

Tove Anderson, a talented young woman's life takes an unexpected turn when she falls deeply in love with Dylan. Blinded by love, Tove gives her all to the relationship, only to discover that Dylan has been cheating on her for years. Heartbroken and betrayed, Tove finds herself at rock bottom, questioning her worth and the meaning of true love. However, rather than succumbing to despair, she decides to use this betrayal as fuel for her transformation. With a steely determination and a burning desire for success, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Cyriacus_Nathalia · perkotaan
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18 Chs

Chapter 7

I woke up to the sound of my alarm.

I set the alarm earlier on for five, just to give me enough time to freshen up before Ian comes.

I decided to take a bath, i saw some new gowns all in my size.

Ian is so thoughtful, for i did not leave Dylan's house with a bag. I wonder why people are terrified of him he has been my salvation ever since i met him.

After taking my bath i put on a bathrobe and went to look for a gown to wear. I even saw new underwear.

I settled for a black gown; the gown is simple and chick and obviously expensive.

I turned to the mirror and even i get to admit i look better.

My hair is naturally very long and wavy. Dylan does not like it when i fall my hair so i've always tied it.

Removing the band, i let my hair fall.

My eyes are no longer red or swollen.

Since I've decided to let go of my past and focus on my present and what to do to create a better future for myself; I felt free as if a huge load has been taken off me.

I finished the look with a sandal. I was applying lip gloss when i heard the doorbell ring.

I looked at the small screen where you can see the person standing outside and saw it was Ian. I quickly went and opened the door.

Good evening Ian

Good evening Tove,

I stepped aside to let him in.

When Tove opened the door immediately i could tell there is something different about her.

And the gown she is currently putting on fits her so nicely. I never knew she has curves on her. The clothes i saw her with when i met her was an oversize hoodie.

She even let her hair down.

It's so obvious now that she is no longer a teenager.

I really need to get my shit together; i chastised myself as we both sat down on the couch.

I take everything is to your liking, if there is something you want to change or do feel free to let me know.

Oh eveything is just perfect Ian thank you once again.

No problem.

Good, you've signed the papers i said as i glanced through the papers for the transfer of ownership.

Now Tove, i've been looking for a manager for you and i haven't found one yet. I'm taking you to go meet someone i think might be of help.

So whenever you are ready to go let me know.

I am all set Ian.

Good and this dress look lovely on you.

Thank you.

I hope you don't mind, i arranaged for a few set since i don't know your style.

Hopefully when you have a manager, you can go shopping for whatever you want.

And Tove i want you to not be afraid or scared of anyone. I want you to take this opportunity seriously, but i also want you to enjoy and have fun while at it. Don't ever let anyone ride over you. If you find yourself in trouble i'm only a call away.

Now this is a new agreement that have been drafted out, i want you to go through it and see if there is anything you want to remove or add.

I collected the paper from him and started reading.

It states here that i will be paid?


Why? i mean i am owing the company.

That debt has been cleared; i told you that as long as you agree to come back i will write off the debt.

So naturally you will be getting paid once you start working.

I looked at the agreement and was speechless this indeed feels like another life.

Thank you Ian

Enough with the thank you already, it's a win on both end.

Now i need you to sign so that we can start going.

After i signed we both left my apartment.

We arrived at the restaurant i've arranged to meet Alaric.

Tove if you don't mind we will also be having dinner as well.

Sure that's fine.

We both got down and went inside the restaurant. The restaurant is a high end one.

Good evening sir, the staff greeted with a bow as i entered.

One of the staff led Tove and I to the room i always use anytime i'm eating here.

We entered and instead of Alaric i saw Xavier.

Xavier, why are you here, where is Alaric?

Something came up and he asked me to come fill in for him.

Of cause he asked you.

Vee is that you; i heard Xavier say before proceeding to hug her.

Good evening Xavier

Evening love, you look better than the last time i saw you.

That's good, although i've been waiting for your call.

I'm so sorry Xavier for not calling it wasn't intentional though.

That's fine love as long as you are alright.

Why don't we all sit said Xavier as he led Vee to a chair.

We all sat down and placed our orders.

A waiter brought wine and we started with that while waiting for the food.

Now tell me Ian, what do you need Alaric for? He said you insisted on telling him in person.

Yes him, not you.

Does it matter though, if i am the one you are talking to instead of him? we are practically the same person.

And what are you doing with Tove?

She is the reason i want to see Alaric, i've been looking for a manager for her but everyone seems to be occupied.

Wonderful! Vee you are back that's the best news i've heard in a while.

I really miss you.

And i you Xavier.

If that's the case then i can do it.


Yes me.

I thought you have your hands full with your models as well as some actors.

Yes i did have my hands full, but it seems you haven't heard.

Heard what?

About fifteen of our actors and actreeses left to join DW.


For real. I've refused to take any other work because i'm so pissed.

So currently i'm free. With everything that's going on i am even the best person for the job. That is if Vee doesn't mind.

Of cause not Xavier why would i mind. I'm actually excited about it. With you i can be rest assured and talk and act freely.

We were interrupted by the waiters who came in with our food.

We continued discussing while eating.

It is settled then, Xavier i leave Tove in your care.

The dinner was filled with laughter and banter.

After the dinner, Xavier collected Tove's number and they agreed to meet up tommorow at Tove's condo.

You seem close to Xavier, despite him working for you; Tove said on our way back to her condo.

That's because he is a dear friend.


Yes and although he works for me he also runs his own fashion house. It's more like him lending a hand actually. He is crazy talented and capable when it comes to handling artiste and actors and hosting an event. Even if i don't want his help he will still give it.

Hope you are okay with him managing you.

Of cause i am.

He was the first person that believed in me and saw potential in me. He has always treated me well. He's actually my friend too and i really did miss him.

That's Xavier for you, trust me you can't fault him in anything that's how good he is.

We are here said Sam.

Let me walk you to your door.

We walked in comfortable silence.

From tomorrow you will be busy.

Remember if you need anything at all or maybe just someone to talk to i'm a call away; i said as we stood in front of her door.

Why are you being so nice to me Ian?

I'm not trying to be ungrateful or anything, i just find it strange.

You are the Ian Archer you have an empire to run, your time is valuable and yet since we met all you've done is care and provide for me.

I know you said that you want Emerald back at the top and you think having me back on board will help but even that is not certain. And you could have easily handed this task to someone else not see to it personally.

So why?

I told you earlier Tove.

I'm a fan.

True i want Emerald back at the top but i also want you back at the top as well.

You really are talented and i want you to be bigger and better than you were before. Naturally i would help to the best of my ability to see that happen.

Looking at Ian i just can't read him.

But one thing i'm sure of is that he has more important things to do than manipulate or use someone as insignificant as me.

I have nothing of worth or value that he might want.

Compared to this shark i'm a mere tadpole.

I tiptoed and planted a kiss on his cheek.

It is really hard to believe that you are a fan of mine, but i will believe you. You've done more than enough for me and i am truly grateful. I can't promise you of a succees story, what i can however promise you is that i will put in my very best and work hard.

I put in the passcode and stepped inside my apartment i wave him goodbye and closed my door.

I know the kiss she just gave me was innocent and filled with gratitude but that innocent gesture has set me on fire.

I let out a curse quietly. Maybe i really need a good fuck like Josh suggested.

Running my fingers through my hair i turned and left.