
Transcending Reality: The Singularity's Awakening

“In the realm of fiction, the mind unfurls its imaginative wings, conjuring desires and worlds beyond our grasp. It offers a sanctuary, an escape from a somber reality, or perhaps a glimpse into the lives we long for. What if this tapestry of imagination became tangible, every desire a reality, and you the central character of an extraordinary tale? Would it remain fiction, or would it meld with the essence of reality? Picture the liberation of detachment, stepping into a world that mirrors your dreams. As you ascend or descend into its depths, what unfolds is a journey beyond the ordinary—a journey through the boundless realms of your own creation.” Disclaimer I own my idea and world building and og characters https://www.patreon.com/BeyondTheWriter there will be updates about the novel there until I understand how to build a community.

_Beyond · Komik
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32 Chs

Chapter 20 : Transcending Mortality! False Conclusion?

As Alvis's omni-energy broke the limit of a hundred thousand inside his mind, it began compressing into a small ball of energy – the omni-essence. Heightening his higher consciousness, he overused his brain, calculating everything he knew. 'Pathway... Gift... Killing... Upgrade... Life... Creation... Destruction...Singularities….No Singularities I want to see the truth'. As the overused brain begun sending signals he begun remembering memories from a place mind couldn't comprehend he remembered what the narrative showed him as he begun Channeling his energy to his fist "I HOPE IT'S NOT" he punched the space in front of himself by force calculated as whole planet compressed in his fist, consuming all his energy, hitting every enemy across existing portals all over the planet. It was his first use of omni-essence, leveraging all his energy to kill all enemies, sacrificing his limit, erasing all small threats existing the portals.

Those who were engaged in the battle halted in confusion. Whether they were part of the army, sorcerers, or ordinary citizens, some, but not all, individuals began to grasp the newfound powers that were bestowed upon them.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK" Cursing as Alvis looked to his energy status increased by a million points as it changed into ten point's of omni-essence "yeah we lost it all we were calculated but still we have a chance" said Alvis as his essence upgrades he become smarter faster as he understood why the portals appeared he understood why the gifts talents boost and supernatural power were bestowed "So, that's what you meant before. I understand now about losing BUT I WON'T" containing all singularities, shattering rules, and distributing power to its residents. It was creating a backdrop for war "You Pulled you're triggers nows it's mine to trigger" speaking to himself Alvis

Alvis Looked at the Ancient One, he said, "We are in great trouble. I can't say it now what I hope it is not the truth. I hope I'm just imagining things. This planet, no, this universe – I need to control it by force or not. This universe needs to be controlled." Madness appeared in Alvis's face, and little red colors began appearing. The Ancient One, noticing the signs of madness and chaos consuming Alvis, distanced herself even more. As red colors appeared around Alvis, he glared at them and made them cease to exist by look. "So you are still here huh"

Above in the sky Alvis utilizing his higher consciousness He begun to feel. He couldn't see it. He was observing but can't find, and though he didn't fully understand what it was, he felt it. The moment he comprehended this sensation, he knew something was coming—many things were coming. A lot was approaching.

As his emotions intensified, biting his lips until they bled feeling pain to control his emotions , Alvis focused on constructing his battle armor and enchanting it. As He Begun Descending down back to the streets of New York, a determined look on his face as he begun constructing a white emotionless mask with an open forehead. Observing Alvis's actions, the Ancient One in the sky couldn't fully comprehend what was happening. However, a urgent cry from the ground informed her of the severity: "ANCIENT ONE, IT'S A TRAP! CLEAN EARTH FAST! THEY ARE COMING!"

Hearing Alvis's words, the Ancient One didn't linger with more questions. She began to ascend higher and higher, rotating her hand sideways. The Eye of Agamotto opened up, blooming with green colors. She then cloned herself into seven avatars and nodded to each one, instructing them through various portals to different continents on Earth. The main version of The Ancient One felt a peculiar sensation, whispering to herself, "Weird..."

Utilizing his higher consciousness, Alvis connected his mind to Earth. Raising his voice to its utmost volume, he acknowledged the abstract nature of his approach, confident it would prove effective. With heightened awareness, Alvis transmitted a potent, emotionally charged message to the inhabitants of Earth, urgently addressing them.



