
Transcending Reality: The Singularity's Awakening

“In the realm of fiction, the mind unfurls its imaginative wings, conjuring desires and worlds beyond our grasp. It offers a sanctuary, an escape from a somber reality, or perhaps a glimpse into the lives we long for. What if this tapestry of imagination became tangible, every desire a reality, and you the central character of an extraordinary tale? Would it remain fiction, or would it meld with the essence of reality? Picture the liberation of detachment, stepping into a world that mirrors your dreams. As you ascend or descend into its depths, what unfolds is a journey beyond the ordinary—a journey through the boundless realms of your own creation.” Disclaimer I own my idea and world building and og characters https://www.patreon.com/BeyondTheWriter there will be updates about the novel there until I understand how to build a community.

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32 Chs

Chapter 1 Transcending Or Desending Reality

[Main World/Real Reality]

In the main world, within a small European mansion, Alvis sat in a medium-sized room, engrossed in typing about the suppression of reality. As someone with ADHD and schizophrenia, he had a deep fascination for all things fictional and paranormal, which gave him a unique perception of the world. His interactions with others were not typical, as he understood that his mind had a tendency to create scenarios. Embracing Fictional Reality as a concept, Alvis firmly believed that everyone should embrace what he saw.

Being the middle child from a relatively affluent family, his parents struggled to handle his unconventional nature. Consequently, they cast him out of the house at a young age and employed a butler to care for him until he reached adulthood. After that, they provided him with a monthly stipend to prevent him from causing any further trouble. So, here he was, creating theories for his own amusement, uncertain of what the future held.

As Alvis finished writing and sent his theory online, he yawned and squinted at the clock. It was midnight, and he realized that he desperately needed to sleep. The theory had consumed his entire day. With a sense of weariness, he walked towards his bed, feeling a lingering thought that perhaps this would be his last day in this reality.

[Akashic Record]

Beneath the main world, within a vast library known as the Akashic Records, Alvis's soul wandered amidst towering shelves filled with countless books. Each book held a picture, devoid of any names. As Alvis approached the reception desk, a huge ball of light floated behind it. As soon as Alvis's soul stood in front of it, he was scanned by a beam of light from the ball, waking him up and quickly regaining consciousness. He shook his head from side to side, finding himself standing and bewildered by the absence of his bed. In a state of stiffness, he turned his head to face a towering entity that resembled a star, standing at a height of five meters. Soon, he noticed that he was inside a beam of light and heard sounds ringing in his mind.

[Detecting Transmigration... False... Reincarnation... False... Ding... Unique Singularity... True... Connecting to Real Reality... Transcendent Achievement Detecting...]

"Hello, Star Entity," Alvis stammered. "So, lucid dreams , so schizophrenia and ADHD can create such realistic dreams but why library.?"

"I am Xeir," the entity replied. "The Akashic Records is not a dream. It is a library that records past and present history, knowledge, and achievements. You may call me Xeir.

I'm Alvis Bright, a fiction writer. May I ask why I am here, Xeir?"

"Your achievement before death within seconds is unique," Xeir responded. "Creating the theory about reality suppression, noticing the rules, being a singularity. It may be fate and destiny, but in all creation without interface achieving impossible possibility."

"Wait, what? My theory is real, and what about singularities? If my hearing is right, when I woke up, I also heard about 'transmigration' and 'reincarnation.' May I know what you mean, Xeir?"

"Before telling you about singularities, do you prefer having a body and clothes?" Xeir asked.

"Of course," Alvis replied, feeling the strangeness of being in a soul-like state.

"Please state your preference," Xeir prompted.

Alvis described his preferred body: male, 1.8 meters tall, black curly hair, brown skin, athletic physique, and white eyes with a star embodiment.

Xeir generated the body according to Alvis's description. Then, Xeir asked for his clothes preference, to which Alvis chose a t-shirt with a galaxy design, black shorts, and galaxy-colored shoes.

With the body and clothes generated, Xeir inserted Alvis's soul into the new body.

"Ah, does having the soul stuffed into a new body should hurt, Xeir?" Alvis inquired, still adjusting to his new state.

"Not entirely. Regarding your own mentality, it is afflicted because your exceptional talent has been suppressed," Xeir replied. "Scanning... Talent Evolve Data... Interesting... Copying data..."

"Talent?" Alvis questioned, his mind racing with the new information. While feeling a headache, he witnessed a huge book flying from a bookshelf and arriving between himself and Xeir. The book opened by itself, and writing started to appear.

"Data calculating... Data incomplete... Input done," Xeir explained.

"What is Talent and singularities?" Alvis asked, still bewildered.

[If we're going to start about talents and Singularities, we need to start with Talents. You're quite knowledgeable about it, ain't Alvis Bright.]

"You mean Reality Suppression... But it's just a theory I created for fun," Alvis said, his mind racing with thoughts as he spoke.

[Lucky to achieve Transcendent Achievement and being a Singularity... I don't think so, Alvis. Your theory about Reality Suppression is quite accurate. While every creature in the Main Multiverse possesses a talent, as your theory suggests, these talents are suppressed in the real world. Every creature possesses a unique talent, and indeed, every creature in the Multiverse possesses some form of talent across various genres. However, under the suppression imposed by the rules of the real world, these talents are unable to manifest fully. Yet, that doesn't include Singularities.]

