
Transcending Reality: The Singularity's Awakening

“In the realm of fiction, the mind unfurls its imaginative wings, conjuring desires and worlds beyond our grasp. It offers a sanctuary, an escape from a somber reality, or perhaps a glimpse into the lives we long for. What if this tapestry of imagination became tangible, every desire a reality, and you the central character of an extraordinary tale? Would it remain fiction, or would it meld with the essence of reality? Picture the liberation of detachment, stepping into a world that mirrors your dreams. As you ascend or descend into its depths, what unfolds is a journey beyond the ordinary—a journey through the boundless realms of your own creation.” Disclaimer I own my idea and world building and og characters https://www.patreon.com/BeyondTheWriter there will be updates about the novel there until I understand how to build a community.

_Beyond · Komik
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32 Chs

Chapter 15 Destruction Prevail

In the streets, the army, police, and civilians are engaged in intense battles, fighting all over the place to defend themselves from the enemies emerging through massive portals.

As more enemies emerge through the portals, humanity is beginning to comprehend the dire consequences of its vulnerability. In this unfolding reality, weakness is revealing itself as the original sin.

"Commander, what are we going to do? We cannot continue like this! New York has fallen, maybe even the world has fallen!"

Amidst the chaos, a young soldier, stained with what appears to be green blood, screams in agony. Kicking off an eerie head, he rushes towards the commander, who is perched atop an off-road car, firing a machine gun at colossal, green humanoid creatures, turning them into bullet-riddled nightmares.

As the middle-aged commander surveyed the devastation around him, filled with the remnants of lives lost, he was at a loss for words. The tragic scene of fallen civilians, both young and old, mirrored the chaos on the battlefield. Before he could address the young soldier, the radio phone strapped to his chest buzzed with urgent orders, a stark reminder of the dire situation.

[Announcement From Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division, Law Enforcement, And The Army: Stand by. Do not shoot the people emerging from the Golden Portals. Again, do not shoot the people emerging from the golden portals. Help is arriving.]

In confusion, the painted green young soldier and the commander watched as multiple golden portals emerged. From these portals, yellow hooded sorceresses appeared.

But reality won't wait for anyone. Just as the commander was about to speak and inquire about the situation, a dimensional rift manifested in the New York City sky, and a colossal red hand emerged from it.

In response, all the newly arrived sorcerers, stationed at the forefront of the group, a petite blond beauty. However, in the midst of a war zone, appreciation for beauty became a fleeting luxury. "Sorcerers of Kamar-Taj, banish the Demon God to the depths of hell! Perhaps it will find solace there" the beauty blond figure declared.

Then The sorcerers raised their hands to the sky, making circular gestures, and a huge magical circle appeared above them. With a swift motion, a massive flaming sword materialized, and they sent it flying into the huge hand, stabbing it.

A shrill scream rang into existence, sending sound waves all over the continent. "HUMANITY, I'M GOING TO CONSUME YOU ALL, THEN THE MATERIALISTIC WORLD!"

As the Demon God screamed its words throughout the rift, IT withdrew its hands, and multiple tentacles, similar to octopus limbs, breached the rift, attempting to expand it. This implied that the Demon God was trying to come forward into existence.

With that happening, a portal next to the sorceress appeared, and emerging from it was a well-clothed bald sorcerer. The moment he appeared, the tentacles of the Demon God stopped their movement and began to retract. However, the rift had already expanded, allowing the head of the being to come forward into existence.

As the Demon God extended its head into the materialistic world, the being's head was peculiar, with black bones protruding like a lightning symbol.

Looking down at the humans below, the Demon God raised an eyebrow from its five-eyed face without a mouth and spoke, defying all logical rules, "What an interesting reality. There is a smell of a creator god here too, but it's weird. No cosmic or abstract influences, causality lock, chaos rules, no more than that, eldritch, not that either. Never mind that. Oh, little humans, nice creatures. You stabbed one of my hands, interesting. Holy magic users, how are you all going to pay me back for the damage?"

Hearing the words of the weird demon god, the bald sorcerer looked at the other sorcerers and said, "Alice, take the disciples forward with the army and erase all enemies. It seems more are coming soon, and we need to clean the battlefield." In a collective voice, the army responded, "Yes, Sorcerer Supreme." The army, in confusion, followed the sorcerer forward. If it weren't for the orders, they might have sent all those strange magicians to hell.

The Ancient One, also known as the Sorcerer Supreme, looked at the Demon God above with a little confused are all demon gods without dignity? . The words of that being were in a new language, different from all languages from all dimensions she knew about, and yet she somehow understood it.

