
Transcendent [MHA]

Arthur Vagabond, a boy born with an extremely powerful quirk; One For All, after the death of the greatest hero alive. All Might. [THIS IS A CONTINUATION, MY OTHER ACCOUNT GOT LOST] "People don't mess with me because they know its a waste of time.. Why try and kill a God?" [OP FROM START, ONLY GETS STRONGER]

MonkeyKingJooz · Komik
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8 Chs

Chapter 3 - Training.

AUTHOR NOTE: This chapter ended up longer than I expected. Seems I added unnecessary information in some paragraphs. Going forward, I'll try to minimize this so you all don't lose interest and feel like you're reading this because it's a chore.

Anyways! With a mighty, 2927 words... Not counting this- I hope you all enjoy!




The next morning, Arthur and his sister Lily set out early towards their backyard. More specifically, the woods. A giant 752 meter mountain sat pristine in the backyard and Arthur found that his father had a point.

His sister coming along was something he didn't expect, but her company was nice.

Triking through the already bare path, Arthur spared a couple glances at his twin sibling, "What made you come along? You don't have to babysit me." Lily scoffed, answering after a brief mental fight between being honest, and lying.

Eventually, she chose honesty. "Mom thinks it'd be a good idea if I use you to train my quirk. The healing portion at least." Arthur nodded, finding her reasoning to be a good one. Though, he was confused on why his sister would need training.

"Training? What for?" Lily casted a glance at her brother, walking right beside him, she had a better view of his face and it honestly startled her. Hollow, empty shell-like silver eyes sported on a stoic expression.

"Eh, well I intend to attend U.A when I turn fifteen. I can't just arrive with little to no training, I won't get accepted." Arthur hummed, finding no fault in her words.

"I'll try my best to help you. With both sides of your quirks." He winks in her direction, a slight smile cracking his ever bland expression. Lily rolls her eyes but she couldn't help but wonder.

"How do you plan to train my telekinesis? It's quite set in stone, don't you think?" Clasping her hands behind her back, she skips softly, glancing towards her brother.

His silver-white hair flutters in the wind while her dirty blonde does the same. Arthurs unzipped black jacket following the same routine as his hair.

Without sparing a glance, Arthur shrugs. "Your telekinesis is more mental than anything. The weight has no meaning. That's just a limiter you subconsciously placed on yourself due to your fear of giant objects." Lily frowns.

"Mental? Really?" Arthur nods, finding her whole situation to be a simple case of a phobia getting in her way. If he had her quirk, he would easily be able to do whatever he wanted with such limitless access to a telekinetic force, but for whatever reason, she's bound to her limits.

"It's a pity really. All that power and yet your own mind is the reason you can't fully exert it." Lily's frown deepens hearing her brother's insensitive words.

"Bold coming from you, Mr Miracle. You have very~ little grasp on your quirk and you've had it since birth. So how pitiful is that?" She jabs back, partially playful but partially hurt as well. His words stung worse than she thought they would.

Arthur chuckles lightly, "Only an idiot would think that I hadn't perfected my quirk by now. I can handle much more than whatever I show dad." Stopping in her tracks, Lily's mouth gapes at her brother's bold words.

"W-What? Why would you hide that from him? You know what would happen to you if he finds out you've been hiding it from him?" Arthur stops as well, spinning on his heels with a sigh.

Involuntarily taking a step back, Lily failed to hide her surprise at his sudden change in aura. His once laid back, almost non-existent presence was now overwhelming.

"Dad's scared. That's why he's grooming me to be his successor in his business, and me, being the only one capable of taking his spot- Has a very~ heavy burden on my back." Arthur steps closer, finding his sister's confusion annoying.

"Me hiding my power is a way for me to train my mind. I've read and studied about the effects one's parents can have on their child's mind, and so far, it's working. If I truly want to be the perfect, peerless villain dad wants me to be so badly, I need to understand what it's like to feel weak." Arthur, now in front of his sister, taps her forehead with his index finger.

Spinning around and continuing his path up to the mountain. Dazed, Lily fell into thought as she stared at her brother's back.

"Being born with this divine power was more so a curse than anything. But even curses can turn out to be worthwhile." Arthur states, his voice an echo as he's already left his sister in the dust.

The one in question huffs as she still can't understand her brother's angle. His reasoning makes no sense, 'wanting to feel weak? What good would that do?' She questions herself, but no matter how hard she thought about it, she just couldn't come up with a viable answer.

Shaking her head, she broke out into a light jog to catch up with her brother. Soon enough, she was on his heels, keeping the silence a blanket between Arthur and her thoughts.

In reality, Arthurs idea was somewhat plausible, but what he failed to reveal to his sister is that even though he's stronger than what he lets on, he lacks the mental fortitude his father desires. Reading and watching gruesome, or emotionally damaging situations won't get him far.