As if a trigger had been pulled, humanity and all beings residing on Earth, as well as those observing from afar, felt an intense surge of emotions. Driven by pure instincts for survival, all beings set themselves free, unlocking powers bestowed upon them by the unknown. They couldn't comprehend why they had done so, as if a mighty and powerful key line had been severed.

Inside the unfinished Helicarrier, Nick Fury jumped from his chair, displaying emotions on his face for the first time in a long while. Looking at Coulson, who appeared to be also hit by strong emotions, Fury heard Coulson speak, "Fury, was that Alvis's voice just now?" It was evident that Coulson was emotionally unstable, using Fury's name instead of his title. Fury looked at him and said, "It appears our troublemaker is finally back. Find his location now. Get the captain ready" Coulson replied, "YES, DIRECTOR."

Sitting back in his chair, Nick Fury, the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., glanced at Coulson as he left. Rising his hand, Fury constructed an invisible ball and controlled it to circle him, catching it and playing with its changing shapes. Cursing in a low voice, Fury's emotions were visibly unstable. He put his hand into his coat, took out a peculiar-shaped pager, and muttered, "What the hell happened." Returning the pager to his coat, Fury pressed a button under his desk, materializing a screen with the word "A.V.E.N.G.E.R.S" written on it.

As Alvis's feet touched the ground of New York streets, his consciousness still intricately connected to Earth, he began to sense an influx of energy sweeping across the world. Shaken by the information being sent and received, perhaps for the first time ever, a genuine, happy smile adorned Alvis's face. Little did anyone know the reason behind this unexpected expression, as in his mind, vivid images of humanity using superpowers started to unfold.

"It's the age of evolution, a wish I had since I was little. What can humanity really achieve if they have the power? I know you can hear me. It's a feeling. I may have connected the dots to the truth. Please don't let it be true. If it is, I'll try my best to prevent the outcome from happening." Speaking with a low voice to himself, Alvis surveyed the scene around him. Normal humans were now punching holes into orks into meatballs, controlling fire, water, air, and earth to fend off enemies. Finally, humanity had a fighting chance against their adversaries. "Process, how's humanity's status?"

"Process Description: Humanity's adaptation to their talents seems a little illogical. The data doesn't seem real; the rate of adaptation to their powers appears more natural. Calculating... calculated... deducting... deducted... The supernatural bestowed upon every single person has a matching rate of 100%. The digitalizing seems to let the human body adapt to every unique energy produced by their own supernatural power. Illogical... illogical... illogical data."

Coming to a stop, Alvis began to overthink, contemplating the 100% rate of adaptation and the matching rate of energy. "How many authorities, rules, and concepts have been tempted to do all that, creating unique energy for everyone to fuel their powers... This is the finest control I can ever see from omni-energy," he mused. As Alvis continued to run and fueled his body with energy, he noticed something significant. 

Returning running to where Tony Stark was fighting the titan demon, Alvis observed free omni-energy being pulled into people as they began to use their powers. "I see, that's why there's omni-energy in space..." Understanding, Alvis kicked the ground with enough force to ignite the floor behind him, launching himself into the sky. "I understand now," he thought as he contracted his leg muscles, kicking the air to propel himself forward. Circling omni-energy around him, Alvis finally managed to fly on his own without using magic spells. "Air and fire manipulation... what else can I do?" In his thoughts, Alvis arrived at the head of Stark Tower, now transformed into the colossal armor worn by Tony Stark.

"Mr. Stark, there's someone on top of your armor. It appears to be wearing medieval armor and a white mask," Jarvis reported as it controlled the cameras, focusing on Alvis standing with his arms crossed.

"This is what we are missing to complete the theater. We have demons, robots, and orks, and now we have a medieval warrior. What a day to live," Stark joked about the situation. He distanced himself from the titan demon as he controlled the metals on his head, shaping speakers. "Medieval warrior, have you lost your way? We have free tickets back to medieval times; you just need to jump from my head to the ground. It's the fastest trip you'll ever have."

