
Transcending Reality: The Singularity's Awakening

“In the realm of fiction, the mind unfurls its imaginative wings, conjuring desires and worlds beyond our grasp. It offers a sanctuary, an escape from a somber reality, or perhaps a glimpse into the lives we long for. What if this tapestry of imagination became tangible, every desire a reality, and you the central character of an extraordinary tale? Would it remain fiction, or would it meld with the essence of reality? Picture the liberation of detachment, stepping into a world that mirrors your dreams. As you ascend or descend into its depths, what unfolds is a journey beyond the ordinary—a journey through the boundless realms of your own creation.” Disclaimer I own my idea and world building and og characters https://www.patreon.com/BeyondTheWriter there will be updates about the novel there until I understand how to build a community.

_Beyond · Komik
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32 Chs

Chapter 21 : The Arrival of Protagonists

In a narrative voice, Alvis began speaking, "From the beam of light, welcome Odin, God King of Asgard, with his two sons, the future king of Asgard, Thor Odinson, and the greatest magician in the whole nine realms, Loki Odinson." He continued, "And from the yellow box portal, welcome from beyond space, from the end of time and existence, let's welcome the last to remain, Kang the Conqueror. I really want to kill you right now, lucky you…"

"And let's clap for our friends, the Eternals, protectors of Earth, and the ones who want their god to consume Earth to be born. Funny, yeah?" Alvis added. "Also, let's welcome the one who wants to erase half of the universe, the mad titan Thanos, son of A'lars." He went on, "And how can our party end if we don't have some cosmic and abstract beings with us? Let's welcome, from the blue portal, our beloved The Watcher, the most lovable cosmic being in existence."

He concluded, "And how about two dictatorial galactic empires? Welcome from the Kree Empire, the great Supreme Intelligence. It seems you have established a physical manifestation. And how about the greatest empire in the universe, the protector and the police of space, The Nova Empire, Irani Rael."

In silence, the room filled with tension as a lot of secrets were spilled in a matter of seconds in Alvis's narrative. Tony Stark, seeing that, raised an eyebrow. Looking at God King Odin and observing The Watcher's big blue head and Thanos's purple appearance, Tony sighed. "So, demons, robots, galactic empires, gods, insane shapes, weird titles. Sigh, I need to drink something. Jarvis, bring me something," he said, as a small robot promptly brought him some alcohol to drink.

"Why all tensing up? You won't even have the time to fight each other even if you wanted, Kang, don't try your shitty time manipulation here. You won't be the last to remain here, trust me. Now, all of you, have a seat. We don't have all day long. Am I right, Ancient One?" As Alvis moved to the middle of the room, he rose his hand, consumed five omni-essences, and warped space, time, and reality, expanding the dimensions in the office. Materializing a round table with different chairs of varying heights, an orange portal appeared around the chair where Alvis sat. From it, the Ancient One, along with Alice and Mordo, emerged.

Seconds passed by as Odin, the Godking of Asgard, glanced at the Ancient One and nodded. Odin seated himself in front of Alvis as his sons stood behind him, Alvis who reciprocated with a nod. Shifting his gaze to The Watcher, Alvis nodded again. The Watcher floated to a chair that matched its height and seated itself. With no one else moving, Tony Stark picked the chair next to Alvis, with watch that have on it the holographic screen with Nick Fury. Seeing the lack of movement, Alvis chuckled.

"Thanos, have a seat. Your wish cannot be fulfilled anymore because now it's impossible. The rules have changed. Even with the Infinity Gems, you won't be able. But you can see a better future, a hero in a villain's costume," Alvis remarked. Hearing this, Thanos glared at Alvis and reluctantly seated himself in the farthest chair. Alvis then addressed the Eternals, "Ajak, the Eternals, your mission has fallen. You don't need to protect your god anymore. I don't think it's even needed. Am I right, Tiamut?"

Alvis hit the ground with omni-essence, sending ripples of energy and receiving a shake from the ground. He nodded to Ajak, who stood in front of all the Eternals. Ajak, acknowledging Alvis, nodded back and then sat next to Odin. They exchanged nods, and Alvis couldn't help but think, 'It seems they know each other. Interesting.'

