
Transcending Reality: The Singularity's Awakening

“In the realm of fiction, the mind unfurls its imaginative wings, conjuring desires and worlds beyond our grasp. It offers a sanctuary, an escape from a somber reality, or perhaps a glimpse into the lives we long for. What if this tapestry of imagination became tangible, every desire a reality, and you the central character of an extraordinary tale? Would it remain fiction, or would it meld with the essence of reality? Picture the liberation of detachment, stepping into a world that mirrors your dreams. As you ascend or descend into its depths, what unfolds is a journey beyond the ordinary—a journey through the boundless realms of your own creation.” Disclaimer I own my idea and world building and og characters https://www.patreon.com/BeyondTheWriter there will be updates about the novel there until I understand how to build a community.

_Beyond · Komik
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32 Chs

Chapter 13 Singularity's meet

Back to the Omniverse Hierarchy, as Alvis was swallowed by the portal, his thoughts were shaken by the narrative words. He knew who 'Narrative' was, but he couldn't comprehend why and how this happened.

Hearing about losing twice seemed impossible to him, given his mindset and exceptional talent. He believed he could become, at the very least, a boundless character.

As he began deducing why this was happening, he realized he had been thrown outside the portal at the somewhere in the Omniverse.

As He felt his consciousness shifting in degrees as time regressed, returning to the present time line from the future. He also sensed his body anchored at a distant location, knowing he could return there in an instant, but he refrained, haunted by the thought of losing twice.

Alvis looked around the Omniverse, and multiple ideas flooded his mind. As his consciousness regressed, he began to memorize everything around him, sensing that this beautiful cosmology would soon be tainted.

Focusing on it, he discovered two small-scale multiverses – One Piece and Naruto. Sacrificing a portion of his consciousness, he marked them, guided by an instinctive, ideological urge.

But as he confirmed the anchors, he felt that something was amiss. After downgrading to the Sixth Dimension, he sensed a throbbing feeling, as if a death sentence loomed nearby.

In the corner of his field of vision, he caught sight of something strange: multiple beams of light in different colors he could only name two colors that seems in line with the visual spectrum of reality a Golden Bright as the sun in the sky and White Light looking at it felt holy both of them seemingly ascending.

He also felt a sense of danger emanating from above, reminiscent of his previous experience in the outside the domain of The Omniverse hierarchy.

Even thought he is curious about whats happening he didn't want to know what is happening now; his instincts warned him that even a fleeting thought of investigation could seal his fate.

Conforming to the farthest anchor point in his mind, Alvis's soul breached into the Marvel Multiverse Hierarchy instantly, traversing infinite distances that even the universe-sized mathematics couldn't comprehend.

He breathed a sigh of relief, breaching the Marvel Hierarchy for the third time. Any emotional response was fleeting; he had important tasks ahead. As Alvis focused on memorizing the sensation of diminishing of dimensionality, hoping to comprehend the mechanics of dimensional ascension and dimensional travel to other hierarchies.

In reverse from the Sixth Dimensional Level to the Fourth Level, he marked his progress. At the sixth level, one could escape the confines of a single hierarchy but couldn't venture too far. The fifth level allowed scanning entire multiverse comprised of infinite universes, and the fourth level enabled escaping the confines of a single universe.

The equations seemed correct but not universally applicable, as in other hierarchies these levels held different meanings. As Alvis's soul arrived in front of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, returning to his somewhat new and old home.

As he breached the MCU, utilizing the remaining power of his fourth-level consciousness and his body anchor, he returned to Kamar-Taj in an instant. Looking at his body, Alvis's ethereal soul wanted to cry tears of joy but couldn't. So he simply returned to his body on instinct.

At the same time Alvis returned, the Omniverse is in chaos the beams of light that Alvis saw if he was near them he will be amused by the scene.

Back in the Omniverse, a hole between fiction and realism opened, a phenomenon that should be impossible even for omnipotent beings. In an instant, multiple beams of light illuminated various directions in the Omniverse.

