
Tower of Conquerors Online!

Welcome to the world of Tower of Conquerors Online, a place where you can be the conqueror you want to be! Do you want a harem of different species? you can have it (be careful with favorability, some are very treacherous)! Do you want to drive a super expensive and very colorful mecha? here you have hundreds of templates to choose from (be sure to level up your tech core to be able to build one)! Do you want to fly through the starry sky and blow things up with your bare hands? We have all kinds of mutations for that! (Be careful with friendly fire, you might start an interspecies war). ------ *Boom! *Boom! When mysterious but familiar towers fell from the sky, humanity realized that this wonderfully and insanely realistic game was more than just a game... 【Governments worldwide are searching for humanity's champion, 'Silent Shadow'. The Star Tower guild is trying to contact him, but so far, there have been no results. 】 When it was discovered that his skills and technology could bring significant changes to Earth, governments around the world demanded the presence of the most powerful and feared player. However, he did not appear. Where was Silent Shadow? Well... "This isn't real, haha, I didn't know lucid dreams could be so realistic..." Lying on a narrow bed, a young man of average appearance denied the reality. This young man was Silent Shadow, but... why was he escaping reality? Well... 【Earth warmly welcomes its descendants! -Princess Amazon - Species: Amazon-Human Hybrid (Zyraethian-Earthling) - Earthling Father: Silent Shadow -Princess of the Lucifugus Empire - Species: Demon-Human Hybrid (Daemonium-Earthling) - Earthling Father: Silent Shadow -Twin Heroines of Eternal Ice - Species: Human (Arcanite-Earthling) - Earthling Father: Silent Shadow】 "How did it all turn out like this?", thought the young man as he recalled his entire journey from the beginning....

DaoistAdQYQ3 · Fantasi
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45 Chs

Chronicles of Eva: Motivations

Pov Eva:

After a short conversation with Ethan and some minor tasks, I decided to set everything in motion right away.

(The first thing will be to get the cat girls to listen to me.)

For that, I needed the help of a particular girl.

I opened the door to Ethan's room, and unlike this morning, there were no cat girls around since they had gone out to play in the yard.

Except for one, of course.

Selene, the silver-haired cat girl, lay sprawled in the center of Ethan's king-size bed.

I approached the bed and observed her state: lying on her back, limbs stretched out, hair disheveled, and her tail occasionally swaying.

(She's awake, good.)

I moved closer, specifically to the edge of the bed nearest her.

"Selene, I need a favor," I said.

She didn't react.

(As expected.)

I knew very well that this girl didn't have a good opinion of me since I technically took her place.

"Selene, I need your help to control your sisters," I repeated, this time pulling out a sardine I had prepared for this occasion.

Where did I get it? The tower's shop.

She didn't move, but I saw her nose twitch for a moment.

"I'll give you two."

Hearing this, her ears twitched slightly, but still, she didn't respond.

(...I guess I need to think of something more.)

"Three," I said as my next offer.

She moved slowly, lazily getting up before staring at me intently. She didn't seem keen on taking it...

I waved the can containing the sardines in front of her, indicating she should take them, but she didn't react and instead...

She narrowed her eyes.

It seems she doesn't take my authority seriously or is reluctant to follow my orders, something I had anticipated.

"If you obey me, I'll let you mate with your master before any of your sisters and me."

In the end, I used my last resort.

She reacted by perking her ears and widening her eyes as she approached slowly.

"Alright," a voice from her collar sounded as she reached for the can.

(How easy,) I thought as I watched her take the can.

What I said had a catch. After all, I have no interest in breeding, and as for her sisters, the chances of Ethan touching any of them before Selene are very low since she is the eldest.

As for whether Ethan would sleep with another woman...

(Sorry, not my fault.)

"I need you to keep your sisters close to the house..."

And so, I gave Selene a series of instructions, as I had matters to attend to in the real world.


Real Life

*Zoom! (Capsule opening.)

In a moderately sized room, a beautiful woman emerged from a diamond VR capsule. She was a young woman with dark brown hair and striking pale blue eyes, stretching softly.

The woman wore a special white silicone suit designed for VR devices that showed off her voluptuous body, with curves in all the right places and no extra fat, demonstrating that she cared about her physical condition.

This woman was Eva, Ethan's 'virtual fiancée.'

"Hmmm," Eva pondered her next move as she reached for a notebook on the desk in front of her.

(I remember there was someone like that in high school,) she thought as she reviewed her notes.

During her years as a student, Eva had met many people and had written down the numbers of some who might be useful someday. One of them was a young woman with the dream of being an educator, so Eva thought she still had her number written down somewhere.

*Flip page.

*Flip page.

(Here it is.)

"Lara Cersta, dream: educator, good personality... number..." she repeated what she had written, recalling the woman.

She was a kind person who had a lot of patience helping the less... talented. Her appearance was that of a young woman with blonde hair and intense ruby eyes, something very rare these days.

(Her only flaw... she likes guys like the womanizer,) she thought, referring to the same type of man as Luke.

"Let's see..." without wasting time, Eva took out her cell phone and prepared to call, but...

*Knock, *knock.

(It must be Mom.)

Eva lived with her mother... no, Eva's mother lived with her. After all, her father had passed away some time ago, and Eva had no plans to start a family, so she brought her mother to live with her to avoid leaving her alone.

(And it's quite convenient to have her close.)

Eva then got up and went to open the door.

*Open door.

"Do you need something, mother?" Eva asked as she opened the door.

In front of her, a mature woman with brown hair and green eyes waited. Her resemblance to Eva was striking, except for some wrinkles and her loose hairstyle.

