
Toxic Vampire

As you can see TVD Regeneration is the fanfiction novel of the original TVD with new generation, characters and a lot of things. A new couple doppelgangers of Silas and Amara. They don't know the truth, Maybe this time SilaS' doppelganger find his love and peace. But this novel is not about only doppelgangers. Hope you'll enjoy my fanfiction.

TheStefanSalvatore · Fantasi
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93 Chs

16. The Job Interview

Trevor began strolling to class.

I got up to speed to him. "I'll drag you down so awful assuming anything occurs!"

"Who will they accept, freak- - a distinctions understudy who is a star soccer player or a no-account gothic chick with one companion, who invests more energy in the key's office than in class?"

"You owe me a tennis racket!" I yelled defenselessly as Trevor walked off.

I just own it, Trevor had vindicated himself for the Naked Woods Night. In view of him I'd lost my father's extravagant schmancy racket. Also, more critically, he'd made me the adversary according to the main individuals around who could get me and be my companions. They were my independence from Dullsville and my association with humankind, yet presently on account of Trevor, the Mansion would be more earnestly to get into than when it was blocked.

"You what?" my dad hollered during supper after I let him know I lost his racket.

"All things considered, it's not actually lost. I simply don't have it."

"Then, at that point, get it back assuming you know where it is."

"That would be unthinkable at this moment."

"Be that as it may, I have a game tomorrow!"

"I know, Dad, yet you have different rackets." I attempted to flatten the force of that one specific racket. Serious mix-up!

"Others? It's that simple for you? simply go purchase another Prince Precision OS racket?"

"I didn't intend that- - "

"It's awful enough you ruin property at school!"

"Please accept my apologies, yet - "

"Sorry's not sufficient this time. Sorry won't dominate me my match tomorrow. My racket is. I can't really accept that I let you remove it from here in any case!" "However, Dad, I'm certain you committed errors when you were a flower child teen!"

"Furthermore, I paid for them! Like you will pay for my racket."

My ledger had around five dollars in it, the remaining parts of my Sweet Sixteenth birthday celebration cash. I actually owed Premiere Video 25 dollars in late expenses. I immediately crunched the numbers in my mind. Father must keep my recompense until I was thirty.

Then, at that point, he said the three words that resonated in my mind and made me go tipsy with rage. As he said them I thought I planned to detonate into 1,000,000 miserable pieces.

"Find a new line of work!" he announced. "Better late than never, as well. Perhaps that will show you some obligation!"

"Would you be able to simply hit me? Or then again ground me? Or then again not address me for quite a long time like guardians do on those television shows? Please, Dad!"

"It's conclusive! End of story! I'll assist you with getting a new line of work on the off chance that you can't all alone. In any case, you'll need to accomplish the work yourself."

I rushed to my room, moaning like child Nerd Boy, shouting as loud as possible, "You individuals simply don't comprehend the strain of being a teen in my age!"

As I cried on my bed, I fantasized about slipping into the Mansion as I did with Jack Patterson when I was twelve and recovering the racket.

Yet, I likewise realized I was a little greater in the hips now and that the window we'd utilized had been supplanted. I'm certain the new proprietors likewise had a security framework and, regardless, where might I search for the racket with such countless rooms and storerooms? And keeping in mind that I was looking quickly, I made certain to be gotten by Creepy Man using a firearm or some archaic torment gadget. A seasonal occupation was a less threatening situation, yet just barely. Now I truly wished I were a vampire- - I'd never known about Dracula's having some work.

Associations. They'd be magnificent on the off chance that my father knew Steven Spielberg or the Queen of England, yet Janice Armstrong of Armstrong Travel simply doesn't cut it for me.

Far more terrible than appearing there after school three days every week, noting telephones in an enthusiastic voice, copying tickets with that ghastly blinding blaze in my eyes, and conversing with elitists going to Europe for the fourth time was the absolutely safe clothing standard.

"Please accept my apologies, yet you will not have the option to wear those..." Janice started, gazing at my shoes. "What do you kids call them?"

"Battle boots."

"We aren't the military. What's more, it's alright to wear lipstick, yet it should be red."


"Yet, you can pick any shade."

Extremely liberal, Janice! "What about pink?"

"Pink would be extraordinary. Furthermore, you'll have to wear skirts. In any case, not excessively short."

"Red skirts?" I inquired.

"No, they don't need to be red. They can be green or blue."

"I can pick any shade?" If she planned to cause me to feel like a blockhead, I planned to behave like one.

"Unquestionably. Furthermore, hose- - " "Not dark?"

"Not tore."

"What's more, the nail clean," she started, gazing readily available.

"Not dark, yet any shade of red. Or then again pink would be extraordinary," I recounted.

"Excellent," she said with a major grin. "You're fitting in as of now!"

"Much appreciated, I surmise," I said as I got up to leave. I really look at my watch. The meeting had required fifteen minutes, yet it seemed like 60 minutes. This occupation would have been finished torment.