
Transcending Reality: The Singularity's Awakening {Hiatus}

“In the realm of fiction, the mind unfurls its imaginative wings, conjuring desires and worlds beyond our grasp. It offers a sanctuary, an escape from a somber reality, or perhaps a glimpse into the lives we long for. What if this tapestry of imagination became tangible, every desire a reality, and you the central character of an extraordinary tale? Would it remain fiction, or would it meld with the essence of reality? Picture the liberation of detachment, stepping into a world that mirrors your dreams. As you ascend or descend into its depths, what unfolds is a journey beyond the ordinary—a journey through the boundless realms of your own creation.” Disclaimer I own my idea and world building and og characters https://www.patreon.com/BeyondTheWriter there will be updates about the novel there until I understand how to build a community.

_Beyond · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter 17: Wonderful Theater

As he phased from his location to New York's sky, appearing next to the Ancient One and the demon god, he observed their side. Reality, space, and dimension crumbled into blocks and puzzle pieces. A vertical rift opened up, slicing through reality from its very essence.

"Interesting," said Exanimo as he looked at Alvis Elderith like look He felt a bit emotional, seeing a similar look to himself. "Elderith. No, not that look exactly, but somewhat similar. Can't Be Singular... HAHAHAHA! What a fascinating reality." laughing out loud as Exanimo materialized his form.

A dense black mist, reminiscent of ethereal shadows, poured forth from his twisted horn, coalescing into a humanoid shape. The mist was not formless but bore an intricate pattern of ancient runes that pulsed with an ominous glow, revealing the immense power contained within.

As the mist solidified, Exanimo's elongated skull took shape, a regal visage that bore the weight of untold eons. Instead of traditional eyes, five piercing orbs of ever-changing colors emerged, each representing a different facet of his dominion. The black, lightning-shaped bones protruding from the back of his head formed a symbolic crown, a testament to his authority over the dark forces that bowed to his will.

Despite the absence of a mouth, Exanimo's expressions manifested through the shifting hues of his eyes. A raised eyebrow conveyed a perpetual sense of amusement and superiority, as if he found the mortal realm beneath him, an inconsequential plaything.

A flowing, tattered cloak made of shadows billowed around Exanimo like an extension of his dark aura, adorned with ancient symbols and sigils that writhed and twisted as if alive. On his clawed hands, he wore gauntlets crafted from the remnants of fallen celestial beings, a testament to his conquests across realms.

Around Exanimo, a subtle but constant play of thunder and lightning emphasized his connection to elemental forces. Dark, wispy tendrils trailed behind him, leaving an otherworldly residue in his wake. His very presence was marked by a swirling, dark aura that enveloped him, casting an eerie and ominous glow, radiating an oppressive and malevolent energy that caused unease and fear in those who dared to approach.

As Exanimo moved with deliberate grace, each step left a mark on the fabric of reality itself. His charisma, undeniable and bewitching, drew the attention of Alvis Bright, Oblivion Bright And Oblivion Bright, for in his form, he embodied the convergence of ancient mysticism, dark energy, and symbolic imagery—a Demon God of formidable power and haunting allure.

"We can't let him flaunt himself in front of us like this, right?" Alvis Bright telepathically sent a message to both Bright, gaining a chuckle from both.

As Alvis Bright unfurled his Soul Eye Embodiment with a deliberate process sign {⚙️} , a celestial yet somber radiance enveloped him. The Gear Symbol manifested on his forehead, emanating an ethereal authority that transcended the ordinary.

In the New York sky, a dazzling array of lights erupted as Alvis raised his hand, coaxing forth every conceivable hue. Deep black, pristine white, ominous red, regal violet, and resplendent golden yellow swirled around him, coalescing into a cosmic tapestry.

These colors wove together, forming an elaborate ensemble that seamlessly merged the magnificence of a dictator, the ingenuity of a scientist, and the charisma and mystery of a wizard.

The profound, ominous red transformed into a silk shirt, alluding not to impending bloodshed but to the regal air of authority. The interplay of deep black and golden yellow lines converged to fashion an armor exuding arcane elegance, reminiscent of a wizard's robe.

As the colors pirouetted, golden horns sprouted from his shoulders, symbolizing both supremacy and an otherworldly connection.

Amidst the dance, violet purple moved like gears beside his horns, symbolizing the promise of future scientific breakthroughs. Pure whiteness melded effortlessly, suggesting the untapped potential of his brilliant mind.

