
Tower of god:Lord of Spirits(Rework)

Edit: MC is will be the younger brother of Bam,but he won't have memories of the past except some memories regarding to having read the tower of god throughout his dreams. Also there will only be 3 people will he be with for his partners any more would stretching it and making it feel rather plain. Wish fulfillment so don't come at me with the Grammer and stuff.Ideas are welcomed tho. I don't own tower of god or it's characters and I welcome any ideas that may be add spice to the story. Pic of characters are at Volume 0 of chapter Hope you enjoy it.

Tempest_5916 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

Shadows are brewing...


Training nonstop with spirits that had infinite stamina was probably one of the most exhausting and painful training I've ever came up with...

However he's been regretting his choice as if lately,Red during the time I spent sparring with him was constantly keeping me at the borderline of death he was the perfect warrior.It was always a few centimeters,Blue was the worst opponent for fisherman man with here water manipulation in restraining,White was the one who kept send small tornados in a circle to limit my fighting space.

Uriel was the tactician who seemingly managed to predict ever little move I made during my spars he made use my mind more than on simply relying on techniques.

Anyways time was almost up, so I decided in finally stopping our training to rest in bed from the beating I had received as in around 3 hours we would be prepared to head out on a vehicle with the others to take the irregular test.



(Bam pov )

Bam was remembering his choices he had made due to his urgesto climb the tower in search for Rachel he had suspicions for them to be Michelle Ligth,but her hair was dark blond and her tone of accent had been rather rough compared to her ligth tone.Either way he's been feeling guilty on having dragged his little brother even though he didn't know him Rachel's teaching had told him that family was more important than girl.

(A/N : It's what's gonna kill her he he..)

Rak : "Three hours are up Black turtle you should get up from bed ya lazy turtle!"

Snapping him out from his thoug thoughts he nodded and we quickly headed towards where Lero Ro had designated a room where they would be quickly transferred to test floor.Which speaking of which he managed to get almost everyone on signing the paper regarding the making of their team and since they had two irregulars there had been a wierd exception of more teammates and he only need his little brother Aether to sign.Seeing everyone already in the room we quickly entered not wanting scolded for being late.

Letting out a sigh I closed my eyes in which I was caught by suprise as I felt Endosrsi's hands ruffling my head as she said in a grieved tone.

Endorsi : "Your so much better than that bratty brother of yours who rude!"As she began muttering in a tone too silent to hear as she stared aggressively at Aether who was a the corner of the room.

Bam : "What did you ask?"From what he knew while he knew he would answer almost any question unless if it was regarding to his abilities or something personal...He was probably the alone with in the cave while he could see that he was with what Shibisu was saying migth be a 'Familiar' a mortal would always rather interact with mortal.

Endosri : "I asked Shibisu first since he knew a bit of Aether due to Aether himself telling Shibisu a bit of himself and all I got was that he lived in a cave for an amount of time that he could not remember...."In which she slowly began realizing her mistake.

Endorsi : "I asked him if he misses his cave..."Ending her sentance in a somewhat guilty manner if she was... She began twirling her hair in which I answered shortly.

Bam : "If he went through the same thing as me without anyone Endorsi you can say that questions like that are personal.I know from personal experience..."Before having met Racheal he had only been a boy wanting to to escape that lonesome cave that seemed too huge.The memories before meeting her wad lonely to him she was the one who appeared like an angel.

He suddenly felt grateful for the chance on climbing the tower since wouldn't met Rak and Khun along the way.Perphaps forgetting her for now was a better option and climbing the tower would grant him the strength in finding her...

He could only hope that everything would go well for them as the vehicle that they had been waiting for was finally ready for take off.

Lero ro : "I will not be going with you but we will be watching, I wish you the best of luck..."In which he ended the sentance with a rather complicated look.



(??? Pov)

In shady looking but big room that was only illuminated by two ligth towers two people remained on hidden.

A figure with blond hair and a masked black masked covered half his face as he was sipping his tea with a satisfied look.Things,have never been looking so great after the fact that there was two irregulars even more with the fact that both irregulars were related and they carried a connection that few people had in the tower.

??? : "Preparation are ready sir!"In which a masked figure had appeared behind the shadows kneeling.However from his posture he could sense that the masked figure was giving an aura of unease.

???: "Excellent Greesh....However why do you have such a complicated look?"He was going to press for answers unless he spoke.

Greesh : "It's about that soldier of Jahad...I don't doubt you capabilitie,but do are you sure he won't be able to eliminate the two irregulars?Their still weak for now and the test rigth now is the excellent opportunity to do so..."The masked bowed politely the standing of them was not really that far apart it was only the fact that greesh respect those of higher position than him.

He could understand his worries this was something that couldn't fail.Irrigulars were the only thing that could kill another irregulars which was Jahad.

??? : "You shouldn't worry while everything migth not go as accurately as planned, I have too many back up plans in case mishaps happened."

He had no plans of revealing details as even someone as like greesh who's served the organization for 500 years,betrayal was common in this wretched place.

??? : "It's all for the greater good of Fug!"He raised his small cup of tea to the the picture of a symbol in which he immediately began drinking his cold tea.While Greesh followed in a different way.

Greesh : "For Fug and the irregulars that will kill the tryant king Jahad!"His anger towards the Jahad seemd to cloud his actions as he seemingly gritted his teeth making a rather uncomfortable noise.

His only thougths after seeing him make such statement was,' Your either a loyal vengeful co-worker or one of the most deceitful people,oh wait that about almost everyone...



Thank you for reading I hope you like the chapter comment on what you like or Ideas you think would make the story better.