Among the radiance, a golden, bright, and holy light manifested before the hole, just as the surrounding light dissipated, revealing Stan Lee, the One Above All {Creator God Of Marvel Multiverse}. From the golden brilliance and the holy light, the Presence {The Creator God of DC Multiverse} also appeared.

As they gazed at the hole in front of them, exchanging a microsecond glance to comprehend what had occurred.

The lights from earlier soon arrived first: a red beam, tinged with darkness resembling the crimson of blood and the vast void of space. Alongside it emerged a being with a square head and a well-fitted body, adorned in wizard-like attire. Following this, two more beams of light materialized: one as blue as the sky, and another like mercury, shimmering with silver light.

From the blue beam, a being resembling an old-age white human male with thick, long white hair and a beard appeared, dressed in a simple white robe and wearing a crown-like ornament that resembled white bone.

Emerging from the mercury light was a humanoid sci-fi robot with blue light emanating from its eyes, scanning the space in front of it, seemingly attempting to decipher the situation without paying much attention to the people around.

Silence enveloped the surroundings as no one exchanged glances, their whole focus is fixed on the hole. The robotic figure's blue eye flickered briefly until it returned to the normal bright with that happening simple sight codes, Similar to glitches in a video game, anomalies surrounded it.

This garnered the attention of everyone present. But before anyone could say anything, The breach that had ruptured the boundary between fiction and reality sealed on its own, dissipating entirely. Simultaneously, the glitches enveloping the robotic being also vanished.

The robotic being shifted its gaze towards the people around it and spoke in a normal human voice, quite different from what one would expect from a robot, saying, "The volume of Omni-Energy has increased by four times more than normal. The durability of the Omniverse has been greatly enhanced. It now takes a boundless level of power to destroy a single hierarchy, even one compressed of single universe.

The hierarchical wall that safeguards different verses is now virtually nonexistent. Omni-Energy will be able to permeate hierarchy spaces…leading to evolutionary changes…."

Hearing this, the One Above All, the Presence, and the old man all nodded in approval. The square-headed wizard, looked at everyone present and then gazed upon the entire Omniverse. In one eye, he displayed the infinite symbol, and in the other, the omega symbol, both radiating with brilliant light as he channeled great power.

With laughter in his voice, he exclaimed, "Hehehe, what an amazing trickster! First, he uses a newborn singularity as a chess piece, imbuing it with enough power to shake the Omniverse, break the dimensional barrier in the process, and scale a universe into infinite durability. Hahahahaha! WHAT A GREAT SCRIPTWRITER HAHAHAHA! Ahem, ahem. GREAT AZATHOTH, WAKE UP! SOMEONE HAS CREATED A GREATER THEATER THAN YOURS."

Upon seeing what the square-headed being had summoned, Stan Lee sighed and placed his hand on his temple, gently massaging them. The Presence's eyesight changed, its colors shifting into to pure whiteness. Meanwhile, the old man materialized a simple-looking meter-long wand, and the robotic being's eye color transitioned from blue to a deep red resembling blood.

The robotic being spoke with a deep voice, saying, "Immortius, we all know that you have immunity to everything and that you emerged one of few victorious in the Golden War.

However, with the Omniverse still dominated by the Chaos Concept by the trickster, having this individual here poses an even greater danger for you. Summoning him is illogical, even for someone like you. So, what exactly are you trying to accomplish…?"

The robotic being couldn't comprehend why Immortius, the square-headed individual, was intent on summoning Azathoth, the Creator Of Outer Gods and the Divine Owner of Dreams and Chaos Concepts.

Seconds later, after the robotic being had spoken, a thick darkness warped the space around them. Witnessing this, Stan Lee spoke with a hint of speechlessness in his voice tinged with contempt, "Azathoth, you little chaotic guy, this isn't the place to display your power." As soon as Stan Lee finished the sentence.

He raised his hand forward, making a slapping gesture that swiftly dispelled the darkness. However, no one present let down their guard. A being that even gods feared wouldn't just warp space around them and depart.

