
Total Manipulation [ Original ]

Hello guys It's The Ends Of Days here sorry i couldn't keep fulfill the promise i made to yáll, there are a few reasons but stating them will just sound like an excuse so all I'll say is i apologize i should have saw this coming since things never go the way i plan. . Anyway before you continue there are two things you must know and the first is that i'm horrible with names, i'm so bad i think i took lessons from Sung Jinwoo, and the second is that I'm equally bad at synopsis but here goes nothing. ******** Dylan Von James, that is the name of our MC a young man thrown into a Dimension where Gods and Immortals reign supreme, what will our MC do Armed with an Overpowered System and Constructs. ********** Yeah that's it i told yáll i was bad, anyways here are more tags...... World Hopping, Anti hero Protagonist, Vengeful Protagonist, Fast paced and a little Gore. . Also I'm Currently working on a Discord sever and I'll post the link here when I'm done or I'll post it in it's incomplete phase I'll keep yáll posted on my decision later in the novel chapters Discord Link : https://discord.gg/3kGkH34QP9 Patroen Link : Patreon.com/ted49 . Another thing to know is that my second novel will be a fanfic about My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires [ i Sent Victor a message, he saw it but didn't reply so i'll took that as a yes, Thanks V if you see this ] while the Third will be an Original so yeah off you go and have a blast... . 3 Chapters a week. But we can play some games in between, where i'll give you all a task and if you guys can complete it.... well more chapters for you!.

The_Ends_Of_Days · Komik
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17 Chs

Chapter 8. Classes And Cultivation Realms.

Location : 1st Dimension, Fictional Realities, Milky Way Galaxy : Fictional Earth 248, Inside Of Cynthia.


Cynthia [ We have arrived at our destination ].

Signing I looked at the screen to find out that we were hovering just above the Banyanarove tree.

Dylan " Fly under the tree Vines and stay invisible " 

Cynthia [ Done ].

Dylan " Alright Angela show me my status and quest details, Cynthia show me you stats "

Angela [ Here they are Dylan ]


|••••••••••••[CREATION SYSTEM]•••••••••••|


| Host : Dylan Von James |


| Age : 25 years |


| Race : Human |


| Rank : Class 0 |


| Level : Novice |


| Title : The First Mortal Soul Reincarnated By @#$# @#$@##@.... |


| Potential : Unlimited |



 | Attributes |


| Strength : 30 |


| Endurance : 40 |


| Speed: 50 |


| Dexterity: 40 |


| Intelligence :100 |


| Elements : All l


| Bloodline : Nil |


| Physique : Nil |


| Charm : 200 |


| Luck: 100000 |



| Stats |


| Stamina : 40 |


| Flexibility : 60 |


| Agility : 53 |


| All attacks : 40 |


| Defense : 49 |


| Perception :150 |


| MP : Nil |


| MP Regen : 0/ sec |


| System points : 2.051 |



 | Proficiencies |


 Total Manipulation { 0% } 



 | Magic Skills |





 | Unique Skills |


 Total Manipulation 

 Perfect Creation Body



 | Created By System |



 Host's Body



|•••••••••••••••• |END| ••••••••••••••|



[A Sudden Quest Has Been Generated!]


[Quest, " Dantian / Mana Core ", has been generated!]

[Quest: Activate Your Dantian / Mana Core!]

[Details: You're Currently Still A Mortal, Activate Your Mana Core / Open Your Dantian to choose which Course You'll Be Cultivating, God Or Immportal!]

[Main Objective: Open Your Dantian / Activate your Mana Core!]

[Bonus Objective 1: Create A Rare Type of Dantian / Mana Core!]

[Bonus Objective 2: Create A Unique Type of Dantian / Mana Core, The First Of It's Kind!]

[Main Reward: You Gain 50.000 System Points!]

[Bonus Reward 1: The Dantian / Mana Core Will Be Perfected By The System, + 150,000 System Points!]

[Bonus Objective 2: ??? !]


|•••••••••••••••• |END| ••••••••••••••|


Cynthia [ Here are my stats ]


[ Cynthia Management]


[ Level : 1 ]


[ Features : Creation, Rooms 100, Garden, Control station, Self Repair, Time dilation 1: 10, Size Manipulation, Stealth Mode, Transformation, Scanner, Teleporting Formations, Attack power : 10.000, Defense : 10.000, Speed : 500 km/Sec ]


[ Transformation : Accessories ( Unlocked ), Weapons ( locked ), Clothes ( Locked ), House ( Locked ), Humanoid Form ( Locked ) ]


[ Upgrade Condition : 100.000 Chaos Mana / 100.000 Mana Of Beginning points ]


Dylan " Hmm I'm still stumped about the mission, alright Cynthia send me to the Time Dilation room " a second later i appeared in a very vast expanse that's what i can describe this place as it was very beautiful and large, with a beautiful dark and purple throne sitting in the epi center.




