
Transcending Reality: The Singularity's Awakening

“In the realm of fiction, the mind unfurls its imaginative wings, conjuring desires and worlds beyond our grasp. It offers a sanctuary, an escape from a somber reality, or perhaps a glimpse into the lives we long for. What if this tapestry of imagination became tangible, every desire a reality, and you the central character of an extraordinary tale? Would it remain fiction, or would it meld with the essence of reality? Picture the liberation of detachment, stepping into a world that mirrors your dreams. As you ascend or descend into its depths, what unfolds is a journey beyond the ordinary—a journey through the boundless realms of your own creation.” Disclaimer I own my idea and world building and og characters https://www.patreon.com/BeyondTheWriter there will be updates about the novel there until I understand how to build a community.

_Beyond · Komik
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32 Chs

Chapter 10: Upper Narrative


Upon Earth's surface, a rift in the fabric of space, time, and dimensions opened up, hastening Alvis's descent onto the training grounds of Kamar-Taj. His arrival was swift and disorienting, his body impacting the earth with enough force to send ripples of tremors across the land, encircling the planet thrice. A fleeting stillness followed, as he grappled with the overwhelming impact and the surges of energy and chaotic conceptual power coursing through him.

Amidst this chaotic mental backdrop, Alvis struggled to regain his composure, attempting to process his thoughts. Within him, a sensation stirred – a feeling of leaving something behind, although he couldn't discern what he was escaping from. Sensing his connection to Kamar-Taj, he felt his Anchor nearby, yet it existed in an altered state, simultaneous existence and non-existence, akin to being on a different plane of dimensionality.

If an Omniscient Authority were present, it could witness Alvis's ethereal soul transcending the confines of the material world, ascending towards the First Order of Divinity and the First Order of Detachment Level. However, an unseen force seemed to impede this progress, perhaps attributed to knowledge, power, or the intricate balance of life. In a mere fraction of a second, Alvis's soul broke free from its corporeal constraints, akin to astral projection, yet imbued with something more profound.

Among the recovering students, Alvis's abrupt appearance didn't go unnoticed. An apprentice's voice rang out urgently, piercing the air, "SORCERER SUPREME TEACHER MORDO, ALVIS HAS RETURNED!" This cry, impossible for an ethereal soul to hear without conventional senses, reached Alvis as his form floated near his physical body. Both of his ethereal eyes opened, surveying his surroundings. He examined himself internally, seeking answers from process, yet found only silence in response. As he observed Kamar-Taj and the people present, a tinge of sadness painted his soul's countenance.

In a swift sequence, three portals manifested, revealing the figures of Mordo, the Ancient One, and Alice. The Ancient One's gaze rested upon Alvis's prone figure, a sight that raised concern. Alvis's body seemed to waver, collapsing and dissolving, its existence hanging by a thread.

Fixating on the Ancient One, Alvis spoke with anticipation, "Hey Ancient One, here! Hello! Here!" He realized that neither his soul nor his words were perceivable by the Ancient One, but within microseconds, he seemed to hear an internal narration, "Who's talking? What the fuck is perceivable, who's talking?"

As the scene unfolded, a palpable tension filled the air. The fabric of reality itself seemed to falter in response to Alvis's return. The Ancient One's expression remained inscrutable, yet beneath the surface, thoughts and calculations were surely taking place. In that pivotal moment, the convergence of both mystical and temporal Conceptual power gave rise to a series of events that transcended the boundaries of mortal comprehension. "The fuck Fabric Of reality fuck boundaries of mortal Answer Me Who's Talking" Chaos Conceptual Escaped Alvis Ethereal soul but as soon as it appeared it Disappeared as it clashed with something higher from it's own nature "THE FUCK WHO'S ARE YOU MY POWER HOW CAN YOU CLOSE MY AUTHORITY"

"'It was never yours,'" a voice resonated within Alvis's consciousness, persisting as it continued, "'Listen carefully and observe closely, Alvis Bright, for the scene you're about to witness is unforgettable, leading to the inevitable reality that you have forged.'"

As Alvis's control over his soul appeared to wane, a sensation akin to sleep paralysis overcame him. His consciousness extended to a level surpassing mortal comprehension, nearing an existence he had never fathomed before. It was as though he transcended to an existential plane, akin to a narrative or an observer watching a film. "Remove your thoughts, Alvis Bright. Look to the unraveling reality," the voice commanded.

Filled with a mix of disdain and despondency, Alvis began to watch as events unfolded. He vowed to enhance the appearance of the one in control, aiming to make them look favorable once he grew stronger. Yet, little did he realize the near impossibility of this task. As Alvis cast a sidelong glance, the being continued its narrative, unfazed.

