

"The seven minutes are up, it seems like you've already come to a conclusion," said the voice.


Cross instinctively stepped in front of Eve and swung his magic sword, the Emperor's Fang, not to attack but to create distance between himself and the man behind him.

But suddenly, the "Saint" Harlan appeared behind the black-haired man and instead of stepping back, she blocked the blade of the Emperor's Fang with her strange, bare arm. Her cloak opened up as she did so, revealing her naked body, but she seemed unfazed by it, even with a male opponent standing in front of her.

"How is this possible?"

Even though the black-haired man had faced countless strong opponents, he couldn't believe that the blade of the magic sword could be blocked by the slender arm of this girl. Moreover, there was not even a scratch on her arm, which seemed to defy all logic, even if the Emperor's Fang was not known for its strength and sharpness.


The man holding the sword increased the strength in his right hand, but the girl demonstrated incredible strength, not even flinching and showing no signs of being breached. It was the force of the man's arm against the sword that created sparks, and facing a girl who was impossible to defeat in a head-on battle, the black-haired man quickly grabbed Eve with his left hand and jumped back, creating distance between them and being vigilant of their every move.

"The heart of the legendary saint has the same power as the 'Philosopher's Stone', which is one of the core tools used to make the 'Holy Grail'," said Harlan, without paying any attention to the man's self-important caution, speaking of some mysterious things. Although it was just Harlan's own conjecture, the expression on the black-haired man's face showed that she was right.

After all, the "Saint" had "existed" since the establishment of the holy stone monument and could be said to know everything on this continent. For example, at this moment, she had deduced the man's intention from his attack on Eda.

"That cute android by your side, the Holy Grail, the resurrection magic. Hahaha, how interesting that you want to touch the taboo at such a young age."

The body prepared for the soon-to-be resurrected, and the lost soul was found by connecting to the "Truth" through the "Holy Grail". This was the legendary "resurrection magic". But so far, no one had succeeded, and the most difficult part was making the "Holy Grail".

Harlan paid no attention to the expression of the black-haired man or Eda, who was being ignored beside him, and continued, "I know you want to obtain the heart of the Saintess because the Philosopher's Stone is such a elusive thing to find, but... what if I told you there is a real Philosopher's Stone here in the Holy See?"

"It's true that I have considered this possibility, but it's something that cannot be verified whether it exists or not..."

Although the black-haired man didn't show it on his face, he was indeed shaken. Firstly, he didn't want to kill Eda. Secondly, even if he obtained the heart of the Saintess, it might not completely replace the Philosopher's Stone. He was aware that legends were not always trustworthy. Thirdly, he couldn't guarantee that he could leave here unscathed after carrying out the act of "killing Eda".

"So, do I have any reason to deceive you?"

"Of course, you also have no reason to help me."

Only those who use magic can understand the huge gap between the black-haired man and "Saint" Harlan. The latter, as the highest executor of the combat department, was different from the "Holy King" who was responsible for politics. His subordinates, called "Judges," were equivalent to aristocrats in traditional aristocratic systems, and possessed considerable status and military power. A word from a Judge could identify an entire village, or even a small country, as "heretics" and "purge" them. That's the kind of existence they were.

And he, "Saint" Harlan, was the leader of this group of judges.

"It is said that the Holy See treats 'magicians' as kill-on-sight, leaving no one alive?"

The so-called "magicians" are those who use magic, which refers to the skill of "stealing" the laws of the world by releasing magic and using corresponding ritual formations and incantations. The only purpose of magic is to "modify reality" according to the content of the spell.

The stronger a magician's ability, the higher their constituent permissions, and the more reality they can modify. This ability is enough to make others fear them. Therefore, not only the church of the Telvis Empire, but also other countries that do not hold power over the church are conducting indiscriminate "magician hunting".

"To some extent, it is true. However, exceptions always exist, especially in the 'human world' that values 'privilege'. Let me give you an inappropriate example. Wolves are known for their ferocity, as their existence threatens people's safety. So hunters treat them like magicians and kill them on sight. But wolves are excellent in various aspects among beasts. If they are willing to use their strength to help hunters hunt their own kind, people usually call them 'hunting dogs'. As hunting dogs, they not only do not have the risk of losing their lives, but also receive the hunters' protection and 'supreme honor.' If you are willing to become a 'hunting dog' for the Church's 'hunter,' no matter what kind of magic you use as a magician, you can get the corresponding exemption. That's your current situation, do you understand?"

