
Toxic Hearts

I stared at the alter deep in thoughts, when I heard the trumpet. Sudden silence all over the church, you could hear a pin drop. The sound of footsteps, his footsteps; echoed around the place. I looked away from the floor i'd already spent 5 minutes studying, and saw a man, if not an angel; staring intently at me. He had the most beautiful gray eyes, like a void you could get sucked into if you looked at for just even a second; and for some reason I didn't want to look away. The most pale and beautiful skin I had ever seen, and that beautiful dark ash coloured hair that graced his already stunning face. I was crossed on whether he looked like an angelic devil or a devilish angel.

Dera_xs · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs



"They're all too exposed." Aliyah said, feeling confused as she looked at the various dresses.

"These are the only available options for you to wear tonight, ma'am." Ruby said, looking even more confused.

"What'd you mean tonight?." 'Is there anything special going on tonight.' Aliya thought.

"Um!... for your wedding night maam." Ruby said, feeling embarrassed to mention it.

'I forgot my own wedding night, how could I forget my wedding night.'


The council room was one of the biggest room in the palace, with majestic tapestries and towering pillars. The room was filled with nobles, advisors, and courtiers, all eagerly awaiting the arrival of the king.

As the king entered, there was a hush that fell over the room, and all eyes turned towards him.

With a commanding presence, the king stood at the front of the hall, his voice resonating with authority. He acknowledged the reports of increasing tensions with a neighbouring kingdom, which had been encroaching on their borders and showing signs of aggression.

Euphoria, a kingdom that has been thriving excellently, divided into four distinct regions, each with its own unique charm. The capital, nestled in the heart of the kingdom, serves as a vibrant hub where the essence of Euphoria thrives.

In the north, you'll find the snowpeak highlands, a majestic land of snow capped mountains and serene valleys. The people there have mastered the art of survival in the harsh winters, relying on their resilience and resourcefulness.

To the east lies the Blossom grove governed by the house of balliols. A realm of lush forests and vibrant flora. The air is filled with the sweet scent of blossoms, and the inhabitants are known for their deep connection with nature and their expertise in herbalism and botany.

In the south, the sunlit plains stretch as far as the eye can see, bathed in warm sunlight. This region is known for its fertile lands and vast agricultural fields, where hardworking farmers cultivate bountiful harvests to sustain the kingdom.

Finally, in the west, the Crystal coastline glistens with its pristine beaches and sparkling turquoise waters. The coastal towns thrives on fishing and maritime trade. The people here are known for their seafaring skills and adventurous spirits.

At the heart of Euphoria lies the capital city, a bustling metropolis where the cultural richness of the kingdom converges bustling markets, and grand monuments adorn the cityscape, reflecting the kingdom's history and the aspirations of its people. The capital pulsates with life, as artisans, scholars, and merchants gather to exchange ideas, trade goods, and celebrate the vibrant tapestry of Euphoria.

In this kingdom of Euphoria, the four parts come together to create a harmonious whole, where diversity is celebrated, and the people work together to ensure the prosperity and well-being of their beloved realm.

Which kingdom wouldn't want to try their luck and take over Euphoria.

"We have to inform the house of Lancasters to strengthen the defenses of the western region." Xavier said. "The Crystal coastline is the easiest way for the kingdom of Ardisan to attack. The water bodies make it simple for them to ambush."

"Thank you your majesty, we'll inform them right away." One of the advisors said. "Oh and congratulations on your wedding your majesty." He said and all the members of the council followed on congratulating the king.