
Tower of God: Gamer System

ShadowPanda_538 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
52 Chs

Ch. 39 20th Floor Pt. 2

( Ashborn Pov )

Beep! Beep!

Seung and I looked at the remote thing thing. We didn't fall asleep since we didn't know when the test administrator would start the test.

From the previous tests we took, they didn't hesitate to start it in our sleep, which almost killed some regulars before.

" Atsrting now the exam will begin. The name of the exam is... the room that can be trusted. From now on... don't trust anybody. You're all teammates... and enemies at the same time. All you can trust is your own room." He explained.

" Oh, FUG... and the cold king....come down here. Let's fight." He announced.

" Only trust Arie and Yui and yourself. I'm going downstairs." I said, and I grabbed my greatsword.

Seing nodded as he took his staff and put on his armor.

I strapped on my chest armor and bracers while the test administrator started explaining the rules.

Voule and I had to steal a remote from the test administrator, and wr couldn't team up since Viole wants to be by himself, and I only want my team.

' So it's race...' I chuckled as I opened the door.

" Team up with Arie and Yui to steal as many rooms as you could. Don't bother making allies." I said as Seung and I went to different directions as he was going to meet up with Arie and Yui.

' He should be around here.' I thought as I stood in front of a door. The door was close.

I lifted my leg and concentrated the shinsu to my for before kicking the door open.


I entered to see Bam, a woman and the annoying brat.

" Yo!" I smiled as I blocked Viole's punch.

I grabbed his throatband and threw him to the wall.

" Guess I won't be needing this." I muttered as I walked past the two regulars.

Bam concentrated his shinsu before releasing it towards it.

[ Telekinetic Barrier ]

I easily blocked the shinsu as I rushed through the shinsu and grabbed his throat before throwing him out to the hallway.

I grabbed my sword as i followed Viole outside to see him missing.

' Seems he's going for the ranker. Wonder if I could take them both on?' I thought ad I followed Bam's Shinsu.

( Yeon Pov )

" What... just happen?" I asked myself as I saw how Mr. Grace was thrown around so easily by that man.

' Ashborn... wasn't it?'

I saw how grace easily overpowered us, but he couldn't even fight back against that man and instead... ran away?

" Ha..haha! See! He wasn't much!" The bastard shouted.

" Useless." I muttered as I walked out of the room.

( Ashborn Pov )

I followed Viole to the bathroom where the test administrator was.

The connector was thrown from a pitching machine to a large glove. Viole managed to stop the connector, which caused the test administrator to attack him but only to get the connector out of Viole's hand.

Thisbw as getting boring as I felt like I was getting ignored.

I sighed and stepped forward in between the two, surprising them. I easily caught the controller.

I caught Bam's fist and blocked the Ranker's fist with my elbow. They both froze as I easily stopped them. Especially the ranker, the surprise in his eyes as he looked at me.

But it seemed his target was Viole as he quickly changed his position and attacked Viole.

" Revenge... huh." I muttered as I saw the look in the ranker's eye. I left the fight to Viole and the ranker as Viole was punched through the wall and into the bathtub.

" Before I came to the tower... my parents were killed by a FUG right in front of me. I came to the tower to get revenge on the FUG and maybe I wanted to kill you to avenge my parents. "

" What made you join the FUG?" The ranker asked.

" There's someone... I have to meet up there." Viole replied.

" For revenge?"

" I won't know till I see her."

" That's enough..." I said as i grabbed the rankers shoulder. He looked at me, and before he could attack, his body froze, cased in ice except his head.

I passed him and grabbed Viole's shirt before throwing him back.

" Get up, Viole. I want to see how strong you became." I said as I stabbed my greatsword down.

' A blue shield.' Viole protected himself with a blue shield as I easily broke through it and lunched Bams forearms as he tried to protect himself.

He retaliated with a punch, but I easily parried it and attacked it again.

[ Ice breaker ]

Encasing my fist with ice, I froze the blueshield before breaking it and peircing through Violes defense.

And Bam started adapting. He even copied my attacks. We both locked in place as I grabbed Violes fist.

[ Elemental Burst ]

The ice element exploded from my body, pushing Viole back and also starting to freeze the bathroom.

' You're leanrning... that good. Try to learn as much as you can.' I smiled as I walked towards Viole.

" Your strength and skills are still unrefined. But still. You actually made it this far." I chuckled.

( Ranker's Pov )

' These guys.... they're monsters! If they make it up the tower...!'

Ashborn, I heard this ma is able to defeat 100 regulars in a rest by himself and still able to fight a horde of monsters, and Viole he's easily copying Ashborns skills by only seeing them once.

I looked back to see the rnake had escaped his prison as he attacked me. Viole used this chance to rush at me.

I grinned as I was ready to fight.

First was the ranker. His first pitch was easily blocked, but came Violes as he peirced my defense with his shinsu covering his hand.

I took on the punch as ibfelt someone entering the room.

[ - 250hp ]

I threw the ranker at Viole, who both landed back to their feet.

They started talking as the rnaker wanted Bam to use his powers for good.

I stepped back and grabbed my greatsword ad I was ready to Tae the both of them on, but I felt something was thrown at my face.

' Chili powder??' I closed my eye and before using the shinsu to disperse the powder.

Viole and the ranker used this chance to take the connector by focusing their attacks on my forearm but as soon as they were about to take it, I felt it getting taken by another.

I looked to see the blond haired man had taken the connector.

" Please... help me. Upbthere. There's a bad guy. And someone told me that... it's not the good guys who beat the bad guys... but the worst guys. And you're the most evil guy in this tower. So please... come with me. To teach that asshole a lesson."

The rage in the man's eye, I knew it all to well. I looked at Viole before I looked at him.

" You give the controller if kill the bastard, right?" I asked.

He nodded.

I shared a look with Viole.

' If I attack the blonde haired man right now... it'll be a three vs one...' I smirked at the thought.

But just ad I was about to attack, the ranker attack first as he kicked the blonde haired man to the floor dripping the connector. He began to talk about his friends who gave up on the tower who left him alone and just when he found another friend to enjoy food with, he died.

He threw the connector to Viole.

I clicked my tongue and left the bathroom.

" Sigh, adrenaline wore off. This got boring." I left the bathroom but most importantly to check on my friends.

But along the way I saw yeon trying to fry the big bear guy.

I sighed and realized they are taking up the space in the hallway.

" Move it." I pushed the bear away and walked through the woman's fire as I noticed something odd.

" A parasite." I frowned as controlled the shinsu tonmy finger and stuck it into the woman's mouth and pulled out the parasite.

" There you are you ugly little shit." I used telekinesis to crush the bug.

I saw Viole in the distance ad I looednat the pale man.

" You..." he stepped back in fear.

The door next to us opened as the bear guy walked through it.

" I got this. You can follow him." He said.

" Sigh, where the hell is the others?" I scratched my head as I tried to find my team.

" Exams are over! The winner of this exam is Jue Viole grace, Wangnan Ja. Godsend Yeo, Minseng Yeo, Horyang Kang. Arkraptor Hon, Princess and Yihwa Weon."

" And Arie Oteria, Yui, Seung-Woo and Ashborn."

Luckily Arie collected the other rooms while I fought the ranker and Viole. But still, I felt bad for just indulging in my battle last and not helping the others.