Their caution was justified, as a small rift in dimensions appeared from an eyeball's existence. It gazed solemnly at Stan Lee and the others, who looked as if they had just tasted sour candy. Immortius, with contempt in his voice, remarked, "Azathoth, really? You come with an avatar now? Since when did you become a coward?"

Before Immortius could continue his rant, the eyeball spoke, defying all known biological rules of existence, "I ain't scared of nothing. I am where chaos and dreams began, and I will be there when the end returns. Even from my own death, I will follow. Immortius, I didn't come because you called upon me. I came here because I couldn't influence beyond my hierarchy… even as all of you are here try to influence each other's hierarchies…"

Upon hearing this, the faces of Stan Lee, the Presence, and the old man underwent significant changes. All of them exerted their authorities upon their respective hierarchies trying to influence the ones nearest to them. The surroundings trembled slightly.

Previously, this would have shaken the entire Omniverse, but now it merely distorted the space around them.

Stan Lee's eyes shone so brilliantly that it seemed as if he had a sun in his gaze. The Presence radiated holy light, akin to a flash of brilliance in the darkness. However, the old man's actions were peculiar. He raised his staff and tapped the space before him, causing ripples to emanate across infinite realities.

Finding the couldn't influence either unable to find an answer, the three of them exchanged glances and then turned their attention to Azathoth for an explanation. The eyeball, in turn, shifted its gaze to Immortius and Robotic Being, saying, "Immortius and Xeir, you should understand better than I do what has transpired. Both of you have chaotic lines connected to the source."

Upon hearing this, the square-headed Immortius and the robotic being turned their sights toward each other and then to the One Above All. In unison, they uttered, "Alvis Bright"

Upon hearing this, Stan Lee slapped his head with contempt and let out a sigh, saying, "This Trickster is truly skilled at his craft. Using a newborn singularity as a trigger, attempting to incite another war… But tampering with a newborn comes with its risks, not to mention the consequences of connecting the main reality and the Omniverse and erasing its shielding effects, I doubt any singularitiy would attempt such a thing."

Stan Lee subtly shifted the focus to the trickster, perhaps attempting to shield Alvis or protect him from further investigation.

Xeir and Immortius nodded in agreement. They knew that causality of singularity had the potential for severe backlash, but detachment from the occurring situation was even harder, and the consequences of such a backlash were even more challenging to overcome.

The eyeball seemed unconcerned about the situation and turned its gaze toward the old man, saying something rather peculiar, "Eru Ilúvatar, connect to the root and inquire about the situation. Both of you are evolvement singularities. Inform it that my creation shall not interfere with its creation as it can't no more….."

Upon hearing this, the old man, known as Eru Ilúvatar, nod his head and tapped the space in front of him, sending ripples across realities into the Nasuverse, where the roots resided.

Meanwhile, the eyeball shifted its gaze towards Xeir and Immortius, addressing them, "Both of you are fanning the flames from behind. I sensed it and witnessed it. It's easy to comprehend that you, Immortius, the troublemaker, want to have some fun. Don't tempt me to restrain you as I did before. The cage still exists if you wish to return to it. And you, Xeir, and your library are not immune from my intervention…"

Having said this, the eyeball shifted its gaze to Stan Lee and the Presence, and continued, "Both of you are filled with kindness and mercy. I, who have lost both, can't be bothered by your actions. Manipulating the future of hierarchies is no longer your domain, and destiny and fate are not under my control. Dreams follow the truth and chaos will Pervade."

Upon hearing Azathoth's threats and words, the expressions on everyone's faces shifted. Stan Lee and the Presence displayed contempt and silently cursed in their minds youngsters these days, while Immortius, though he looked aloof, his trembling hands revealed another story.

Xeir gazed at the eyeball and responded, "For you, who have witnessed it, and for me, who has seen it, both of us know that all stories begin at the cauldron of stories. Writing is done, but the future remains untold. The Stories never ended, whether with you or me…"

As Xeir spoke, it seemed as though the Omniverse itself was affected by his words, with invisible ripples above, as if the seaquake is happening . However, this went unnoticed by everyone present or not. Stan Lee raised an eyebrow, and the Presence appeared to struggle a little in comprehending what had been said.

