
Tragedy of The Eternal Champion

What happens when the Champion of Light is born with the essence of Darkness? The Hero who was supposed to bring prosperity to his nation becomes the very reason of its demise? Eternus, the hero of an age-old prophecy, destined to achieve greatness in combat and wisdom so much so that he would be remembered for Eternity. But everything comes at a cost... For Eternus, It was EVERYTHING itself. His smile, His parents, His nation... And all that he ever had... Gone in just one day. ----------- The Champion of Light... Now a fugitive! Scarred by the nightmares of that terrible day when he lost his Home, his Parents, and even his Smile. Everything gone in just one day... Watch him grow cold blooded and cruel yet at the same time pure of heart at his core... finding his way through the Mortal realms and beyond!

Refound · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

An Acquaintance

The laughter of the Empress at her palace instilled a sense of caution in Eternus's heart as he walked a distance into the woods while staring at the blank page of the Map, Eternus finally gave up and silently stuck the map into his belt. His direction, now solely depending on pure instinct.

Eternus had already walked for a few days, hunting, camping, and trying out every method he could think of to operate the map in the vast woods. Then one day during this everyday hassle, he eventually ended up near a shallow stream of fresh water surrounded by a brief but lush meadow hidden inside the heart of the dense forest.

"Finally, some fresh water!" He rejoiced at the sight of the stream and rushed forward to drink up and wash his face.

"I had almost forgotten how freshwater tasted like in those past few days… Drinking from tree roots left a bad taste in my mouth." He said to himself and released a long sigh of relief.

"I need to wash up or People outside might think I'm a beggar if I go out looking like this." He mumbled to himself and set aside his cloak.

After that, he took off his shirt to wash, revealing his mildly built muscles and a physique that would be impossible for any 12-year-old to have. His heart tingled with a sense of pride when he watched his flexing muscles as he washed his torso and arms.

Two years of rigorous training left a few scars on his body and gave this Boy the air of an experienced warrior. The Seal of Heaven on his chest was a painful reminder to him that he was and always will be the Champion chosen for a peculiar destiny.

No seeing eye could reckon that it is a child, merely 12 years of age washing off at the stream.

Just as he finished washing up the blood sweat and grime from his body and clothes, Eternus rested on the soft grass, his feet dipped inside the water and eyes peering towards the sky.

"When will I finally be able to leave this place?" He sighed and continued, "I've been walking for days on a whim but I don't know if I got anywhere near the end."

As he wandered deep into his realm of thought, a sound from the bushes grabbed his attention and alerted the lone and shirtless traveler.

He stood up in position with the Crimson Blade in his hand tightly gripped and eyes peeled open, gazing in all directions.

"Who's there!?" He shouted with Inura's Crimson Blade pointed toward the silent bushes.

For a moment, the air went cold and the bush was silent with the only sound being the birds chirping in nearby trees.

'I know I heard something… I'm sure of it!' He thought to himself.

All of a sudden, he noticed from the corner of his eye; a small blurry figure hopping across another set of bushes, followed by a much larger figure that seemed to be chasing it.

Eternus cautiously approached with his sword ahead of his body to see.

"Hmph" He exclaimed in disappointment when he realized that it was only a Black cat with Two tails being chased by a large Horned-Wolf.

"So it's only a wolf hunting its prey... I shouldn't interfere." He sighed and looked away, thinking nothing much of it, he lowered his sword.

He left the two alone and moved back to pick up his stuff from the streamside.

"I should get moving too."

Just as he bowed to pick up his shirt which was resting to dry on a flat stone, the same two-tailed cat ran through the middle of his legs. At the same time, he sensed murderous intent. But, it wasn't from the cat.

In the moment, his eyes instinctively intensified and his head turned to see. The Horned Wolf that was recently chasing the cat had changed its target… Now it aimed for Eternus.

It jumped in the air to attack Eternus from behind with its fangs and claws bared.

Out of pure instinct, the Boy bent his knees, titled the sword, and slashed it upwards from behind, cutting the wolf apart while it was still in midair.

All this in a fraction of a second. However, it was not a clean cut for some odd reason.

He turned around to see the cat as the dead wolf's blood rained on him from atop.

"Great, I need to clean up again…" He sighed sarcastically and then began looking at the Blade, "How odd… It was as if I used a blunt strike and if it weren't for all the force I put in, it would never have cut through."

He shook his head and pushed this thought to the back of his mind saying, "Nevermind, the blade looks sharp. Maybe I'm just not used to it yet."

He then looked at the Two-tailed cat which was standing and staring quietly at Eternus' face which was sprinkled with little drops of blood.

'This one has a strong presence for a beast her size…' He said inwardly.

Eternus found her stare unusual but ignored it and went to wash off the bloody mess from his face and body.

Just as he sat down and dipped his hands in the water like a mug, the cat approached him slowly and sat near him, wiggling its two tails in a helical manner.

"What a strange one… I've never seen a beast like this in the forest before." He commented on the animal.

Not sensing any danger from the little cat, he paid no attention and began washing the warm blood from his hair and face nonchalantly.