Floating above, she ascended until she reached the sky, until she reached the level of that being.

Opening the Eyes of Agamotto, the Time Gem shined brightly, illuminating the sky. "Oh being from beyond, what brings you to our below-standard reality? And your hand's injury is a small price for breaching into our reality, don't you think so?" The Ancient One questioned the peculiar entity with a calm demeanor raising her hand and creating time loop circle around them.

The demon god, glanced at the little human with a smile. "You're more interesting than this whole reality. time essence haven't seen that in years You have a scent that will scare a lot of people out of a lot of places, little sorcerer. I go by the name of Exanimo Ludificator, AKA the Soul Jester. I can forget about the injury if you tell me how you have that scent..."

"O Exanimo Ludificator, I curse you by the name of Vishanti!" The Ancient One declared, attempting to use the power of Vishanti to curse the demon god. However, to her surprise, nothing happened – no sizzle, no magic circle, nothing at all.

In embarrassment, she looked at the demon god and said, "I go by the name of Ancient One, Known as the Sorcerer Supreme, protector of Earth and the materialistic dimension. If may I ask What scent are you talking about, and what do you mean about the words you said before, 'Creator God'?" raising an eyebrow the Ancient one felt that this demon god is particularly a different breed a talkative one.

Glaring at the Ancient One, Exanimo Ludificator spoke with an containment face but had a chuckle in it. "Oh, little human, are you trying to curse me? I who exist outside the spectrum of your reality. Your curse or banishing magic has no use on me. You can't hurt me with your little magic. Maybe your little time gadget can, but your curse ain't doing much. And you don't know about either the scent or Creator God. Interesting. I understand what's happening now. Hahaha! You're lucky, very lucky. This is what started the war outside. Hehehehehe. I came before the start."Laughing at Ancient One's confusion raised to another whole level. Never mind that the curse and banishing magic didn't work; it's not that big of a deal against multiple dimensional beings to start with.

"Let me handle this rift first, little human," said Exanimo as his head decreased little by little until it reached the standard humanoid level, exiting the rift. But what happened next confused both the Ancient One and the demon god.

DING DING DING, a ringing sound started to echo out of Earth, then to the Marvel Universe. But that wasn't the end; it continued, leaving the confinement of the universe, extending to the void. The ringing gained the attention of all creation in the Marvel hierarchy, but that was just the beginning. It breached the outer limits of the hierarchy, reaching the entire Omniverse in spectacular speed.

"ODIN BEARD FATHER, THE RINGING HURTS, FATHER MAKE IT STOP!" Thor exclaimed, blood streaming from his ears as he tried to stem the flow with his hand. But the ringing persisted. "HOLD ON, THOR!" Odin, the All-Father, felt a buzz in his head, seeing his son bleed out. Despite his emotional turmoil, his instincts kicked in. In a fraction of a second, he scanned the entire Nine Realms using the Eye of Odin. He noticed that the phenomenon was affecting all creatures.

Burning his life force, he sensed that something big was about to happen. Unperturbed, he raised his spear, Gungnir, and struck a powerful cast, shaking the entirety of Asgard. Odin attempted to cast a healing spell on all Nine Realms simultaneously, but, to his surprise, it had no effect.

Feeling weakened, Odin fell to his knees, the pulsating veins in his head signaling a grave concern. "This is stronger than the Celestials' armor," Odin muttered, surveying his surroundings in confusion.

The power before him surpassed even his understanding. Feeling a sense of despair, he spoke with determination, "I pledge upon the sacred realms, my word shall stand as unyielding as the roots of Yggdrasil. This is going to be the last time I shall fall to my knees." An oath was sworn by Odin, but in the face of the impending unknown, one had to wonder if such promises would hold any significance.

Outside the Marvel Cinematic Universe, within the vast void encompassing multiverse and the void outside it cosmic beings, abstract entities, and even the demon gods concealed within their dimensions, a sudden halt occurred.

Even those considered enemies from the outer reaches, whether the void gods residing between hierarchies or beings from far beyond, all came to a standstill. However, it wasn't a voluntary act of respect; rather, they found themselves unable to move. This phenomenon extended beyond the Marvel hierarchy, affecting the entire omniverse.

Deep within the Omniverse, before the rift between realism and fiction, a scene unfolded that, if witnessed by any mortal life, would obliterate their existence from all records.

Multiverses shattered like cracked glass marbles, scattered in all directions. Even the newly evolved Omniverse struggled to contain the clash of more than seven Singularities. Blood floated around, but this wasn't ordinary blood—it was the lifeblood of Singularities, a treasure coveted by any entity, except the Singularities themselves. Even a single drop had the potential to annihilate any created hierarchy, a treasure that harnessed the power of omni-energy.

