
Transcendent [MHA]

Arthur Vagabond, a boy born with an extremely powerful quirk; One For All, after the death of the greatest hero alive. All Might. [THIS IS A CONTINUATION, MY OTHER ACCOUNT GOT LOST] "People don't mess with me because they know its a waste of time.. Why try and kill a God?" [OP FROM START, ONLY GETS STRONGER]

MonkeyKingJooz · Komik
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8 Chs

Chapter 6 - The Fall

Arriving just short of the Helios Facility, Arthur frowned and Kiruka gasped in shock, worry and surprise. Standing on a five story building just a block away from their hideout, a hideout that was now destroyed and blasted to hell.

Surrounded by heroes of all different types of rankings. Though, the most concerning being the fire hero, Endeavor and his slew of sidekicks.

Alongside him was Gang Orca, someone Arthur never thought he'd see out in the field due to him being more of a water hero than anything.

Endeavors sidekicks were actively removing and securing members of Helios in handcuffs, while Gang Orca's sidekicks cleared out whatever stragglers were left inside.

Arthur's heart trembled, a sense of dread clouding his mind as he set down Kiruka and wrapped himself in a cowl of One For All, maxing out at sixty percent all around.

With a single step, he disappeared from sight, leaving the trembling and scared Kiruka on the roof to watch. However, as he left, she checked her immediate surroundings before pulling out her phone, dialing a number and letting the phone ring.

On the third one, whoever was on the other side finally picked up. "Hello? Yeah.. Great work, the heroes are here… No sign of Arnold anywhere near the site, though I doubt the pro-heroes need to worry about him. His son's here."

"Burnin!" Endeavor called out, waving away some reporters from the mob of people surrounding the operation site. Endeavors agency had received an anonymous tip about the Helios organization, a crime syndicate that most heroes knew about.

Ran by the notorious Arnold Bolt, an alias to somewhat keep his family safe, it was one of the most successful and wide-spread groups. Next to the League of Villains. Though now… With the current Number 1 Hero and the number 12 Hero being on the scene..

It was nothing more than a simple crime ring that hosted no actual threat. Making it seem like its reputation was built on lies and exaggeration.

Endeavor grunted as his sidekick with bright, flaming lime hair appeared in front of him. Dressed in a light-gray mini skirt with orange and black lining, a black collar, belt and wrist guards; She completed the look with thigh-high black socks and short black boots.

With a smile that radiated obnoxiousness, her pointed teeth cracked as she spoke. "What is it?" Endeavor only pointed behind him with his thumb, "Can you take care of it? Something doesn't feel right." As if his words were a premonition from God himself, Arthur appeared in the middle of the burning building.

Grayish-white lightning crackling off him at random intervals as his eyes stared emptily around the facility. Heroes left and right, crippled and broken members of the Helios organization being dragged towards ambulances or police cars with handcuffs clad tightly around their wrists.

His head swivled, trying his best to find sight of his father but he was nowhere to be found on the surface level. Which made Arthur feel conflicted.

'This is his operation.. One he spent blood, sweat and precious time on… The same operation he groomed me to lead.' He frowned, the idea that his father was a coward swirling within his mind.

But, he was pulled out of such thoughts when an unknown hero appeared at his side, a frown plastering his pale green face. Placing a hand on Arthur's shoulder, he spoke-

"What are you doing here kid!? This is a crime scene, stand out there like the rest of the pedestrians! Also, turn off whatever this is, I assume it's your quirk! I can arrest you for this, you know that right!?" Screaming in the boy's ears, attempting to combat the heavy sounds of the reporters and bystanders trying to get more information, autographs and even statements.

Plus the crackling of the nearby greenish-yellow fire and blue flame that was mixed in, it was quite difficult to hear anything beside that. The white noise was deafening.

Arthur sucked in a cold breath. Calming his nerves as One For All's cowl dispersed. 'I need to think. My dad isn't that weak, he won't get caught…' He told himself, letting his eyes lighten up, he spun and turned towards the Hero he recognized as Hypnotic Bat, a D-List hero that has the watered down abilities of a bat.

