
Breaking Dawn Pt2. 8

"They're back!" Alice exclaimed from the sitting room, Carlisle stood up and left Skylar to join the others. Edward and Bella had gone hunting and it had taken longer than he'd thought. He was glad to see Bella was okay but his thoughts stayed with Skylar.

Carlisle moved over to stand between Alice and Esme. Esme put a hand on his shoulder as an attempt to lift his spirits. He saw Bella talking to Jacob, she looked happy and healthy.

"Esme was the first to speak up, "Welcome to the family,"

"You look great, Bella," Alice commented.

"Someone's been waiting to meet you," Carlisle said, "Rose,"

The blonde turned to Bella and held out her arms so she could see Renesmee. Bella gasped and took Renesmee into her arms. Carlisle watched as Jacob tensed but smirked.

"Beautiful," Bella breathed as she looked at her daughter. Renesmee reached up a hand and it on Bella's cheek. Bella's jaw dropped and she looked up at Edward, "what was that?"

"She showed you the first memory she has of you," Edward explained.

"She showed me? How?" Bella asked.

"How do I hear thoughts? How does Alice see the future, how does Skylar do the things she can do?" Edward said, "she's gifted,"

"I've only been out for two days," Bella said with a confused expression.

"Her growth rate is unprecedented," Carlisle said trying force a smile.

Bella looked down at Renesmee again but then furrowed her eyebrows and looked up at Carlisle, "Carlisle, where is Skylar?"

Carlisle sighed and motioned her to follow him, the rest of them followed behind. Carlisle opened his office door to reveal Skylar's body on the table. Bella walked over to Skylar looking her up and down with a worried expression

"What happened?"

"The brain tumour killed her. She died the night you did," Carlisle explained as the lights in the room flickered, "she's been doing that since yesterday among other things,"

"So she should wake up," Bella said.

"I don't know, it might take longer because of her abilities. We-I'll just have to wait," Carlisle said smiling softly at his mate.

"Alright," Jacob stepped forward, reaching for Renesmee, "that's enough experimenting for one day,"

"Jacob, not now," Edward said, "she's doing great,"

"What's your problem?" Bella growled pulling her child closer.

"Oh," Rosalie rested a hand on the werewolf's should, "do tell her Jacob,"

"This should be good," Emmett smirked folding his arms.

"Just a second," Edward said taking Renesmee away from Bella, "go ahead,"

"Bella look we shouldn't talk about this while Skylar's here," Jacob tried to defuse the situation, "it's a wolf thing,"

"What's a wolf thing?" Bella asked, "and don't use Skylar as an excuse she could break you right now if she was awake,"

"You know we have no control over it," he began, "and we can't choose who it happens with and it doesn't mean what you think, Bella, I promise,"

"Take Renesmee out of the room," Bella instructed as Edward moved closer to her, "Edward don't touch me right now, I don't want to hurt you,"

"Oh," Jacob closed his eyes.

Bella reached up and grabbed Jacob's ear and dragged him outside, "You imprinted on my daughter?!"

"It wasn't my choice," he tried to reason, holding his hands up.

"She's a baby!" Bella shouted.

"It's not like that!" Jacob explained, "do you think Edward would let me live if it was?"

"I'm still debating," Edward mumbled.


Meanwhile, inside Carlisle's office, something was happening. Her body began to twitch as she started waking up. Unfortunately, the other vampire's were too focused on Bella and Jacob to realize.

Two red eyes suddenly snapped open, she lived. Then her eyes changed to golden and her skin was cracked. Her powers adjusting to her new form, like they were resetting. The Phoenix sat up quickly looking at her surroundings. She was in her lover's office.

The lab experiment stood up stretching and noticed her senses were heightened. She walked over to the mirror and looked at herself, she was so different. Instead of her brown hair, it was now red and her skin was pale. Finally, she noticed her red eyes, Carlisle did it. He saved her.

She snapped out of her trance when she heard the sound of shouting outside. The vampire furrowed her eyebrows and made her way outside.


"I've held her once, one time Jacob!" Bella continued to shout at the werewolf, "and already you think you have some kind of moronic wolfy claim on her? She's mine!"

Bella then pushed Jacob and sent him flying back into a tree. It was then that Skylar came out to see the mayhem that was unfolding.

Seth and Leah came running down the track in their wolf forms and Leah growled at Bella, "It's fine Leah,"

"You're going to stay away from her," Bella instructed.

"You know I can't do that," Jacob sighed. Skylar hung back in the doorway, deciding not to step in. Bella then growled and pushed Jacob again, he landed with a cough.

"Edward stop her," Esme said but Edward shook his head.

"He said it's fine. She's amazing right?" he boasted.

"It won't be so amazing when she accidentally kills him now will it?" Skylar emerged from the doorway and was at Edward's side. She gave him a dirty and continued to watch the vampire and werewolf fight. The rest of the family weren't as focused on Bella now, they were looking at Skylar. She had changed.

