensity that compressed the very atmosphere, made it increasingly difficult to breathe. Mordo's inquiry reflected both awe and concern at the unprecedented display of power demonstrated by Alvis.

In response to Mordo's question, the Ancient One shifted her gaze from the mesmerizing transformation to Alvis, who appeared to wield god-like abilities within the mirror dimension. With a contemplative expression, she turned back to Mordo and uttered words that held a hint of mystery and foresight, "Not at all. I don't think he is even a mortal at all. That's why... you won't understand. Maybe in the future, the unfolding events will reveal more to us. But for now, we are locked into this particular existence." The enigmatic nature of Alvis's existence left both Mordo and the Ancient One with more questions than answers, emphasizing the intricate web of fate in which they found themselves entangled.

"What if?" The words slipped from Alvis's mouth, resonating with a profound curiosity that seemed to transcend the boundaries of mere speculation. The reddish aura surrounding him intensified, coalescing around the Time Gem with a precision that bespoke a unique connection between Alvis and the fabric of temporal existence.

"Time can move, but what if it couldn't exist..." Alvis uttered, and in the very breath that carried those words, time itself came to a standstill. The mirror dimension, a canvas woven with the threads of reality and temporal essence, froze in a momentary suspension. The only figures exempt from the temporal stasis were Alvis and the Ancient One, their mastery over the mystical forces allowing them to navigate the halted currents of time.

In this frozen tableau, the Time Gem radiated a brilliance that surpassed any previous luminosity. Its glow transcended the limits of the visual spectrum, bathing the surroundings in an ethereal radiance. Amidst this temporal inertia, a moment of clarity pierced through Alvis's eyes, and a laughter, hearty and laden with revelation, echoed within the confines of the suspended reality.

"So, you're alive. Hahaha, what an interesting piece of information to know," Alvis exclaimed, a spark of understanding and amusement dancing in his gaze. The profound manipulation of time had unraveled a hidden truth, a revelation that seemed to add yet another layer of complexity to the enigma that was Alvis Bright.

As memories flowed back into the current moment, Alvis remained cross-legged, fixated on the Time Gem. The hues of reddish, purplish, with hints of golden and green, wove an intricate dance around him. Those in close proximity instinctively moved a little further away, sensing the gravity of the mystical energies at play.

Alvis's eyes glowed with a divine power, transcending the conventional bounds of reality. His voice, devoid of any spectrum known to mortal ears, resonated through the fabric of existence. "Nemesis, help me contain the end," he commanded, as his words carrying a weight that hinted at an impending convergence of forces, a moment where the boundaries between creation and cessation blurred into an enigmatic whole.

As the Time Gem responded with vibrations, Alvis's concealed face beneath the mask twisted into a dark smile. A contemplative thought danced within his mind, acknowledging the profound mysteries of the world. 

"Interesting, this world is truly a mysterious place," he mused, the colors around him warping to create a magical circle. The onlookers instinctively distanced themselves, not out of choice but compelled by an overwhelming pressure that signaled the imminent breakdown of reality.

Behind Alvis, a magical circle manifested, radiating an aura of unrestrained power. His mask and garments decomposed, revealing the growing smile on his face. The onlookers observed in awe and trepidation as the pressure intensified. Alvis's soul eye, the embodiment of conceptual power, shone brilliantly, and a gear-like symbol manifested.

"I, the first to exist, the first to rule, the first to overcome, will be the last to stand. I will be the first to see the highest level. Let's see if you, the Abyss, will be there when I stand at the highest."

The cryptic proclamation resonated with a voice encoded for the ears of a singularity alone. In the distance, the colossal red portal quivered in response, seemingly acknowledging Alvis's words. The magical circle, now surrounding the portal, contained its chaotic energies. In a swift motion, a dark hand emerged from the portal, accompanied by a palpable sense of loss and impending doom that reverberated throughout the Marvel Multiverse.

As the hand pointed ominously towards Alvis, a collective shiver ran through the inhabitants of all Marvel multiverse, foretelling a looming confrontation with forces beyond comprehension.

Observing the emerging dark hand with a glint of amusement in his eyes, Alvis unleashed a hearty laugh. "Hahahaha, you've already lost, haven't you?" His eyes glowed with an intensified brilliance as the magical circle surrounding the colossal red portal began its work.

In a display of sheer power, the magical circle compressed the portal within dimensions and space. The reality surrounding the portal fractured and disintegrated, shifting its spectrum from the Marvel universe to the vast void beyond, to the nothingness that encompassed the realm between the main multiverse and the omniverse. It was a daring move, one that defied the conventions of his level, but Alvis, engulfed in the realm of madness, was determined not to yield to any force.

As the magical circle exerted its force, the dark hand that emerged from the portal started decomposing. Simultaneously, the entire portal staggered, freezing in both space and time. Runic symbols surrounding the magical circle began to glow intensely, signifying a surge of omni-energy. Alvis, sensing the powerful influx, shivered slightly, an uncertainty lingering in the air. He couldn't discern whether he had just accomplished something monumental or triggered a consequence of significant magnitude. The ambiguity of the moment left Alvis with an unsettling feeling.

Rising from his crossed-legged position, Alvis threw the time gem back to the Ancient One which she caught it in shaking hand. He turned his attention to the now-warped colossal red portal, surrounded by the remnants of his powerful magic circle. Addressing everyone, he stated, "For now, the worst is held at bay. I can't predict how long the spell will endure, but the power you felt when the hand emerged is the caliber of our impending adversary. When I say it's the most formidable foe we'll face, I don't exaggerate."

As the sound of helicopters echoed in the sky, Alvis surveyed the emotional aftermath among those present. Their instability was palpable in response to the formidable presence they had just confronted. Gazing skyward with heightened eyesight, he observed Fury, Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Coulson descending in a helicopter. The tremors of uncertainty marked their expressions, a testament to the gravity of the situation.

"So, Earth, would you prefer to be under my protection or continue under human control, risking your demise?" Behind the mask, Alvis pondered, a glint of ominous determination shining in his eyes.