Even though, at their level, riddles shouldn't have posed such a challenge, it sounded like it held great truth or secret information about something. Yet, for them, it seemed like gibberish gossip.

The old man and Immortius exchanged glances, then directed their attention to Xeir and Azathoth. Both of them are Evolutionary Singularities, not from the main world. When they heard the mention of the "cauldron of stories," they were astonished that this closely-guarded secret, known only to Evolutionaries, had been revealed.

Before Immortius could inquire further, Eru Ilúvatar's wand shook slightly, capturing everyone's attention. He closed his eyes, and seconds passed, building suspense for the imminent revelation.

When Eru Ilúvatar opened his eyes, a deep blue color emanated, and ripples across realities flashed seemingly like a blue flash lighted illuminating the space.

Frustration etched across Eru Ilúvatar's face as he glanced at everyone. He tapped in front of himself, materializing a holographic scene that flashed with images. Deep darkness shone through the screen, and seconds seemed like an eternity. Eru Ilúvatar tapped again, and a blue star appeared, ripples across the screen flashed initiating a video playback.

In the scene that being played, a blue star shimmered amidst the darkness, evoking a sense of being beyond reality—a feeling of being the beginning and the end, the first and the last—all happening simultaneously, and everyone present experienced it. Soon, flickers appeared in the picture, and the blue star's light gradually dimmed until it vanished.

Eru Ilúvatar looked at everyone and uttered, "The root is deadlocked within itself. The Supreme Divinity of origin and the end are in conflict. The Nasuverse is blocked from the Omniverse. Someone is hunting singularities… someone is attempting to commit a regulation."

Upon hearing this, everyone maintained a tense silence. The act of killing a singularity came with a price, but the potential benefits were deemed worthy. Xeir's eyes shifted to a yellowish hue, and blue arcs of lightning appeared around its body. Grayish light channeled through its robotic form in a fraction of a second, if not faster. Witnessing this, everyone present distanced themselves from one another creating perfect circle, channeling their powers to their fullest.

Stan Lee's human body decomposed into pure particles of energy, transforming himself into a huge yellow humanoid creature, similar to his initial manifestation when he cast away his physical form.

The Presence beside him also underwent a transformation, dissolving his body into pure enigmatic whiteness and adopting a shape resembling the One Above All. Both stood next to each other, their backs providing protection as they observed the crowd.

In the distance, Eru Ilúvatar watched the scene and tapped his staff into the void. White light bloomed, resembling a sun rising from darkness. His humanoid body decomposed akin to the One Above All and the Presence, forming particles of blueish energy that connected and outlined a massive humanoid creature. The staff also disintegrated into particles, forming a huge blue rod resembling a Star Wars light-saber.

Immortius glanced at the three colossal beings in the distance and let out a joyful chuckle. His Omega eye brightened with a red glow, and darkness shrouded his Infinite eye.

Manifestations of the Omega and Infinity symbols materialized behind him. Raising both hands, he gestured and broke down the manifestations, forming a pair of black and red gloves. A happy smile adorned his face, giving the impression that he was always ready to take on giants.

The eyeball, embodying Azazthoth's avatar, glared at the scene. If it had a human face, contempt would have been clearly visible. It observed the towering giants in the distance and then shifted its attention to the two minuscule humanoid creatures. It seemed as if they were attempting to mock its appearance in some way.

Thick Darkness fog tinged with a hint of redness escaped from the eyeball, forming an eye and tentacles. The fog emanating from the avatar's eye and tentacles started to manifest a life of its own, transforming into nightmarish shapes and forms that defied all comprehension and sanity.

Within the depths of this otherworldly mist, unspeakable horrors appeared to stir, as if the very fabric of reality was warping under its malevolent influence.

Observing the immense eldritch manifestation of Azathoth's avatar, everyone from a distance directed a portion of their attention toward it. They had no desire to engage with this chaotic being who showed no fear, even as its presence diminished.