
Top Tier Summoned

[Chapter uploaded 1-4 every Saturday and Sunday] Yuichi and his classmates find themselves in an unfamiliar world where magic and peril abound, giving their seemingly routine lives a surprising twist. They are made to play the reluctant Heroes, charged with defeating the evil Demon Lord and his powerful army. But Yuichi's adventure takes an unanticipated and dangerous turn when he makes a seemingly innocuous choice that puts him alone in a dungeon's dangerous confines. Now that he is alone from his classmates, he must confront the hard reality of his condition, which is grave and could crush his hopes. As Yuichi progresses deeper into the labyrinthine dungeon, he comes into a terrifying monster that drives him to the point of despair. Just in time, help comes in the shape of a mysterious woman, whose involvement not only spares his life but also gives him a power that is the beginning of his rise to prominence. Equipped with renewed strength and a fierce determination to finally make his way out of the labyrinth, Yuichi sets out to defeat the last boss of the dungeon. He has no idea that his modest upbringing is only setting the stage for a remarkable journey that will challenge him, reveal secrets, and eventually determine his fate. CopyrightTopTierSummoned2024 Carl Lawrence "FletchB" Lara

FletchB · Fantasi
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43 Chs

Fungi Rematch

The golem lets out a deep growl, its massive form positioned right in the pathway, effectively blocking any exit. Its steps were deliberate and unhurried as it drew closer to Yuichi, causing tension to mount. Its frightening features were on full display, sending shivers down the spine of anyone who laid eyes on it.

[★]Fungoid Golem [Level 20]

[Description: ???]

Yuichi felt a surge of anxiety as he gripped the handle of his sword tightly. He raised the sword to defend himself, his struggle clearly visible in the tense movement. He couldn't help but wonder, 'How did it end up here?'

The big stone golem looked at Yuichi and the small Fungling Folk carefully, trying to understand them. Suddenly, it let out a loud scream and started acting angry and mean. It swung its giant claw at Yuichi, but he quickly sensed the danger and moved out of the way, narrowly escaping the powerful attack.

The golem's claw smashed into the wall instead, causing the ground to shake a lot. This made pieces of stone from the ceiling break off and fall down to the floor.

Yuichi gritted his teeth, his grip tightening on his broken sword. He lowered the blade to the ground, took a deep breath, and charged at the massive golem. With quick reflexes, he sidestepped the golem's swinging claw, moving with agility and grace. He darted through its path, narrowly avoiding its menacing strikes, until he found himself at the golem's rear, poised to strike from behind.

Yuichi gripped his broken sword tightly and, summoning all his strength, swung it at the golem's back. The sword, already weakened, shattered into fragments upon impact, but not before leaving a faint, glowing gash across the golem's back. The creature emitted a low growl in response to the assault.

[Warning: Your weapon [Broken Dull Sword] has been broken!]

The golem suddenly became aggressive, swiftly turning around and attacking Yuichi. In a split-second reaction, Yuichi raised both his hands in a cross-like formation, attempting to shield himself from the powerful blow.

However, the force behind the attack was so immense that it lifted Yuichi off his feet, causing him to soar through the air before crashing into a wall, the impact jarring his back.

Yuichi sucked in a sharp breath and his face twisted in pain. "GAHHH!" He tightly squeezed his body as a wave of intense discomfort shot through his back, making him stagger and lean heavily against the wall.

The big monstrous golem suddenly charged at Yuichi. It swung its sharp claw towards him, trying to hit him really hard. But Yuichi was really quick to notice, thanks to his Spatial Instinct passive ability. He opened his eyes wide and moved out of the way just in time, avoiding the dangerous attack.

'Tsk, I have to find a way to damage that big golem, even if it's just a little bit. I lost my sword and I don't have any weapons on me. What can I do?' Yuichi ponders.

Suddenly, Yuichi felt something astonishing and glanced down at his hands in bewilderment. To his amazement, both of his hands emitted a vibrant light green glow, resembling a mystical wind's energy.

The radiant aura reflected in his wide eyes, and in that moment, a brilliant idea dawned on him - he could use this newfound power to swiftly defeat the menacing golem.

'That's it! I can use my Wind Gale to enhance my fist and perhaps do damage to that monster.' Yuichi paused for a moment, then hunched down, preparing to charge at the golem with determination.

The golem let out a loud, ear-piercing scream as it prepared to rush toward Yuichi. Quick on his feet, Yuichi noticed the impending charge and dashed straight at it. He skillfully dodged the golem's swiping claws.

With the golem now exposed on its right side, Yuichi concentrated his energy, causing his fist to emit a radiant glow.

[Skill: Wind Gale]

He unleashed a powerful punch, striking the golem's right hand. His punch was so forceful that it tore through the golem's flesh, leaving a gaping hole in its arm.

The golem lets out a loud cry of pain, its high-pitched sound echoing throughout the floor. This sudden noise startles the Fungling Folk, causing them to feel scared and worried.