[Before Singularity Information, you need to know about how the Main Multiverse Framework works... The Main World serves as the central hub within the Main Multiverse, with six parallel universes revolving around it. In this interconnected system, the Main World and its surrounding parallel universes generate a distinct form of energy known as Omni-Energy. The name "Omni-Energy" reflects its extraordinary and peculiar properties. This energy exists inside and beyond the protective barrier called the Crystal Wall, which separates the framework of the Main Multiverse, acting as a boundary that keeps reality and fiction distinct. Below this line lies the Omniverse, encompassing both fictional realms created by singularities and evolutionary ones.]

[Omni-Energy is the energy that fuels all creation for the Main Multiverse and below it.]

"...A lot of information to process. Give me a minute, Xeir," Alvis stated in a state of confusion. Xeir noticed that a materialized chair, table, and an empty cup appeared. When Alvis touched the cup, it generated his favorite drink. Minutes passed by, and Alvis let out a sigh.

"What is singularity?" Alvis asked.

[Singularities... they exist in a weird state. Singularity beings are creatures that originate from the Real Multiverse, also known as the Real World. They possess the remarkable ability to achieve Transcendent Achievement, surpassing the limitations imposed by the rules of their respective realms. Singularities follow different paths upon their descent. Some of them, like Stan Lee, created a hereditary becoming Creation God upon their descent or transmigration. Singularity descends into an existing body or reincarnation, reincarnating in a different body.]

"So Stan Lee really became the One Above All?"

[Don't call him by his real name; he will notice. I just shielded his presence.]

"Casualty Trace, cool," Alvis didn't mind OAA sensing him at all.

Inside the Marvel Multiverse, inside the House of Ideas...

"Interesting. Someone called my real name. Weird. It's a casualty line is cut Singularity Power, but who is it? Azaz###th, that crazy guy," OAA, also known as the father of Marvel, Stan Lee, sighed. He didn't like singularities at all.

[Let me continue. Don't interrupt.]

[What sets Singularity beings apart is not only their accomplishment of Transcendent Achievement but also their very existence. Within the expansive Multiverse, there are only seven universes. The one in which you were resident in is referred to as the Main World, around which revolve six parallel universes. In the Main Multiverse, everything is identical, from the smallest molecules and atoms to the complexity of life itself. However, it is only in the presence of life that the concept of singular existence arises. These unique beings, known as singularities, exist in one universe but not in the others. Every singularity possesses a unique talent, and indeed, every creature in the Multiverse has some form of talent. However, under the suppression imposed by the rules of the real world, these talents are unable to manifest fully. Yet, as singularities, they hold the advantage of being the only ones in existence and can have the ability to descend below the Crystal Wall. Consequently, the suppression is lifted, and they can utilize their talents to their fullest extent.]

"Cool, I'm a lucky person," Alvis interrupted. He thought that Xeir was an easy-going guy.

[Make a note to your mind, Alvis Bright. Talents among singularities can vary greatly. They range from the ability to calculate and deduce everything to the power of creation from nothingness, even systems like Talent. And in some cases, they may even possess near-omnipotence itself if you met one don't start fighting against them without proper knowledge don't be carried with anger.]

"Interesting... systems," Alvis daydreamed a lot about systems. Who wouldn't like having a system?But his subconscious Remembered Xeir Words letter by letter

[Alvis Bright, after you leave, the will of the Main Multiverse will descend upon you, baptizing you with Omni-Energy, activating your Talent.]

Processing Xeir's words, Alvis whimpered and asked the question that burned in his brain, "What are you? Who are you... and why are you helping me?" Alvis was desperate for this information. Not even the knowledge he knew about fiction could describe Xeir, sitting in a huge library and being a ball of light. Alvis really didn't want Xeir to be the Main God Being (Infinite Genre Check Terror infinity for information).

"As I told you, my name is Xeir. I am the creator of the Akashic Records, and I am the same kind as yourself—a singularity. Why I am helping you, maybe because we are the same kind. Selfishness? Maybe I really don't know since my detachment. I haven't spoken to creatures, and they cannot stand in front of myself without an avatar. Only singularities can speak in equality, even the newly born ones. To tell you the truth, Alvis, I wanted to destroy you," Xeir admitted, surprising Alvis.

"Why? I haven't done anything!" Alvis exclaimed, jumping from the chair, trying to distance himself from Xeir, even though he knew it wouldn't matter.

"Singularities are good and bad, some even scary... They enjoy destruction. If it wasn't for your achievement, as before death, you would have been destroyed before you had a chance to grow. I hope we don't see each other again as enemies, Alvis Bright," Xeir warned. With that, Xeir's body decreased until it was two meters tall, and it materialized into a galaxy robotic humanoid body, scaring Alvis's soul.

Alvis wanted to speak, but before he could say anything, Xeir moved his hand, ripping a rift in space that swallowed Alvis, taking him away.

"Emotions... I didn't know that I still have them... Singularities, a disgusting race... Narr###, what are you trying to achieve by throwing him to me? Moving your hands to reality... Trying to start a war that will bring all creation to destruction... This game has taken a long time," Xeir muttered, his emotions conflicted.

there is no chance that I ain't dropping this