
Top Ten Saviors: Beginning with Flame Dragon King Natsu Dragneel

Silvanus Elderwood found himself transported to another world, facing the peril of alien beasts. In this dire moment, he awakened a heavenly video system, propelling him to the zenith of his life. Now, let's begin counting down the top ten saviors. Who are they?

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Chapter 1: Silvanus Elderwood

In H City, within a residential rental house, the constant sound of keys tapping echoed through the room. Silvanus Elderwood was engrossed in video editing, and after two days of meticulous work, he began to feel a bit weary.

Half an hour later, he sighed with relief. Silvanus slumped into his chair, massaging his tired brow.

He rose from his seat, walking over to the window. He picked up a cigarette from the table and placed it to his lips.


A yellow-brown flame swiftly ignited the cigarette.


He exhaled slowly, gazing at the familiar yet foreign world outside the window.

"Everyone else gets superpowers when they transmigrate, why not me?" Silvanus muttered to himself.

Indeed, Silvanus Elderwood was a transmigrant. A year ago, he had arrived in this world.

His previous life's job had exhausted him, to the point where he'd fall asleep sitting on the toilet after returning home from work.

Upon awakening, he found himself in a strange room, with unfamiliar memories flooding in.

Although his initial confusion was considerable, he eventually accepted the reality of his situation, thanks to the countless transmigration stories he'd read in his past life.

It took him a month to grasp the basics of this new world.

While the level of technology resembled that of his previous life, it was plagued by the presence of numerous monsters. These creatures had appeared two decades ago, wreaking havoc on humanity.

Though there had been significant losses initially, an international alliance had pushed these monsters back to the border, restoring relative stability over the past decade. "Royal Beast Masters" had emerged, a significant development in this world.

Now, Silvanus was a high school sophomore and, more crucially, an orphan struggling to make ends meet with his meager monthly allowance. Becoming a Royal Beast Master was a distant dream; he couldn't even afford to feed himself, let alone the beasts he'd need.

So, he returned to his former line of work, editing.

In his past life, Silvanus had been a master editor with hundreds of thousands of fans. Yet, the videos he produced in this world, such as ghostly animal footage and hot-blooded anime, garnered tepid interest.

This world lacked the enthusiasm for anime that he'd known in his previous life.

"Alright, this time it has to go viral, or it's instant noodles every month for me." Silvanus held his hands together in a silent vow as he prepared to upload his latest video.

Suddenly, a voice echoed in his head.

[Congratulations on being selected by the Heavenly Video].

[Do you agree to enter the Heavenly Video?] it asked.

"You finally show up, Goldfinger!" Silvanus exclaimed, his heart racing. A whole year had passed since his arrival, and now, the system had finally appeared.

His excitement caused his heart to race, and he dropped cigarette onto his lap.

"System, how do I release videos on this Heavenly Video?" Silvanus quickly regained his composure, realizing that this system could change his life.

[Simply envision the desired scenes in your mind, add BGM and subtitles, and you'll create Heavenly Videos].

"So simple?" Silvanus marveled.

[Do you agree to enter Heavenly Video?]

[Agree to settle in].

[Heavenly Video loading...].

[Heavenly Video loading complete...].

[Official launch of the Heavenly Video system].

[Congratulations, you are the sole creator of the Heavenly Video].

[In Heavenly Videos, your content can be disseminated throughout all realms, earning you fantastic rewards].

"System, is there a newbie package?" Silvanus eagerly inquired. Newbie packages were a staple for transmigrants.

System: "..."

[Open the newbie package...].

[Congratulations, the creator has obtained the Blue Dragon Remnant Soul, along with a five million reward].

"Immediate financial relief, but what's this Blue Dragon Remnant Soul?" Silvanus contemplated.

[Would you like to extract it?]

"Not for now," Silvanus decided. He needed to focus on creating videos to improve his circumstances.

"What should I edit?" Silvanus pondered aloud. To make a splash in the Heavenly Video world, he needed to produce exceptional content.

"I've got it!" His eyes suddenly lit up.

The epic battle scenes from various anime worlds, filled with passion and intensity, were perfect.

Two hours later, he proudly exclaimed, "It's done!"

Silvanus patted his sore shoulder, his video complete and ready for upload.


[Video review time: less than 2 hours].

[Upon passing the review, it will be released throughout the realms].

[Please be patient during this process], the system advised.

Silvanus felt relieved and fatigued. After the surge of emotions, he succumbed to sleep, unaware of the system's announcement.

It was then that the system's voice rang out.



[In no particular order].

[Top 10 World Saviors No.10]

[Fairy Tail World: Ignite, Natsu Dragneel!]

[Successfully uploaded to the Heavenly Video!]