"Do you remember how much you wanted to be around me three days ago? Jacob said backing away, "that's gone right?"

"Long gone,"

"Because it was her. From the beginning, it's been Nessie who wanted me there," Jacob said.

"Oh God," Skylar said rolling her eyes waiting for Bella's outburst.

"Nessie?! You nicknamed my daughter after the loch ness monster!" She went to hit Jacob again but Seth jumped in the way. Bella punched sending him flying into a tree and Skylar gasped.

"Sorry Seth," Bella said sheepishly as Seth tried to get up.

Skylar ran down the stairs to the young wolf. Seth was reluctant to let her come near but then realized she wasn't going to be anything like Bella. She sat down next down to him and he nuzzled her cold palm.

"It's okay Seth, you'll be fine," Skylar said before glaring up at Bella. Quick as lightning she was in front of Bella holding tightly onto her arm. Bella couldn't move from Skylar's grasp - knowing what Skylar could do now that she was a vampire made Bella decide not to pick a fight with Skye.

"Just calmed down, before you do something you'll regret," Skylar warned the brunette. Bella only nodded and Skylar let go of her arm.

"Bella you know me better than anyone. All I want for Ness...," he paused, "Renesmee to be safe. Look nothing ever made sense before. Me, you, him, any of it. And now I understand why. Because of her,"

Skylar walked back up to the vampires on the porch and smiled. She looked at Carlisle who smiled widely and opened his arms for her. The two vampires embraced each other tightly, enjoying the feeling of being each other's arms again.

"You saved me," Skylar whispered.

"I promised I would," Carlisle said leaning down to kiss her lips. They were just as cold as his now as they slowly moved in sync. The kiss was passionate and lasted for what seemed like forever until they were interrupted, "Ahem,"

Skylar pulled away and turned to face Bella who was at Edwards side again, "You look really great Skye,"

"Thanks, you do too. I'm just happy you made it," Skylar replied.

The vampires all embraced the new Skye with welcoming hugs. Carlisle was particularly eager to have her back where she was safe. He admired her new form as she interacted with the other vampires.

Then the wind blew and Skylar's head snapped behind her. A sweet scent filled her nose but it didn't appeal to her at all. Carlisle realized what she had smelt and pulled her away from the others, "What do you smell?"

Skylar thought for a second, "Its blood,"

Carlisle nodded and took her hand, "Try to resist it. I'll take you hunting now,"

Skylar only shook her head and turned her head from the smell, "It's not hard to resist anyway and I don't know what you were talking about human blood smelling so good. You don't have to take me hunting either, I'm not thirsty,"

The vampire's stood with confused looks at the newborn. Skylar had denied human blood as Bella had and on top of that, she said she wasn't thirsty. It was clear that she had picked up Carlisle's ability to have good self-control. Either that or her powers were keeping her thirst at bay.

"Are you sure cause we can go right now?" Carlisle asked.

"I'm fine, Carlisle, really. Let's just go inside," Skylar said walking into the house. The coven and werewolf followed after the newborn with very confused but admiring looks.


Later that night Skylar sat on the couch next to Jacob reading a book. Jacob had his head rested on her arm as he was attempting to fall asleep. He shuffled a bit then sat up, "God you're cold,"

Skylar laughed, "Well, I'm sorry if you have a problem with it take it up with Carlisle. Anyway is this better?"

Skylar began using her powers which she found warmed her because it was like a fire burning inside of her when she used them,"

"Much better," Jacob mumbled.

The house was silent. None of the vampires made a sound like they were afraid to disturb the silence. Carlisle only focused on the strange heartbeat coming from Skylar's chest - only 10 beats per minute, it was strange. Maybe the venom hadn't finished changing everything which meant that part of Skylar was still human.

The front door opened softly making Skylar shift in her seat a bit. Jacob readjusted his position and continued to try and sleep. Rosalie walked into the room the first to come back from the hunt.

"My turn," she said rubbing her hands together. Bella smiled at her daughter before handing her over to her Aunt.

The front door opened once again and loud footsteps and voice drown the silence. Skylar gently puts her book down and looked up at the other vampires. She was enjoying reading her book in peace.

She saw Alice skip up to Bella and hold out a key, "Happy birthday!"

Bella gave Alice a funny look, "I stopped ageing three days ago,"

"We tried to tell her," Skylar said standing up from the sofa, "but here we are celebrating anyway,"

"So suck it up, both of you," Alice teased.

Skylar only giggled and went over to fall into Carlisle's arms. She buried her head into his chest and let out a sigh. He leaned down and kissed her forehead, "How was your book?"

"Great, I was really getting into it," she said pulling away. Her red eyes met his golden ones, "can I go to your room where it's quiet?"

"Yes you can and you know you don't have to ask," Carlisle laughed.

She pursed her lips and looked up at him innocently, "Will you join me?"

He smiled widely and nodded, "Of course I will, Phoenix,"
