
Top Tier Summoned

[Chapter uploaded 1-4 every Saturday and Sunday] Yuichi and his classmates find themselves in an unfamiliar world where magic and peril abound, giving their seemingly routine lives a surprising twist. They are made to play the reluctant Heroes, charged with defeating the evil Demon Lord and his powerful army. But Yuichi's adventure takes an unanticipated and dangerous turn when he makes a seemingly innocuous choice that puts him alone in a dungeon's dangerous confines. Now that he is alone from his classmates, he must confront the hard reality of his condition, which is grave and could crush his hopes. As Yuichi progresses deeper into the labyrinthine dungeon, he comes into a terrifying monster that drives him to the point of despair. Just in time, help comes in the shape of a mysterious woman, whose involvement not only spares his life but also gives him a power that is the beginning of his rise to prominence. Equipped with renewed strength and a fierce determination to finally make his way out of the labyrinth, Yuichi sets out to defeat the last boss of the dungeon. He has no idea that his modest upbringing is only setting the stage for a remarkable journey that will challenge him, reveal secrets, and eventually determine his fate. CopyrightTopTierSummoned2024 Carl Lawrence "FletchB" Lara

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43 Chs

Faulty Mess

Goblins are a species often characterized by their distinctive features, including green skin and aesthetically unique facial structures. Their intelligence is commonly perceived as limited, and their behavioral patterns tend to be marked by a propensity for aggression, often lacking a structured plan. Within the hierarchy of sentient species, goblins are typically regarded as occupying a lower rung.

Suddenly, with a burst of speed, the rogue goblin lunged towards Mitsuki, its crude sword slashing through the air with deadly intent.

Mitsuki's instincts kicked in, and she reacted swiftly, her lithe form gracefully sidestepping the oncoming blade. She skillfully created distance between herself and the menacing goblin, her narrowed eyes locked onto its every move.

As she retreated, Mitsuki extended her arm, her fingers crackling with energy as she prepared to unleash her formidable skill. The goblin, driven by a reckless fury, took the bait and charged headlong toward her. Its malevolent grin only fueled Mitsuki's determination.

Just as the goblin raised its sword for a devastating strike, Mitsuki's hand radiated with a brilliant cyan glow, surrounding her palm with an icy mist.

With unerring precision, she unleashed an arctic beam of pure cold energy, an ethereal cascade of frost that shot forth like a frozen lance.

[Skill: Frostbolt]

The arcane energy coursed through the creature, causing its entire form to instantly freeze.

As the now frozen goblin plummeted to the ground, the impact was devastating. The sheer cold had rendered the goblin's skull brittle, and upon contact with the unforgiving earth, its head shattered into countless icy shards.

In that single, powerful blow, the goblin met its demise, its life extinguished in a cascade of frozen destruction.

[You have slain 1 Rogue Goblin]

[You have earned Solo EXP 45]

[EXP Progression [183/9000]

However, Mitsuki was unable to react in time as another goblin suddenly approached and hit her on the back.

Mitsuki stumbled and tumbled to the ground, her body swaying as she let out a soft, pained groan.


The goblin assailant lunged at Mitsuki, who had taken cover in a prone position on the ground. However, Mitsuki's heightened senses came to her aid, enabling her to detect the impending attack. Swiftly, she rolled to the side, narrowly evading the goblin's strike.

Mitsuki gracefully assumed a kneeling position, her eyes fixated intently on the approaching goblin. The creature, with its grotesque features and gnarled, bony fingers, steadily closed the distance between them, casting eerie shadows in the dimly lit surroundings.

Mitsuki swiftly sidestepped the charging goblin, gracefully avoiding its tackle. With fluid agility, she rose to her feet, her movements precise and poised.

She executed a powerful roundhouse kick that struck the goblin squarely on the chin, sending it staggering backward. Following up with a lightning-quick front kick, she delivered a decisive blow that sent the goblin crashing to the ground in defeat.

[You have slain 1 Rogue Goblin]

[You have earned Solo EXP 45]

[EXP Progression [228/9000]

Mitsuki's journey into the enchanting realm of Eldoria began with her sudden teleportation, and since then, she has diligently honed her magical talents. Her expertise primarily revolves around the mystic arts, and she has mastered the delicate interplay of two distinct attributes: Ice and Light.

