
Chen Family

Shen's P.O.V

"Lady Chen,"

"What is is, Shen?"

Should I be nervous? Should I ask her? Does she know something about marriage arrangement? Is she silencing herself in order to protect me? It's been roughly 2 months since we're together and not once did she open this subject.

"Ah, it's nothing."

She hums before grabbing the sword and placing it in a box.

I could not bring myself to ask her. What if she gets angry? I do not want to anger her or she will not let me come with her to her house.

"Surely you are not nervous?"


"Your voice seemed shaky, so I had assumed."

"Oh, yes, yes. I'm very nervous. In fact, my hands are shaking because I'm so nervous. Two great people made such a beautiful and great woman."

"Again with the flattery,"

Even though she scolds me, I did not miss that reddened face. She turns around and grabbed the remaining things she had packed for souvenir and stored it in her interspacial ring.

"Lady Chen likes my attention, does she not?"

Lady Chen is beautiful. It's not a wonder if many asks for her hand in marriage. I'm just a humble person and I am not a man. Consequences for our relationship are severe than those of straight people.

"You're right,"


Lady Chen turns around and inches her face closer to mine. We were so close that I could feel her breath on my lips. She stares directly into my eyes, making my heart beat multiple times in 5 seconds.

"I crave for your attention and I do not like to share." I gulp.

Is something making Lady Chen act like this? Is there a reason? Wait. Is she the one that's changed? Or, is it me?

Lady Chen turns around and continued doing what she was doing, leaving me shocked and afloat.

Perhaps it really is me that's changed. If Lady Chen were to say something like that to me before I had changed, my reaction would be different and how I assess the situation.

I would've said something back or tease Lady Chen but it seems that my feelings for her are getting in the way of my usual self. I could've made a comeback but ny lame ass is a pussy.

"You've been quiet these days, Shen. Is something bothering you?"

"No, no. I'm quite alright."

I sat down, looks at Lady Chen and smiled. Lady Chen's back was facing me as she continue the last batch of souvenirs.

Is the Chen Family that many? Why does she have that many souvenirs to give?

If I remember correctly, the Chen Family is decreasing in number. They must've recovered their number by this time.

The Chen Family is one of the promising families in the entire country. For them to send Lady Chen to the Island of Grounds is unimaginable. Was there a reason?

I sigh. I do not know that much about Lady Chen and here I call myself her lover. She must be disappointed. Goodness. I should stop these thoughts and think positive ones.

"That was all of my belongings. Are you ready?"

"Yes, Lady Chen."

"Well then, off we go."

We make our way towards the terminal. I told Lady Chen to just teleport or fly but she says that it was so far and so cold. Her house was far from the terminal so by the time we would arrive at her house, I would already be frozen.

We pass by people. Juniors, seniors, generals, and they all seem to look at Lady Chen. Who wouldn't? A beauty like her in this line of work is rare, especially when you're in an influential family and such a beauty.

"Her very beauty is enough to entice everyone." I mumbled to myself as lowly as I could.

We got to the terminal and paid before entering the white like door, serving as a transportation via teleportation. I still don't get why we won't use our own teleportation.

I pout as I step inside the portal.

"Why, Lady Chen? The fare was so expensive."

"Are you not rich?"

"No?" she stopped in her tracks and turned around to look at me, examining if I was lying.

"Your mothers are legends?"

"But they did not take any credit. Nor money."


"So, please? Can we not use that anymore?"

"If people were to know that I, with an official birth certificate, were to be seen two places that are far from each other, they would sue me and practically belittle my family, calling us names."

"Why though?"

As we continue to walk, I felt snow on my flappers. Oh? We're already here? I look around and I expected immediate appearance of houses but to no avail.

"The people already gave us their money. If we use our power to even do the slightest things that mortals can do, then we are taking advantage of our powers."

"Wow. Lady Chen sure is thoughtful."

"I am merely doing my best, Shen."


Silence engulfed us once again. There were a few people with us but they were individuals. The only that can be heard was the wind slapping our clothes and the sound of our feet stepping on snow. It's still early winter yet it is already snowing here.

Slowly, rooftops were visible. Not much since it was covered in snow, but enough for me to see the hard roofs.

"It's not that far,"

"Are you cold?"

I shake my head.

"I have been wanting to ask, Shen,"


"You were taught and mastered all elements. Does it make you immune to them all?"

Ah, so she was intrigue by my mysterious powers.

"What made you ask now?" I chuckle.

"I had forgotten and had only remembered it now."

"I am immune to basic elemental attacks. But, if it is with class and a higher level attack, I have but only resistance of the element."

"What about the black fire?"

"Indeed I have mastered it, but I still lack the knowledge of its origin that's why I can't take much damage from it. It is much more complicated than every other single element."

"I see."

"Is there any more questions, Milady?"

"There is,"

"I am all ears, Lady Chen,"

"Can you kiss me?"

"N-n-now?" I look around and stopped dead. The people passes us by, looking at me weirdly as I keep on looking everywhere.

I thought it was a serous question. I look at Lady Chen, hoping for her to reconsider but what I saw made me want to slap myself. She was embarrassed. But she asked not minding the embarrassment. She took the initiatives that.


How could I not say yes when you're looking at me like that? I sigh.

I step closer to Lady Chen and placed my lips smoothly on hers. This is much more different than those we did! How is it different? Is it because we're somewhere else? Or is it because it's public? Goodness! My heart is beating like crazy!



I did as she asks. She closes her eyes and pressed our lips a little harder, making me taste her sweet saliva.


We broke our kiss and there we saw a woman.


Sorry for the short update, guys! I'll come back tomorrow and add more! Have a nice night!

BlyxRecovercreators' thoughts