"STOP THE FIGHTING, ALL OF YOU! SOMEONE SACRIFICED SUPREME DIVINITY!" exclaimed Stan Lee, materializing energy particles to mend his broken body. However, he didn't drop his guard or stance. Immortius, with a bruised face, looked around and acknowledged, "WE KNOW THAT, ALL-CONTROLLING LEE, WE KNOW THAT." His face showed a hint of grief. "I don't know when the last time I had a heartfelt fight. Eons ago, maybe even longer. I've become a little rusty," he murmured to himself.

In the cosmic chaos, Azathoth's Eyeball tentacle Eldrith Avatar warped Xier and The Presence, attempting to crush them into metal and energy meatballs. Yet, amidst the impending doom, the resonating words of Stan Lee and an enigmatic ding echoed through the tumult. In response, a burst of Deep Golden light erupted, freeing both entities.

From this burst of energy, Howard Phillips Lovecraft emerged, clad in a taxendo suit woven with celestial motifs. His form embodied a paradoxical blend of cosmic horror and newfound harmony, with tentacles extending from his back.

Eru Ilúvatar, in the distance, lowered his staff-light saber. Behind him, enormous yellowish magical circles appeared, containing universal-sized burning swords. As he lowered his staff-light saber , the swords were sent back to oblivion, disappearing as they went to the nonexistence, leaving behind the impression that they were meant to sever some cosmic ties.

Seconds passed, and the ringing sound disappeared, dispelling the fighting stances of everyone in the scene, returning them to their normal appearances. Azathoth, now in his human form, raised his hand to the right, making a rotating gesture into the deep void of the omniverse, warping the space around himself.

"The influence on hierarchies has returned, but someone is playing tricks. Interesting. This is not a casual sacrifice; someone broke the continuity of the omniverse and the rule of singularities. It can't be that," he declared, glancing at everyone around him.

Phillips Lovecraft raised an eyebrow and sported a cheeky smile, sending goosebumps through everyone present. "Someone completely Broke it."

Phillips Lovecraft, noticing the confusion in everyone's eyes, remarked, "Y'all are about to witness an interesting, chaotic creation—a lovely start for this boredom-laden omniverse." He clapped his hands, and a large holographic screen materialized, containing infinite parts within it.

Observing that everyone had finally ceased their futile fighting, though they couldn't truly harm each other, they gathered closer to the screen. It played scenes depicting the ongoing events all across the omniverse.

"Look there, all-controlling Lee! Your Multiverse is breached by a Void God! HAHAHAHA! FUCK! EXANIMO HE IS DEAD! WHO THE—" Immortius, in disbelief, wanted to continue cursing, but Stan Lee raised his hand to cover this square-headed ranting machine. With the other hand, Stan Lee raised it to control the screen, zooming in, removing Azathoth's control, and making the holographic screen only focused on the Marvel Hierarchy.

"Interesting, total control over the omniverse continuity. Who can it be?" said Xier, as his eyes glowed with a silver color. He raised his hand next to the screen, making a rotating gesture, warping the void, shaping out a cosmic tree painted with colors, names, and conceptual rules.

This tree is really out of reality, not because it's beautiful, but because of its existence.

Every branch has the name of a concept, be it time, space, or even the concept of language every concept divine holder has their original ruler next to it colored with colors out of existence.

"Move You're Hand out! A truly beautiful painting, isn't it right, Lee, the Imaginator?

Xier, touching the rules of the omniverse and shaping it into a physical manifestation, is worthy of your name, Xier, the Lunatic Luminary of Knowledge," Immortius remarked, acknowledging the cosmic artwork.

In response, Xier's eyes continued to glow with a silver hue as he appreciated the cosmic tree. "The Lunatic Luminary of Knowledge, they say? You should hold the title of Lunatic the Eternal Jester, Immortius. Interesting. Y'all, the main character has arrived."

"We can see that," said the Presence, Eru Ilúvatar, eyes glowing white as he glared at Alvis on the holographic screen. He continued, "He's different. I can see the essence of divinity. That's not the real Alvis or the Alvis you spoke about before. This has never happened before. Something big is happening, a war is coming, and it may be the end of everything."

Hearing the words of Eru Ilúvatar, Phillips Lovecraft gave a little chuckle, sending goosebumps down the spines of everyone around him. However, the horror had just started, as Lovecraft raised his hand to the tree, gaining the attention of everyone because many branches were dying and the fastest one is The Time Rule Branch.

"It's starting," said a voice, so faint yet resonating across the entire Omniverse.