However, Mitsuki's determination knows no bounds, and she recognized the importance of versatility in this unpredictable world.

To fortify her defenses against the vulnerabilities of a ranged mage, she committed herself to mastering the intricacies of close combat.

Her training regimen encompassed a wide array of combat techniques, from swift kicks and precise punches to nimble dodges and deft parries.

This pragmatic approach not only showcased her cleverness but also underscored her unwavering dedication to overcoming any challenges that Eldoria might throw her way.

On the opposite end of the battleground, Kazuhira found himself embroiled in a desperate clash with the relentless goblin adversary. His heart raced with anxiety as he deftly parried the goblin's vicious sword strike, the clash of steel against steel ringing through the air.

However, in a sudden twist of fate, he found himself overpowered by the goblin's sheer strength, leaving him pinned down beneath the weight of his foe, struggling to break free. The tension in the air was palpable as their fierce battle raged on.

'Tch, I need to escape from here!' He clenched his teeth and used all his strength to shove the goblin aside.

Without hesitation, he swiftly swung his gleaming sword, slicing through the goblin's vulnerable form while it struggled to rise from the dirt-covered ground.

As he glanced around, his eyes locked onto Mitsuki, bravely battling the horde of menacing goblins on her own. However, instead of a compassionate expression, a callous indifference overtook his features.

'I don't care about anyone now, fuck them!' Kazuhira thought selfishly.

Without a moment's hesitation, he made a selfish choice to abandon Mitsuki and the others, choosing flight over fight.

"You're on your own!" Kazuhira yelled as he sprinted away from the chaotic scene, completely disregarding the plight of Mitsuki and the others.

Upon hearing Kazuhira's hurried words as he darted away, Mitsuki swiftly shifted her gaze in the direction of Kazuhira's frantic retreat.

Her features contorted into a rigid expression, a complex blend of bewilderment and frustration, as she struggled to comprehend the sheer audacity of Kazuhira's decision to abandon their crucial mission.

"What in the world... Get back here!" Mitsuki bellowed, her voice laced with a potent mixture of anger and desperation.

Alas, her plea was futile, for Kazuhira had distanced himself considerably, leaving her alone in the face of an impending crisis.

A sudden, malevolent presence disrupted the tranquility of the forest as a mischievous goblin, driven by its malicious instincts, lunged at Mitsuki from the shadows. Swift instincts and honed combat skills saved her as she deftly sidestepped the goblin's attack, narrowly avoiding the glinting blade aimed at her flank.

Seizing the moment, Mitsuki retaliated with remarkable agility, her lithe form flowing effortlessly. With a powerful sidekick, she struck the goblin with precision, sending it tumbling to the forest floor, defeated and disoriented.

Undeterred by the skirmish, Mitsuki's aura intensified, and she extended her hand, fingers aglow with a radiant, ethereal yellow light.

Her focus unwavering, she directed this formidable light magic towards another goblin, the energy surging from her fingertips like a beacon of justice.

[Skill: Luminous Bolt]

The goblin, caught in the brilliant stream of magic, shrieked in agony as it was enveloped by the searing light, its malevolence extinguished in an instant.

[You have slain 2 Rogue Goblin]

[You have earned Solo EXP 90]

[EXP Progression [318/9000]

Mitsuki seethed with anger, her frustration evident in the deep furrows on her brow. She clenched her trembling hand into a tight fist, her voice quivering with resentment as she muttered, "That bastard... He will pay for abandoning us!"

Suddenly, a goblin materialized from the inky depths of the shadow, propelled with astonishing swiftness.

Mitsuki, caught entirely off guard, found herself the unwitting target of the malevolent creature's assault. In an instant, the goblin lunged at her with surprising force, connecting squarely with her abdomen.

The impact sent Mitsuki tumbling uncontrollably across the uneven ground, a pained grunt escaping her lips as she struggled to regain her composure.


The menacing goblin, fueled by malevolent intent, charged towards Mitsuki with a sinister glint in its eyes. Its grotesque clawed hand, tipped with jagged, blackened nails, slashed through the air as it honed in on its target – Mitsuki's vulnerable torso.

