
Trans-migration Book

*WARNING* This is a story written by an amateur author. You might cringe. There are places people go after they die, some go to heaven, and some are not so lucky. There is a place hidden in space where some sneaky beings take the souls of humans and try to create there own world. For millions of years this has happen and the higher ups now realize that more souls are starting to disappear they decide to utilize other souls to get back the other souls but they have not found a soul worthy in many eons. until four people with similar soul types appear.

WEIRDO · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

First Victim : Nora Jane Danes

It was raining. I had forgot my umbrella at home that day, and I was completely drenched. I was taking cover at a bus stop, trembling, regretting my choice of shoes. High heels. Ugh, I really should have checked the weather before going outside today.

"Hello Ms. Danes,"

I turned around there was a man behind me I could not see his face clearly. I looked at him confused.

' How did he know my name is he one of my families' spies? ' I thought while slowly backing away looking for means of escape. The man started to move closer and closer, I looked at the man, he seemed kind of familiar, but I don't know, where I remembered him from, and then something clicked in my mind. I turned around kicked off my heels and ran as fast as possible.

" You can't get away from me Nora!" He yelled.

I still had some hope I turned a corner, and I could make out a little store in the street, having no other choice, I quickly ran in there.

I was gasping, breathing hard, and my clothes were all wet. In this store, there was this one man which was weird, because he was the only one in this store, and he did not seem surprised to see me at all as if he was expecting to run in here. This should have rung some bells in my head, but I just ran, my head was not in the right place, I just got off work, and when faced with such danger it makes quite some sense that I did not notice such obvious no-no signs. The man came up to me took one look at me and asked if I was ok.

"No," I was not ok. I'm soaked in water, my makeup is messed up, and those were some really expensive shoes that were thrown away.

He put his arm around me and helped me sit down.

" I'll be back in just a sec Nora."

That's when the bells finally rang.



Uh Oh...

I'm doomed.

My vision suddenly turned black, and I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep the last thing I heard was someone laughing.

"Ha Ha ha ha Haha *hack* *cough* Ugh my throat hurts,"

........ At another point of time .......

A man was standing inside a store, taking coverage from the pouring rain, his phone suddenly rang.

" Yellooo!" The man answered, jovially.

" We Got'er Boss." The voice on the phone said.

"Splendid!" The supposed Boss exclaimed.

He hung before the other one had a chance to continue speaking.

' One down, only three more to go'


This is the author speaking. If you think this piece of writting. sucks let me know so it can suck less.

much appreciated.

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