

Tove Anderson, a talented young woman's life takes an unexpected turn when she falls deeply in love with Dylan. Blinded by love, Tove gives her all to the relationship, only to discover that Dylan has been cheating on her for years. Heartbroken and betrayed, Tove finds herself at rock bottom, questioning her worth and the meaning of true love. However, rather than succumbing to despair, she decides to use this betrayal as fuel for her transformation. With a steely determination and a burning desire for success, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

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18 Chs

Chapter 18

Damn Ian, i still have chills from Vee's acting.

And that's just a scene imagine how the whole movie will turn out if she were to star in it.

I never had doubt about her acting skills; i told Josh as he drove us back to Archer corp.

Buzz-buzz my phone went off. I looked to see who it was, and Emerald was displayed on the screen.


You unfilial child, have you forgotten about me or what?

Good day to you too grandma.

And what's so good about the day.

How are you grandma?

As if you care if i live or die.

Don't say that grandma, you know i don't like you saying things like that.

Hmpppppppphhhhhh whatever, make sure you attend the family meeting and don't you dare be late.

Before i could respond she has ended the call.

How can an old woman be so hot tempered, i murmured.

She misses you, let me guess another family meeting?


Are you going?

Do i have a choice? i said as i look outside the car window. Emerald is my paternal grandmother and the agency is named after her.

Getting to Archer corp josh followed me to my office.

Josh i'm not in the mood to visit the sites, schedule it for some other time.

Sure thing boss, is there anything else?

No, that will be all Josh.

With a bow Josh left me alone.

Picking up my phone i dialed a number.

Six, i need all the information regarding all that my dear brothers have been up to lately.

Sure thing boss.

I dropped the phone after the call as i removed my suit jacket.

I have four brothers and a sister, my biological mother dated my father when they were younger. My father however ended up marrying someone else. Five years later after the birth of my two elder brothers my mother planned and drugged my father at a party and slept with him. She became pregnant with me after that. She did not hide the fact that she schemed her way to get pregnant. Since i am an Archer regardless of the circumstances, my grandfather told my father to accept the pregnancy.

After i was born, my mother left me with my father and took off to God knows where. Occasionally she drops by to cause problems.

My father's family hated me to the core, it was as if i inherited my mother's sin and the hatred they have for her.

My father, step mother and siblings including the extended family never fail to let me know exactly how i came to be an Archer and the atrocity my mother committed.

It was only my grandmother who loved me and accepted me as her grandson.

When i was five my grandparents went on a trip and i was kidnapped and sold to the mob in another country.

I've always had a high IQ, so despite my ill luck and hardship i've always, always managed to survive. The head of the mafia whose family i was sold into has a son Ivan who also happens to be of the same age as me.

I was made to be his shadow and accompany him everywhere. My sole existence then was to sacrifice my life for his, if he ever happens to be in danger. For his fathers enemy were uncountable and vicious.

I followed him to school, though i did not attend. I was made to sit at the back of the class and protect him. That didn't stop me from paying attention to what was being taught. I borrowed and stole books as i tried to take in all the knowledge i can giving my situation.

I was ten when i helped him pass an exam and he begged his father on my behalf to enrol me in the same school. He was his father's pride and joy and his father never say no to him. I was enrolled in the same class and he made me do all his assignment and school work.

The mafia world is one of sex, drugs, trafficking, violence and death.

I was thirteen when i was raped by three women all in their thirties and was introduced into the world of sex.

Ivan was promiscous and wild. And i accompanied him everywhere. I lost my virginity at thirteen, he lost his three years earlier. He ordered the sex workers to teach him all about sex on his tenth birthday that's how spoilt he was.

I remember feeling so dirty after i was raped. Ivan laughed at me that night calling me a wimp for crying over my lost virginity. A year later I followed Ivan to the underground casino where he went to gamble. That was the night i made my first million and before the night was over i made several miilions.

Ivan told his dad about my being a genius and his dad invited me for a chat. In all honesty it was a no brainer. I've been living with them since i was six, i follow Ivan everywhere and i know all the in and out of the mafia world with my intelligence it was easy for me to see multiple ways to make money.

Ivan's father asked for my input in running his business and i told him my piece.

My advice earned them lots of money and fame throughout the mafia world.

I was fifteen when my grandmother finally tracked me down and took me away from there.

It was not easy for Ivan's family never wanted me to leave, however they were even more shocked to find out the family i belong to. They had come to love me and accept me as their own so they felt it was only right to allow me go back to where i belong.

I returned to country A with my grandmother not as a child but a man despite my being a teenager. For i have been through hell in the mafia world. I was a sex toy, a drug peddler, a human shield and a thug. My shooting skills are second to none.

When my grandmother brought me back i was labeled a barbarian by my family members for my rough look and savage behaviour not to mention that my grandmother told them where she found me.

The hardship over the years has made me rough looking. So compared to the delicate softness of my brothers who has been living a pampered life i can see why to them i was a barbarian.

No one knew how i was kidnapped and sold.

I had two elder brothers and a younger brother before i was kidnapped, but i came back to find i have another younger brother and a sister.

My grandfather ordered that i should be enrolled into the school my siblings where attending. I refused much to the surprise of everyone.

I told them there is no need for that since i will be going to the university.

They all could not believe it until i showed them my result. Using the money i made i sent my self to the university much to the shock of my family members, and invested the rest by buying shares and stocks.

I graduated the university early and did my masters, after which i enlisted for the military at nineteen. I left the military when i was twenty one to focus on my business for i founded a security company while in the university. It was during that period that i met Xavier for i was kidnapped by a group of people sent by one of my uncles.

My grandfather saw my potentials and handed Archer corp to me when i turned twenty three. And since then i've been the target of everyone in my family.

They all know it's futile to challenge me head on, and they know i answer to no one.

They almost had me though for i fell in love.

After i was brought back by my grandmother and re introduced into society, Daphne was the only one who extended a hand of friendship well not only her for it was during that period that i also met Josh.

Daphne was soft and delicate. She was so beautiful and soft spoken.

After the hell i went through in the hands of the mafia she was a breath of fresh air.

We started dating and i felt all the pain and hardship was worth it. Only for me to come back from the military to find out she has been sent to study abroad by her family. I tried visiting her only for her to tell me that her family will disown her if she continue seeing me. And that's how she broke up with me.

Running my hand through my hair i let out a sigh. No one knows this story, i've never told anyone about my past and what i went through.

knock knock

I raised my head up to see Josh walk in.


Yes Josh what is it?

It turns out no one wants to invest heavily in the movie, they do have investors but the budget for the film has not been met for most of the investors don't want to invest lots of money for they fear it won't be worth it.

My source also said that DW has the highest investment with the condition that they make the lead actress Nadine.

So you mean the role Tove wants to audition for will be given to Nadine?

Not really, it turns out they are two female leads in the story. The one Vee will be auditioning for is one of the two leads and the other lead is Nadine.

Hmmmmmmmmm, i see. The remaining money for the initial budget requested by the production team, give it to them and tell them any additional expenses will also be covered by us. Inform Emerald the agency about the project just in case any actor is interested in a role. And tell them the money comes with no condition any actor under our agency auditioning for any role should get it on his or her own merit.

Okay boss.

Hey everyone, i woke up to 1.1k reads how crazy is that. Thank you all you beautiful people for reading my book. You are all awesome.

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