
Transcenders in consoles

The Transcenders broke the silence of the world, and the technology tree has since turned a corner. As mankind searched for a path to evolution in the darkness, I tore down my ribs, burned my heart, and raced against time to become their forerunner. This is the journey of a player playing the world. Playing with the world is fun.

Hodry_Chow · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
60 Chs

Skill GET!

"Introduction to Fighting"

"Grade: One-star ability, pre-requisite: Have the full physical body of an erect ape."

"Effect: After equipping, the player will automatically master normal fighting skills and the physiological reflexes generated by the body equivalent to 100 fights and 1,000 days of training, there is an advanced option."

"Notes: 'Hands, elbows, knees, heads, legs, shoulders, this is the most primitive weapon of terror of mankind'."


"Good Dreams"

"Grade: One-star ability, pre-requirement: two hands."

"Effect: After equipping, the player can hypnotize any target that has intelligence and voluntarily accepts hypnosis, and the hypnosis method changes according to the location and time, but you must use both hands, and the consumption time varies from 30 seconds ~ 300 seconds, and the target will fall into deep sleep after success."

"Notes: 'I bloom in killing, but I also lose sleep at night' A bald assassin who is resistant to most mind-affecting drugs, he has to rely on his own know-how hands to sleep peacefully for countless long nights."


After reading the descriptions of the two skills, a message pops up on the interface: "Do you want to equip items/abilities right away?"

After confirming, the screen jumps to the equipment screen, and the left side of the screen displays "Game Characters" and the right side displays "Equipment Bar".

The list of "game characters" was empty, and there was only one item: "Ren Naiser", in addition to the name, Ren Suo also saw the appearance of "Ren Naiser" - it was himself.

In the "Equipment Slot", it is divided into "Ability Slot", "Inventory Slot" and "Backup Slot".

"If I'm not mistaken, after Ren Nether equips the ability, it is likely that I will obtain the corresponding ability myself..."

Ren Suo recalled the sound he heard when he touched Mo Zhaolong, who didn't know that the small world game machine was almost attached to him, so now that he was equipped with the ability of the game machine, it was very likely that it would be fed back to him.

However, Renso discovers that he can only equip one ability - as the ability bar only has one box.

Not only the ability slot, but also the inventory slot and the stock slot have only one box, so it is obvious that you can only put one item into it. Moreover, 'Martial Arts Entry' and 'Good Dream Technique' both belong to abilities, and can only occupy the ability column.

So Ren Suo equipped the 'Martial Arts Primer', put the 'Good Dream Technique' in the spare column, and experimented with great interest.

"If that's right, I didn't fight before, but now I'm a beginner in martial arts who has been training for three years and has gone through hundreds of fights!"

Which middle school and second sick boy never hoped that he would break gold and jade with one palm, destroy mountains and rivers with one sword, and have supreme force to wantonly transform the world? Now the strongest individual combat power in the world is naturally soldiers and fighters who are proficient in various combat skills, and if you ignore hot weapons, the way for mortals to have force is to learn various fighting techniques.

However, laziness and hard work limit the barriers to obtaining force.

Ren Suo didn't know which country and style of fighting technique this martial arts was, but he was better than him who could only punch king.

Ren Suo stood up and walked around the living room, ready to be infused with knowledge in his mind by some invisible being.

I don't know what it's like? Does my head hurt? Or is it cool to get a lot of knowledge in a flash? ...

After fifteen minutes of walking, Ren Suo found that nothing had happened.

"..." Ren Suo decided to test himself, he looked at the white wall next to him, raised his fist, and slammed it over-

I felt it!

When Ren Suo found himself trying to attack the wall, his waist sank, and his lower plate clung to the ground, his shoulders, his waist operated in a way he didn't understand, and the tremendous force of his flesh erupted, and his whole body weight pressed against his fists—

"Groove groove—"

Ren Suo immediately screamed in pain, squatted down and touched his red and purple fist.

He looked at the white walls, which were so clean that he seemed to say "Huh, fish-lipped humans".

Ren Suo now believes that he has truly acquired the ability to 'Martial Arts Introduction', but this ability will only come automatically when he needs it. But here's the thing is - Ren Suo's current body is not a fighter, but an ordinary person who doesn't exercise often!

'Combat Entry' is equivalent to strengthening personal combat power, but Ren Suo's own physical fitness is average, and after strengthening, he can only fight a few small hooligans at most.

"Let's change my ability." Ren Suo shrugged and closed his eyes slightly.

According to the system guidelines, he now does not need to turn on the small world game console, and he can directly change the ability of the equipment.

Sure enough, when his consciousness was immersed, he naturally sensed the existence of the equipment bar.

The inventory was empty, with 'Combat Entry' in the ability slot and 'Good Dreams' in the backup slot, and as soon as his mind moved, 'Combat Primer' and 'Good Dreams' swapped places, and they went into a gray state at the same time.

After a 10-second cooldown, the 'Good Dream Technique' was equipped by him.

According to the description, the "Ability Column" is an intangible ability to equip knowledge, the "Inventory Column" is a tangible item of the equipment enhancement category, and the "Backup Column" is a place of abilities or items that are not used for the time being, and the player can directly change the equipment when they need it.

"However, how do you use the Good Dream Technique?"

This trick seems to be hypnosis, but Ren Suo has no hypnosis knowledge in his mind, how to practice the authenticity of this skill?

Ren Suo went back and looked at the description of the 'Good Dream Technique', and found that the pre-requirement was to use both hands, and the effect description also hinted to use both hands, so he looked at his hands and fell into deep thought.

"This ... How to use it? "

Both hands, used on the human body, except for stroking and whatever, Ren Suo couldn't think of any other operation for a while.

However, when he looked at his hands in boredom, Ren Suo found that the shaking of his fingers seemed quite interesting, and he tried to make his fingers make wonderful trajectories, flipping, drawing circles, crossings, and spinning...


Dingdong ~ Dingdong ~

Ren Suo, who was lying on the ground, snorted, wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and found himself lying on the sofa, and someone rang the doorbell outside the door.

"Coming, coming..."

It's a courier again, this time it's the games "Immortal Warriors 8" and "Cursed Evil Soul 2", and he placed an order to buy it together when he bought the Hell 4PRO game console.

However, now although the Hell 4PRO game console has been out of the box for three days, Ren Suo has not opened it once.

He looked out the window and saw that it was the next morning – he had fallen asleep on the couch last night with his fingers!

However, Ren Suo only felt refreshed for a while, his head was very energetic, and he had a faint realization in his heart, which was probably the effect of the 'Good Dream Technique'.

I slept so well.

Ren Suo put the game disc and the hell 4PRO console aside, after all, it was the lover he had been thinking about for so many years, and Ren Suo didn't want to return it, thinking that maybe there would be time to play in the future.

Then Ren Suo played his new love, the small world game console.

"It's a small world, it's a lot of fun!"