"I-Im sorry, I don't know what came over me…" Arthur said, rubbing his head as he looked down sheepishly. The hero raised a brow before coming to his own mental conclusion that the young boy in front of him was worried about the potential casualties.

"Haha! It's okay, moving without thinking for the sake of saving someone is something you should never be ashamed of! Though.. Maybe it'd be best if you did put some thought into it." The hero stated, looking around at the surrounding damage.

Arthur hummed, letting the Hypnotic Bat escort him outside the crime scene.

Once out, he glanced up to where he left Kiruka and he wasn't surprised when he saw that she was gone. 'Suspect number two.' He told himself, pulling his hood over his head as he navigated through the ongrowing crowd of curious people.

–1 Hour Later, Vagabond Estate. Inaka, Japan–

Turning a five hour trip into a one hour one was lightweight for Arthur. Though, moving at such high speeds for so long did drain his stamina quite quickly.

Arriving just on the front porch of his home, he sighed as he steeled himself for the possibility of his father not being there. Cracking the door open, however, Arthur was left stunned.

Arnold, laid out in the middle of the living room floor, a giant hole just under his heart. Pale faced and haggard breathing, he glanced at the door and scoffed weakly.

"Stupid brat…" He muttered, causing Amelia and Lily to shoot a glance at the door. Lily was overjoyed seeing her brother, but Amelia wasn't so kind.

"Where the hell were you!?" She scolded, not letting up on her healing for a second. Whatever attack Arnold took to the chest was something that pushed Amelia to her limits to heal.

And even then, all she's really doing is keeping him alive a little longer.

"What do you mean, where was I?" He questioned, stalking up to the group. The tension in the air thickened as his mother glared at him.

"Were you not supposed to be with your father!? Why the hell is it that he shows up, a giant fucking hole in his chest and you show up completely fine?!" Arthur's eyes sharpened at that, his chest puffing out ever so slightly as he held whatever painful emotions he felt back.

"...He assigned me something. I was away." He kept it short, to the point. Amelia scoffed, shaking her head as tears formed in her eyes. Lily kept silent, hot tears streaming down her face.

Analyzing the wound on his father, he frowned. 'What hero could push my father to such lengths? Even managing to almost rip his damn heart out.'

"Lily.. Why aren't you healing him?" Arthur asked, causing his mother to glance at her. Arnold managed to move his foot, tapping Arthurs leg.

"Shut up. Your sister already has enough on her plate." He says, causing Arthurs frown to deepen. "A plate full of what? Freedom? She wants to attend U.A, if that's the case she's going to experience wounds like this, let her get her practice in on you."

Arthurs words made sense, but he was confused as to why Arnold and Amelia glared at him like he was the one who put the damn hole in his fathers chest.


"He's right. Let me do it." Lily spoke up, wiping her tears as she scooted closer. Amelia eyed her daughter with sympathy. Arnold flashed her a softened gaze before it hardened once again as he looked at Arthur.

"What of the mission? Did you get it?" He asked, Arthur shook his head, causing Arnold to scoff before groaning in pain.

"Police busted it. I destroyed the evidence of any drugs being there before they could seize it." Arnold nodded slowly, "Good. What of Swordkil and Kiruka? They make it?"

Arthur shrugged. "Swordkil didn't bother to show up and Kiruka barely did anything." Plopping down on the couch, Arthur ignored the whole operation happening in front of him.

Though, once Lily activated her quirk, he watched with interest as Arnold's wounds started healing, patching itself together like some mystical slime.

It was disgusting. But entertaining.

"Hah, hah…" Lily soon broke into a cold sweat, her stamina being drained at a rapid pace. "Lily, let go. I can handle the rest…" Amelia cooed, placing a hand on her daughters.

The one in question nodded, falling backwards into her bottom. The rest of the night was filled with silence and groans as Arnold's wound refused to fully heal.

Whatever quirk he was hit by.. Was hellbent on taking his life.