
Transcending Reality: The Singularity's Awakening {Hiatus}

“In the realm of fiction, the mind unfurls its imaginative wings, conjuring desires and worlds beyond our grasp. It offers a sanctuary, an escape from a somber reality, or perhaps a glimpse into the lives we long for. What if this tapestry of imagination became tangible, every desire a reality, and you the central character of an extraordinary tale? Would it remain fiction, or would it meld with the essence of reality? Picture the liberation of detachment, stepping into a world that mirrors your dreams. As you ascend or descend into its depths, what unfolds is a journey beyond the ordinary—a journey through the boundless realms of your own creation.” Disclaimer I own my idea and world building and og characters https://www.patreon.com/BeyondTheWriter there will be updates about the novel there until I understand how to build a community.

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32 Chs

Chapter 5 OMNIPOTENT HAHA or Not?

Today is Alvis' first day studying in Kamar-Taj after his speech yesterday about weakness. Alvis understood that without having power, everything he said is worthless.

So he asked the Ancient One if he could study with the other apprentices, and she approved it, instructing him to search for Mordo.

Alvis was wandering around the sanctuary until he was stopped by a young, charming beauty. "Are you the guy who gave the speech yesterday? It was a eloquent one," the beauty said, giving Alvis a thumbs-up. Speechless, Alvis asked in a stunned voice,

"Beauty, asking for your name is proper manners."

"Oh, sorry. My name is Alice Weinstein. What's your name?" Alvis replied, "Alvis Bright. By the way, Alice, you seem like a sorcerer. Do you know where Sorcerer Mordo is? I want to study magic."

"If you're searching for Senior Mordo, you can find him in the training ground. I can take you there and maybe show you around the sanctuary later," Alice offered, extending her assistance with a wink. Still speechless, Alvis said,

"Alice, are all sorcerers here open-minded?"

"Not really. You're the only young guy here, so I had the idea of getting to know you. Or maybe your speech yesterday charmed me," Alice replied, her cheeks slightly blushing.

Alvis thought this beauty was quite honest,

But perhaps only because he was the only option here. It seemed their ages were similar, so he asked her about her age. She told him she was 18, and they realized they were the same age.

After getting to know each other a bit, Alice started showing Alvis around Kamar-Taj before they headed to the training camp. Upon arriving at the training ground, Alice bid him farewell and went to study with the other apprentices.

Finding Mordo was easy; he was the only one loudly instructing the apprentices. Alvis approached Mordo before saying hello.

"Alvis Bright, the Sorcerer Supreme told me about you. Your situation is quite complicated. You didn't start studying with us from the very beginning, so you need to learn the language of magic. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me or go to Wong in the library," Mordo said dismissively, throwing Alvis off guard.

Alvis started walking towards the library for self-study. The library was conveniently located close to the training ground.

Arriving at the library, Alvis greeted Wong. It seemed that everyone in the sanctuary knew about him. Alvis asked Wong where he should begin with magic.

Wong signaled him to go to the language section and study ancient languages, mentioning that there was a dictionary available there as well.

Alvis took the book and found a seat near the bookshelf. As he opened the book, he realized that everything was written in English.

It dawned on him that the language barrier wasn't an obstacle for him anymore. He started thinking about how to explain his situation to others, and that he no longer needed to study languages. He decided to approach Wong and speak to him about it.

"Sorcerer Wong, I don't think I need to study languages anymore," Alvis said. Curious, Wong asked, "Why do you say that, Alvis?" Alvis explained, "My situation is quite complicated. It seems that everything I read translates into English."

Wong found the situation perplexing. He wasn't sure whether to believe Alvis or if he was just being lazy. So, Wong came up with a plan to test Alvis' claim. He stood up and motioned for Alvis to follow him.

They moved toward the section on magic introductions. Along the way, Alvis noticed a book that caught his attention—a magical book about comprehension ability.

Alvis stopped, picked up the book, and opened it. Wong, who had continued walking, turned back and asked what was happening. Alvis explained that this subject was something he needed.

Upon seeing the book's name and language, Wong's face displayed a complicated expression. Asking what's it's name Alvis Answered Correct He believed that Alvis understood everything in English because the book's name was written in a lost language.

Wong then said, "Agamotto's Mind Comprehend Spell increases the ability of understanding by sacrificing the magical energy Limit. It's quite a powerful magic spell, but it comes with a high price—losing the magical energy Limit.

Perhaps the Sorcerer Supreme can use it, but we cannot. Alvis, you'd better start with the introduction section."

Realizing that he didn't possess the necessary energy to use that spell, Alvis understood that he first needed to find a way to upgrade his energy levels before considering such advanced magic.

For now, he should focus on studying magic with the available information. The energy price might decrease over time, or he might discover alternative methods. With a hint of sadness, Alvis returned the book to its place, realizing that being a scholar was his fate.

Arriving at the beginners' section, Wong gave Alvis six introduction books. Three of them were about magic runes, magical energies, and meditation.

while the other three covered spells: magic portal, magic whip, and Agamotto's magic shield. Wong instructed Alvis to read them and then go to Mordo for training.