Personal experience is what he needs and what's a better source of training than being berated and looked down upon by someone he truly loves? His father being hard on him, physically and mentally is the best thing he could've asked for.

It's molding him into exactly what he pictures as the perfect Crime Lord. Someone who knows what it's like to be at the bottom, but strong and ruthless enough to immediately climb to the top by taking and breaking through anything.

One For All can achieve that. Granting him immense physical ability, the ability to break anything. Now all he needs is the other half.

'Once he's shown me all that he can, he'll no longer be needed. I'll be perfected and capable of leading on my own.' Arthur thinks to himself, basking in the morning sun as he sets his stuff down just in front of a cave entrance to the Musagi Mountain in front of him.

"Now that I'm here… You never told me exactly what you do to train." Lily spoke up, finally breaking the deafening silence that sat between them.

Unzipping his bag, Arthur takes out a roll of bandages and begins to wrap them around his knuckles. "It's simple. I'll be pushing my physical limits with my quirk, breaking my limbs and…" he pauses, using his teeth to rip some bandages.

"That's where you come in. Healing me back to perfection while using your telekinesis to keep the debris from the mountain from landing on us or our things." Listening to his explanation, Lily nodded absentmindedly. Staring at the giant mountain before them as she chewed on his words.

"What if I'm not capable of catching a piece of rock? We die?" Arthur rolls his eyes but doesn't get snarky, biting back his tongue, he explains his sister's role.

"If you can't catch something, I'll break it. So push your limits slowly, but at least try and get over your fear of giant objects…" He said sympathetically, turning and locking eyes with her. Lily nodded, feeling conflicted about her brother's ways.

What if she couldn't do it even while taking it slow? What if she ultimately fails to catch something and Arthur isn't ready to save them? Is she really ready to die?

Arthur notices the inner turmoil within his sister but lets it be. Finding it to be her problem to solve and something he has no need in sticking his nose into unless she asks for guidance.

Channeling One For All throughout his body evenly, he lets out a warm breath of air. Closing his eyes as he specifies the specific amount of energy he wants to output.

'I'm pushing forty percent normally.. Fifty will be the target.' He thinks to himself, his teeth clenching harder as he forces ten percent more power throughout his body, but eventually lowering the amount of power in every other part of his body except his fingers.

He plans to work each limb to the targeted fifty percent. Doing that, he'll give his body time to actually get used to the new, stronger power output, making it easier for him to keep it up longer.

So while the rest of his body was holding a cool thirty five percent all throughout, his fingers were handling a max of fifty percent. Just that much was enough for him to get high off the power surging through his veins. It was an intoxicating feeling that he just couldn't get enough of.

If he wasn't currently training his mental and emotional capabilities, he surely would've let this power take over and go on a rampage just to experience the power he holds.

Lily watches curiously as Arthurs body surges. A pink line of energy coursing through his veins before coming to a stop at the base of his neck and the bridge of his nose, forming an X.

Whitish gray lightning crackles around him at random intervals, which caused Lily to jump back with a gasp. 'T-There's so much.. He can handle all of that?' Widened eyes due to her surprise, she was soon forced to close them as Arthur extends his left hand and lets off a super powered flick with only his thumb.


The mountain and the earth around them trembled violently as a gust of air pressure crashed into the side of the mountain. Turning the shallow, ten meter mountainside cave into a heaving hole of destruction now spanning one hundred meters deep into the mountain.

As if her eyes couldn't get any wider, they pushed past the impossible and proved her body wrong. Looking at the devastating damage her brother left on the mountain with just a flick of his thumb, she could only imagine how much damage he could do when he actually makes contact.

Arthur, on the other hand, finds his achievement lackluster. With as much power as he mustered into his finger, he figured he'd at least blow half the mountain away. Not just deepen the cave that was already present.

'Stronger.' He thought, not feeling any kickback from using fifty percent in a single thumb. Going at it again, but this time upping the energy output to sixty percent, he flicked the mountain once again, generating a heavy wave of air pressure in the process.

Much like his first attempt, the wind pressure carved at the inside of the deepening hole, carving away more and more rock. The once 100m even cave was now 177 m deep and 20m wide.

This satisfied him, but the recoil was apparent. His thumb bones, ligaments and nerves were all fried. He shook it off anyway though and continued with the rest of his fingers, putting sixty percent of his strength into each flick.

By the time he was done with his right hand, the mountain had been carved so much, the mountain looked as if it would collapse at any moment. Still, he ignored it and moved on to his left hand.

"Lily, get ready." He suddenly spoke, pulling his sister out of her revere with a slight jump. "R-Right…" Lowering her center of gravity to battle the on going vibrations of the tumbling mountain, she bit her lip as nervousness filled her entire being.