I sat on the throne while looking around and i had to admit it was really beautiful.

Dylan " Angela tell me all you know about the classes and the cultivation realms "

Angela [ Very well, There are three things required for a being to have a smooth sailing cultivation and they are Bloodline, Physique and most importantly Talent of course diligence, bloodline and physique are important as well but they can only help you so much, to know the importance of Talent you first know a little about cultivation.

There are three cultivation paths namely The Soul Cultivation, The Body Cultivation and The Essence cultivation but before all this comes the 9 Classes and each of these classes all have 6 stages namely Novice, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Competent and Proficient, for a being to start cultivating they need to first become an Awakened Entity.

An Awakened Entity is a being that absorbs supernatural energies into their body in order to obtain higher levels of strength, to become an Awakened Entity one must first choose which energy they want to absorb into their body either Mana or Qi, Absorbing Mana Directly sets the Entity on the path to become a God while Absorbing Qi sets the Entity on the path towards Immortality.

There are some beings born with special Physique / Bloodline that focuses on a particular path which is why it is advised to check ones Talent, Bloodline and Physique before embarking on the journey to become a God or Immortal.

When the Entity's path has been set they Automatically become a Class I Early Novice Entity and this is the first appearance of Talent.

In all Dimensions Talent is known to be from 1.0 > 10.0, An Entity can have the Talent rating of 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0 Etc all the way up to 10.0, having the talent rating of 1.0 means said Entity can absorb Mana / Qi into their body to strengthen each of their stats up to 1000 before breaking through to Beginner stage while an Entity with the Talent rating of 1.1 can increase each of their stat up to 1100 before breaking through to Beginner stage and the same is said for the other talent rating with each increase in Talent, 1.3 > 1300, 2.4 > 2400, 10.0 > 10.000. When said Entity becomes an Early Novice he will then have to cultivate to the peak of their Talent and then continue Cultivation until they can multiply their original Talent by 5, if said Entity Cultivates any further they break through to the next stage-]


{ A/n : Original talent > 2.9 = 2900 X 5 = 14500 ( Peak of Class I Novice Stage + 1 = 14501 ( Early Class I Beginner Stage ), Hope this helped }


Angela [ And the process continues all the way to Class IX Novice ( Which Automatically makes said Entity a Demi-God / Pseudo Immortal ) where the Entity's core ( Mana Core / Dantian ) will start showing signs of transformation into a world, the transformation will continue till the peak of Expert Stage where the second appearance of Talent will be Realized.

At the brink of breaking through to become a God / Immortal everything will come to a stand still where Origin will give said Entity rows of choices of Concepts / Laws, Laws and Concepts are in three different faces, there are Characterized Concepts / Laws, Abstract Concepts / Laws and Abstract Elemental Concepts / Laws.

Examples of Abstracts are Darkness, Prophecy, War, Peace , Famine, Hope, Luck, Chaos, Order Etc,

Abstract Elemental Concepts / Laws are the Elemental Affinities that are in existence namely Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Lightning, Time, Space Darkness, Light Etc.

While Characterized Concepts / Laws are mostly Emotional namely Wrath, Kindness, Love, Hate, Death, Life, Destruction, Creation Etc.

As for how Talent work here is that Entities with the Talent Rating of 1.0 - 1.9 can only choose Two Main and One Sub Concepts / Laws and as for the others.

2.0 - 2.9 Two Mains and Two Subs Concepts / Laws,

3.0 - 3.9 Three Mains and Two Subs Concepts / Laws.

4.0 - 4.9 Three Mains and Three Subs Concepts / Laws.

5.0 - 5.9 Four Mains and Three Subs Concepts / Laws.

6.0 - 6.9 Four Mains and Four Subs Concepts / Laws.

7.0 - 7.9 Five Mains and Two Subs Concepts / Laws.

8.0 - 8.9 Five Mains and Three Subs Concepts / Laws

9.0 - 9.9 Five Mains and Two Subs Concepts / Laws.

10 Five Mains and Six Subs Concepts / Laws.

After selecting the amount Concepts / Laws the particular Entity can choose, then the Breakthrough process Continues and as soon as the Entity becomes a God / Immortal he / she will be infused with the Concepts / Laws of their Choosing and the Energy in his /her body will be refined and upgraded from Mana > Divine Energy, Qi > Grandmist Energy which can be drawn from his / her Inner World, but all this is just the beginning as said Entity will have to Choose out of the three path two of which to but it not really much of a choice because Godhood Cultivation only needs the paths of The Soul And Essence while an Entity on the Immortality route needs the paths of Body and Essence Cause the only weakness of a God is their Soul While the weakness of An Immortal is their Body, it's not that one can't cultivate more than two paths but it's hard, so hard that it's Nigh Impossible, so hard that's it's the same as an Entity with the Talent rating of 1.0 reaching the peak of Cultivation, so hard that it requires the Talent rating of 9.0 - 10 Entity to go for it even then it is very hard to accomplish but when one does accomplish such feat they gain unimaginable power.]



