
Torn Apart.

Mate! He growled viciously, his snow white bushy tail sweeping aganist the earth sending dust particles up...those black eyes squinted towards me, then started stalking my way in a predatory manner but Alpha Wayne was not having it. "No! She is my mate!" he growled back exposing his sharp canines taking on a fighting stance. I didn't know whether is should he running or should I try to pacify the situation. Unfortunately, I was way too scared that my mind was screaming at me to RUN! Have you ever stood at an intersection which left your body feeling two different emotions crawl on your skin at the same time? Fire and ice...my mates clash, the angel and the devil, they can never be in the same space. To have me, either their egos win or my love! The cover image doesn't belong to me and credits go to original owner Stick by to learn more Lots of love from Litto-ways Instagram@littoways

Litto_ways · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs


Hello guys...this is Litto-ways, your beloved author. I'm happy I get to join this year's WSA contest hoping to receive your support and together win the first position 😄. That's my mission along with the fact that I have to keep my reader on tenterhooks, of course!

So back to the main point...I know I still have lots of pending books and many of you might be disappointed with me..but please be merciful to me. I've always wanted to write and when I got a chance to a platform that permitted me doing so, I was crazed and wanted to write each and everything at a go which is not impossible...but a little too far fetched as I'm a law student and time is tight. Hopefully you'll understand me on that. But I promise to work better and get those other books rolling, that's for sure, so please stick by.....😁

Back to TORN APART, I decided the werewolf gener as it's more popular and most intriguing for me, hopefully it sounds the same emotions in you guys.

So, both our male leads are gonna be sweethearts or to say... heartthrobs in their respective characters. A devil and angel, our female lead is forced by fate to accommodate them as they are....but don't forget...we decide what we show the world and most of the time, it's not the truth about us.. entirely. Just need to look a little bit further into someone to see who truly hides behind that mask.

Females lead.

Name: Shaina

Age: Just came of age

Hair/ Fur colour: Golden blonde

Eye colour: Ocean blue

Character traits: Humble and understanding. Cute, independent, smart yet silly sometimes.

Height: 5'7ft



Wayne Terror


30. 29.

Hair/ Fur colour

Long Light brown. Long White.

Eye colour.

Sparkling green. Obsidian black.

Character traits.

Peace keeping. Blood thirst

Kind and loving. Cold and detached


6'6ft. 6'8ft.

Body types.

Fit and firm. Fit and muscular.

Not intimidating. Intimidating.

That is our character description panel. Hopefully, you can paint their images in your mind as we get through our story and try to appreciate them for who they are.

Catch up with me either by,

Email@ littleways91@gmail.com

Instagram@ litto-ways.



It's an original composition and any similarity is pure coincidence.

Lots of love from litto_ways

Join me on discord for better communication experience on our characters.

Let's dive in🤽