With a swift and menacing motion, the goblin's razor-sharp claw sliced through Mitsuki's delicate clothing, leaving her chest exposed to the cold, eerie air of the forest.

As terror surged through her veins, she let out a piercing scream, "EEEKKK!" her instincts taking over as she desperately crossed her trembling arms over her chest, shielding her bare skin from the prying eyes of the malevolent creature.

In the midst of the dire situation, the menacing goblin raised its claw, poised for a lethal strike against Mitsuki, who sat defenseless on the ground, her arms tightly wrapped around her chest. Fear gripped her for the first time, causing her voice to quiver, and her entire body trembled.

As the reflection of the goblin's impending attack danced in her wide pupils, a sudden gust of wind pierced the tension. Emerging from the shadows, a mysterious figure dashed towards the goblin with incredible speed.

With calculated precision, the figure wielded their gleaming sword, expertly slicing at the goblin's limbs. The creature howled in agony, tormented by each precise cut. Ultimately, the goblin met its demise as the figure cleaved it in twain, leaving it lifeless on the forest floor.

Mitsuki, still trembling but intrigued, focused her gaze on the savior standing before her. A regal knight with striking purple hair and an air of elegance about her, she held a trusty longsword in her hand. Their eyes met briefly, and the knight, known as Murasaki, ensured Mitsuki's safety.

"Thank the heavens, you're alive," Murasaki said, her voice tinged with relief.

Despite her lingering shock, Mitsuki managed to recognize the regal female knight who stood before her. It was none other than Murasaki, their former class representative from their time in Japan.

"Where is Kazuhira? And why are you alone here?" Murasaki questioned, her stance still on high alert, ready to fend off any potential threats.

Mitsuki's gaze fell to the ground, her voice filled with despair as she answered, "Kazuhira...abandoned us."

Murasaki's response was a mix of frustration and confusion. Her incredulous face spoke volumes as she processed the shocking revelation. "He what?" she muttered, her frustration palpable.

Before they could delve further into the matter, an abrupt interruption came in the form of another goblin. It lunged at Murasaki with its crude sword, forcing her to react swiftly. Skillfully, she blocked and parried its attacks, all while maintaining her vigilance.

Amidst the chaotic battle, Murasaki managed to ask Mitsuki, "Are you fine?"

Mitsuki nodded, her voice still shaky but determined. "Yes, I'm fine."

Suddenly, a new figure emerged from the shadows behind Mitsuki. A young man dressed in support mage attire approached and knelt beside her. It was none other than Kenji.

"Are you hurt, Hoshizaki-san?" he inquired, genuine concern in his eyes.

Mitsuki turned her gaze toward him and replied, "No, not really. Right now, I could really use some clothing."

Upon seeing Mitsuki's bare chest inadvertently, Kenji closed his eyes in flustered embarrassment and covered his eyes with his hand.

"Hold on, I think I have a spare in my inventory," Kenji said, summoning a magical space where his inventory was stored.

Rummaging through his inventory, Kenji located a white shirt and handed it to Mitsuki. As she took the shirt, a flood of memories rushed back to her, and she stared at it for a moment, slowly comprehending the situation.

"This is..." Mitsuki began to mutter.

Kenji chimed in, "Yes, this is Hanateru-san's shirt."

The mention of Yuichi, her childhood friend, triggered a wave of memories. Mitsuki donned the shirt to cover her exposed chest, a mix of emotions playing across her face.

Meanwhile, Murasaki continued to battle the relentless goblins. Her skilled maneuvers allowed her to dispatch eight of them, but she knew she couldn't keep this up indefinitely. The goblins were multiplying, their numbers swelling to a daunting fourteen.

With a scoff of frustration, Murasaki sheathed her longsword and turned decisively on her heel. She called out urgently to Mitsuki and Kenji, "Let's get out of here, now!" With that, she sprinted away from the chaotic scene.

Kenji offered a hand to help Mitsuki to her feet, and together they followed in Murasaki's wake, realizing that retreating from this perilous situation was their only option.

Although it meant leaving a Ley Line unattended in the forest, the danger posed by the increasing horde of monsters left them with no other choice.