
Prologue: A Bored Reincarnater

" Ugh! Wh-where am I?" I observed my surroundings to myself in space surrounded by stars and the planets.

" Beautiful..." I muttered as I turned my gaze at the earth. Though it would've been better if the sun was in my eye.

" You're pretty calm for a boy that lost his life."

" Huh?" I looked back to find an old man walking towards me as he looked at the earth.

" Beautiful, isn't it? It was one of my finest creations. Maybe my favorite. There are so many humans with a wide range of talents... too bad most never got to use them." The man smiled as he took a deep breath before exhaling.

" Now... I must apologize for your death, but it is a natural occurrence for the world to keep moving in the right direction. In return for this, I shall give you–"

" Wishes!! Like those fanfic novels!!!" I shouted excitedly.

" Haha! Yes! Another understanding soul. You have three wishes, one world to pick and a chance to choose your appearance." He explained.

" Yes!!" I celebrated as I quickly explained my pre-planned reincarnation note I made up in my mind during my free time.

" First wish I want is [ All Fiction ], second. Is the ability summon servants from Fate. And third, I wish for a book that would show me my relationship with my servants and other people."

The man listened as I continued.

" As for the world, I want to be in Tower of God. As for my appearance. Black hair, silver eyes, with a height of 176 cm. And make sure I'm a male. " I finished.

" Huh, you had this all figured out." He smiled as I felt myself dropping.

" Goodbye, have a good life."

I felt everything disappearing, my emotions, my thoughts, the stars, and my sense of self before feeling intense pain.

" Ugh! Ahh!" I exclaimed as I finally opened my eyes and looked at myself. I found myself in a new body and on the floor.

" Haha! This is real!" I shouted in joy. I ignored the pain from my back and stood up, and observed my body.

" This is cool... now what should I do?" I looked around to find myself in an empty hallway with a large door at the end.

' Is this the first floor?' I wondered. And if so, then outside those doors must be the start of the story.

From what I could remember, kumagawa could create screws.

Wanting to act cool, I held up my hand and created a spear in my hand. I observed the spear and charged it to a knife.

" Cool..." I muttered as I changed the knife back to a spear.

' Can I also enhance my strength?' I wondered as I used All Fiction to increase my strength.

The spear felt lighter and easier to move. I also increased the weight of the spear, and as I held it in my hand, I threw it across the hall, and the spear stuck itself in the wall.

" Neat..." smiled as I made the spear disappear. I continued to experiment with the power.

Once I got a better understanding, I searched my pockets to find a card.

" Archer." I muttered as I saw a figure holding a bow.

'A servant is a servant. It's how I use them on the battlefield and their attitude and beliefs as well. Just need to get an understanding of them.'

" Now... how do I activate it?" I tilted my head in confusion, ' Maybe blood?' I thought as I placed the card down and created a knife.

' I should also increase my tolerance to pain but not enough to make it painless, that would be a little boring.'

I felt a little change across my body before I cut my finger and let the blood stop onto the card and a bright light shone through the hallway.

' Yep, called it.' I thought as a figure appeared she stepped out of the light and I immediately set my eyes on her cat ears.

' Fluffy...'

" Art thou my Master?"She asked.

" Yes!" I was a happy ro get a companion.

" I'm Alex Vonstein." I stretched my hand out towards her.

" Do you... want to be my first friend?" I asked smiling and a little happy to get a companion.

" Friend...?" The servant muttered as she looked at my hand hesitantly before looking into my eyes. I didn't shy away as I kept my composure.

" Sure. Master." She smiled as she shook my hand.

" Then I'll be in your care." I said as I looked at her.

"... Atalanta."

" It appears you know my name, Master."

" Yes, the Chaste Huntress is widely known in the history books. I am blessed to have you watch my back." I answered as I looked down the hallway.

" Do You know where we are?" I asked her.

" I am afraid not Master." She replied with a monotone look.

' It seems flattery won't do, I'll just have to built trust with small steps at a time.'

" Then, let me explain it shortly. At the top of those tower, lays a wish like the holy grail. This wish is able to change the tower maybe even the world." I explained.

" And we're at the first floor. The very beginning." I finished as I let Atalanta obsorb the information.

She seemed to be thinking for a while before determining filled her eyes.

" I understand now." She said acknowledging our situation.

" Good, then we'll have to pass that door. Then we'll complete the test provided by the test administrator and move to the next floor."

" Come on! It's just past these doors!" I shouted as I ran up to the door, Atalanta easily kept up and we stopped infront of the door.

" Alright let's get this door open." I said as I tried to push the doors open. I struggled a few seconds before Atalanta pulled me back.

" Here, let me." She also tried to push it open but failed.

" Hmm... this door is-"

" Here me try again."

' Even with enhance strength it still didn't budge. I guess I have to increase my strength again.' I thought as stepped towards the door again.

The door managed to move a little and as I realized I couldn't go any further I increased my strength again making my strength 3× my normal strength.

Quickly shifting to my back and using my leg too push the other door away, I glanced at Atalanta.

" Alright! Go!" I commanded as she crawled under my leg and went inside as I pushed the doors once more to create more room for me to dodge the doors.


" Haa... we made it." I chuckled as I looked around Atalanta.

" I must admit, Master. Your stronger than you look." She smiled as she helped me back to my feet.

" Thanks." I smiled as I looked at the room.

I saw a cage with a large fish swimming inside, a boy. Some bunny alien, a girl with black hair and a small man with Grey hair.

" Marvelous." The bunny alien grinned.