Hearing Tony Stark's words, Alvis chuckled, rising his hand to make a gun gesture. He channeled a point of omni-essence into it, constructing a small energy ball. "Collapse bullet," he declared, sending it towards the head of the titan demon. As the energy ball reached its destination, the head of the demon titan phased into it bit by bit. Before it reached the center, the running demon stopped in place for a second, opened its mouth, and spoke for the first time, "Primordial, I won't lose this easily."

A loud BANG echoed as the head of the titan demon exploded.

"I Will be waiting" Said Alvis rising his head above

Witnessing the dramatic scene unfold, onlookers in the street halted in their tracks as a wave of cheers erupted. Amidst the cheers, Tony Stark muttered a curse under his breath, referring to Alvis as an "attention stealer." Alvis, seemingly hearing Stark's comment, responded confidently, "I heard that, Tony Stark. We have a lot to do, and we don't have time for time-consuming battles. Jarvis, hack the network and find Nick Fury for me."

"Who do you think you are, medieval warrior? HEY, WAIT, WAIT!" Tony Stark observed Alvis's increasing energy levels as he channeled two omni-essences to his feet, calculating the energy equivalent to two hundred thousand normal omni-energy. Connecting to his colossal cyborg armor, Stark, with the computational prowess of the armor's neural system, realized that Alvis's energy surpassed the force that obliterated the titan demon's head. Acknowledging the potential danger, Stark decided it wasn't wise to toy with Alvis for his safety and the safety of those inside his armor.

"Tony Stark, no time for introductions. I'm Alvis Bright; the voice earlier was mine. We must act fast. Please, help me. Time is short." Alvis unmasked, exposing his face to Tony Stark. As he spoke, an unsettling feeling crept over him. He saw it, observed it—though not fully comprehending, he felt a looming presence. As the realization struck, he knew something significant was approaching. Stark, perceptive to the depth of emotion in Alvis's words, felt a sense of urgency in the air.

"Jarvis, find out who this Nick Fury is and bring him here. It seems our medieval warrior knows something. Hey, Alvis, come inside. I think we need to have a chitchat," said Tony as he controlled the metals on his head, creating an opening for Alvis to descend. Despite the potential risks, Stark was willing to extend a level of trust to Alvis, recognizing the urgency of the situation and calculating the possibilities based on Alvis Bright's apparent strength and honesty. After all, Tony Stark was a genius, a billionaire, a playboy, and a philanthropist—capable of making calculated decisions even in uncertain circumstances.

Jumping into the hole and arriving next to Tony Stark, Alvis glanced around the office. Utilizing his higher consciousness to pinpoint where Fury was, he noticed that his higher consciousness began diminishing, and he couldn't fully control it. "Omni-energy is affecting my perception. Weird, why now..." In thoughts, Alvis walked around the room. Tony Stark observed him, but didn't say much as he began controlling his armor to eliminate the remaining enemies inside the tower.

"Mr. Stark, I have established a connection with the one called Nick Fury, and I found out a lot of information. May you see it?" said Jarvis to Tony. Hearing this, Stark shifted his focus to the screens, revealing S.H.I.E.L.D. information. As Tony reviewed the data with intensified focus, he remarked, "This old man still has secrets left..."

As Tony began reviewing the data about S.H.I.E.L.D., Alvis looked at Nick Fury on the holographic screen. "Long time no see, Fury," said Alvis to Fury. Fury looked at Alvis but didn't answer immediately, taking a moment to examine him. Seconds passed by, and Tony, noticing the silence, glanced at them. Fury finally spoke, "It hasn't been that long, Alvis Bright... But it seems you've lived more time than us. Tell me, what the hell happened to Earth? What's going on, and why can I do this?" Fury questioned as he raised his hand, materializing an invisible ball that both Alvis and Tony could see.

Hearing Fury's question, Tony was pulled in by curiosity, as if he was about to hear a great secret. Meanwhile, Alvis looked around in silence. "Before that, don't you all think it's better to come here than eavesdropping?" Alvis said, channeling his voice with omni-essences, sending waves of sound into those who were eavesdropping. In a matter of microseconds, a rift in space appeared, and a huge pillar of white energy descended into Stark's colossal armor. Multiple portals with different shapes appeared around the place.