
Top Tier Mercenary

Yoo jeonghyuk survived a plane explosion, but his parents wasn't so lucky, they died when he was 8 in that very same plane explosion, he landed in an unknown country and got captured, he was taken to a camp where they trained kids to become mercenaries and make them work for them, Jeonghyuk became the top mercenary in that camp at the age of 19 and betrayed the camp and went along to a military base, which belonged to a friend he made, he managed to find his old family and decided to go to his homeland, korea. will the camp send mercenaries after him? or will he live a peaceful life he has always wanted?

arthur_walton · Seni bela diri
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Chapter: 1 Dark Past

Looking down on the clouds, while flying on a plane, I looked down again, Indeed we were above the clouds. I wasn't used to this peacefulness, nor was I used to being treated with food. Back where I used to live, we had to kill, hunt.. For food, to survive. Sounds bad huh? Well it sure was, Back then, I was barely 8 years old, My parents died in a plane crash while on their way to an unknown country as volunteers, I was the sole survivor of that crash, but everyone thought that I was dead, I didn't know that, Because soon after I woke up from the crash, I couldn't remember anything specific.

It wasn't long before I was captured by the country's soldiers, at least that's what I thought, I was captured by them, led to a camp, where I was forced to train, to survive, everyday, I had to workout, it may sounds like something you should do everyday, but it's not that simple, They didn't care for any of our lives, all they want are skilled professionals which they can used anytime and won't disobey, There were qualify tests, this wasn't our choice, but whatever our opinions were, it wasn't considered as anything.

The first test was simple, it was a running test, we have to run for 20 km in 1 hour, It was basically only 12 miles, but running this as an 8 year old, was already impressive, I almost passed out after that run, however I wasn't the only one who finished that test, those who failed the test, gets killed immediately because they are "Useless".

We weren't given any days to rest, the next day was the 2nd test. It was a climbing test, climbing a mountain, there wasn't any safety ropes, or safety equipment, if you fell off, you would die. I was at my limits, I wasn't able to continue going on, but seeing as the other kids fell down, and their screams, I decided it wasn't a good idea to just give up like that, I climbed..and Climbed. My arms were numb, I could have sworn my arms and legs were paralysed, But i continued on, and finally completed the 2nd test, I was already restless at that point, and it was only the 2nd test, we were at least given a day to rest after that climbing test, I was ready to just sleep out for the whole day. By that point, I thought things couldn't get worse.

My arms and legs were already numb, so I couldn't do anything during that day. I stayed in bed all day, praying I would get better. A little better would be already be good, After that whole resting day, I was taken into the 3rd test, It was physical training, pushups, situps, squats, any type of physical fitness you could think of, I was given to do it, every type of physical fitness exercises, i had to do it 50x for each. My arms felt like it was tore apart, my body felt like it was going to give up on me very soon, during the evening, I would be requested to bathe in a type of water in which will make you feel as if needles were pricking your body, cold showers, every day after training, it was always cold shower. The 4th and final qualifying test.

It was basic aiming, all I had to do was fire a gun at targets, and I had to make a headshot, but the thing is, the targets are real people, I put my survival as my first priority, and took the handgun, and started to aim, the targets were crying their eyes out, but I had no choice, the moment I pulled the trigger, It hit the target's chest, it wasn't count as a good aim, although the scream the target lets out, i wasn't distracted by that, I kept firing, over and over again, and finally after 7 shot, i got the head shot, The target was dead, but this isn't over, there were over 10 targets in which I had to use as an aiming board, one shot, I didn't missed, the next target was dead, another after another, I kept firing the gun without any hesitation, It was as if I have already adapted to this. Survival, that's all I could think off, I remain quiet during the harsh trainings.

I swore that I would become strong, I practiced knifes skills, gun skills, aiming skills, climbing skills, hunting skills, swimming skills, escape planning skills, I could survive anywhere I want, At 19, I became famous, famous for being the top mercenary, My code name was Hyuk, mercenary hyuk, famous for completing requests more than anyone, stronger than anyone in the camp, It was May 26, where I received another request back then, requesting for me to go on a rescue mission, Lieutenant Han Kamchin was tricked into the land of the enemies, and I was requested to help them, As I expected, It was easy, I didn't felt much about making a bloodbath in that area, I never thought Han Kamchin and I would became close, I ended up betraying the camp for Han kamchin, and headed with him to his basecamp, Korea's Basecamp.

I trained there, I battled with them, I fought along their side, to them, I was already their family. 3 years have passed since then, I am now 22, and it was not long before Hyung Han (Han kamchin) discovered and found my lost family. I have a family in korea, I didn't know how to feel about that. What is a family? I used to always ask hyung han, but all he ever said was 'when you meet them, you'll know.' and now here I am, on a plane..on my way to go back to my hometown and finally get to know my lost family.