
Train to my love

“I loved him before I met him and for that reason I knew it'd would be the death of me, But I know I'll die happily” Ella Greenwin

Ntombi_Hailey_M · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Chapter 1: Everlasting..

" Crap! how late am I ?" I ask Sernest on the other line, I can sense her hesitance to inform me but I have a phone so...I'll just have to do it myself. " I'll see you in three." I end and drop the call. This is the latest I've ever been for my job, I'm profoundly punctual.


" Ladies, gentleman and elderly gathered here today to be in presence of thee Sernest Angelo, please stand to your feet and applaud the women who made this event possible." The butler in a red suit announces and the crowd applauds. She needs no fancy clothes to make her look gorgeous, an asset she inherited naturally, she needed no man by her side to make her look sturdy though there he was Jacob Rein in the flash locking arms with the Mayor as they walked gracefully down the red grand staircase, with mouths agape, the crowd continued to applaud.

Jacob ushered Sernest up to the stage, the media exploiting them with their flashing cameras." Thank you very very much for making it to my dearest Sernest's birthday party, today is indeed a beautiful day, the storm is fighting it's way in with not a budge in these walls hehe." Jacob chuckles, he flashes a breathtaking smile that causing the crowd to do so too.

" Well my love." he turns to the Mayor, " My dearest Sernest, I love you very very much, the reason why I went all out on this one is to gift to you my adoration for you, I promise to do so for the rest of my life, our life's together and after. To hold onto you and never let you go." the last sentence he ends, he smirks pulling her closer to him by the waist causing her fake smile to widen and the uncomfortableness, this the crowd does not notice.

" A toast to my future wife!" he exclaims.

"wow" the room gushes. " Thank you all a bunch." Mayor Sernest Angelo thanks.

A few hours later into the party the guests are still over chatting and admiring Sernest, she on the other hand wondering where her daily saviour had disappeared to. ' Did she bail on me.'

Gathering all courage she at last releases herself from Jacob's grip telling him she's going to speak to the other guests and leaves him talking with other politicians. She walks through the crowded place searching for a particular face. " You look so beautiful Miss Angelo, I've never come across such beauty" they say, she gives them a light smile and continues to loose herself in the crowd though her bodyguards still keeping their hawk eyes onto her.

" Bella " she whispers as a tear falls down her red rosy left cheek. ' There's something wrong' she thinks, Esabella had been working for her for four years, Esabella wasn't just her assistant but her dearest friend, she knew she won't just bail on her, especially not on her birthday, Bella loves events.

' Ella is dead, Ella is dead Ella is dead.' the words suddenly began to ring in her head, she knew that voice. Fearfully she shoots a worried glance to Sky, the butler in red who immediately understands and sprints up the stairs...

On the highest floor of the condor veranda stood Ella who'd spent two hours since her arrival trying to rescue a white cat. ' Meow' it licked her chest.

" Aww, that must of been an awful experience, keep safe from now okay, go on kitty kitty, before I loose my job. " the cat's cuddled by her once more then she lets it go out the sweet.

" ahh" she sighs, pressing her palms on the railing as the rain poured heavier on her. She found it pointless to go downstairs to the ball now since she was wet including the smudged make-up on her face.

' knock knock knock' she hears and rushes to the door hoping it's not the mayor, or hoping it wasn't a knock at all cause to be found in Jacob Rein's sweet would probably get banished from the country if not the continent.

She halts before the door lock " Who's there?" she asks, but no answer, she's in hot trouble this time.

Ella hesitates for a while wondering if she could hide somewhere ' Ofcorse not buttwipe they've already heard your voice' she reasons then opens the door wishing she never did.

" Who are you? " She asks terrified, a man in black wearing a Fawkes mask with a sword in he's scabbard. He takes a step forward and slams Esabella against the book case causing it to fall onto her.

" Ahhh, help me! please who are you!! why–" she winces, he then kicks the books asides and grabs her by hair to stand the her collar and lifts her above the floor.

Esabella looks into he's grey snowflake-like eyes with tears bleeding out blood from her nose. " Pl– please...d .. don't kill me. " her voice comes out as a whisper. The man only tightens his grip on her shoulders and throws her through the glass doors leading to the veranda causing her to hit the railings.

He talks slow steps towards her, steps to her death she thought, the cold heavy rain gone, what was left now was the growling thunder and lightning. The man's buffy- part lean figure drawing closer to her fading sight. She immediately thought to herself, ' I'd love the memory of me to be a happy one, I'd like the tears of those who grief, to dry before the sun, after this cold night. Oh the pun in those words, the love I experienced and the love I was yet to.

The man bends down to her, scrutinizing her with he's part- colourless eyes and soul less body he picks her up again, this time pining her against the railing.

" Please don't...I ..I.. beg you.. I haven't done anything t-"

There it was, Esabella Greenwin's life flash before her eyes as her body become numb falling down from the high building, the thirteenth floor. What felt like years of falling into neverending darkness her body hit hard metal, blood oozing from her head, eyes open, awaiting breathlessness.

The siren of the car expected to ring never came, the man who took away her life no where to be seen from heights but there he was know, with speed ready to finish off what he'd started. He grabbed Ella's bruised leg and pulled her down to the hard pavements, he pulled out his sword and pointed it to her stomach, Ella's coughing out blood, waiting for this moment to finally just end. She locked her eyes with his filled with anger and hatred.

" I..I..I– I forgive you." she said faintly and closed her eyes indulging in the sharp pain and to rest. The man in awe to her words .



UPDATE. : Three Chapters every Thursday-sunday

I release one more today evening