In an instant, the Ancient One harnessed magic energy to its limits, raising both her hands as white radiance blossomed. A magic circle enveloped Alvis's body, and moments later, the dissolution ceased, though the collapsing persisted. "He wielded conceptual power as a mortal. I can't halt the collapse of his body, but it appears he can manage it on his own," she mused, her gaze fixed on the fresh flesh that materialized after the collapse, elevating Alvis from the ground.

As the unfolding scene captured Alvis's ethereal soul's attention, he struggled to comprehend the transformation his body underwent. The being responded to Alvis's bewilderment, clarifying, 'It's a conceptual backlash. To grasp a concept as a mortal is an achievement, but the dynamics change when you utilize it and are utilized by it.'

Alvis's understanding seemed to deepen as he lowered his head, though he found himself immobilized, +10 hatred towards the being, freezing him in place.

Using telekinesis, the Ancient One elevated Alvis's body, addressing the others to focus on recovery. Earth appeared to be undergoing numerous upheavals, with the collapse of the magic circle rendering them visible across all dimensions. The revelation sparked fear among many, while Mordo's expression shifted noticeably. "The circle has fallen," Mordo's tone conveyed concern as he glanced at the apprentices.

Mordo's words continued, "If Alvis is the cause, then we must bear the consequences. He aided us in escaping the downfall of our world, and now he is brought to us. We, as sorcerers, are both victims and offenders." His pronouncement garnered nods of agreement from those present. Mordo exhaled with a mixture of relief and resolve, instructing them to prepare for a response, which prompted further nods of affirmation. With that, Mordo departed for Alvis's room.

Alvis yearned to express gratitude to Mordo, wishing he could embrace him for his assistance. However, still immobilized, +50 hatred lingered within him, accompanied by a sense of disdain. Alvis's ethereal soul moved with the unfolding scene, an observer amidst the events.

Upon arrival, Mordo found Wong inquiring of the Ancient One, her expression as inscrutable as ever. Wong's words carried a sense of urgency as he reported, "Master Sorcerer Supreme, the Earth's magic circle has collapsed. Despite multiple attempts, reactivation appears futile. Furthermore, our dimension has become intertwined with others. Portals have emerged worldwide, and it seems every country is embroiled in warfare with them."

Wong's voice quivered as he recounted his experience. While repairing the magic circle at the New York sanctuary, he felt the breaches, and the circle crumbled instantaneously. The chaotic scene outside confirmed his suspicions. As he and his fellow sorcerers investigated, a humanoid creature akin to zombies from movies hurled the body of a sorcerer back inside.

As Wong narrated his tale, Alvis's consciousness stretched further, granting him a view of the past from the present. "Damn, this power my causality is affecting the whole universe Time manipulation it's supposed to be impossible." 'Quiet down, chatterbox.' "Alright."

In an instant, Wong concluded the skirmish in his subconscious. Remembering the nightmare dimension, he conjured a magic circle and unleashed Flames of the Faltine in the form of a punching gesture, obliterating the zombie-like enemies in a blaze.

"Cool." A zapping sensation resonated through Alvis's soul, akin to a free electroconvulsive therapy.

Advancing towards the doorway, Wong executed a rotational gesture, summoning the Shield of the Seraphim into existence. Stepping out of the sanctuary, he was greeted by a world consumed by chaos. The cacophony of citizens' screams and gunshots reached his ears, an unsettling symphony that underscored the upheaval.

Wong's vision took in the scene unfolding before him – military personnel, police, and gangs standing shoulder to shoulder, united in a fight against unknown adversaries. In a matter of seconds, his thoughts acknowledged the direness of the situation: two disparate factions of humanity pushed to join forces against a common threat.

Gazing skyward, Wong's mental gears ground to a halt for a brief moment, as if pausing to process the gravity of the moment.

As Wong observed the scene, his attention was drawn to massive zombie-like creatures, each standing at three meters tall, gnawing on human bodies. Gunfire erupted in futile attempts to halt their advance, with bullets failing to affect their monstrous forms. Amidst the chaos, an army soldier emerged, his tears a stark contrast to his resolute demeanor as he brandished an RPG launcher. "Nathan, that's for you – death to the enemies of humanity!" he cried out.

A deafening explosion followed, and for a split second, Wong's vision blurred. As a sorcerer, his faculties rebounded quickly, but he couldn't help but wish the moment had lingered longer. What he saw upon regaining focus was a grim sight – the enemies, though charred with burn marks, remained, still gnawing on the charcoaled remains of humans.