( Raises Hand )

A/n : Yes Anthonio.

Anthonio : Sir you don't have to repeat how hard it is we get it, we're not that dumb.

A/n : .... No one will complain if you keep your mouth shut Antonio.

Antonio *Scoffs*

( Raises Hand )

A/n : Yes Elizabeth.

Elizabeth : Sir is there a difference in between a God's Mana Core and an immortals Dantian?

A/n : Oh great question Elizabeth, well a God's Mana Core which is located in their Heart while Immortals absorb Mana in their Dantian located in their ... well .. Dantian and yes a Gods inner world is located in their heart. 

Elizabeth : Sir what about their energies?

A/n : Hmm An Entity on the God's path uses Mana which later evolve into Divine Energy and an Entity on the Immortal's path uses Qi which later evolve into Grandmist Energy, make no mistake both Paths Energies of the latter and former Stages are of the same grade just that they work in different ways. }



Angela [ when an Entity is still in the Demi-God / Pseudo Immortal stage and about to breakthrough two things happen to each representative of each route, the Pseudo Immortal's body gets Nourishment from the Grandmist Energy and the Dantian gets a Full Transformation into an inner world and as for a Demi-God their Soul gets Refinement from the Divine Energy and the Mana Core Also gets a Full Transformation into an inner world which jump starts their paths of Cultivation.

Essence Cultivation And Realms Are As Follows; 

**************IMMORTAL CULTIVATION REALMS*********DANTIAN PROGRESSION*******************


1st_ Pseudo - Immortal ********************** Dantian Transformation 

2nd_ Immortal ******************************* World

3rd_ Great - Immortal *********************** World x10

4th_ Ancient - Immortal ********************* World x 100

5th_ Ancestor - Immortal ******************** Galaxy

6th_ True - Immortal ************************* Galaxy x 10

7th_ Cosmic - Immortal ********************** Galaxy x100

8th_ Arch - Gilded - Immortal **************** Universe 

9th_ Eternal - Immortal *********************** Cosmos

10th_ Divine - Immortal - Monarch *********** Reality



**************GOD CULTIVATION REALMS***************MANA CORE PROGESSION************


1st_ Demi - God ********************** Core Transformation 

2nd_ God ****************************** World

3rd_ High - God *********************** World x10

4th_ Ancient - God ******************** World x 100

5th_ Ancestor - God ******************* Galaxy 

6th_ True - God ************************ Galaxy x 10

7th_ God - King ************************ Galaxy x100

8th_ Primordial - God ****************** Universe 

9th_ Supreme - God ******************* Cosmos

10th_ Divine - God - Emperor ********* Reality



Body And Soul Cultivation.....


1st_ Body - Nourishment

2nd_ Body - Refinement

3rd_ Body - Essence - Generation

4th_ Body - Destruction

5th_ Nirvana

6th_ Heavenly - Palace - Attainment - { Locked }

7th_ Star - Body - Attainment

8th_ Star - Body - Refinement 

Star - Crown - Attainment

10th_Heavenly - Palace- { Unlocked }



1st_ Soul - Reinforcement

2nd_ Soul - Space - Reinforcement

3rd_ Soul - And - Soul - Space - Reinforcement

4th_ Soul - Essence - Generation

5th_ Soul - Destruction

6th_ Soul - Rebirth

7th_ Concept - Infusion

8th_ Concept - Reinforcement

9th_ Soul - Crown - Obtainment

10th_ Soul - Palace - Obtainment


{ A/n : Yeah x2 i know about the well .... No Spoilers.

Class ( ... ). }


Angela [ And of course there are exceptions to all this and they are the System Holders, all System Holders are Anomalies that great powers and pantheons would go to war for and an Example is the host of The Infinite System, The Gamer System or if any of the Top 20 Systems Hosts become known to the public it would cause a Blood Bath in all Dimensions unless said Host Choose a power he wishes to be affiliated with or declares that they are not interested in any Organization but even then they still try to form a good relationship with them, most of the top Organizations have System Holders in their midst and Such Organizations are almost Untouchable.

Dylan Among all System Holders you are Currently the most Sort After]




To Be Continued.....


Hey guys your 'favourite' Author here, just wanna say how 'awesome' you guys are, over 10K views and....

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You guys are 'awesome' 😁😄😃😀🙂🙁☹️😒

Just wanna say how 'happy' I am.🙄

Anyways see y'all on Monday.....