
Tower Of God: Eternal Life.

In his pursuit of Eternal Life, Fang Yuan, the Great Love Immortal Vunerable from the world of Gu tries to refine Eternal Gu, but ultimately fails. In his last moments before his demise, through a set of mysterious and baffling encounters, he comes across a book describing a tower where his one and only wish can be fulfilled. Following the instructions of the book, Fang Yuan is sent to the Tower Of God. What changes will the The Demonic Path Overlord bring to the tower. And will he again fail in his pursuit of Eternal Life or not. This is the beginning of the end of Fang Yuan. His end in one world and beginning another. This is the story of Eternal. His Beginning and End.

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11 Chs

The Test Before The Final Test And Progress.

In a forest with large and tall trees, grasses and bushes was a young boy.

The boy was running hurriedly as if something horrible was chasing him. But even as the boy ran, he had a wide smile on his face. Chasing the boy some meters away from him was five, two meter tall tigers. Each tiger had three tails.

The boy had shoulder length dark blue hair tied into a ponytail with a white ribbon and blue eyes. He had a fair skin. He wore blue T-shirt with a large green flower design on the of the shirt, a an unzipped black jacket, brown khaki shorts and blue sneakers. He also wore a black cap.

After some time had passed since the chase, the boy reached a small clearing in the forest. The clearing had no grass or dry leaves. He immediately stopped running and turned around to facing the incoming tigers. Seeing their prey stop, it seemed that the tigers became more energetic as they increased their running speed.

Seeing this, the boy did not retreat but rather stretched as his right hand towards his right side.

[Visible Mode: Arms Inventor]

Instantaneously, a black metallic semi-circular shaped weapons armament appeared to his right side. In the arms inventory was six thin-spiked weapons resembling needles. Tied around the handle of each of the needles was a thin metal thread. These threads were wound around a cylindrical device attached to the arms inventory.

Soon after the arms inventory appeared, the five furious tigers reached the boy. The two leading tigers pounced at the boy. The boy just grinned like a madman without even retreating.

Whilestbe tigers were still midair, three blue cube like device shot from the branches of one particular tree around the clearing. A blue light was emitted from each of the three cubes onto the two tigers and they froze midair, unable to move a single muscle.

Seeing this, the boy's grin grew even wider. He waved his right hand at the two frozen tigers and through a special Shinsu control method, almost instantaneously, four of the six needles in the arms inventory were ejected and shot towards the two frozen tigers at incredible speed.

Two of the four needles shot at each tiger.

Each needle pierced through one eye of their target tiger, then through their brain to the other side of the head of that tiger, killing it immediately.

The were five tigers chasing the dark blue haired boy. Two of them had been killed by him and the others had died even sooner. Standing in midst of three dead tigers looking at the dark blue haired boy was another boy.

He was wearing a blue and black martial robe. He had deep black eyes and black hair tied in to a bun. Inserted into the bun was a single silver needle. His skin was extremely fair.

Standing in the midst of the dead tigers whose head seemed to have exploded, the boy's face was expressionless. Even though he was their killer, he had not a single drop of their blood on him. He was spotless.

The dark blue haired boy grin even wider upon seeing their deaths. He retrieved his four shot needles back into his arms inventory and made the arms inventory invisible again.

He then proceeded to the tigers' bodies and cutting their bellies open with a sharp knife he took from his waist. He took a small bloodied gem from each of the tiger's belly.

That was the prove that they had killed the tigers and their ticket to pass the test.

Soon after a short girl with short silver hair, pale white skin and red eyes joined the dark blue haired boy.

The dark blue haired boy handed the bloody gems in his hands to the girl. The girl frowned upon seeing the gems but still accepted them using a black handkerchief and stored them in her light houses before making the three light houses invisible again.

She was wearing a black and red dress. He shoes were brown in color and were flat.

The black haired boy slowly approached them and as he passed by them, he said: "Good team work."

