
Totally Messed Up:Fated and Destined Lovers

"Do you think you can help?",I heard Seo Joon talking to Shawn in a corner as I walked closer to hear them. "Are you scared that I'll do something to her?",That was Seo Joon voice again, "Just stay away from her that's the order", They both gazed at each other not saying anything then Shawn gazed at my direction and saw me. I loved Seo Joon but was attracted to Shawn both of the guys held a position in my heart but if you are the one who is destined with two mates whom will you pick. The cold and aloof Shawn or the carefree and dangerous Seo Joon

Annie08 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Chapter Ten

I Jun stood up as we both walked over to Baek Hyun's room I guessed he was about to sleep when we both noticed that Hee Young wasn't in the room.

"Where is your girlfriend?",I asked as I Jun entered the room and scanned everywhere but she wasn't there,

"I thought she was with you guys, don't tell me she's not with you?",Baek Hyun asked and for the first time I saw fear in his eyes that he wore his clothes and In a flash he dashed out.

"Come on let's go look for her",I Jun said worried about Hee Young that she dashed out as I followed her.After running for minutes we couldn't find Hee Young.

"Hee Young is so stupid she knows she can't fight and she stills go out in the night".I Jun breathe loudly as I also stopped to catch my breath.

"Maybe she went back to her house let's go there,What do you think Baek Hyun?",

He nodded his head and breathe out."Yes,let's go there".

We all rushed over to Baek Hyun's car as he started the engine and drove off.Few minutes later we got to Hee Young's house I Jun opened the door and went out as I followed suite while Baek Hyun parked the car in a good place as he also came to meet us.

'Wow Hee Young lives in a palace',Just then my thoughts were disturbed by a loud sound from inside as I widened my eyes.

"What was that?",I asked scared as we all went to the front door and heard arguments from inside it seemed Hee Young was having an argument with her parents.

(Everything after this was spoken in Korea please don't mind I am in a lot of hurry.XOXO^_^^_^)

"Don't you know who their families are?,You don't have the right to decide your fate and most especially declining Shawn's offer that boy is not your type",I heard a loud and deep voice I guessed it was her dad but what the hell was he saying anyways but surely Dad's are scary

Dad also did the same thing when I was dating John that I had to break up with him,now that I see it all Dad are the same but why was Uncle different and cool.

"What do you know about love Dad?,you never cared to ask what I want know that I am happy with Baek Hyun you want to take it away like you always do to other people around me.I had listened to you when you said I should leave I Jun and I answered you willingly do you know why,it's because everyday I hope you will at least ask me what i want but you are always busy with work",Hee Young shouted as I could hear her sniffing that means she was crying.

"Enough Hee Young you know Dad is worrying about you and your wellbeing". Another voice that was somewhat very deep shouted it looked like that was her older brother.

"What wellbeing?, like how he always told Mum that she later died,I'm not like you guys I am normal I don't want to live your life",she also shouted as i saw I Jun and Baek Hyun both exchange a look that looked suspicious to me did Hee Young say something bad or did she deny Baek Hyun.

My mind couldn't stop running wild just then I Jun shook me off my imagination world.

(End of the Korea scene)

"Let's go",I Jun pulled me but I stopped her as she looked at me with a confused look.

"What did they say inside that you both just suddenly lose interest and want to go home don't tell me you will leave Hee Young alone with those two guys.

I Jun sighed as she let go of my hand,"They are not guys but her family and she will be fine I guess let's go,you don't want to know what they said".

I nodded my head silently and followed I Jun but when we wanted to enter the car Hee Young immediately ran out and hugged Baek Hyun.Wow what a romantic story I wish my romantic story is like that but who can find out about the future.

"Baek Hyun, Please take me with you",Hee Young cried as Baek Hyun turned around and hugged her intimately then after giving I and I Jun enough dog's food they released each other and turned to looked at us then Hee Young bowed at 90⁰ angles that I feared her back would break.

"Thank you for coming to help me!,Thank you!!",she was still bowing that I helped her stand up because I was scared her back would break.

"No,it's okay you are our friend and friends are expected to help each other"I smiled and signaled I Jun with my eyes to come and meet Hee Young but she didn't want to come so I glared at her until she came forward as I and Baek Hyun gave them space.

"Do you think they are going to settle it?",I whispered to him as he sighed and rest his head on the steering wheels ignoring my question.

'What a rude asshole,Hphmm'i snorted at him and looked outside as I saw I Jun and Hee Young talking then later they both hugged each other and cried then later whipped their tears laughing at each other.

I missed my two best friends Angel and Kyle they would be so worried and angry well I could manage Kyle but not Angel she goes nuts when she's angry.

Few minutes later the two girls entered the car as Baek Hyun started the car and left the road back home was silent like a grave but luckily I Jun broke it.

"Gosh I'm so hungry let's go to a restaurant and eat hotpot I'm craving for it"I Jun pouted her lips like a child and then suddenly my stomach also growling that everyone started laughing.

We got to the restaurant and gosh do people even sleep at night this is already midnight if not because we had to save Hee Young I would probably be in my fairy tales land.

"Wow,this is what I want"i Jun clapped her hands like a child and laughed as we all took our seats.The waiters started bringing the ingredients for our food we decided to have Ramen it was what South Korean loves the most well I won't say loves the most though.

When I Jun started cooking and adding the ingredients I was looking at the customers then I saw Seo Joon dressed in a black clothing and what he also dyed his hair to grey he looked at me as I felt my breath went away he looked intimidating.

He winked at me and left I also stood up and told them I wanted to use the restroom and followed Seo Joon but when I looked at the direction he went he was not longer there and when I turned my back i gasped loudly.


Is she in love with Seo Joon to follow him around?

Annie08creators' thoughts