
chapter one

Transcedents are beings that bypass normal immortals.They can pass through space via cracks to reach a certain point or place higher than where they are.Mountains can be flipped upside down with just their thoughts.Rivers can be made to change their course of flow from just their breath.They are known for been as gentle as summer breeze when in a calm state but can be more violent than an elemental storm when angry.

They may sound fictional or made up but they do exist.They can sometimes be seen passing through clouds like a ray of light.Though they exist,they are few in number due to the difficulty in arriving at such a state.There are about twenty stages or realms one has to pass in order to even arrive at a lower transcedent realm of cultivation.

The information flowing inside the new Li Feng and it turns out that he got inside the body of a young man with a similar name seconds after the original owner of the body died due to shock.The memory before his predecessor's death is when this guy was apparently dumped by his girlfriend and due to that shocking testimony,he collapsed down dead.

Li Feng was just lying on the floor while hearing footsteps approaching."Li Feng,what are you doing sleeping on the ground?"A male voice was heard.openning his eyes,he sees a person who looks like he is about to enter into the old stage.

Well,from the previous Li Feng,the man infront of him is his father.He is the partiarch of the Li family,Li Gong.His mother passed away two years ago."Hello father,am just enjoying the beauty of earth from down here"Li Feng said.All Li Gong and the sorrounding people could do was to drop their jaws wide open.

"Has this kid gone crazy after a heartbreaking moment?"

"Who knows,maybe his brain is so confused to a point of saying words like a scholar"

"Too bad his heart has been broken,maybe we should comfort him"

The crowd began chattering amongst themselves while observing the heartbroken kid been dragged away by his father.