
Orun Travel Corporation

Orun Travel Corporation was the largest and most popular travel corporation owned by some great practitioners of the Ino Agbara: Principle of Propulsion and Agbara Igi: Principle of motion. Principle of propulsion under Ino Agbara dealt with very quick transport from one place to another, albeit at a charge of gold mints. While Principle of motion was not that fast but quite capable of transporting much people all at once except that it was less as fast as Principle of Propulsion.

The Corporation had capitalized on the fact that Ino Agbara and Agbara Igi were the two most difficult Laws to master, also the most resourceful In travelling plus the fact that very few laws allowed for effective motion. The law of thunder was quite close in rivaling the two principles but it had some violent aftereffects that only spared the caster of the technique. These reasons were the building block of Orun Travel Corporation and had been the reason why it had existed for long.