The great "saint" was saying something that a "holy person" should not say with a serious expression. However, after being hit by the "Dark Ages," the Church really had no room for pickiness.

Moreover, the black-haired man could clearly feel that this "saint" was also a true "magician."

"Becoming a 'lapdog'? This metaphor is really hard for me to accept. Haven't you thought that this kind of comparison would make most people refuse?"

"I guess you are not the kind of person who cares about the boring topic of 'wolves' and 'dogs,' and smart 'wolves' know how to use the power of 'hunters,' especially lone wolves like you. However, reality is like this. The 'power' that does not obey management is called 'heresy' because of its instability, uncertainty, and threat, so it needs to be eradicated. Only the part that accepts management can be called 'power' that can be used."

"It's really a 'realistic' group, the so-called 'Church.'"

Intentional ridicule did not bring the expected answer.

"Of course, power is supreme, and the weak are prey to the strong. If the Church has no power, then the existence of the organization called the 'Church' would be meaningless, right?"

Harlan denied his title of "saint" without care and spoke words contrary to it.

"Speaking of power, I am very interested in seeing how much ability you really have. Just 'physical repair' and 'artificial humans' cannot impress me."

Harlan raised his left hand and emitted a very strong magic fluctuation from his body.

"In that case, please let me, Lord Harlan, do it."

The naked girl beside him wanted to replace the "saint" to take action, but he rejected her with "I don't want others to see your beautiful body."

The situation was so bad that the black-haired man couldn't help but be amazed. The biggest enemy of magicians is the unknown. Facing an enemy who doesn't know what kind of magic he uses, he has no way to start. Moreover, the opponent's combat power is higher than his own.

In that case, why not take the initiative? The black-haired man tightened the magic sword in his hand and took a step forward.

(The fourth construct is activated, target: human body, manipulation technique: nine types, named: Sleinneil), penetrate and refine, magic formed: God Binding Lock."

However, for Harlan, who mastered "high-speed incantation," the black-haired man's preemptive strike was not a wise move.

The left foot of the black-haired man had just landed, and the blood of the two black knights he had killed on either side of him formed a ritual array. In this brief moment, "Saint" Harlan completed the magic activation!

The bones of the black knights turned into chains, and their armor was liquefied and plated onto the surface of the chains. The chains, which were given the "destructive characteristic of all magical structures," seemed to have a life of their own and stabbed at the black-haired man's vital points!

Unexpectedly, it was a refined magic similar to his own.


Hastily stopping his steps, he swung his magic sword, Emperor's Edge, in an attempt to shatter the God Binding Lock Sleinneil that was coming at him. However, the strength displayed by the slender chains exceeded the black-haired man's imagination. The God Binding Lock that was hit suffered no damage, and the chains, with the characteristic of destroying all magical structures, broke the Emperor's Edge into pieces as it grazed the sword blade. It pierced his legs and arms, rendering him unable to move.

Although the black-haired man did not scream, his expression twisted in pain.


It was precisely this type of attack that gave the seemingly disadvantaged black-haired man a chance to counterattack.

(The third construct is activated, target: metal, manipulation technique: four types, named: Oath of Victory Sword), cut off and refine, magic formed: Holy Sword - Breaker Sword."

Using his own blood as a ritual array, he refined the God Binding Lock inserted into his body as a material!

Grasping the gorgeous sword with a golden emblem engraved on it that appeared before him, the black-haired man approached Harlan, who was stunned by surprise.

"How is this possible?"

Magic had an absolute level of suppression, and the third construct of magic could not affect the fourth construct of magic in any way. In other words, the refinement of the black-haired man violated the "absolute" rule.

"But that's the fact!"

The golden long sword flashed across the "Saint's" eyes, which he barely dodged with a slight tilt of his head, even though the strange girl beside him immediately came to block. But her body, which could completely block the magic sword, Emperor's Edge, could not stop this "Breaker Sword"!

The black-haired man, who easily cut off her arm, turned around and used his momentum to strike at the "Saint" again! His hood, which he used to conceal his hair color, fell off due to his high-speed movement.

In an instant, the golden blade flashed.

The blade with gorgeous engravings pressed against the "Saint's" neck and stopped.

"You lost, Saint."

"Heh, it's perfect. I never thought there was such a way to subvert the level suppression. It's been a long time since I've fought. My skills have gotten rusty!"

Having his sword held against his neck, Harlan smiled with admiration for the black-haired man's abilities.

"As I expected, this person is a very interesting individual."