

Shen's P.O.V

As we got to the entrance, I finally felt the exhaustion creeping up to me. The thought of resting after a long day of traveling seems worth the waste of a day.

I look beside me to see Lady Chen fighting drowsiness. I chuckled to myself. She was trying so hard not to fall asleep. She was adorable.

As soon as we entered the entrance of the Island of Grounds, everything was a mess. Everywhere was a mess. The manors, the forts, even the training ground was wrecked. My bags immediately fell from my shoulders.

Everyone was also as shocked as us, as confused. What the fuck happened here? Who made a mess? What happeneeeed? I wanted to rest as soon as possible but seeing the mess here says otherwise. I look at the faces of everyone and saw worry, anxiousness and even grieve. Well, it was their homes for a long period of time.

Lady Chen trudges as she approaches a fellow sister. She too was tired and I bet she is more tired than I am. Still, I follow suit.

"Excuse me, Sister but what happened here?"

The sister looks at us with teary eyes.

"I don't know too. None of us do. As soon as we got here, everything was already like this, Senior Sister Chen."

Lady Chen nodded and proceeded to the manor where we occupied before. Surprisingly, it was intact. There was no scratch. Somehow, it made me feel uneasy.

"This is bad." Lady Chen said.


"They will think that we did it."

"They'd be stupid if they did."

Lady Chen looked at me and I did the same and we just sighed. We went inside, unpacked and had our bath. As soon as we feel refreshed, a knock came on the door. I opened the door, preparing myself as I walk to the knock.

As soon as I opened the door, with only a robe on, the people who came to see us hesitated. My hair was still wet and of course, this kind of visuals were not yet introduced so they'd be restless and shocked.

"Do you need anything?"


They were nudging each other's shoulders and pushing the responsibility via eyes. Some were even whispering. Amidst their whispers, Lady Chen's voice came from the background.

"Is it Master Zhao?"


I couldn't even answer as Lady Chen's situation was the same as mine. Wait, she knew the effect she had on me so she did this on purpose. I couldn't answer. She also had a robe on and her hair was wet. Her skin was showing and gods, did I want to feast my eyes on that body. Now, I'm practically drooling. I saw her neck and I just wanted to suck on them right away but I remembered that we were with everyone else. She smirked a little before standing beside me.

I gulped.

"Hello, we are very sorry. We came hurriedly, excuse our clothing."


My eyes kept stealing glances on Lady Chen. Her cleavage was showing and water kept on dripping down from her neck to her breasts. I gulped again.

"E-excuse us," I grab Lady Chen's hand and pulled it lightly,

"Please make yourselves comfortable."

I shouted as I pull her. We went to her room and I slammed the door behind her. I pushed her to the wall. There was a beast inside me that wanted to go outside.

"Shen," she says ever so seductively. I wanted to go on a rampage. This woman is so fucking alluring. I wonder how I managed to keep my hands away from her.

"You're so hot."



"Are you alright?"

I grab both her arms and pinned them on top of her head using one hand. I steal a kiss from her, again, and again, and again.

"I wonder where the-"

I snapped out of my trance as I heard a voice outside. There were people outside and I was about to do it to Lady Chen. Goodness. What am I even thinking.

I look at Lady Chen and her look made me want to continue. She was anticipating it as I but the circumstance was a burden. Well, if I had just the guts to do it to Lady Chen before then we wouldn't have missed this kind of first. I blame myself. And I'm crying silently.

I let go of Lady Chen's hands and kissed them gently before smiling and leaned in on her ear.

"Let's continue after this mess."

I slowly pull her away from the door so I could exit her room and change in my room.

A few cool down later, I went to the lobby and faced everyone. They had sullen faces and it pained me. We were about to go to war and this is what happens to us. The problem that we least wanted was our home being wrecked before war. It'd be so devastating to go to war with a sore back from sleeping on the cold hard ground.

"Senior Sister Shen!"

"We-we're sorry!"

"What for?"

"We-w-we almost accused you. We thought you and Senior Sister Chen did it because you hated us for making you bear the responsibility, but-but you saved us and almost died."

"We're so sorry."

"We were just blinded by rage but we calmed down now."

"Please forgive us."

They all bow down to their knees and cried. Truthfully, I'm just glad that there will be no internal chaos. It's a good thing they're not stupid.

"Stand up,"

I say and they do so. Their faces were strained with tears and... snot. I laughed a little. They were fewer. I guess some aren't back yet.

"We're so sorry."

"Did I tell you to speak?"

"N-no," I nod.

"Alright. Listen, this is inevitable. Some forces don't want us to go to war and bring peace. They are afraid so they planned to sabotage us. They wrecked your manors and left ours intact for you to think that we did it. I'm just glad that you're not as stupid as they are. Don't worry, I'll help you with work tomorrow. We'll just have to postpone the training."

"Commandeeer," their tears came streaming down again.

"L-look, if the time comes and when it does, we only have ourselves to look out for one another, okay? War is fast approaching and we can't dilly dally but because of idiots, we'll just have to evade it for a few days and work harder in the next."

"Yes, Commander!"

"Those who have far houses, y'all can stay here and those whose houses are near, you can go home and come back tomorrow for reconstruction."

"Yes, Commander!"

"Take any room you want. You can even have mine. I'll just sleep with Lady Chen for now."

"Uhm, Commander?"


"Are you and Senior Sister Chen lovers?" I panicked. Crap. We haven't talked about this. What should I say? It should be alright now, right? Her father approved and her people don't seem to mind us.

"Yes, we are about to be married after the war."



Me and everyone else screamed. After the war? Isn't that a bit early? Wait. She told them?

"Why are you shocked, Commander?"

"O-oh, uhm, nothing."

Lady Chen grabs my hand and plants a kiss on my check to let everyone know that it's real.


"My eyes."

"I'm still alone in this world."

"I can't believe this."

I blush as I look at Lady Chen who had a seemingly happy expression.

Hello! How ya been! Sorry, this week's update is kinda short! Anyway, enjoy!

BlyxRecovercreators' thoughts