Clad in this multifaceted attire, Alvis embodied the quintessence of a sovereign who had conquered realms through a fusion of scientific acumen and magical prowess.

The crown atop his head, adorned with the essence of anticipated victories rather than blood, spoke of triumphs achieved through strategic brilliance.

The melding of golden and black hues resonated with symbols of authority, foretelling not only impending battles but the strategic mastery to come. A cloak of pure, enigmatic white billowed behind him, symbolizing the controlled chaos and transformative power under his future command.

The aura of unassailable authority seemed to beckon the very shadows closer, designating him as a future indomitable dictator, ingenious scientist, and all-powerful wizard, poised to weave his distinctive dominion across all realities.

The Ancient One looked at Alvis, a hint of emotion in her expression. In just a month's time, she had witnessed more than a lifetime's worth of events. "What happened to you, Alvis?"

Looking at the Ancient One, Alvis didn't know what to say. "A lot happened. I don't know what is happening, I don't know what will happen. But what I do know is that we are heading into a deep conspiracy, maybe a test, maybe destruction." With a hint of sadness, Alvis looked at the Ancient One.

He know a lot, but he couldn't say. Maybe he didn't want to say. Much of what is happening and going to happen had his contribution to it, even if it wasn't his will.

The sadness disappeared from his face as he turned his attention to the demon god. "Ancient One, since when do we let demon gods breach into our reality? I have been in a coma for less than a day, and now we are breached..."

Sensing that Alvis didn't want to continue speaking, the Ancient One looked back at the Demon God. "He said he goes by the name of Exanimo Ludificator. Banishing and exile magic didn't work on him, holy magic did, which is a contradiction itself. I don't know much about him; he breached from beyond… and he said something about a scent, which if I'm right, he's speaking about you. And something about a creator god. Can you elaborate on his words for me, Alvis Bright? Maybe you both have something in common..." Giving a side-eye to Alvis, the Ancient One's trust in him lowered a little, but he could understand that all of the trouble was because of him.

Before Alvis could speak, Exanimo Ludificator spoke up, "Respectable Primordial , I am a Void God. I live beyond hierarchies, consuming dimensions and realities… I didn't expect that there are already four of your kind in this reality. I am deeply sorry for the breaching of your reality, but I don't think that's the biggest trouble right now. The biggest trouble is that… this reality is becoming a nexus I came through portal connected to this reality, and…it seems that We are not from the same time continuity…. I think your race understands what does that means." Looking at the sides of Alvis's face, Exanimo Ludificator thought, 'What brought me here? Three Primordials inside one person? What the fuck is happening here… and what's wrong with this feeling…'

Hearing Exanimo's words, Alvis raised an eyebrow and glanced at the Ancient One, thinking, 'She needs to know some truth.'

"Ancient One, the Creator God as it's named, appears to be the creator of your Hierarchy and your reality's God, as you call Him—the one you worship. But I don't think yours needs any worship. He's from the same race as mine. If I'm right, the scent is something my race has the Primordials…." Receiving a nod from Exanimo, Alvis continued, "And it seems we're in deep trouble. Am I right, Jester and Oblivion?"

"Indeed, we are in deep trouble. Exanimo Ludificator, aka the Soul Jester, was neutralized in the Golden Wartime by The SCP Foundation and I quote The Administrator "The neutralization Of SCP-001 Project Soul Clown was because lack of sanity and indiscipline" From the left side of Alvis's face, Jester Bright narrated

"And these orks are from the Warhammer Hierarchy. If those things didn't raise the level of trouble, two Supreme beings were killed and sacrificed…., and the continuity of time is broken. It shouldn't be broken, not now at least." From the right side of Alvis's face, Oblivion Bright said.

Alvis, the Ancient One, and Exanimo were lost in their thoughts about what is happening. Alvis began scanning the Earth with his mind, sensing that omni-energy was increasing at a wild rate. He started to feel that something was being built up, but he couldn't pinpoint the exact problem.

"Jester and Oblivion…..is this sacrifice effects omni-energy nature what does it mean exactly that you both scared of….." Alvis began to feel that Jester and Oblivion know something he does not know they should now right they are from the future even though its not the same it should at least have some nexus point

"The sacrifice means different things to different people; everyone has a different meaning for it…..Jester, have you felt that many of our kind are watching? Some friends and enemies seem a little scared of us. Hahahaha, those who are above are scared of us…." From the right side of Alvis's face, Emperor Oblivion Bright started laughing.