The little cat seemed like it furrowed its brows and gently bit him on his arm.

Startled, the Boy shook his hand and threw the cat into the shallow stream.

After taking a look at the bite- wound, Eternus realized that it was completely painless and the wound was already healing.

He looked around to see where he threw the little cat, his sense of peculiarity toward the cat turned into reality when he finally saw it standing on the flowing water.

While he was trying to comprehend the strange phenomenon that just happened with a straight face, he heard a childish voice speak to him in his head, [What did you do that for, throwing a little cat into the stream? I only wanted to talk to you, You jerk!!]

Eternus wondered out loud to make sense of the things he was seeing, "I'm sure the mushrooms I had this morning weren't poisonous. Then am I hallucinating because… this cat bit me?"

The cat approached Eternus as he sat still wondering, and slightly scratched with an expression on her face that seemed angry.

Simultaneous to that, Eternus heard the same voice again,

[Here I was thinking I'd thank you for saving me... you're rude!]

The thought of a possibility dawned on the Boy that baffled him even more.

"Is... Is that you who's talking to me?" He asked the black cat with a curious tone.

The cat nodded and he heard the voice again, [Do you see anybody else here? Of course, I'm talking to you!]

Eternus finally realized and said with his usual calm tone, "I see... You're a strange one. How are you speaking to me?"

The cat answered like a child explaining her mischief, [You see... I bit you to make this telepathic connection and now I can speak to you in your mind. I wanted to thank you for saving me.]

Eternus's surprise soon faded away and he replied humbly, "You shouldn't thank me... I only killed the wolf because it changed its target and attacked me."

The cat responds again with a sigh, [Well, I'm alive thanks to you... And I'm not so ungrateful to let it just pass by without repaying my debt. Do you even know who you're talking to?]

Eternus answered with a slightly irritated tone, "A helpless cat?" He continued, "You owe me nothing... Just run away to your home."

[No way, I'm leaving without paying my debt.] The cat answered with utmost willfulness and continued with a somewhat proud tone, [Besides, my home is with you now! Since you saved me, I owe my life to you. There's not even a single beast that looks similar to me. You should be glad I'm coming with you!]

Just as the cat finished her sentence a brilliant idea hit her little mind and her yellow eyes sparkle with joy, [I know! I see that you're headed somewhere, why don't I accompany you on your journey?]

"No... You're of no use to me." Answered Eternus bluntly.

The cat argued with a pouted face, [I'm not as weak as I look you know!] A hint of compassion flickered in her eyes as she continued, [Besides, I think you could use a friend too.]

Eternus raised an eyebrow and looked at the sky after hearing this. "A friend huh... How long has it been... Did I even have any of those? "

An odd silence spawned in the air for a moment before the mysterious cat spoke once again,

[So, what do you think big bro? Want me to accompany you?]

Eternus sensed something familiar about that mysterious cat apart from her strong presence.

"Not really, but I guess nothing would change your mind unless I scare you off. But, I'm not in the mood of doing that either..." He sighed and agreed to the little creature's request, or rather pressuring, "Fine, do whatever you want. But remember... I am not your friend."

The cat's eyes open up with joy and she yelled out with a smiling face,

[So, we're acquaintances then, fine by me! We'll be best friends in no time... uhm, My name is Nekomata, but you can call me Neko.]

"Neko. I see... My name is Eternus." He replied with an indescribable emotion.

Neko felt happy after knowing his name. [Eternus... Are you a hero or something? That name fits you pretty well... Hehe] The cat giggled in amusement.

Eternus still felt something odd about this creature. It was not malicious but still piqued his curiosity.

'I'm sure I've never seen her before… but it feels so familiar.' He thought to himself.

Neko jumped on Eternus's shoulder and says with her voice brimming with excitment,

[So where are we headed to, Big bro Eternus?]

He shook his head and replied, "For now, I'm looking for a way out of this forest." He continued with a slightly annoyed tone, "I'm not your friend, so don't call me big bro. Just Eternus is fine."

Neko pouted at this refusal from Eternus, [Fine… No need to be so mean about it!] She stuck her tongue out at him.

"We should get moving now..." Eternus shook his head wondering what the creature wants from him.

He stood up and grabbed the Crimson Blade, getting ready to leave. The Blade caught Neko's eye for a moment but her attention was swayed as Eternus covered it with the flank of his cloak.

On the nameless road, heading toward an aimless direction, Neko spoke once again from his shoulder,

[You didn't tell me, where are we even headed?]

Tired of dilly-dallying, Eternus cut it short as he snorted with a crooked look and said,

"Maybe, I'll tell you some other time..."

Neko's eyes flicker as she knew he was curious about her too. So very shrewdly, she raised his sense of curiosity about her, saying to him in his mind,

[I'll be waiting for that time then…] The clever cat continued as she looked from the corner of her yellow eyes, [Maybe I'll tell you a secret about myself too.]

Eternus's suspicion about her strong presence grew even stronger… but to make it fair he agreed

"Till that time then... If you stick around."