If Alvis didn't understand anything, he could reach out to Wong or Mordo for assistance. Thanking Wong, Alvis took the books with him and headed to his room for self-study.

Alvis didn't particularly enjoy the library because many wandering sorcerers would cast strange glances at him as if he were an endangered species. Feeling a bit embarrassed, he returned to his room to continue his studies.

Alvis sat at the desk, with the six books in front of him, and he decided to start with "Magical Energies." He wanted to explore the difference between his newly acquired superpower of energy manipulation and magical manipulation. After half an hour of studying, Alvis came to a conclusion.

"It seems that all energies have similar origins but different levels, properties, and routes. However, Omni-Energy itself has an omnipotent origin, and energy manipulation as a power helps me have a comprehensive use for any route, be it for superpower uses or magical spells," Alvis mused. He paused for a moment, contemplating, before continuing to explain to himself.

"But for others, magic energy is used for spells, and different magical energies have distinct properties. For example, Hell Energy is used for Hell Magic, and Chaos Energy is used for Chaos Magic".

"Additionally, it seems that magic energy itself doesn't have a fixed route but can change properties for corrective actions. However, there appears to be a harsh energy conversion rate between magical energies, making it cost-inefficient."

Alvis realized that his understanding of magic was surprisingly high and surpassed his understanding of science and the physical world. Curious about this discrepancy, he called out his status.

Name: Alvis Bright

Life: 100/100

Omni-Energy: 100/100

Dimensionality/Level of Power: 3-Dimensional Creature/10-A/8-C Telekinesis

Occupation: Writer, Sorcerer, Scientist

Knowledge: Science (M+), Language (∞) Talent: Process (Evolved - Cannot Be Upgraded), {ST} Status (H-Upgradable)

Sub-Talent: {AP} Appraisal, {MF} Magic Affinity Superpower: Telekinesis - Low (Upgradable) (10 meters), {ENM} Energy Manipulation (Linked to Knowledge)

Active Skills {AS}: Psionic Bullet, Telekinesis Hands, Floating-Flying, Psionic Armor, Psionic Shield

Appraisal {AP}: Combination of talent produced, using status as a center and process as a concept to know the information about everything.

Noticing the talent of Magic Affinity and his occupation as a sorcerer, Alvis realized that he hadn't paid enough attention to his status.

Just like the process talent, he didn't fully understand everything about it, but only its beginner uses.

Using his Appraisal skill, Alvis described everything new to his status.

(Appraisal Description) Energy Manipulation: After Soul Dimensional Travel, acquired Energy Manipulation linked to Knowledge and Process.

Trait Energy Conversion: Using Knowledge as the center and Process as a command, Alvis has comprehensive control over energy conversion rates, ranging from 1% to 100%.

Magic Affinity: All things associated with magic become easier to understand.

In a state of speechlessness, Alvis thought to himself, "Simple as always, then hard." A profound thought was born in his mind—concepts and their meanings. He began pondering what concepts were and why they held so much power.

Engaging in brainstorming, Alvis arrived at a conclusion. He realized that when something needs meaning, a concept is born to define it. However, it also struck him that the concept itself existed before the definition. So, what came before the definition?

Then it hit him—the final conclusion.

Alvis answered,

"Your definition doesn't matter at all because everything has a concept. Whether it comes before or after, be it an abstract or general idea, a principle or theories.

Your definition can describe a concept to a corrective idea, maybe an abstract principle or theoretical, but the concept will always be defined by truth."

At that moment, Alvis reached a semi-perfect conclusion. Concepts are ideas that help us understand and organize the world. They exist independently, but we need our thoughts, creativity, and ideals to describe them.

To understand concepts, we rely on knowledge and information. Concepts themselves are not automatically true or false; their truthfulness depends on how well they correspond to reality.

Therefore, concepts are tools we use to make sense of things, and our thinking and knowledge help us explore and refine them.

Alvis realized that it was an infinite interconnected loop, where concepts and our understanding of them constantly influence and shape one another.

Alvis stood there, reviewing everything he had learned and understood so far. He recognized that process was present in everything, with the status serving as a means to describe information, and appraisal deciphering that information into knowledge, which ultimately formed concepts.

By combining his talents, with process at the center, accessing relevant information through his status, and evaluating it through appraisal, Alvis could produce knowledge.

He understood that with process and knowledge combined, he could gain power. However, he also realized that there were limitations to his abilities.

Despite having near-omnipotent power, his energy levels and comprehension ability posed significant challenges. Even with an idealistic approach, it proved costly and ineffective.

With his conclusions drawn, Alvis recognized that there were four key things he needed to focus on.

He needed to find a way to increase and upgrade his energy levels, improve his comprehension ability, perfect his process power, and find a more efficient way to acquire knowledge and information.

Finalizing his path forward, Alvis realized that he should start with energy and process. With enough energy, he believed he could address the other aspects. To upgrade his energy, he considered following the approach of sorcerers who used meditation to harness unowned energies and convert them into magical energies.