Second-guessing her every thought, when the first piece of rock came tumbling down the mountain, she was late to react, and in the end, Arthur had to smash it to bits with a punch.

Glancing back, Arthur sighed.

"If you can't do it, it's fine. Just stay back and get ready to heal me at least." Lily frowned, biting her bottom lip harder as her emotions got the best of her.

"No, I can do it. Just.. Watch." Arthur nodded, standing straight up with his hands in his pockets. Putting his full trust in his sister as he watched countless boulders of all sizes come rolling down the mountain. Some heading straight to him, while others went off towards their house.

Lily held out her hands as she made her way to stand next to Arthur, once there, she focused as hard as she could on the boulder currently heading towards them. It wasn't that big; Being the same height as Arthur with his 1.40 m –4'7– stature.

Spanning around 10 meters around though, it's jagged and uneven edges made it a terrifying opponent for Lily. Still, she activated her quirk and reached out for it.

Arthur watched as a thin yellow glow wrapped around the rock, slowing it down bit by bit. Glancing over at his sister, he saw that she was truly struggling just to hold this rock, he was confused.

Her current weight limit, that he knew of, was 250 Kilos –551.1lbs– meaning that the piece of rock in front of her should've been hitting just around there.. However, she should still be able to lift it with ease.

He frowned.

"Lily, put it down." He said, taking a step forward, closing the distance between the already extremely close rock. Lily groaned in pain as the mental stress of her trying to stop the boulder, however hearing her brother's words, she let go of it and broke out into painted breaths, her head banging with pain.

Arthur guided One For All all throughout his body, limiting it at 10% and stuck his arm out. The boulder bounced once it hit the ground but immediately came to a rocky stop hitting his hand. With a flick, the boulder broke down into tiny pieces.

The rest of whatever rocks that were rolling down the mountain were nowhere to be found, and the shaking stopped.

"Don't beat yourself up too hard over this. You haven't been training it, you're not going to get it perfectly on the first try. It's to be expected." Not sparing her a glance, he consoles her.

The one in question felt her nervousness and doubt slowly turn into self hate, annoyed with the fact that she was so weak when she had such a limitless ability, according to her brother at least. She trusted him so much that whatever he said, she took a face value..

In this case, he wasn't wrong about her quirk.

She sighs, her clenched fist ceasing as she finds a nearby rock to sit on.

"Easy for you to say that… You were a miracle child born with your quirk…" She grumbles, low enough for Arthur not to hear it. His zip up jacket at this point had been fully zipped up, dressed in his black jumpsuit that he has countless copies of in his closet, was currently dirtied and torn, most likely due to the wind pressure.

The duo soon fell into a routine. Arthur pushes his limit with sixty-five percent One For All coursing through his veins and Lily healing him after all of his extremities have been broken due to the strain of power.

Lily's healing quirk was really one of the strongest in the world. Being able to heal anything except for genetic mutations and death, she was highly sought after by the ones that knew of her existence and her quirk.

Quirk name, Angel, she's granted out of this world's healing abilities and her own force of telekinesis. With healing being her main perfected skill, she was always a sheltered child compared to her brother. Given the life of living with her own choices, something Arthur used to be jealous of.

But, as he grew up, he grew numb to those feelings and found life to be exactly what it is. Walking around with the mindset of, "It is what it is, just work around it." He was slowly finding himself to get number and number, but he still felt emotion, just not as much as he used to when he was treated unfairly or something abrupt happened.


"Arthur! Can we go home now!?" Lily shouts, her face looking drained and pale, most likely from using her quirk all day. The day had drifted faster than they thought.

Arthur hunched over, his hands on his knees with his clothes completely destroyed. Half of his jacket was ripped, the left shoulder being the only thing keeping it on. His pants had holes here and there, but they were for the most part, still intact.

The lack of cover showed off Arthurs rather defined foundation of muscles, already sporting a basic six pack at ten years old.

His silver-gray hair hanging in front of his face loosely, all matted and dirtied. Collapsing to the floor, he nods to his sister.

"Y-Yeah, just give me a minute." She rolls her eyes but packs her stuff. Knowing that 'give me a minute' usually turns into a thirty minute wait cause he gets lazy.

Even though she felt like that though, she still helped him get his things together so they wouldn't be out longer than they already have been. Checking her phone, Lily sucked in a deep breath at just how much time they've been out without any food and barely any water.

"Dude come on! It's 6:47! We've been out here since 10:00!" She rushes, sauntering over to Arthur. The one in question was laying on his back, his face paler than hers as his eyes showed signs of black from lack of energy.

"Telekinesis.. Please." He asked. A forced, tired smile on his face.

"No.. Energy."