In a moment of recognition, the zombie-like creature emitted an animalistic roar, its "meal" obliterated. It hurled the remains of a human to the ground and charged at the soldier who had launched the RPG attack, merely thirty meters away, ripping through the distance between them with alarming speed.

Witnessing the dire situation, Wong took swift action. He directed his shield towards the charging zombie, intercepting its path and knocking it off course, thus protecting the soldier. As the enemy was deflected, Wong's body radiated with colors, and magic energy enveloped him, akin to Alvis but without the formation of an armor. With a powerful kick that fractured the ground, he propelled himself skyward, defying gravity.

Hovering in the air for a brief span, Wong surveyed the battlefield. He identified four massive beasts and three medium-sized zombies, channeling magic energy anew. Yellow hues emanated from his form as he harnessed the collective intentions of those present. Suddenly, a magic circle manifested, flashing instantaneously, and time seemed to freeze, leaving everyone suspended.

Wong executed a swift rotation of both hands, conjuring multiple circles that spawned flaming swords. These blades soared forth at remarkable speed, puncturing each enemy with precision and bringing a swift and efficient end to the battle. As the adversaries fell, Wong landed gracefully, seemingly untouched by the fall's impact.

Surveying the aftermath of the conflict, Wong's gaze took in a scene of devastation. Civilians, children, soldiers, gang members – their bodies lay shattered, few intact in this perilous world. Death, indiscriminate and all-encompassing. 'Isn't that the truth, Alvis Bright?' a thought echoed within Alvis mind.

Alvis regarded the scene with disbelief, and his ethereal soul began to weaken, mirroring his physical body's state. Yet, the being by his side seemed to shield it from the collapse.

As the freezing effect of Wong's magic dissipated, the bodies of the fallen enemies crashed to the ground, and the spell's hold on everyone released. Amidst this, a young military man regained his mobility, raising his gun towards Wong. Observing the situation, Wong reacted swiftly, rotating his hand to summon the Strands of Vishanti, which entwined the guy's body and secured him in place.

"What are you doing? I aided you here. Hey, I'm human too. Lower your guns. Are military people this foolish nowadays?" Wong's voice carried a mix of exasperation and frustration.

He regarded the people who had raised their weapons with a sense of sadness. In a moment, his disappointment vanished, replaced by the realization that his actions, driven by a desire to help, were met with hostility rather than gratitude.

Amidst the tension, Wong's magic energy surged within him, and he constructed spells in his mind, ready to be cast in an instant. However, what unfolded diverged from his intentions.

Amidst the turmoil, a man dressed in a suit abruptly inserted himself into the midst of the conflict. "HEY, I'm an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Lower your weapons! He's one of us, not an extradimensional enemy," he declared. His words resonated among the crowd, sparking a multitude of thoughts in people's minds.

feeling something off Wong he felt that's his magic increased a little bit, attuned to the fluctuations of energy and understanding, realized that the situation had escalated beyond the physical realm and entered the domain of the mystical.

While the soldiers, police officers, and gang members refrained from lowering their weapons, their collective gaze shifted toward the commander perched atop a military vehicle. The situation teetered on a precipice, the outcome hanging in the balance as tension remained palpable.

Upon hearing the mention of S.H.I.E.L.D., the commander eased his finger off the trigger, though he maintained the machine gun's aim, still fixed on Wong. Activating his walkie-talkie, the commander inquired about the agent's name and badge. The response came in the form of "Phil Coulson, Level 9 Agent."

The commander communicated over the radio, the exchange consuming minutes and adding to the mounting tension in the air. Phil Coulson's slight perspiration mirrored his unease, hoping fervently that the commander's response wasn't indicative of a Hydra agent. Moments later, the commander received the information he sought, and a motion from him prompted a freezing gesture. In unison, everyone lowered their weapons, the tension easing somewhat.

Both Alvis and Coulson breathed sighs of relief as the standoff was diffused. Coulson signaled Wong to relax and approach him, the gesture a symbol of trust in the midst of an unpredictable and perilous situation.

Following Wong's conversation with Coulson, several minutes elapsed. During their exchange, Wong learned of the emergence of multiple portals across the world, each distinguished by varying sizes and colors. These portals heralded the arrival of a diverse array of beings. Unusual animals manifested, endowed with supernatural abilities – a fireball-spewing bunny and a lightning-wielding horse among them.

Moreover, humanoid creatures materialized from certain portals, some sentient and others devoid of rational thought. Encountering humans, these entities initiated hostile confrontations, escalating the chaos.

'Look, Alvis Bright. This is the outcome of your creation,' the being intimated to Alvis.