Alternatively, he contemplated seeking out specific types of energies from dimensional demon gods or cutting off their Leeks, similar to what the Ancient One had done.

Taking a deep breath, Alvis let go of his anxiety and overthinking. He began studying meditation diligently, opting not to rely on appraisal for help this time. He understood that having memories without true understanding would lead to a dead end.

After thirty minutes of focused study, Alvis had memorized and comprehended the principles of meditation from the book. He positioned himself for meditation and began the practice.

It seemed relatively straightforward, as he visualized his thoughts outside his body, akin to astral projection. Using this visualization, he created a Vortex pillar, pulling the energy from the outside world toward himself.

Once he felt a concentrated mass of energy, he converted it into magical energy, leading to the development of duality between his body and soul, ultimately increasing the efficiency of his magic and enhancing his magical defenses.

Alvis acquired the skill of meditation and described it as the ability to absorb unowned energies and utilize them in some way.

After ten minutes of meditation, Alvis stopped.

He realized that the conversion rate for Omni-Energy was harsh due to its omnipotent origin. However, with his magic affinity and energy manipulation talents, he could achieve a 100% energy conversion rate from the outside world to magical energy, and then to Omni-Energy without any losses.

Unfortunately, he discovered that the demands of Omni-Energy were exceedingly high. If he obtained a mass of 100 points of magical energy, it would be converted by more than ninety-nine percent, leaving him with only a marginal increase in his energy limits. Calculating with simple math, he estimated that he could earn only one point of energy every minute.

Glancing at the new upper limit for energy at 100/110, he realized he had to make a choice between upgrading his upper limit or energy recharge rate. He sighed, letting the happiness of his discovery fade away, recognizing the challenges that lay ahead.

Alvis couldn't help but envy the Ancient One's infinite magical energies. Even if he converted his own energies, even if they weren't infinite, it would still be higher than earning just one point per minute. Overthinking the situation,

he pondered the idea of creating a better systematic approach. He considered using a scientific-based approach since everything, including the supernatural, everything could be described by rules and Science is the results. The challenge was understanding the supernatural correctly.

Reviewing the principles of meditation once again, Alvis noticed key points such as thoughts, mind pulling, and the pillar, which reminded him of gravitational waves and electromagnetic pulses. Recalling the knowledge he had read recently, he began processing it to create an equation using his process talent.

Before starting the equation, Alvis asked himself whether he should prioritize more energy limit or higher efficiency. Although they seemed similar, he recognized their differences. More energy would upgrade the limit, while higher efficiency would shorten the time required.

Delving deep into his thoughts, he contemplated the choices children make versus what adults desire. It dawned on him that he could try combining meditation and energy manipulation using the power of process and the description of status. He aimed to create something akin to perpetual motion.

Alvis formulated the equation: Meditation and Energy Manipulation (T x P(S) x K(Science M+)) + {ENM} + {M}.

With this equation, he acquired the skill of Automated Meditation.

The updated status read as follows:

Name: Alvis Bright Life: 100/100

Omni-Energy {OE}: 105/110

Dimensionality/Level of Power: 3-Dimensional Creature/10-A/8-C Telekinesis

Occupation: Writer, Sorcerer, Scientist

Knowledge: Science (M+), Language (∞)

Talent: Process (Evolved - Cannot Be Upgraded), {ST} Status (H-Upgradable) {AB} Absorption (1)

Sub-Talent: {AP} Appraisal, {MF} Magic Affinity

Superpower: Telekinesis - Low (Upgradable) (10 meters), {ENM} Energy Manipulation (Linked to Knowledge)

Passive Skills {PS}: Automated Meditation {AUM} - Acquiring 1440 Omni daily

Active Skills {AS}: Psionic Bullet, Telekinesis Hands, Floating-Flying, Psionic Armor, Psionic Shield

Appraisal {AP}: Combination of talent produced, using status as a center and process as a concept to know the information about everything.

The appraisal of Automated Meditation (AUM) described it as the ability to use gravitational waves produced by body mass and electromagnetic pulses from the mind, combined with energy manipulation and magic affinity, Automates the pull of unowned energies towards oneself and convert them into Omni-Energy.

Alvis couldn't help but exclaim, "Finally!" However, he realized that he would only acquire 1440 (OE) daily. Doing the calculations, he realized that in one month, he would have 42,300 (OE) , and in one year, he would have 518,400 (OE).

He mused that it would take Maybe 500 energy points (EP) for a magical book without any proper introduction, starting with two daily, then four, and eight. In a year, it would amount to 236,679,931,304,809 Omnipotent.

Alvis let out a laugh, realizing the magnitude of his goal but forgetting about his comprehension abilities. With a sigh, he knew he had to study hard first. He believed that in a year, he would become omnipotent.

Dear Reader's who Arrived to the end i want know which writing is better this one or the previous and if you don't like scientific methods and only want Idealism more Much Love Beyonder