"It's not the time to contempt people, Oblivion. Something is going wrong with this continuity….." From the left side of Alvis's face, Jester Bright seemed to comprehend something. The green eye on the left side of Alvis's face began glowing in a yellowish color.

With that happening, the Time Gem on the Ancient One's chest began glowing up. "Alvis, it seems your other personality is trying to play with time…..you're really a mystery, Alvis Bright. I couldn't imagine where your end is going to be at…." Said the Ancient One, pulling out the Time Gem from the Eye of Agamotto before she started shaking.

"It's not him who is controlling time; it's not happening here. It's happening everywhere….." Said Exanimo as his body began shaking. However, it's not only the Ancient One and Exanimo who started shaking; everyone and everything began shaking.

"It's starting," uttered a voice so low, a cryptic murmur that resonated across the entire omniverse. In every conceivable dimension, from the zeroth, where nothing exists, to the twelfth, where everything unfolds, even within the virtual realms of intricate games and the lofty planes where higher beings regard the lower as mere virtuality.

From the perspective of creators treating creation as a cosmic sandbox to the enigmatic void gods navigating the currents of the omniverse, the words echoed with an immutable force.

In the mere seconds following this proclamation, the very fabric of existence itself halted in standstill, a pregnant pause as the omniversal gears of reality and imagination ground to an eerie and anticipatory silence.

The profound impact of those words reached every corner of the omniverse, where the convergence of countless narratives and possibilities now awaited the unfolding of a cosmic event.

"Mmm, Jester and Oblivion, what was that... Omni-Energy is diminishing,"As his Soul eye shining brightly, attempting to contain the tremors that shook him and everything around. Those words struck fear into him, a creeping sickness taking hold. "It's not decreasing; it's increasing. I understand now... Alvis, don't try to hold it. Let it free. It seems our time with you is ending. Judgment is coming... Hahahahaha, what a fascinating continuity. Be careful, little kid. Don't be carried away, and always remember, 'Embrace challenges without fear, Alvis Bright. At the summit, you shall stand; in the depths, you'll never falter. Perfection lights our path, and morality remains essential.'"

As the words hung in the air, reality around Alvis began to break down. The very existence of Jester Bright and Oblivion Bright shattered the continuity rules, and cosmic judgment descended—a cascade of chaotic fractures through the foundations of the omniverse.

The Emperor Of Oblivion Alvis Bright and Jester Of Knowledge Alvis Bright,as their forms breaking from reality, were being erased from existence. In the sides of Alvis's face, a sight appeared that scared him—an eraser, causing his eyes to close involuntarily as the ominous presence unfolded.


"THEY WERE SACRIFICED TOO! WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING…" Chills ran through Alvis Bright's body, the sadness that just came in of parting from his other self washed away by a rising tide of anger. Red colors bloomed at his side in a split second, then vanished, abruptly halting Alvis's anger.

However, the cessation wasn't due to the disappearance; rather, it was because he found himself unable to move. Not just him, but everyone around him seemed frozen as the persistent dinging sound continued.

Amidst this, a tapping sound rang through the omniverse, akin to a microphone being tapped.

"Ahem Ahem"

Ladies and gentlemen, entities of tangible and intangible existence, welcome to the grand symphony of reality—the vast tapestry woven with threads of the living, the echoes of the dead, the enigma of nonexistence, and the palpable resonance of existence.

In this moment, we stand at the nexus of existence and nonexistence, where the binary dance of being and nothingness converges.

I hereby announce the commencement of the cosmic show, a spectacle that blurs the boundaries between reality and fiction, the tangible and the unreal.

The trigger has been pulled, and the game of existence has begun. I've granted you all the chance to transcend the mortal confines of life, to behold the higher picture of reality.

This is the time of ascending, a proclamation to all realities—welcome to the ultimate survival and test. You may evolve to become gods, rulers of all existence, a monarchy to be worshiped.

Alternatively, you may choose the path of servitude, becoming slaves destined for a rotten demise. Even in death, there is no true end, for you can seek peace, but it won't be the final chapter. The ability and free will of choice have been bestowed upon realities, and the limits have been shattered.

Singularities, mark my words—the peace meticulously woven by you all shall be shattered. Stand high above, control all of existence as if manipulating chess pieces or puppets. The weavers of fate are dead, and now, set yourselves free. Let imagination and creation flourish, or it might mark the beginning of destruction.

The singularity has spoken, and the cosmic stage awaits the unfolding drama of your choices.