The dark blue haired boy just smiled slightly and said: "Thank you for the praise, Mr. Fang Yuan."

But the silver haired girl smiled happily as she turned around and walked by the boy's side. A voice from the girl's pocket which was visible said: " Always glad be of help, Mr. Fang Yuan. Unlike some people."

The dark blue haired boy just walked behind them but said nothing to defend himself of such blatant accusation and provocation.

"This was second test. Next test will be our final test before we can advance to the next floor. When will we reach the 20th floor where regulars get more power." The girlish voice from the girl's pocket said after some moments.

"Calm Down, Ah-Cha. Though from the 3rd floor to 19th floor, the living conditions of regulars aren't the best and we have to leave in dormitories and eat trash food unless you are willing to spend points. It is not that bad. Besides we have been climbing for for about 3 years now and we are on the 10th floor. That's pretty fast compared to others." Igor said.

Ah-Cha snorted and the voice from her pocket said: "I don't need your explanation, Igor. Besides, what really worries is that, if regulars fail a test before the 20th floor, they are sent back tot heir places of residents in the tower and are unable to retake the test unlike the 20th floor and above."

Igor smirked and said: "What are you afraid of? Mr. Fang Yuan is here. Or is it that you don't trust Mr. Fang Yuan?"

Ah-Cha turned around and facing the boy. An angry voice from her pocket said as she pointed her left index finger at Igor: "What are you saying? I believe in Mr.Fang Yuan more than you sly and cunning fox of the Khun Family. No wonder you were abandoned."

Igor's eyes flashed with a cold light but ultimately he decided to just ignored her and walked pass her.

A voice then suddenly said in a

reprimanding tone: "Enough Ah-Cha. Stop acting like a spoiled brat."

"Sorry Mr. Fang Yuan. I know that but he is just so annoying. Why don't we just kick him out?" Ah-Cha quickly walked to Fang Yuan's side once again and the girlish voice form her pocket said in a mild and apologetic tone as she herself glared at Igor. Igor just smiled at her upon seeing this.

Ah-Cha and Igor now added mister to his name after recognizing and accepting his leadership.

A few minutes of walking later later they exited the forest.

During their walk out, they were attack twice by different teams of regulars wanting to take the gems of they had from the dead tigers' bodies. But the two teams that attacked them were easily taken care of. They showed no mercy and just killed them.

Soon after, they reached the test result submission area. They gave the gems to the test administrator who passed them and said they were now eligible to take the final test happening in a few days time.

They then left and went to the canteen to eat.


In a room with a double bunk bed was Igor. He was lying on the mattress of the upper bunk bare chested wearing a black shorts. His right hand was stretch above him and floating above his right palm were two standard Baangs. [A/N: A standard baang takes the appearance of a blue ball the size of a tennis ball.]

'Its been three years since I started climbing. I can use the skill Shinsu Boost to strengthen my body, control needles using my reel inventory and Shinsu effectively and even form two Baangs. By past and present standards, I am a very rare prodigy. Ah-Cha is also a very rare talent since for a 10th floor regular she can already control three light houses, form a Baang and also use shinsu reading. But compared to Fang Yuan, we are both nothing. He can form 3 Baangs and do everything we are good at even better. He is a complete monster.' Igor thought dejectedly as he stared at the two Baangs he had formed.

He then sighed slightly and made the Baangs disperse.

'Though he mostly hides his strength and only us his teammates know his true strength.'

Igor then chuckled and muttered: "I mean the strength he has shown us."

'But his strength is not that surprising since there have been other instances in the past and compared to that princess of Zahard on the 12th floor, his talent can even be said to be lacking compared to some of them. I wonder whether we will ever meet her so that I can see Fang Yuan's full power and know who is stronger of the two monsters.' Igor thought with a sly smile and an icy gaze.

After some few minutes of staring at the ceiling in thought, he then closed his eyes and went to sleep.