'I notice there are red dots all over the golem's body, thanks to my Mystical Eye's passive ability. I think this ability will allow me to repeatedly strike the golem to its weak point, almost like firing sharp bullets at it!' Yuichi thought to himself.

The golem tried to hit Yuichi with its claw, but Yuichi quickly moved out of the way to avoid the attack. He then moved swiftly around the golem, positioning himself at the other side.

Yuichi declared with confidence, 'If I keep striking those dots precisely and forcefully, I can create numerous openings in the golem's body. I think I can defeat this golem, I can do this!'

The golem swung its claw at Yuichi, but he quickly ducked and lunged forward towards the towering creature. With precise punches, he targeted several red dots scattered across the golem's body, which were its vulnerable points.

[Skill: Wind Gale]

Each hit caused the golem to let out a pained shriek, and it visibly weakened with every blow.

Out of nowhere, the massive golem swung its colossal arm with surprising speed, aiming to strike Yuichi. However, thanks to Yuichi's passive ability "Spatial Instinct," he instantly sensed the impending danger.

With quick thinking, he managed to leap onto the golem's swinging arm, turning it into an unexpected ride.

As he clung to the arm for dear life, Yuichi couldn't help but let out a scream, but he did so in a hilariously exaggerated and comedic manner, adding a touch of humor to the intense situation.


The tiny Fungling Folk were utterly confused when they heard Yuichi's uproarious scream. They all turned their attention to Yuichi, who was perched on the golem's massive arm as it swung back and forth with great force.

Yuichi continued to cling to the golem's arm as he rode atop it. In a moment of inspiration, he extended his right arm and channeled his Wind Gale power. With a swift punch, he exerted force upon the golem's arm, causing it to rapidly transform into a mushy mass of flesh.

The golem let out a loud cry of agony as its arm was suddenly torn away from its body. Yuichi, who had been clinging to the golem's arm moments before, leaped off and dropped to his knees on the ground. He looked closely at the now feeble and wounded golem.

Yuichi smiled confidently, thinking, 'Even though there's a difference in our levels, I have a plan to bridge that gap.'

Yuichi stood up and stared at his right hand, which was glowing with a magical light green aura. He made a fist and turned to see the golem, which was nearly defeated and on the brink of death.

'All right, let's wrap this up and take down this beast once and for all!'

Suddenly, the golem's behavior took a terrifying turn. It began thrashing about violently, emitting an ear-piercing shriek that reverberated throughout the entire 20th floor.

Yuichi, caught off guard, instinctively covered both of his ears in discomfort, wincing at the unbearable high-pitched sound that seemed to pierce his very soul. He tightly closed his eyes, feeling his entire body quiver by the vibration.

As the agonizing noise finally subsided, Yuichi cautiously opened his eyes only to find the golem charging toward him with one menacing claw poised to strike, ready to unleash its fury upon him.

Yuichi remained unfazed, holding his position as he faced the approaching golem. He took a deep breath and then extended his right hand toward the golem. As he did, a vibrant green aura enveloped his arm, a visible testament to his unwavering confidence.

"Come on, you wild beast!" Yuichi yelled, his eyes blazing with determination.

[Skill: Wind Gale]

With a sudden burst of energy, he unleashed his Wind Gale attack, sending a swirling of power towards his opponent.

As soon as he used Wind Gales, the golem was immediately sliced into multiple pieces, and its flesh and blood were scattered everywhere. The golem, which was only level 20, was easily defeated by Yuichi, whose level was a massive gap to a level 7.

Yuichi cautiously lowered his hand and fixed his gaze on the massive Fungoid Golem. As the golem's colossal form crumbled into scattered pieces, disbelief held him in its grip for a brief moment.

He stood bewildered, unable to fathom what had just occurred. But that moment of uncertainty quickly transformed into a sigh of relief, and a newfound confidence painted a smile across Yuichi's face. He had triumphantly defeated the formidable Fungoid Golem.

"I did it!" Yuichi exclaimed with a wide smile on his face. He had just triumphed over the monster who had nearly taken his life.

[Congratulations! You have defeated the Dungeon Floor Boss ★ Fungoid Golem!]

[You have earned Solo EXP 40000]

[You have received a Title - Fungus Slayer]

[Level up+]

[Level up+]

[Level up+]

[Level up+]

[Level up+]

[Current Level: 12]

[EXP Progression [3288/13200]

[Discovery: Fungoid Golem [Hostile]

[The Fungoid Golem is a menacing creature that dwells within the depths of the Luminance Floor dungeon. Standing at an imposing nine feet in height, its grotesque appearance is defined by a large, gaping mouth situated on its stomach, lined with razor-sharp teeth. Its formidable presence is further accentuated by its massive, fearsome claws, making it a formidable and eerie guardian of the dungeon's secrets.]