Looking at the remaining people standing, Kang the Conqueror glanced around Stark's office, opened his mouth, and said something, "Anomaly, the being from beyond. It seems you know much more. I hope what I did in the future won't affect anything." Seating himself next to Thanos, Kang received a deep glare from the Mad Titan. He Who Remains returned the glare with a smile. Alvis commented, "Villains really connect to each other," looking at both of them. Turning his head to the galactic leaders, Fury spoke, "Alvis..." Alvis interrupted, "I know, Fury, but they need to be here. Let's forget about what happened before. We don't have time for internal conflicts. Trust me, something is coming." As Alvis spoke, everyone either seated or standing looked at him with a mixture of confusion or contempt.

"I hope you're telling the truth, human," said Thanos as he glared at Alvis with a hint of madness. Hearing Thanos's words, the two galactic leaders took their seats. Irani Rael seated herself next to Tony Stark, an illogical place in the whole table. However, something logical happened as the Supreme Intelligence moved little by little, like a child taking its first steps, arriving next to Kang and Thanos. Then, it took a seat next to them. "Really, villains really connect to each other," chuckled Alvis, turning his head to the Ancient One. He received a nod from her. "Clean?" he asked. "Done. Earth is clean," she replied. "Thanks," was the small chitchat between Alvis and the Ancient One.

As everyone settled into their designated seats, a collective silence fell over the room, interrupted only by subtle coughs as individuals sought to gain attention. Alvis, the narrator of this unprecedented gathering, glanced around the room, meeting the eyes of beings from realms beyond imagination and distended places.

With a commanding yet welcoming tone, he spoke, "Welcome, esteemed leaders—gathered here from the furthest reaches of time to the dawn of creation. Welcome, architects of chaos and maestros of madness. Embrace, both destroyers and creators alike. Greetings to the valiant protectors of humanity and sovereigns of all dominions—welcome."

The gravity of his words echoed in the expansive dimensions of the room, resonating with the weight of the diverse entities gathered. In that moment, the motley assembly, comprising gods, cosmic entities, and mortal heroes, recognized a shared purpose—a convergence of destinies that transcended individual ambitions.

"Today, we stand united, not as adversaries, but as stewards of existence itself. The tapestry of time and space has woven us together for a purpose beyond our singular understanding. Let this gathering mark the beginning of a dialogue, a discourse that transcends the boundaries of our disparate realms."

Alvis raised his hand, and a holographic representation of the universe materialized above the round table. Planets, galaxies, and cosmic energies danced in celestial harmony. "Behold, the canvas upon which our fates were painted before. Today, we embark on a journey towards a universal accord. No need to ponder universal - look to the bigger picture."

As Alvis channeled his energy to his hands, materializing the dimensions from zeroth to the third dimension, he began painting the dimension with stars, planets, and cosmic pictures, creating a miniature universe. "See, this is how our reality was before. But now, everyone is free. A power was bestowed upon us from an undefined origin. All of you, from now on, everyone is free from everything. The limits from before were broken for everyone, and by everyone, I mean everyone from this existing reality to all realities."

As Alvis channeled energy into his hands, he began materializing dimensions, starting from zeroth to the third dimension. He painted the dimension with stars, planets, and cosmic images, creating a miniature universe. "See, this is how our reality was before, but now everyone is free. A power was bestowed upon us from an undefined origin. From this moment onward, everyone is liberated from everything. The limits that constrained us before have been shattered, and by everyone, I mean everyone—from this existing reality to all realities."

Zooming out from his small universe, Alvis revealed multiple balls appearing beside it. "See these bubbles? Raise it to infinite." The bubbles expanded until they filled the room. "This is the multiverse, but don't think this is the end." Alvis continued outside, and the multiverse began to shrink. With a swift movement of his hand, the multiverse was enveloped by a larger bubble. "This is us," he declared, marking the bubble in blue. "Now, focus here." Another swift movement, and multiple bubbles appeared. "Remember the infinite? Forget about it because infinity is smaller than this." The bubbles multiplied, warping the entire room. "This is the omniverse, and all these bubbles are multiverses, different from our own. Some are enemies, some are friends, but we don't know that yet. What occurred here is happening everywhere. Everyone is free, and now, everyone possesses the power to do everything."

Pausing his speech for a moment, his eyes glowing with white radiance, Alvis gazed around and proclaimed, "And we are where the battlefield will start."