The woman had a kind expression while still wearing her full-body bunny pajamas, a very childish outfit that she loved.

(It's still quite early, hmm.)

"How are you, dear? Are you done with your projects?" she asked kindly, trying to peek through the door.

Seeing her mother's attempts to peek into her room, Eva decided to let her in.

"Come in."

"Thanks, hmmm," her mother scanned the room with her eyes, while Eva simply watched her.

Finally, her mother sat on the bed in the room and prepared to talk.

"Eva, you know? Yesterday I went to a tea party with some friends, and they asked about you."

(Again, this conversation... but this time it's different,) Eva thought, recalling past conversations and predicting what her mother would say next.

"They asked how you were and also... if you already have a boyfriend," a question her mother had asked many times before.

"Mother, I..."

"Eva, you know very well that I'm not like Rebecca. I would accept anyone as long as they make you happy," her mother didn't let her finish and interrupted, saying she would accept any man as a son-in-law.

This, of course, if she cared about her mother disapproving of the man she liked. After all, Eva lived in an environment where appearances were important, especially in the eyes of her mother's friends.


"You don't have to hold back for me. I know very well that you care about my well-being, but you can live your life peacefully. I can take care of myself," she even speculated that the reason her daughter didn't have a boyfriend was because she secretly worried about her.

But the reality was different.

Eva wasn't very interested in having any romantic relationship. After all, she saw it as a nuisance to her goals, which is why she didn't bother with having a boyfriend and rejected countless suitors.

Even now, she isn't very interested.

(A fiancé is technically a boyfriend, isn't he?), she remembered Ethan.

The only man who managed to captivate her with just one gift.

Eva wasn't materialistic, but if you gave her something, it had to be something she liked and used, as her main creed is efficiency above all else.

And what's more efficient than a lab with all high-quality implements?

It was clear that Ethan could have given her something mediocre like a single room and some dubious quality tools. But instead, he chose to give her the most luxurious thing in the store. What is that if not a marriage proposal?

This and her mother's special upbringing convinced her of one thing.

(Ethan is the one.)

"Mother, I have a boyfriend," Eva said in a clear and neutral tone.

"Don't wor-" her mother didn't understand for a moment and was ready to argue, but upon processing what Eva said, she froze.

And so, Eva watched her mother change her expression at record speed, from her initial maternal and understanding face to a moved and tearful one.

"When? How? Who?" She quickly got up from the bed and, taking Eva's hands, asked.

Her eyes focused and her serious face centered on Eva's pale blue eyes, seeking concrete answers or simply a smile in case it was a joke.

(But Eva has never joked in her life...) Hope and fear took part in Eva's mother's emotions.

"He was introduced to me by the womanizer... Luke. It was in the game, he's a good man," Eva answered clearly to each question.

(Despite his somewhat intimidating appearance, Ethan is good inside,) she recalled their interactions and how he behaved.

He gave her space, considered her opinions, and most importantly...

He gave her his complete trust.

He entrusted a stranger he met a few days ago, especially the cousin of the infamous 'Luke Star', someone with a very dubious reputation in the business world.

In Eva's mind, there was no doubt that Ethan was captivated by her, especially considering he always mentioned their verbal engagement every time they talked, reminding her with a soft smile.

"Luke... your cousin?" Mentioning Luke, her mother's face changed completely, showing a worried expression.

"Don't worry, he is very different, he's a kind man," Eva assured her that Ethan wouldn't harm her.

"If you say so..." her mother replied, calming down a bit and lowering her head in contemplation.

(Anything else...)

"So... when will you give me a grandchild?" Her mother asked, this time with stars in her eyes, which made a fatal combination considering her bunny pajamas.

Eva couldn't help but roll her eyes.


Pov Eva:

I saw my mother off, not without promising her that when I married, I would give her a grandchild, something that honestly terrified me.

Neither my mother nor I had much time.

My mother, apparently healthy, had an incurable heart disease, a condition that made her more prone to heart attacks. This, combined with her weak constitution due to age and a past accident, made me realize years ago that my mother wouldn't be with me for long.

(Even if I give her the best care, it's only a matter of time...)

That's why I became interested in genetics and everything related to the mysteries of blood, as I saw the potential to give my mother a long life... no, I saw something beyond that.


(If degeneration could be reversed...)

Theoretical, yes, but possible.

"It's a shame I was born in this century," I lamented deeply as I sat on my bed to reflect.

There's no doubt it's an impossible dream, at least in this era.

So I decided to change my focus. If I can't prevent my mother's death, then I'll give her what she wants: grandchildren.

But I didn't want just any child. I wanted perfection, a genetically perfect child, without errors, without diseases, a child who would be the representation of perfection in our species.

(It's not impossible, but it's complicated, and time is running out...)

My research progresses, but not at the pace I would like. There's also the fact that if I take too long, my mother will die, or I won't be able to give birth optimally due to age.

In both cases, my mother won't get what she wants.

"But I found a shortcut," I said as I looked at the VR capsule.

I realized something quite fascinating during my days playing Tower Of Conquerors, something that pleasantly surprised me.

(Its realism is perfect.)

Not 'almost,' it is truly perfect, like a copy of reality.

I discovered it when I dissected the goblin.

Bones, cartilage, tendons, veins, even the seemingly simple things like skin, had a complex structure, as complex as in the real world.

Then I thought:

(A game, with such a high level of perfection, a very advanced laboratory...)

And without any Ethics or morals to stop me...

I saw the light for my two goals.

As English is not my native language, it might contain some inconsistencies

Did you see something wrong? Help me point it out and I'll correct it as soon as possible!

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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